I am a Big Villain

Chapter 47: The Phoenix Man who Destroyed the Bridge After Crossing the River 11

“Xinyin, do you have a boyfriend?”

Yu Qiuyue picked up her mobile phone and called her daughter directly after Song Kun left.

“Mom, how do you know?”

Meng Xinyin thought of Song Kun, who said a lot of inexplicable things to her before. The first reaction was that the other side told her the secret.

“Take him home for Dad and Mom to take a look some other time. It’s also the first boy our little princess likes. Dad and Mom also want to see if he possesses remarkable abilities. Otherwise, how can he fascinate you?”

For her daughter, Yu Qiuyue did not want her to know about the troubling things. If Yan Chu was honestly nice, not telling her daughter in advance also for the unnecessary misunderstanding. If he was really like the information Song Kun gave her, she also hoped to use a better way to make her daughter not too sad when she ended this love.

“Mom, Yan Chu’s genuinely a particularly good person, and he’s incredibly powerful, the most powerful person in my mind except you and Dad.”

Meng Xinyin’s living environment from childhood did not make her feel that millions were a large number. There were many second-generation and third-generation people around her with pocket money. Among those people, not all of them were as lucky as her. As the only daughter in her family, she could enjoy the love of her parents wholeheartedly.

In many families, they had to contend not only with their brothers and sisters but also with their uncles and uncles’ children. To show their value, many of them began to contact investment and family small businesses when they were adults. They could accumulate millions or even higher wealth by relying on the capital given by their parents.

But Yan Chu was different. He did not have anyone’s help and was the only one who made money. Meng Xinyin believed that Yan Chu had promised her that he would become a man that many people would look up to as long as he had given time.

So she did not want her mother to have other ideas about Yan Chu because of the messy news from Song Kun.

On the one hand, they were her beloved parents, and on the other was her most loved man. Meng Xinyin hoped that they could get along well without any contradiction.

“Got it, Mom’s little princess.”

Yu Qiuyue’s heart sank. It seemed that her daughter liked the boy very much. Otherwise, she would not say such words to her. If the young man named Yan Chu not worth entrusting, her daughter would be disheartening.

She only hoped that her daughter’s eyes were right now, and the photos that Song Kun showed her had just misaligned coincidences.

Meng Xinyin hung up her phone call with her mother, thought about it, and could not wait to call Yan Chu.


She covered her mouth and sneaked to the dormitory balcony, not forgetting to close the balcony door.


Yan Chu was working on the computer at the moment. There were many characters on the screen. It made people have a headache, but he did not seem to feel it. He was holding the phone with his neck, and his fingers were typing without pause.

“Did I disturb your work?”

Meng Xinyin asked him embarrassedly when she heard the sound of his typing on the keyboard.

“The world’s greatest wife, isn’t working to gain money? Isn’t earning money to raise a wife? So to be disturbed by my wife, it isn’t called ‘disturb.'”

The fourth brother in the dormitory was a man with zero practical experience but a wealthy theoretical one. Under the influence of him day after day, Yan Chu could occasionally jump out a few words of love to please his little girlfriend.

Meng Xinyin blushed and squatted on the balcony, grabbing the weeds in the potted flower beds raised by several girls in their dormitory, and soon there was a pile of wild grass and soil at her feet.

“My parents want to see you.”

Meng Xinyin’s voice was a little soft, and she did not know how to tell Yan Chu about this foremost matter.

Usually, the meeting between the parents of the two sides was because the couple had to get settled. They had been in love for less than a year. Yan Chu was still a third-year university student, and she was only a second-year university student. She wondered if Yan Chu would feel that she was too anxious to force him to propose to her.


Yan Chu wrote the code. He took the mobile phone in one hand. “It seems that I’ve to ask Miss Yinyin to accompany me to buy some new clothes. After all, this is the first time to see my future father-in-law and mother-in-law, so I’ve to be careful.”

“Bah, who is your in-law?”

Meng Xinyin’s heart trembled and almost pulled out a delicate Mimosa as a weed.

“Oh, by the way, Yinyin, did you ask Jiang Moli to send me the lunchbox you made yourself today?”

Yan Chu glanced at the empty lunchbox, which he placed on the table of Eldest Brother Fu Manduo, and asked Meng Xinyin.


Now, the Mimosa was doomed to get destroyed.

Meng Xinyin’s mood was very complicated. Previously, Jiang Moli went around to find Yan Chu to repair her computer. She could take her character to be careless and straightforward. She did not think about that much and explained it. But this time, she gave Yan Chu a lunchbox in her name. What’s going on?

She did not want to doubt her good friend, but she could not get through this hurdle.

“Have you eaten it?”

When Meng Xinyin thought that Yan Chu had indeed eaten that lunchbox, which was probably made by Jiang Moli herself, her breath was short.

“No, Boss Fu and Hou Ye finished eating it.”

Through the phone, Meng Xinyin could hear Yan Chu’s soft laughter, because after passing through the telephone receiver, there was a feeling of crispness when playing back to the ear.

