I am a Big Villain

Chapter 38: The Phoenix Man who Destroyed the Bridge After Crossing the River 2

Meng Xinyin’s father, Meng Guohua, and her mother, Yu Qiuyue, were very kind-hearted people. Every year, they would raise money for a batch of supplies to send to each poor township elementary school and helped those students who were unable to study because of their poverty.

This initiative started after the couple got married, and Jiang Moli was one of the first batches of students supported by the couple.

She was born in a small mountain village in the northwest. Her family had two younger sisters and one younger brother. It was the old generation’s obsession to have a boy to pass on the heir of the ancestor’s blood. But for the first three girls, the married couple did not mistreat them. They would rather eat less than starve their daughters.

Jiang Moli was lucky. When she started elementary school, Yu Qiuyue came to the village where she lived with a batch of supplies. At that time, she got Yu Qiuyue’s likeness by her cleverness and got the promise that Yu Qiuyue would help her subsidize to finish her university.

The consumption in hill village was not high. Before she went to high school, Yu Qiuyue would send 200 Yuan to her every month. At that time, the prices were also low. Apart from the living expenses, she could buy some snacks and beautiful hairpins from time to time too, which was a treatment her younger brother and sister did not have.

When she went to high school, she had to go to the county. At that time, the price also went up. The money that Yu Qiuyue had given to her also went up from 2,000 to 3,000, and 3,000 to 5,000. For local consumption, the money was enough.

Jiang Moli wanted to be powerful. She knew that learning was the only way to change her life. She was one of the few college students in her village. Her parents said that she was their pride everywhere. But Jiang Moli did not like what they said. After all, her achievements now were all due to her efforts and the funding from Aunt Yu.

Before entering university, she was indeed grateful to Yu Qiuyue.

After entering the university, Yu Qiuyue added 15,000 Yuan more to her monthly account. Besides the 6,000 tuition fees, there also the money to buy a computer and the living expenses for one semester. The computer did not need to be too expensive. It would be three or four thousand. In this way, her monthly living expenses would be nearly 15,000. This donor was the first time that Jiang Moli had come into contact with such a large sum of money.

She thought 15,000 was a lot, but when she came to Jīnshì, this bustling international metropolis, she found that with 15,000, she could do nothing but eating in the cafeteria and scouring clothes in some small shops.

Her roommate casually bought a pair of leather shoes for four or five hundred. In winter, her overcoat was more than 12,000. At that time, all the equipment on Jiang Moli’s body probably did not exceed 2,000 Yuan.

When she was confused, she met Meng Xinyin and found that she was the daughter of Aunt Yu and Uncle Meng, who had been supporting her.

When she only had a living cost of more than 1,000 Yuan a month, the other could spend ten months of her living expenses for a simple bag. Her coats were all from famous brand stores, soft and comfortable to touch, and her shoes were all made of genuine leather. The pair of shoes that her roommate bought for 4,500 that made her jaw-drop before were not as good as those of Meng Xinyin’s cheapest shoes.

Jiang Moli was jealous. Why could Meng Xinyin be so happy? She had everything she had not gotten. She also blamed Yu Qiuyue and Meng Guohua. She felt that they were hypocritical and fake.

Obviously, giving her daughter so many living expenses every month, why were they so stingy to the self-help people? After buying a few lipsticks and a few beautiful skirts, 15,000 Yuan were all gone. As her jealousy was roaring, her ambition was also growing.

Why was she not Meng Xinyin? It would be nice if everything in the Meng family were hers.

Yan Chu looked at Jiang Moli walking next to his girlfriend, holding her hand from time to time, telling funny things to make his girlfriend happy. What kind of method should he use to make Xinyin saw Jiang Moli’s real face?

The general summary of this world could be said to be the story of three ingrates, and his original self was the best one among the ingrates, a phoenix wolf45phoenix wolffrom a white-eyed wolf (an ingrate) and phoenix man.

At the very beginning, the phoenix man42phoenix manrefers to those hard-working and successful men with a poor background in the city after graduation, however, when they married the city girls, many negative factors appeared truly meant a man from a poor but hard-working life. It was a philosophical term but did not know why it turned into a derogatory term over time.

Nowadays, phoenix men mostly referred to the indecisive men who were born in poverty, married to city women, rooted in the city by their wife’s family, had traditional ideas, and stupidly loyal to their parents. They were unconditionally partial to their parents when their parents and their wife quarreled. They were extremely generous to their relatives and regularly invested in large expenses. They would never say no to their greedy relatives.

