I am a Big Villain

Chapter 134: The Stallion Male Who Had Seized The Opportunity 6

"Boss, how much do you sell this jade hairpin?"

The male protagonist could easily pick up treasures in the novel, but he had been shopping around this antique street and had not seen any rare ones.

When he first read a novel, he just accepted it without thinking. He only looked at what treasures the male protagonist found. In addition, he could not remember where and how the man picked them up. Now he could only rely on his own ability to discover the treasures.

He remembered that there were many good things in this antique street, and the male protagonist found many of them here.

After two days of experiments, he also found that he could not use this ability continuously. Generally speaking, he would feel dizzy after identifying six or seven treasures in a row.

He had identified four treasures, all of which he thought were rather ancient. Unfortunately, the identification results were different from what he expected. They were all modern handicrafts.

It was an accident to identify the jade hairpin in Bai Ling's hand, but it was a coincidence that the jade hairpin was a Xiuyu hairpin of the Han Dynasty, and Xiuyan jade was one of the four ancient Ming jades. The jade hairpin was made from the old topaz jade of Xiuyan jade. The texture was dignified since it was the best material.

After a whole morning's delay, Zhang Zifan identified the treasure for the first time. Although this jade hairpin was slightly different from the priceless treasure he imagined, it was better than nothing.

He did not see the scene where Bai Ling and Yan Chu handed over the money. He only thought the two of them also liked the jade hairpin and wanted to buy it, so he talked first and planned to grab it.

"This jade hairpin's quality is poor but has good workmanship. How about I pay five hundred yuan?"

If no one else was around, Zhang Zifan planned to pretend to be weak to get people hooked and then take them down like the hero in the novel and buy all those good things at the lowest cost. But someone had also taken a fancy to this jade hairpin now. Zhang Zifan was embarrassed to change the price too low again.

"Five hundred!"

Hearing the price Zhang Zifan shouted out, the small vendor thought about selling the thing for 20 yuan, and his teeth hurt so much that he could not wait to return the 20 yuan to Yan Chu and then bought the hairpin from Bai Ling back.

"Not enough? Then eight hundred."

Zhang Zifan looked at the vendor contemptuously. Such a man who was short-sighted and short of money was worthy of being a small street vendor.

Zhang Zifan, who began to gradually adapt to his status as a wealthy family's young master, forgot the days when he used to work in the Foxconn assembly line and despised the peddler with his superior eyes.

"I've already sold this jade hairpin to this little girl. If you want to buy it, you should tell her."

All were mixed in the lower class. Zhang Zifan's arrogance was so apparent that no one could not see it. That man's dress was not ordinary clothes and could not be provoked. The money-loving peddler endured his anger and spoke to Zhang Zifan.


Zhang Zifan frowned and finally stooped to look at Yan Chu and Bai Ling.

"I'll give you a thousand yuan. Sell this jade hairpin to me."

Judging by the clothes of these two people, they were also ordinary. A thousand yuan was already a lot of money for them, but it was only a drop in the bucket for him now.

Zhang Zifan was a little complacent since his current life was so enjoyable.

The other party's tone was not good, but the price he mentioned was still very tempting. Bai Ling was a little hesitant. One thousand yuan was not a small amount. The twenty yuan she gave was money given by Yan Chu. She could sell it at a high price now, and Yan Chu would have lunch money for the next half a year at least.

Yan Chu raised his hand and held her just as she wanted to agree.

"We won't sell it."

Zhang Zifan, who initially thought it was a sure thing, froze with a smug smile.

"Two thousand."

This jade hairpin had a certain age, and the material was exceptional. If you sold it at an antique shop, you could sell it for more than 100,000 yuan. He still earned a lot if he bought it for 2,000 yuan.

"Sorry, this is a gift I bought for my girlfriend. I don't mean to resell it."

Yan Chu recognized Zhang Zifan. The other party was the man he passed by in front of the small vendor yesterday and the one who robbed the original self's golden finger, too.

The fact that the other party was so determined to win the jade hairpin in their hands meant that this jade hairpin was a good thing.

He would not sell the jade hairpin to the other party, regardless of whether based on feeling or reason.

However, Yan Chu looked at the other party's performance from beginning to end and felt that this space-time destroyer seemed to be a bit of a match for the original body who got the golden finger to a certain extent. He was a little too complacent and did not know how to restrain himself.

"Five thousand."

Zhang Zifan raised the price again. He glanced at Bai Ling and spoke to Yan Chu: "Since you have already given this to your girlfriend, you should ask the other party if she is willing to sell it."

"Miss, the price I gave you is quite reasonable. This one is just an imitation jade hairpin. No matter where you get it, no one will give you a higher price than me."

He looked at Bai Ling confidently, and the other party was emotionally affected when he quoted 1,000 yuan. He might have already bought the jade hairpin if it was not for that man's sudden disturbance.

Zhang Zifan was slightly annoyed that he was wearing too luxurious clothes today. It must be that these two inexperienced people saw his noble temperament and delicately, intentionally raised the price to make a fortune from him.

"Sorry, this is a jade hairpin that my boyfriend gave me. It is significant to me. I won't sell it."

Bai Ling clenched the jade hairpin tightly, shook her head at Zhang Zifan, and before he could say anything, pulled Yan Chu and quickly turned around and ran away.

Zhang Zifan was thus left in front of the booth. He watched Bai Ling and Yan Chu leave and clenched his fists. This occurrence was the second time he was frustrated today.

"Sir, do you want to look at other things in my stall? They are better than the jade hairpin just now."

Just now, the small vendor observed Zhang Zifan's price-calling. Now he felt the other party was a fool with a lot of money. He did not care about the other person's attitude. He wanted to sell other things in his stall enthusiastically.


