I am a Big Villain

Chapter 69: Who Made Me an Honest Man 7

“Yan Chu, accompany your wife to the hospital?”

There was not any elevator room in the Yan family’s residential area. The seventh floor was the highest, and the Yan family on the fourth floor. It was not very high and had plenty of light. It was a good location.

On the way down from the upper floor, he occasionally met a few elderly who went out to buy vegetables in the morning and greeted them with a smile.

“Yes, for the sake of insurance, we have to go to the hospital every month.”

With a smile, Yan Chu stopped and exchanged greetings with those uncles and aunts for a while, until Liang Zhizhi pulled his sleeve, and then he moved down.

“Chu’er, where’s your mother? Why didn’t you go with your mother when your wife went to the obstetric examination today?” As if he remembered something, Yan Chu had just gone down one floor with Liang Zhizhi, and then he was stopped by the people upstairs.

“Zhizhi has a bad appetite during pregnancy. My mother went to the countryside early today to find my aunt’s house to buy the kind of free-range chickens and eggs raised in the mountains, and buy some live fish for Zhizhi to make soup.”

Yan Chu stretched his head to the top of the stairs and said.

“Your wife is blessed to find a loving mother-in-law.” The man was smiling at Yan Chu. Seeing the half face of Yan’s daughter-in-law, Yu Guang realized that he seemed to have delayed him for a long time, and he did not pull Yan Chu to speak again.

“What time is it now? If we go later, we’ll have to wait in a long line. Dr. Qiu is the best Gynecology and Obstetrics doctor in the county. We don’t know how many people call her every day.”

Since Liang Zhizhi announced the good news of her pregnancy, she began to stop covering up her temperament. Knowing that the pregnant woman’s temper was strange, Liang Guifen advised Yan Chu to be more considerate of his wife. In this way, relying on the flesh in her stomach, Liang Zhizhi was more and more disorganized except in front of outsiders.

“Truthfully, Dr. Wang is also quite good. If you can’t get Dr. Qiu, it’s the same to see Dr. Wang.” Yan Chu was not used to quarreling with people. Even though hated by Liang Zhizhi, he still spoke in a soft voice.

“Are you unwilling to spend money on your son?” Liang Zhizhi stopped and looked at Yan Chu coldly.

“Dr. Qiu is an expert. Do you think that the expert number is a few Yuan more expensive than the ordinary outpatient number, and you feel distressed? Yan Chu, how could you be such a stingy person? You weren’t like this when on a blind date?”

Liang Zhizhi put her hand on her waist and pointed at Yan Chu with one finger. Now the child in her stomach was more than five months old, but it looked almost as big as the stomach of an average person over seven months. People were so worried, afraid that she would accidentally fall or something.

“Chu’er, stop quarreling with your wife. Zhizhi is still pregnant. You can’t let her feel sad even a bit.”

The couple deadlocked at the top of the stairs, and another old lady came in.

This old lady, surnamed Fang, was Liang Guifen’s dance friend. They often danced together to keep fit in the morning and evening. They were pretty good sisters. Therefore, seeing that Yan Chu and Liang Zhizhi seemed to be bickering, she immediately came to persuade them.

“Auntie, we didn’t quarrel, but she suspected that I’m reluctant to pay her and her child to look after the doctor. Am I that kind of person?” Yan Chu’s smile was a little bitter. His brow was so wrinkled that he could kill mosquitoes.

“It’s good to know that. Don’t think about it. Yan Chu won’t be reluctant to spend money on you and his child. You’re very heavy now. Don’t hurt yourself and your child by getting angry.”

As soon as Mrs. Fang heard that the young couple was quarreling about this, she immediately laughed.

Liang Zhizhi was pregnant as soon as she entered the family. The happiest ones were the Yan family’s mother and son. As long as Liang Zhizhi wanted it, they would buy them without saying anything.

This area was an old neighborhood, and public security was not very good. Later, all the owners proposed to set up an entrance guard outside the community. Except for the owners, all the people were not allowed to enter, including those who delivered express delivery.

As a result, all the packages were piled up in the guard’s room and needed to be picked up by themselves.

In the past, the Yan family’s mother and son were thrifty, and there were few packages for them all year round. Now it was different. They could then see that Yan Chu went to the gate guard with a cart to load the package. When asked, the daughter-in-law of the Yan family bought all of them.

What thousands of Yuan a set of anti-stretch mark oil, and seven or eight hundred pieces of anti-radiation maternity clothes? Who was the daughter-in-law in the county town that cost so much money to conceive a child? Moreover, the Yan family’s daughter-in-law had been pregnant since she was married and had never been looking for a job. Where did she get the money? It was not paid for by the Yan family’s mother and son.

If this was called reluctant to spend money, what was described as spending money?

Mrs. Fang usually bought vegetables together with Liang Guifen. Before she had this daughter-in-law, mother and son ate relatively simple food. Generally, she fried two pots of seasonal vegetables every day, a bowl of meat or a plate of fish, and at most a bowl of soup. Her health was unwasted. However, since her new daughter-in-law came in, the girl did not eat fresh fish and shrimp, and the vegetables had to be organic sold in the supermarket. The price of vegetables was four or five times that of the same kind sold in ordinary vegetable farms.

Since the addition of Liang Zhizhi, Mrs. Fang had seen the Yan family’s food expenses rising slowly. It was also the other party’s good luck that she conceived a child as soon as she got married. Moreover, Yan Chu and her good sister were both soft-natured. She would not indulge the other so much.

Today Liang Guifen did not go to the vegetable market with her. She knew that the other party had gone to her eldest sister’s house to buy free-range chickens. Now a better free-range chicken took one to two hundred.