“My Yinyin is pampered, where she can make a lunchbox. So I thought that it was not made by you, since in the beginning. Furthermore, if you, this little vinegar bottle, make a lunchbox yourself, you won’t let Jiang Moli deliver it to me.”

Meng Xinyin was relieved, but then a little bit unconvinced.

“Why can’t I make a lunchbox, and who’s the little vinegar bottle?”

She wanted to refute Yan Chu, but she thought about it carefully. She never seemed to cook meals. At most, when her aunt asked for leave at home, she asked for some takeout.

She swore in her heart that when she came home this holiday, she would practice her craftsmanship well. Then she would cook a sumptuous meal, and pow pow pow slapped a specific person’s face.

“Who makes me like a princess?”

Yan Chu did not seem to see the seething girl on the other side of the phone.

His voice was deep and magnetic, also soft and sweet.

“Before marriage, you won’t do anything. After marriage, you don’t need to do anything. I’ll spoil you like a queen. Then in a few years, you may not yet become a princess’ mother. As for me, I’m the king who guards the queen and the princess’ eternal happiness throughout my life.”

Yan Chu did not think that it was an excessive matter for a woman to be unable to cook and clean. No one had ever stipulated that a woman was born to serve a man. The so-called Feminine Virtues and Feminine Commandments were the shackles to women in the era of male power, which should get abandoned for a long time.

Measuring a woman’s success or failure in her whole life was unmistakably not how efficient her housework was, how delicious her meals were, such a rigid rule. Of course, a housewife who could do all this well deserves respect from everyone.

However, Yan Chu felt that if a person had the condition not to worry about these household chores, and had a prospect in another job, she should not get blamed for not doing*2doing*from 干 [gàn] that can mean as to do or to f*ck (vulgar) housework.

After thinking of the girl in the past who was always worried about her favorite oil painting and housework because she could not bear the criticism of his two elder sisters, Yan Chu hoped that this time, she would not have to worry about these things anymore.

The sweet words of men always made people could not help butch become intoxicated in it.

Meng Xinyin was still in love for the first time. She did not know if all the men’s love words were as sweet as Yan Chu’s, but at this moment, she felt that she was the luckiest girl in the world.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Xinyin was still laughing on the balcony. There was a flowerpot of Mimosa in front of the scourge.

When a girl in the dormitory came out to dry the clothes she had just hoped for, the flowerpot of Mimosa was entirely and heroically sacrificed.

At last, Meng Xinyin cleaned up the remains on the balcony during her roommate’s siege and signed a contract to water the flowers and plants on there for one month in a row before being let go.

She took the dustpan and emptied the garbage. When she came back, she saw Jiang Moli, who sat in her seat, chatting with some of her roommates. Thinking about what Yan Chu had just said, she suddenly looked cold. She did not know how to face her good friend.

Because she lives in the opposite department, Jiang Moli and Meng Xinyin’s three roommates had a good relationship. They talked and laughed. Seeing Meng Xinyin come in, Jiang Moli stood up from her chair with a smile, but when her eyes saw Meng Xinyin’s somewhat condensed expression, she was very keen to detect something was wrong.

Could it be that someone else saw what she sent to Yan Chu today and told Meng Xinyin?

Jiang Moli did not think it was Yan Chu who said it through. She knew that man very well. Now that the other party and Meng Xinyin were not in the sincerest relationship, he would not tell Meng Xinyin about these groundless accusations, which would not only make Meng Xinyin doubt her, but also made her feel bad.

Jiang Moli did not know that the present Yan Chu was not the former Yan Chu anymore. The relationship between Meng Xinyin and the other side in the last life was because the hero saved the beauty, and then steadily, little by little they fell in love with each other.

Meng Xinyin has never met a man who truly moved her, thinking that the original self’s some good affection for her was love. But now it was different. Meng Xinyin thought that Yan Chu was a treasure. Every day, when she was with him, the other side would give her a new surprise.

An appropriate match, he was not necessarily equal in wealth, but spiritually. Meng Xinyin’s wealth was both spiritual and material. She liked oil paintings and music. Yan Chu was also a chairman in the first world. He could talk about all the things Meng Xinyin liked and had his own opinions.

This was the spiritual compatibility, which also made Meng Xinyin more like Yan Chu than Jiang Moli understood. She never doubted the opposite from the beginning to the end, but she had other thoughts about her.

Jiang Moli’s mind turned quickly, watching Meng Xinyin behave like this. Before she spoke, she came forward and patted her shoulder. She looked like a good sister.

“You, this girlfriend, are so incompetent. I heard from Huang Jiajun in their bedroom that Yan Chu hasn’t been out of the bedroom for a long time and depends on the lunchbox every day. Now, I’m a volunteer and well paid. It’s a very famous Japanese Bento store. I’m plagiarizing and sending it to your Yan Chu in your name, so don’t let it slip.”

Jiang Moli smiled, and she was considering Meng Xinyin wholeheartedly.

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