I am a Big Villain

Chapter 34: The Best Brother in the World 8

In just two hours, Yan Chu’s identity information and the profile of his family members had completely appeared in Li Yi’s hands.

The fourth-year university skilled student of Huaxia Medical University, who gotten suspended for one year during the critical period of the postgraduate entrance examination, was now an ordinary college student who had not even obtained his undergraduate diploma.

Apart from his parents, the family member also had a younger sister, Yan Yin, who disappeared during her third year in high school graduation tour. His parents had reported the case but had not found her. His parents had been killed in a traffic accident, and a happy family of four presently it could be said that only Yan Chu was left. Maybe that was why he applied for suspension.

Li Yi looked at the comments made by some of his neighbors, university teachers, and classmates. All of them were optimistic and sincere. He was a good older brother, son, and student. Without these accidents, he should be a graduate student now. After all, in his four years of university, he had the national scholarship for each year.

Such a promising boy, who was praised by everyone, appeared in an impoverished, sinful small village. Li Yi had a guess. Maybe his younger sister, who was missing in March, had already been found.

Li Yi sat across from Yan Chu. He got accompanied by a young police officer who was in charge of recording.

“This is a picture of your little sister. After being identified by the villagers of Wude village, she got sold to the village for more than three months. The family who bought her was the father and sons of the Zhang family, who died last night.”

He looked at the young man who remained calm from the beginning to the end. He did not even change the curvature of his mouth. He had convinced that he knew everything.

“I’m sorry, your little sister may have an accident. Our police officers have entered the back mountain to look for your little sister’s skeleton. However, Yan Chu, we’re deeply sorry for your little sister’s death, but you can’t be blinded by hatred. The real criminals naturally have the law to punish them. Any private emotion and strength can’t override the law. Do you understand?”

The person who posted that post must be right in the village. The villagers had no such motive, and the group of Lai San was even more impossible. The only one who could do this was the young man in front of him.

His younger sister died because of the Zhang father and sons. His parents were also in a car accident on the way to find their missing daughter. Now the young man’s mood was pretty unstable, although he behaved very calmly, it was a volcano in the making. Once it erupted, the consequences were unpredictable.

Perhaps this volcano had erupted.

Li Yi failed to clearly understand what made Lin Youde kill his younger brother by himself. He did not believe in ghosts and was convinced that someone from behind might control him.

Many psychotropic drugs could temporarily make one’s mind lose control or produce hallucinations. Compared with Lin Youde’s madness after seeing a ghost, he believed that everything the other party saw was just his delusion.

The blood of Lin Youde and the corpses at the scene had been sent for examination. If they had traces of taking certain drugs, the young man opposite him was the biggest suspect.

He studied medicine, and he knew better than anyone else.

“Captain Li, may I call you that?”

Yan Chu’s eyes did not move away from his younger sister’s bright smiling picture. His fingertips slipped gently on his younger sister’s rosy cheeks, and his voice was hoarse. This one was his first time to speak after he came to the police station.

Li Yi frowned.

“How do you think my little sister died?”

“She is…”

Li Yi opened his mouth and did not know what to say. Because according to the fact they had put together from the villagers that the poor young girl, who was in her youth, not only became the three Zhang brothers’ wife but also miserable. It was because of the money that Lin Youde lent to the Zhang family, and she was humiliated by Lin Youde.

Li Yi had a five-year-old daughter. He could not imagine what his daughter would do if she insulted like this. However, as a policeman, if he did not believe that the law could give enough punishment to those who did wrong, how could others believe that when the law enforcement agency had not any credibility? It was not far from the chaos of social order.

He firmly believed in this and was resolutely committed to it.

The youth on the opposite side was a poor young man who had lost his only three close relatives. Before there was any definite evidence to prove that he had something to do with all this, Li Yi could not say anything severe. In truth, even if it confirmed that the other side had something to do with all this, Li Yi could not treat him with the attitude of treating other criminals, whoever made him kill was the one who should get killed.

“Your little sister was attacked and killed by wild animals when she ran into the back mountain. Our police officers have followed the instructions of the villagers to search for your little sister’s remains. I believe there will be results soon.”

He left out Yan Yin’s tragic experience that she tortured and directly told Yan Yin’s ending.

“That’s all?”

Yan Chu looked up, and he was smiling at this time, which made Li Yi frown uncomfortably, always feeling a chill rising in his heart.

“With just this level of investigation, how can you make me believe that the law will give me a fair account and the real criminals will be punished?”

Yan Chu’s eyes were full of satire. If it were not for the inaction of the local police or for their attitude of not blaming the public and conniving at the continuous growth of those malignant tumors, his younger sister would not have met such a thing.

He knew that idea was radical, but in the face of the loss of relatives, he could only think so.

Li Yi’s heart sank, listening to the other side’s meaning, was there any doubt in this matter?

But now Yan Yin’s body had not been found, and a further autopsy had not got carried out. He could not make more judgments if the other party had enough evidence…

“What do you know?” Li Yi asked back.