With such a large sum of money, Liang Zhizhi thought that Yan Chu was not willing to spend money. Such a prodigal daughter-in-law also lost money. The Yan family still had two shops making money, which ordinary people could not afford.

Mrs. Fang’s heart was full of resentment, and she smiled kindly at Liang Zhizhi.

“Auntie, we’re fine, but I had chest tightness in the past few days, and I can’t sleep well. I can’t help but get angry at Yan Chu. I know he’s treating me well, but my temper has come up, and I can’t control my mouth.”

In the presence of outsiders, one of Liang Zhizhi was only so knowledgeable and reasonable. After listening to her explanation, Mrs. Fang also helped to make it through: “It’s like that when you’re pregnant. It’ll be fine when you have a baby.”

“Okay, don’t delay. You’ll be late for lunch.” The old lady waved to the young couple and told them to go quickly.

Liang Zhizhi had a big stomach, and Yan Chu went forward to support her. The old lady watched the young couple walking away, and suddenly patted her head, remembered something. She hurried to catch up.

After Liang Zhizhi looked over there and should have been out of the sight of their building, she waved Yan Chu’s hand.

After together with this fool for a long time, she worried that her baby would become stupid. What was more, even though the other party had been married for so many months, he still refused to listen to her advice and kelt his rustic attire when going out of the house. Unless necessary, Liang Zhizhi was not willing to have any close contact with Yan Chu.

Now that she has thoroughly understood the other party’s character, he was a good person who accepted a compromise and not easy to get angry. She was not worried about the other party’s resistance when she lost her temper to Yan Chu.

Just remembered that she had forgotten to tell Yan Chu that his mother’s mobile phone was in arrears. If he could not get through her phone and asked him not to worry, Mrs. Fang happened to see the scene of Liang Zhizhi slapping Yan Chu’s hand.

This daughter-in-law of the Yan family did not look very right?

In front of her good sister, the old lady had a problem with her daughter-in-law, who was spending money lavishly. However, it was not her money that she used, and she had nothing to say. But now it seemed that the Yan family’s daughter-in-law did not take Yan Chu seriously at all.

The old lady had something hidden in her heart and did not catch up. She just talked about it with her daughter-in-law when she went home.

The Fang family’s daughter-in-law was famous as Big Mouth Fang. She loved gossip the most and had many friends. Fundamentally, everyone in the county would know what she knew.

Today, she listened to her mother-in-law talk about the Yan family’s daughter-in-law. But she did not take it seriously until another incident happened later, which made her recall this memory and added fire to the public opinion at that time.

“Okay, you go out.”

When it was Liang Zhizhi’s turn to take the B-ultrasound, she made Yan Chu go out and waited.

“Other people’s husbands are there for the inspection.” This time, Yan Chu seemed to be screwed, his feet stuck to Liang Zhizhi’s side, and refused to go.

“I’m doing*2doing*from 干 [gàn] that can mean as to do or to f*ck (vulgar) a B-ultrasound. It’s not convenient for you, an adult man, to be here.”

Liang Zhizhi said with a frown.

“What’s the inconvenience? I’m your husband, not another wild man.” Yan Chu suppressed his neck and retorted bravely to Liang Zhizhi.

“Yan Chu, what wild man are you talking about? Do you want the child in my stomach to die from an excess of anger?” Liang Zhizhi was about to get off the instrument harness, her face full of humiliation and resentment.

“This comrade, your wife’s pregnant with your child now. How can you say such a thing to her?” Dr. Qiu, the appointed doctor by Liang Zhizhi every time, said to Yan Chu with disapproval.

“Forget it. You better go out first.”

Dr. Qiu Chao waved his hand at Yan Chu. The doctor had spoken, and Yan Chu could only do so.

This kind of scene would develop almost every time during a maternity examination. Like every outcome, Yan Chu left with a sad face. At the same time, it seemed that he could not help but put the bag he carried with him on the chair of his family, and then he took the door to leave.

“Kicked out again?”

Every time Yan Chu accompanied his wife to the maternity examination, some relatives of pregnant women recognized his face. After all, he was the first man to get expelled every time his wife checked up.

Others’ wifes wished that their men would be with them every day, but the wife of this family was rather peculiar and was notably impatient with her husband.

Also, the man in front of them was not good-looking. Even though his wife had a big belly, she was still charming. She wore light makeup every time she came to check, and she did not look like a pregnant person at all.

A simple person with a glamorous person, two people with completely different temperaments, did not know how to get together.

Yan Chu smiled at the person who made fun of him and then sat down at random, took out the phone with earphones in it, and put on earplugs to listen to songs.

“Your due date’s almost a month away. It’s a boy, and the baby’s very healthy.”

A middle-aged woman’s voice came out of the earphone.

“Doctor, are you sure it’s a boy?” The voice was the younger one.

“It’s easy for girls to turn boys, but it’s not easy for boys to turn girls. It’s essentially certain a boy.” The middle-aged female voice again: “Your husband’s going to be suspicious. That’s all I can help you, and you think about the rest yourself.”

“Thank you, Dr. Qiu. I’ll be grateful when I give birth to this child safely.”

He only heard the sound of digging and stuffing things.

“Dr. Qiu, which days are you on duty next month?”

After the noise, the young woman’s voice came again.

A moment of silence-

“On the 23rd of next month, I’ll be in the hospital on that day. If there’s an accident, I’ll call before I come to the hospital and come back as soon as possible.”

When the middle-aged woman finished speaking, the young woman was grateful again.

Yan Chu took off his earplugs and saved the recording. Just a glimpse of the phone page, the folder was densely packed with recordings and videos with similar titles, but did not know what they were.

He put the phone in his pocket, and it did not take long for the door of the examination room to open. Liang Zhizhi took the bag that Yan Chu had just left in it and walked out in a good mood.

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