And this time, Yan Chu’s original self was just such a person. His parents died in a car accident when he was eight years old. The driver was impoverished. He paid 10,000 funeral expenses and went to prison with a package. At that time, Yan Zhaodi, the original self’s eldest sister, was thirteen years old. She resolutely dropped out of school and went home to take care of her younger sister and younger brother.

To keep their house and land, Yan Zhaodi inevitably became a very brutish fierce woman, and her younger sister Yan Laidi also inevitably deviated under her education.

As the only son of the Yan family, the single successor of the Yan family, which the central point of the two elder sisters’ stubbornness, was more loved by the two elder sisters.

Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi could not be blamed for their ignorance. In the small village where they lived, the son was everything. While their parents were still alive, the sisters already got brainwashed at an earlier time. They firmly believed that only their younger brother could be their most exceptional support after marriage.

In fact, no son in any family would indeed be looked down upon by everyone in such a remote village. Even if the daughters of that family married someone, they would casually get bullied because there was no man in their family. They thought that in most people’s eyes, they were women without their brother’s support.

The original self was pretty smart, and he took first place on the exam almost every time. Yan Zhaodi also had some wild hopes. She wanted to cultivate her younger brother into a college student to let those who bullied and looked down on them know that although her Yan family did not have elders, they were not easy to tyrannize.

When Yan Chu was 13 years old and in junior high school, the 18-years-old Yan Zhaodi married herself to a lame man whose younger brother was the owner of a small restaurant in the town. Because the family had some money, although he was lame, he still had high requirements for his wife. The lame man was a little more than 1,6 meters. He wanted to find a tall girl to neutralize his genes. He wanted a beautiful one because besides being lame, the lame man also looked a little unsightly.

Because of the high requirements, this dragged for thirty years in the end.

It could be seen from the original self’s appearance that the Yan family’s genes were not inferior. Yan Zhaodi had a good figure. The place that should be big was big, and the place that should be small was small. Although she was used to working in the field, and her skin was somewhat rough and dark, but her delicate facial features entirely covered up her defect.

The lame man met Yan Zhaodi with the matchmaker, and he was satisfied at the moment, and readily agreed to Yan Zhaodi’s one-sided request for her younger brother to attend school.

Besides being lame, he had a higher vision and no severe personality problems. Also, he had a small restaurant at home. Since then, the meals of three siblings had gone up, especially in the second year of Yan Zhaodi’s marriage, with her giving birth to a pair of twins of different sex. In her husband’s family, Yan Zhaodi said that no one would dare to scold her. The original self’s study got wholly resolved because of his eldest sister’s sacrifice.

Because the food was good, the second sister Yan Laidi gradually opened up with sufficient nutrition. Her appearance was better than her elder sister’s. Initially, because Yan Zhaodi married a lame man with little money, Yan Laidi was able to go to school, but she was not able to anticipate the amount of money for that. She barely went to junior high school, so she did not continue.

The lame man’s family had a little money, but they were not expressly wealthy. The original self was able to attend school and live a comfortable life. But it seemed he was a little worse than those real children in the city. Like her older sister, Yan Laidi firmly believed that her younger brother was her most significant dependence. She thought about other children who had mobile phones and famous shoes and clothes, but her younger brother did not.

At that time, the original self was in high school, and Yan Laidi was just 20 years old, which was the best age for a girl.

At that time, she worked as a waiter in her brother-in-law’s small restaurant. Somehow, she gradually got intimate with a little boss, who often came to the restaurant for dinner, opened a factory in the town. It was rumored that his assets were over a million. In the metropolis, if this family property smashed, you could not hear the sound of the splash. But in the small county, in Yan Laidi’s eyes, that was already the richest man she could find.

The man was 20 years older than her, and his ex-wife died early and left him a daughter. It rumored that his ex-wife was infuriated by his fickleness. Shortly after her burial, the daughter was taken away by his wife’s parents. It was not uncommon for men who did not want their daughters to get married sooner or later, and there were fewer connections on both sides.

Yan Laidi was truly beautiful. Although she had low education, she still coaxed that man to marry her properly. After she could get the certificate, she had a wedding first.

After marriage, it was hard for the man to change his romantic nature. Yan Laidi did not care about it. She concentrated on saving money for her son and younger brother. She would prepare to give the original self, things her student younger brother utterly needed.

Regarding these two older sisters, the original self was very respectful. Out of selfishness, he never stopped them when they got married. But every time he saw the two, a lame man and an old brother-in-law, his guilt increasingly flourished, which also laid a hidden danger for his future marriage.

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