I am a Big Villain

Chapter 89: The Soft Rice Man’s Self-Cultivation 5

“President Zhong, this…”

The smile on He An’s face faded. He attached great importance to the film he was currently holding. After all, whether one could change their position in the film industry, it was these movies that they looked after.

Those commercial films he shot before had investors squeezed in. They did not play an important role, and he turned a blind eye to them. But now, it was different. He had to choose carefully every performer for this film. He feared that one corrupt member affected the work of the entire team.

Now this young man, standing next to Zhong Li, who he had never seen in the circle. Zhong Li herself had stamped him as a newcomer. How could he rest assured that the other party would join the cast? Wouldn’t he hesitate?

Fifty million, he looked for more, with He An’s golden sign, he could always find it, but if the film itself got destroyed, then everything was over.

“I’ve admired Director He for a long time. I don’t demand to show my face in Director He’s film. But if Director He gave me an audition opportunity, I would be satisfied.”

Yan Chu saw He An’s dilemma. As an excellent little wolfdog8little wolfdogyoung men who were brought up by wealthy and older women, preserving face for the golden master was also his indispensable criterion.

“Yan Chu is right. Although he is a student of the Film Academy, he is still a not coming-out newcomer. It’s enough for Director He to give him an audition opportunity to increase his knowledge and give him advice. As for whether he can be selected or not, it depends on his ability.”

Zhong Li’s expression was the same as at the beginning. Her voice was very relaxed, but she did not mean to smash people with money.

“Since President Zhong has said so, I’ll ask my assistant to send you an excerpt of the script after the banquet. President Zhong knows the importance I attach to this film. If he didn’t get selected by then… hahaha… Don’t blame me, President Zhong.”

He An was not the kind of person who could easily offend people at this point. Hearing Zhong Li’s words, he relaxed his mind and immediately accepted the matter.

At the same time, his affection for this tactful youth in front of him was even higher.

The other party did not use Zhong Li’s momentum to suppress him. In the future, if he had a good script in hand, he could consider the other party for those roles that did not need acting skills much.

It was not that He An looked down on Yan Chu, but as a student who had not graduated from the Film Academy, he had never made a movie. How could he believe that the other party could act well? Unless he was born very talented in this field. How many such people could there be?

Because of Yan Chu’s retreat, the subsequent chat was delightful. He An felt that this newcomer of Tianqi was his liking. After a while, if he had not remembered the importance of his play, he would have given him a role.

“Your performance is excellent.”

When leaving the banquet, Zhong Li was slightly drunk, and so was Yan Chu. Fortunately, Zhong Li had her own full-time driver. The two of them sat in the back seat of the car, opened the window, and sobered up when a fresh wind blew in.

“I’m happy that Sister Li likes me.”

Yan Chu held Zhong Li’s hand, put it in front of her, and kissed her gently on the back of her hand.

“Where did you learn it? Glib-tongued.”

Zhong Li smiled and retracted her hand. If someone else made such a move and said something like this, she would unquestionably be unhappy. But the boy’s eyes on the opposite side were too pure. Even if he was flirting, there was no dirty look in his eyes.

Thinking of what he said before in the company, to do this “job,” he indeed made a lot of preparations.

“《A Hundred Words of Love》, 《Thirty-Six Strategies for Chasing Ladies》, 《A Hundred Little Secrets in the Relationship Between Men and Women》, Sister Li, if you think I can’t learn well, I can find some more books to read.”

Yan Chu put his left hand on the back seat, leaned forward slightly, looked at Zhong Li with gleaming eyes, and said.

Zhong Li could not help but feel itchy hands. She wanted to touch the other person’s head and indeed did touch it.

Because of the styling, Yan Chu’s head had smeared with a lot of gel, which felt hard and did not feel very good.

Seeing the other’s brighter eyes and the behavior of lowering his head obediently, which made her feel more comfortable, she could not help but smile again.

“Don’t read any unorthodox books in the future.”

One knew what those books taught people to do by listening to the title of those books. No wonder he could pop out the words that make people want to laugh from time to time. Just learning those words, how could he catch up with the girl he liked in the future?

“How can it be unorthodox? They make Sister Li laugh. That’s a good book.”

When Yan Chu leaned forward with his superior height and lowered his head, it was like he held Zhong Li in his arms.

Now the situation was almost the same. The two face to face, Zhong Li looked at the other’s scorching eyes, dodging a little uncomfortably.

“Good book, good book.”

Her cheeks were a little hot. She dealt with Yan Chu perfunctory and then reached out to push his chest.

After a period of exercise, Yan Chu’s chest muscles were still very developed, and he was wearing thin clothes and in a bit of an undressed state. Zhong Li’s hand is on Yan Chu’s chest. Naturally, she could feel his strong body under her hands more than anyone else.

“Is it super worth it to support me?”

Yan Chu acted coquettishly towards Zhong Li.

“Worth it, worth it, worth it.”

Zhong Li nodded indiscriminately. The people she met before were either unafraid or afraid of her. No one had ever acted like this with her. The imperial sister, like Zhong Li, could not stand Yan Chu’s intimate method.