Zhang Zifan glanced at the small vendor with contempt, then turned and left. It would be nice to find a treasure in such a small stall. Where did he get the second treasure for him to dig? The number of times he could only use the power once or twice today, so he could not waste it in this unlikely place.

"Bah, how arrogant!"

Seeing him walk away, the vendor spat at his back and enthusiastically invited other customers.

On the other side, Bai Ling, who dragged Yan Chu, was out of breath and came to the antique shop where they had stopped over. Bai Ling did not even look at the antique bracelet in the window this time but walked straight to the counter.

"Hello, we have an antique that we want to sell in your shop."

Bai Ling took out the jade hairpin she was holding tightly in her hand, put it on the counter, and spoke expectantly.

That stupid second-rich generation just now was too obvious. If it was just an ordinary thing, would the other party be willing to spend five thousand yuan to buy it?

Bai Ling was also tired of the other party's attitude of just looking down at Yan Chu. What did the other party rely on with his stupidity? Although Bai Ling was very excited about the five thousand yuan, compared with Yan Chu's feelings, five thousand yuan was nothing.

She had already figured it out. If this jade hairpin was indeed an antique, she would sell it for cash. Last night when Yan Chu was chatting with her parents, he got told to open a braised food shop when he was short of money.

If she merely overthought, that stupid second-rich generation was wrong. This hairpin was also a gift from Yan Chu, so it was her own treasure.

Thinking of the girlfriend identity that Yan Chu personally admitted just now, Bai Ling felt both sweet and shy in her heart.

Yan Chu was impressed by her resolute actions. Just now, Zhang Zifan quoted a price of 5,000 yuan. He was anxious that Bai Ling would directly agree to sell the jade hairpin. Unexpectedly, the other party not only refused but also pulled him to come to this antique shop immediately.

Such a clever little girl, the image of Bai Ling became more vivid in Yan Chu's heart.

"Please wait a minute. I'll call our shop owner."

The little brother at the counter had only a superficial identification ability. Seeing the young couple, especially the little girl, who was coming aggressively, like she was carrying some great treasure. He dared not make a decision easily but went into the inner room to find the owner.

"This jade hairpin…"

An elderly man came out. Instead of picking up the jade hairpin directly, he looked around it carefully. After about ten minutes, he raised his head, intending to try to trick Bai Ling and Yan Chu.

"It's from the Han Dynasty, my family's heirloom."

Bai Ling had never been in such an antique store, but wasn't it typical in novels that such antique bosses cheated strangers, calling things that were obviously very valuable worthless?

In her mind, the antiques of the Han Dynasty had been around for a long time, and this was what the peddler said just now when he was bragging, so Bai Ling merely took the peddler's words seriously and said to the boss with a determined face.

If worse came to worst, the period did not match up. It was better than letting the boss fool them.

Come on. She still knew the truth. It was as Bai Ling guessed. The shop owner thought they were green and wanted to cheat them. If they were unclear about this treasure, they would follow the trend and say they could earn more by keeping the price down.

But now, this idea would not work. The girl in front of him knew the period and value of this jade hairpin.

"I'll offer 120,000 yuan. No one can offer such a high price after our Jinyuzhai."

The old shop owner said in one breath.

One hundred twenty thousand!

Bai Ling's heart beat loudly. She had never seen so much money, but now she had to keep it steady.

"This is handed down from my family. If something happened to my family, I wouldn't sell it. The price is 200,000 yuan."

Jinyuzhai was the biggest antique shop for gold, silver, and jade articles on this antique street. Since the other party believed that she knew what was what, she would not lower the price too much, but it would not be too high at first.

It was unknown if it was because Bai Ling's acting skill was so good that she really bluffed the shop owner.

This jade hairpin was exquisite. Although the jade hairpin's color eroded over time, some people fancy this ancient charm. Jinyuzhai was in this business and had its own source of customers. If it was handled properly, he could resell it for more than 200,000 yuan. Bai Ling charged 200,000 yuan. He still made some earnings, but it was not much.

"160,000. This price is the highest I can give." The old shop owner said.

"200,000." Bai Ling refused to budge.

"Little girl, you are too powerful. How about 180,000? If you don't want to, then find another buyer." The shop owner relented. If Bai Ling was still unwilling, he was willing to buy it for 200,000. He was merely putting on airs now.

180,000 yuan had far exceeded Bai Ling's expectations. She thought this thing was worth a lot. At most, 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. But she did not expect such a huge sum as one hundred thousand yuan.

Hearing what the shop owner said, she glanced at the hairpin on the counter and nodded: "Deal."

"Okay, cash or transfer?"

With an extra profit of 20,000 yuan, the shop owner's complexion also looked better, so he asked the apprentice to carefully pack the jade hairpin and then gave Bai Ling money.


Neither of the two children had a bank card. They did not remember what their card number was. Although there were risks, they could only take cash. Fortunately, Bai Ling carried a schoolbag when going out today. It could hold 180,000 yuan.

After getting the money and leaving the antique street, Bai Ling immediately stopped a taxi and reported the location of their home. Yan Chu tried to talk to her several times on the way, but Bai Ling's gaze stopped him.

Yan Chu was really too impatient. Was it time to chat with so much money? Sure enough, the book was correct to say in the book that women of the same age will be more mature between men and women. When she was with Yan Chu in the future, she had to be more tolerant of the other side.

Bai Ling looked at Yan Chu reproachfully and hugged the schoolbag in front of her chest. Her whole nerves tensed.

Yan Chu, who got stared at, touched his nose. He clearly wanted to remind the other party to relax. How did he end up being the ignorant one? It's dumbfounding. But the little girl was so anxious that she could jump up with a slight stimulation. He should better follow her wishes and keep quiet for a while.

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