I am a Big Villain

Chapter 79: The Farmer who Became the Top Scorer in the Palace Examination 7

“The ancestors bless us.”

When the Yan family returned to the village, the villagers of Yongning Village, who had already received the news, were already waiting at the entrance of the village, especially Yan Chu’s family, looking at the path outside the village, looking forward to it.

As soon as the ox cart arrived in the village, Yan Chu was hugged by his older sisters before he got off the ox cart, and other people welcomed him happily.

In today’s society with strong clan consciousness, it was a good thing for the clan to have more promising children.

“Yan Chu”, who now should be called Yan Tao, looking at his older sisters who he had not seen for many years, he looked a little excited and nostalgic.

Now his current self and his older sisters were still in a good relationship, and they had not refused to visit him in the capital because of the family leakage in the previous life. The second sister was not allowed together with that bibulous and wife-beating boor. Everything had a chance to turn around.

“Second Sister, Third Sister, Fourth Sister.”

Yan Tao stepped forward and greeted the three sisters.

Although this different branch cousin was inferior to the older cousin who loved to look at people through his nostrils, he had always been cold and indifferent to their second-branch siblings and had never taken the initiative to greet them before.

Yan Meihua felt a bit strange but thought that her younger brother was now the county examination’s first rank, giving them a big face. The main branch family saw that they were going to get up, so he deliberately made friends with them, which was normal.

With this in mind, Yan Meihua and her sisters were even more proud of their younger brother.

“This kid Yan Chu indeed made our Yan family improve. The youngest county’s first rank, Third Grandma, don’t be confused. Not everyone’s worthy of Yan Chu now.”

Oldman Yan was in third place among his cousins, so the villagers sometimes called him Third Grandpa and Yan née Jiang Third Grandma.

The one who talked at present was the daughter-in-law of the patriarch’s family. Although she was younger than Yan née Jiang, her husband was the future patriarch. It was not excessive to say this.

Standing behind the Yan family, Fu Zhenzhen seemed to realize that the aunt was talking about her, and she also heard the rumors in the village these days. She clenched the corners of her clothes, lowered her head, pursed her lips, and did not dare to gnaw. She also felt, how can a little girl like her be worthy of the other who was the county examination’s first rank, the future Xiucai23Xiucaia person who has passed the county-level imperial exam?

Grandma bought her to be the child bride, but she would never be the child bride of such a powerful boy.

Fu Zhenzhen quietly raised her head, looked at the youth surrounded by everyone in the center, and then quickly lowered her head.

But he was so handsome.

“What Aunt says is incorrect. Marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous person depends on the woman’s virtue, speech, countenance, and merit. It has nothing to do with her family background. As long as she’s a woman with excellent four virtues, she’s a good match regardless of her birth.”

Yan Tao frowned and stood up. The reason why he ended up like that in the previous life was that he failed Fu Zhenzhen, which led to Fu Yugui’s revenge. Since he was reborn this time, he certainly would not let himself make mistakes again.

Fu Zhenzhen truly was also a good girl. She was gentle and courteous. Compared with the arrogant princess, she was much more worry-free. In the beginning, her biggest failure was that she did not have a prominent family background, but Fu Yugui’s appearance later also showed that Fu Zhenzhen’s family still had capable people.

Therefore, letting “I” married Fu Zhenzhen was not so difficult to accept.

As long as “I” married Fu Zhenzhen, those things would not happen in the future. With his talent and assistance who was familiar with the future history, whether the past him or the current him, they would work together to create a brilliant future for the Yan family.

Yan Tao felt that he had figured out the meaning of his rebirth. If he owed Fu Zhenzhen back then, he would watch at his current self and let him return to his present self. Moreover, as Yan Tao, he could marry the princess like the last life without Fu Zhenzhen.

Of course, Yan Tao did not think about it either. The princess who he begged hard to forgive him for his daughter, and in the second year of separation with him, quickly pointed out the new third-ranked Jinshi20Jinshia successful candidate in the highest imperial civil service examination to marry her. Maybe after he got the chance to come back, he could change to a more suitable royal woman.

“Tao-boy is so young, but he’s also very eloquent.”

All women did not truly like women’s virtues, morality, and other restrictions on women’s established standards. Yan Tao, a nine-year-old child, said this so smoothly, which was not a good man in the eyes of these rural women.

The patriarch’s daughter-in-law was also flattered by many people in the village. She was put down in front of so many people, and her face was not good at the moment, but since Yan Tao was still a child, she could not say anything to the third cousin, such a child with great promise.

“It indeed doesn’t hurt when you didn’t cut yourself with a knife. Third Grandma, I think your grandson likes the girl you brought home, so don’t pull the wrong red line then.”

The child bride was pitiful, but at the same time, everyone looked down upon her. In this era, the child bride was like a servant who sold her life and had no personality. If she was beaten to death, she would just be wrapped up in a mat and thrown into the back of the mountain. Such a person did not match Yan Chu, who was about to become Xiucai.

“Wan Fang, you’re truly joking. We Yan family don’t like to raise a child bride. Zhenzhen is the child I feel pitiful to take home as my granddaughter. There’s no child bride at all. She isn’t Little Treasure or Second Treasure’s child bride, but if the child likes her in the future, it’s another matter.”

Taking advantage of everyone’s presence, Yan née Jiang quickly made it clear. Since the news that the youngest grandson was passed as the first rank came, her husband did not stop holding her about this stupid thing she did. Yan née Jiang also regretted it in her heart. Now there were raging rumors in the village. She explained many times when she stopped by, and no one believed her.

