I am a Big Villain

Chapter 56: The Treasonous General 7

“Little Tiger, take it easy.”

Old Madam Yan did not care about the inheritance of the family now. As long as her grandson was fine, she would be highly satisfied.

In a flash, more than two months had passed since Yan Chu was acquitted. A notice had been posted outside the Imperial City to prove that Yan Chu’s treason was only a setup. Emperor Zhou opened his private treasury in the name of Yan Chu and gave them more extra pensions for those officers and soldiers who died in battle because of his rude and rash action. The commoners who had been crowded at the gate of Yan Residence every day gradually dispersed.

However, although the charge of Yan Chu’s treason cleared, everyone knew that even then, the Yan family also declined. After all, there was no need for a disabled general on the battlefield. A man who might not even carry a weapon was not qualified to command the Yan family’s army.

Except for that initial period, the people of Yan Residence were now desolate, the servants cut in half, and the gate was tightly closed every day.

At this time, not long after Old Madam Yan and Third Lady Yan watched Yan Chu’s wounds healed, he did what he called rehabilitation in the martial arts field.

Even in the modern era with advanced medical science level, there was no particularly effective restore method for the severe tendons injury, especially the broken hands and feet. Even if it was stitching with needle and thread, it was only to sew the ruptured tendon to one piece with difficulty. It was impossible to make it grow back again, and the movements of the injured part still limited by the wound.

In other words, patients with a severe tendon injury, even if they work hard to recover, could not do anything unless there was a miracle.

Yan Chu had been sentenced to death by the imperial physician of the Imperial Institute of Medicine, but he did not seem to think that all of this was absolute. After barely being able to walk around, he began his way of exercise.

Old Madam Yan and Third Lady Yan watched him sweating like rain. Their grandson/son, whose face was deathly pale, but he insisted on clenching his teeth because of the pain of rehabilitation, did not know how to stop him.

But maybe it was a miracle, and they saw him barely able to walk, and even needed to be fed by people to eat before. He had been able to walk at a steady speed by now and trembled to hold his rice bowl. It was an unexpected delight.

Her children knew how proud Yan Chu was. How could he be willing to let himself become a useless man? They were stopping him now, not for his good, but for his complete loss of hope for the future.

“Old Madam, there’s someone from the palace!”

When Old Madam Yan was about calculating the time to let her grandson rest for a while and eat something, the servant in the front yard of the residence hurried in.

When Yan Chu’s ear tip heard the servant’s words, he took the clean cloth tied aside and wiped the sweat on his face.

“Grandmother, Mother, since it’s someone from the palace, let this child go with you.”

Yan Chu’s movements were a little slow, and everyone knew about his injuries. It was beyond the ordinary people’s will to be able to recover to normal walking and eating in a few months when the tendon of his hands and feet cut off.

Anyway, the servants of the residence all felt wronged for their young master and also thought that they could not find the second person who was more powerful than their young master at this time.

Where did they know Yan Chu’s current real situation? Remember the Internal Building Pill that Yan Chu bought from the system mall at the beginning? Its effect was necessary for internal injury. It was a life-saving panacea with 200 points for three pills. Yan Chu took one on the first day he came here. Later, he was tortured and cut off the tendon of his hands and feet. But to prevent the lack of pills, he endured those days until he came back to Yan Residence, and only then he took the second one.

Yan Chu truthfully thought that the Internal Building Pill’s effect was only for the internal organs of the body. Who would have imagined that the Internal Building Pill indeed remade all parts of the body inside the skin?

He was still worried about how to deal with the injuries on his hands and feet. As a result, one Internal Building Pill solved all these matters.

Now he was merely playing a patient with a ruptured tendon of hands and feet step by step, nothing much. Truthfully, his disease had already been cured.

Old Madam Yan and Third Lady Yan meet all the requests put forward by Yan Chu now, and to merely want to go to the front yard together to listen to what the person from the palace said. What kind of request was that?

Emperor Zhou’s little eunuch came from the palace. He was not significant per se, but his godfather, Xu Gui, Emperor Zhou’s old eunuch, was indeed a character. Thus, the residence’s servants who could make discerning judgments prepared tea and fruits for that little eunuch and let him wait in peace.

Thinking before, they did not flatter them when those people from the palace came, but now, seeing the Yan family met with misfortune, one by one, they all itching to step on them.

The servants of Yan Residence looked at that little eunuch who drank tea and thought it was not good. With unspoken criticism in their mind, they were not slow at all, immediately changed his tea right away, and remade it.

Now that the residence was full of chaos. They were servants, therefore not to inconvenience the Masters anymore.

Fortunately, that little eunuch was a bit proud of the servants of Yan Residence. He treated Old Madam Yan with some respect. Watching their group come in, he immediately put down his crossed legs and stood up to salute Old Madam Yan.

When Old General Yan died, he also conferred with a first-class posthumous name. Even though the title was not hereditary, it was correct that Old Madam Yan was still the first-rank Grand Duchess. When seeing her, even Xu Gui, the godfather of the little eunuch, had a courtesy.