Yan Chu’s eyes flashed with joy. The golden master herself was too cold and defensive. At this time, he could only rely on the little wolfdog’s shamelessness to improve his intimacy.

It now appeared that all processes were within grasp.

The hotel, where the banquet was, was very close to the house Zhong Li gave to Yan Chu, and it took almost ten minutes to arrive.

Zhong Li certainly did not stay for the night. In the beginning, it was her impulsive behavior to support Yan Chu. Now, this little wolfdog was so charming that it made people lose control. If she stayed, Zhong Li was afraid of doing*2doing*from 干 [gàn] that can mean as to do or to f*ck (vulgar) something foolish. After sending Yan Chu back, she would let her driver take her away.

Yan Chu did not think about what happened now. He watched Zhong Li’s car move away until he could not see it. Then he went upstairs.

After taking a bath and changing into cotton home clothes, he was just about to go to bed after reading for a while when he received an email from Secretary Jiang. When he opened it, he found that it was a part of the script excerpt from the movie He An is currently preparing. He thought it was his audition.

The other party’s efficiency was indeed high. Initially, Yan Chu thought he would receive the script tomorrow.

He put down 《The Charming Emperor’s Iceberg Empress》, got up directly from the bed, went to the study room, turned on the computer, and carefully checked the script.

The film He An was going to shoot this time was a movie of the Republic of China with a taboo tint. The whole story revolved around the Chen family, a big family at that time.

Master Chen, an old-fashioned and staid patriarch.

Madam Chen had a gentle temper. She gave birth to a child in her early years. Madame Chen hurt her body, and the baby also did not survive. She was lingering on the bed and wanted to find another concubine for her husband. But every time, she was rejected by Master Chen because she could adopt his younger brother’s child.

Second Master Chen was the most outstanding son of the Chen family. He had a brilliant literary talent. He went abroad in his early years and had not returned.

Second Madam Chen, the cousin of Madame Chen’s mother, was the only junior in the Chen family who came from her belly.

Third Master Chen was the youngest, a generous, pampered son of a wealthy family. He loved to walk the birds and dogs, had many friends, and did not strive for progress.

Third Madam Chen died of illness before entering the door. Out of benevolence and righteousness, the Chen family asked the third young master to marry her tablet.

And with a wife on the surface, he was even unrestrained. The confidantes were all over the world, and he had not been willing to settle down and come back with a woman to be officially wed.

The masters of the Chen family were all polite and amiable, but no one knew the surging waves hidden in this calm.

Master Chen liked Second Madam Chen. The girl he asked his parents to propose to was her. But a freak combination of factors, the one who got married became Madam Chen.

On one side was a virtuous wife, and on the other side was the woman he loved so much. Master Chen, who abided by moral etiquette, was caught in a difficult decision.

Third Master Chen liked his eldest sister-in-law. He was the youngest, almost brought up by the eldest sister-in-law. He had an unspeakable affection for that gentle and elegant sister-in-law.

Because he knew it should not be, he chose to escape. He fled from the family far away through extravagance.

The turning point of the matter was that after Second Master Chen, who had gone abroad for eight years, came back. He brought back a woman and declared to everyone that this woman was his “true love.” For this true love, he wanted to say goodbye to the wrong marriage in the past.

Second Madam Chen’s pain, Master Chen’s pity, and the clever Madam Chen’s surprise and helplessness who always thought she had loved dearly.

The Chen family, which was initially peaceful, suddenly became chaotic.

This story had mixed taboos and morality, and it was also the collision of new and old social ideas. As the story developed, it would involve the choice between the family and the country. One could say that it was a very complex story, especially the contest of human nature, which had quite hit the hearts of most award judges.

Yan Chu thought that since Director He was not satisfied with him, the screenplay he gave should have some minor supporting roles. He did not expect that the other party would give him the script of the third male lead in his movie and the script for the play of the third young master Chen at the end of the tragedy.

According to the original memory, he knew that the film had a brilliant response after its release. Although it did not achieve satisfactory results at the box office, it received much praise as an award-winning film.

Among them, the fans often mentioned the role of Third Master Chen.

In the early days, the prodigal children also desired their own sister-in-law. Many things happened in the Chen family. After the death of Madam Chen, he bravely put down his wealthy life and joined the revolutionary army.

Before the beginning of the war, Master Chen, the head of the family, took Second Madam Chen and other members of the Chen family and fled to Qinhuangdao. Second Master Chen, who kept clamoring to change the rotten country, only moved his lips and then expressed disappointment and grief. Following his true love, he went to the country where he had studied before. The one who got sacrificed on this territory was only the disfavored third young master Chen.

In the scene before his death, he held a purse belonging to Madam Chen, as if seeing the other party beckoning to him and closing his eyes with a smile.

The whole country was shatter. He was gray and bloody, surrounded by stumps. The tears in the corner of his eyes and the smile in the corner of his mouth. The picture stopped at that moment.

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