Now that the little grandson has been passed as the first rank, it was estimated that this time she should clarify that everyone should believe it. After all, she was stupid, and she would not be stupid enough to match a promising grandson with a bought young woman.

However, this young woman did not match her youngest grandson, so it was hard to tell with her second grandson. This time he was ill and failed to participate in the county examination. According to what was said before, the family would no longer provide for him to study, so if the other party married, Zhenzhen that child would be good.

She worked hard and swiftly, and she was well-behaved and sensible. Such a young woman was also pleasant to look at.

Because of this, the old lady did not say anything, but her attitude was obvious.

Fu Zhenzhen felt a faint disappointment in her heart. The people of the Yan family’s second branch were overjoyed. It was not that Fu Zhenzhen was not good, but the identity she had bought was indeed embarrassing.

The happiest ones were Taohua and Lanhua. The sisters were about the same age as Fu Zhenzhen, and they lived in the same house. Because of her identity as the rumored child bride in the village, they did not dare to get close to her. They were afraid that if they got closer, they would deepen the misunderstanding of others. Now, Grandma explained clearly that they could not be sisters-in-law, but they could be friends.

Because Yan Chu was the examination’s first rank, the village was jubilant, but everyone knew that before the end of the provincial imperial examination, everything had not been settled yet.

Looking at Yan Chu’s tired face, everyone let him go home without saying too much around him, waiting for the other party to make a big splash in the provincial imperial examination and win glory for their Yongning Village and Yan Clan.

That night, Yan Chu studied as usual, and after tracing a hundred characters, he was ready to turn off the light and go up to the Kang57Kanga heatable brick bed. When he approached the window, he suddenly heard some sounds outside the courtyard.

At this point, everyone in the family should sleep normally.

Yan Chu opened the window a small slit and saw that under the moonlight, a thin figure carrying a bucket of water was struggling to pour it into a large water tank in the yard.

The Yan family did not drill a well, so if they wanted to drink water, they had to go to a public well in the village. Fortunately, the well was very close to the Yan family, and it took more than 30 steps to get there.

Yan Changxi used to fetch water from the well in the family. These days, when he stayed with his son in the county town, there was naturally one less labor force to fetch water at home.

Seeing the girl struggling to carry the water, Yan Chu sighed, closed the window, and went out.

“I’ll take the water. You’re a scholar. Don’t hurt your hand.”

Seeing that Yan Chu came out and was about to take over the bucket in her hand, Fu Zhenzhen speechless.

“If you speak louder, you probably wake everyone in the house.” Yan Chu was not a helpless scholar. In the recent preliminary round of imperial examinations, in addition to testing one’s talent, it also tested one’s physique. After all, not all of them could stay safely for several days in the preliminary round of imperial examinations shed in the coldest month in winter and the three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, or they could not eat well and sleep well.

Therefore, almost immediately after coming to this world, Yan Chu secretly practiced a unique set of fitness exercises that he learned as a general in his previous life. Even though he was only nine years old now, his strength could not be underestimated.

Just picking up a pot of water was still trivial.

After listening to Yan Chu’s words, Fu Zhenzhen did not dare to open her mouth. She just looked at the bucket in his hand and followed him. She planned to take it back at any time when the other party could not move.

With great strength, Yan Chu carried two buckets back and forth and quickly filled the water tank.

From the tense expression in Fu Zhenzhen’s eyes at the beginning to the worship later, when she looked at Yan Chu’s eyes, there was a small star.

Good at studying and so much strength, this young man could not pick out the bad things.

Fu Zhenzhen thought that she indeed was not worthy of the other party.

“Do you want to learn to read?”

When the water was finished, Fu Zhenzhen looked down at her toes, wondering if she should say thank you to Yan Chu, but before she could think about it, she heard the question from the teenager opposite.

She raised her head, thinking that she had been secretly learning to read to her baskets of practicing calligraphy paper hidden in the woodshed. She might have been seen by the other party. Her cheeks were red and her lips were wriggling. She was so nervous that she did not know how to speak.

“I’ll teach you to write every night after the family is asleep. Don’t you want to learn?”

Yan Chu touched the little girl’s dried and falling-out hair. It seemed that the matter of increasing income for the family had to be put on the agenda soon.

“If you want to learn, nod. Grandma said that you’re the girl she raised as her granddaughter. That’s in the same way as my sister. You don’t need to be polite with your big brother with such a close relationship.”

In the absence of how to deal with the relationship with Fu Zhenzhen, brother and sister were the best.

When Yan Chu first came to this world, he wanted to teach his elder sisters how to read. However, for his second elder sister, learning needlework was more important than learning Chinese characters. She only learned some common characters and the writing of her own name from him. No matter how hard he tried to persuade her, she would not come.

A woman’s virtue was to have no talent. He did not know how many girls had been delayed by this wrong Confucian code of ethics.

Therefore, after seeing that Fu Zhenzhen was interested in learning Chinese characters, Yan Chu came up with this idea. He would not mention it for the time being. It was always good for her to learn more and broaden her horizons.

Big Brother.

Fu Zhenzhen said silently in her heart, she thought of her own brother who was in doubt about his life and death to find food for her and then never returned.

Lowering her head, not wanting Yan Chu to see her tears, Fu Zhenzhen nodded vigorously, nodding with a strong nasal voice.

She thought she was lucky. Although she was sold by her aunt, she met such a good family.

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