“I don’t know why this eunuch is coming here?”

At the very beginning of that brief moment, the reward in the palace was bestowed to Yan Residence as running water. Now it seemed that Yan Chu was doomed to be a useless man, and the bestowing also gradually less. Old Madam Yan was not eccentric that felt cold-hearted. In fact, in dealing with Yan Chu’s problem, His Majesty had given some benevolence.

“It’s about the eldest princess and Jiang’s marriage matter. She asked Young General Yan to escort her the whole journey to Jiang’s capital.”

The little eunuch looked at Yan Chu at the edge of his eyes. Just now, he saw with his own eyes that Young General Yan walked in slowly without any help.

In the past, there were also little eunuchs in their palace, who offended the imperial concubine and had their feet tendons break off. Each of them was primarily crippled. The palace did not support disabled people, and the final result was nothing more than sending them out. If there were relatives outside the palace, who were willing to take care of them, they were fortunate. If there were no relatives or relatives who were not willing to look after them, they would just be left off buried at the mound.

Thus, the little eunuch was astonished to see that Young General Yan could recover to this level.

At first, he thought that the eldest princess’ request was unavoidably notably forceful. As it now seemed that Young General Yan was not unable to shoulder this heavy responsibility. Maybe the princess wanted to make things difficult for him and accidentally helped the young general.

Yes, it was deliberately to make things difficult.

In the view of the eunuch palace, the eldest princess and Young General Yan had no relation and reason. Why did she let him have the heavy responsibility for taking charge of escorting the princess’ instrument driving to Jiang? Where was Young General Yan might have offended her accidentally, so she just wanted to make a fool of the once majestic young general in front of his former subordinates with the appearance of a disabled person?

Not to mention whether or not Young General Yan could normally walk after having the tendon of his hands and feet cut off, just because of his identity gap, it was enough for those who once had hostility with him to laugh at him.

Changing to one with feeble psychological endurance would never be able to rise again after enduring the peculiar gazes with lies and slanders on the way and the physical pain.

Anyway, it was all spread in the palace now.

“But His Majesty said, if Young General Yan is unwell, he shouldn’t have heard that sentence just now.” The little eunuch was here to send this verbal message.

The eldest princess was about to become Jiang’s empress. His Majesty also inevitably a bit considerate to her. Therefore, he could only grudgingly agree to her seemingly unreasonable request. However, Emperor Zhou stood in to win over Young General Yan. Whatever he wanted, if he felt that his body could not bear such a burden, he could wholly refuse.

“Please Eunuch, report back to His Majesty that we—”

Old Madam Yan frowned and refused on behalf of her grandson if she wanted to.

“We agreed.” Yan Chu was still thinking about how to reappear himself unobtrusively, and this eldest princess handed him a ladder. What a coincidence!

It could be said that he had seen the two princesses of the Zhou royal family. He only knew that the second princess seemed to be the childhood sweetheart with the original self. The reason why His Majesty would re-investigating his case was because of the second princess’ appeal.

Of course, he learned all this from his paternal grandmother and mother’s mouth. But the nourishing panacea that the second princess later asked her people to send was not ordinary goods. It seemed that she had a real friendship with the original self.

Yan Chu did not have too much memory of the original self. He heard a lot and less personal experiences about everything around him. As a result, even though the second princess showed their deep friendship, he would not decide before he saw each other with his own eyes.

Contrariwise, that eldest princess-

Yan Chu thought of the gaze he felt across the screen in Xuanshi Hall that day. He did not know why, but he suddenly became a little curious about her.

The little eunuch did not expect that Young General Yan would indeed agree to this request, but this also was not his business. With the thickly embroidered pouch stuffed by the housekeeper of Yan Residence, the little eunuch diligently rushed to the Imperial Court with satisfaction. He had to report it to His Majesty as soon as possible.

The wedding of the eldest princess was at the beginning of the spring of this year. The bridal procession would have to start at the end of winter. Otherwise, they would not be able to catch up with Jiang.

“Do you know what you’re doing*2doing*from 干 [gàn] that can mean as to do or to f*ck (vulgar)?”

When the little eunuch left, Old Madam Yan did not stop him. After all, she was not an ordinary woman. Seeing that Yan Chu agreed to escort the eldest princess and her bridal procession to Jiang, she knew what he was thinking right away.

This child was not resigned, including the not ordinary human physical exercise these days, he was telling them that he did not intend to go down depressed like this and let those who had framed him off.

After all, everything now had been pushed away by the evading mysterious assassin at that time. Everyone guessed that it might be Jiang or Ming’s people who made the scheme, but it could not give justice to the Yan family.

“Grandmother, my surname is Yan. I’m the son of the Yan family.”

Yan Chu’s eyes were unswerving determination, and the terrible wound on his brow bone was individually imposing. He smiled gently at the Old Madam Yan. This smile made the old madam deeply hurt.

Never mind. He could do whatever he wanted. So many minister sons of the Yan family had died for Great Zhou. It was enough already.

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