“Captain Li, how many years can I be sentenced for abducting and selling women?”

Li Yi: … He did not know why the other side suddenly asked this question.

“How many years can I get for buying an abducted woman?”

“I didn’t take part in the abduction and trafficking of women. I didn’t buy the abducted women. I just participated in the search and containment when the other party ran away, which can get sentenced to several years. No, is there such a law? Maybe I didn’t study much. Captain Li, is it possible for you to explain to me properly?”

Yan Chu’s elbows propped on the table, his body leaning forward slightly, his dark brown eyes staring at Li Yi, with a smile on his face.

Li Yi’s heart sank. He already knew what Yan Chu wanted to ask.

His younger sister lost her life, and his parents also lost their lives because of this incident. Three lives, plus many other people who died because of such evil deeds. Could it indeed satisfy the families of these victims with such punishment?

Even Li Yi could not say for sure.

“You can’t help me, but God will help me. Captain Li, have you heard the words, good people will have good rewards, and vicious people will have vicious retributions? Those people should pay for what they did before the time has come.”

He relaxed and leaned back: “The cause and effect cycle, it should be so. Captain Li, I’m a good citizen.”

The other side’s momentum was freely released. Even a veteran like Li Yi could not help sweating when facing his questions.

Li Yi saw that he blamed everything on cause and effect. It seemed that he had entirely set aside his sense of existence in this matter, and could not help feeling a little tricky. Because judging the appearance of the other party, either this matter indeed had nothing to do with him, or he had absolute assurance, and the police could not find any evidence of his actions.

He did not know why he thought it was probably the latter.

After that, Li Yi was unable to ask what he was worried about anymore. However, Yan Chu was not only the victim’s family member but also related to the murder in Wude Village. The police had no right to detain him except to ask him to record his confession.

Until the end, Li Yi could only let Yan Chu go. When he found his younger sister’s skeleton, he would be informed when the case was closed.

“Captain, I think this matter may truly have nothing to do with that Yan Chu. The people in that village have done that many shameful deeds, and maybe it’s indeed retribution too.”

“Besides, even if he did it, I admire him. According to the law, how many people can go to jail in that village? Even if they don’t go to jail for many years, especially the Lin two brothers, who will come out after ten years at most, they won’t be the disaster party. They’ll die without delay.”

The young policeman’s voice was getting lower and lower in the latter half of the sentence. He looked at his captain’s eyes, but he was not very convinced.

Li Yi looked at Yan Chu’s back and sighed. What he could do now was to let Lai San’s group confess as much as possible. The women they bought and sold these years were unmistakably more than to Wude Village.

It was better not to have another tragic ending like Yan Yin.

“Captain, no good, something happened.”

Several police officers rushed over, panting against the wall unceasingly.

“What’s the matter?” Li Yi looked restrained and asked nervously.

“Ho, homicide.”

The police station in Li County was tiny. People from several villages had been arrested before. They were not only from Wude Village but also other villagers at the mountain top, and some families at the mountain foot, who also participated in the population trading. The rooms in the police station were almost full.

Lai San’s group and Lin Youde, the heaviest offenders, were locked up in a room. Because of their great harm, everyone had their hands tied to the iron railing to prevent them from attacking each other, especially Lin Youde, who was suspected to have killed five people.

Who knew that just now, Lai San and several others suddenly broke their handcuffed hand out of the handcuffs as if they had gone mad. Their skin and flesh were all gone, revealing their white bones. They did not seem to feel any pain and madly rushed towards Lin Youde. Several people pressed Lin Youde under their body and bit him to death.

All the police did not have breakfast and went up the mountain overnight to catch people. They just ordered a batch of box lunches. Only a few policemen left in the room, others helped to pick up the meal. Not only Lai San’s, but also the villagers in the other one had more or less the same symptoms. You bit my ear, and I bit your arm. They did not know what kind of madness happened, and several police officers could not control this situation.

Fortunately, Lin Youde was the only one who had died. However, Lai San’s murder faithfully recorded by the camera, and the intentional homicide could not run away to settle a matter.

Now that situation was basically under control. The room where the criminal had been detained was full of bloody smell. When they went in to subdue the armed police of the villagers who suddenly went mad, they were surprised to find that the most vital part of the man was torn apart by them. Now they seemed to recover their wits and cried for help there.

Didn’t they buy and sell women just for the so-called heirs in the blood of the ancestors? They all became eunuchs, where else did they come from?

What retribution!

Li Yi had a headache. Yan Chu had already left. In a few hours, he had no chance to contact the villagers at all. Was that what Lin Youde said before, ghost?

No way. There must be a reason.

Li Yi looked at the media staying outside the police station and felt that his head suddenly hurt even more.

“Have you had fun?”

Yan Chu held an umbrella and asked the little girl beside him.

The little girl in a white dress floated and was overjoyed.

The passers-by passing by looked at the young man with a clear and meaningful appearance, and some were astonished.

It did not rain in the autumn with a sunshade on it, and he was talking to himself. Unfortunately, with such a good look, he turned out to be a fool.

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