I am a Big Villain

Chapter 99: The Soft Rice Man’s Self-Cultivation 15

“President Zhong is a busy bee. If it weren’t for Su Can’s return, we, your old classmates, might not have seen you, the important person.”

When Zhong Li confessed to Su Can, they did not know who ran into it, and there was no publicity from their mouths. At that time, the girls in the class isolated Zhong Li collectively.

The girls were stupid at that time. They used cold violence and thought it was right to do so. Now that Zhong Li has climbed to a position where they need to look up. Looking back, what was the reason for them to isolate Zhong Li in the first place?

Many people liked Su Can, and Zhong Li just dared to fight a little bit. At that time, she was younger than all of them. And her performance records were indeed one of the best in her grade. In addition, although Zhong Qinglong’s reputation was not positive, he began to whitewash at least. He started a security company and had a lot of assets. Zhong Li was picked up by a full-time driver every day to go to school. She ate rich and nutritious lunches delivered on time by the nanny at home, and her family wealth was much higher than theirs.

Isolate a girl who was better than them everywhere and still felt complacent because of the inexplicable reason. If this was not craziness, then what was that?

Therefore, the girls present today were completely silent when they saw Zhong Li appear. They did not put it in when they held class reunions in the past. On the contrary, the boys let go much more. The ones close to Su Can took the initiative to stand up and joked with Zhong Li.

For these unfamiliar classmates, whose she could hardly remember their names, Zhong Li took a sip of the juice. She suddenly regretted participating in this classmate reunion.

With this skill, it was better to make a video call with her little man, who she was to see rarer now.

Yan Chu’s recent scenes were relatively intensive, so it was not easy to ask for leave to He An. Zhong Li’s longing was growing. Especially when Yan Chu gave her some good food every day and requested Jiang Xin to watch her finish her lunch and dinner, the strong woman’s heart quickly turned into a puddle of water.

“Su Can, you’re not generous enough. Zhong always asks you to come, so you can let someone sit down instead of inviting someone to have a drink.”

The noisy guy pushed Su Can to create opportunities for him to get along with Zhong Li.

“I have a bad stomach. The doctor advised me not to drink.”

Zhong Li had no scruples and refused directly.

In reality, the said doctor was her househusband. He even bribed several secretarial assistants around her. He kept watching her for fear that she would continue her previous life habits of completely abusing herself.

Zhong Li also considered that she was six years older than Yan Chu. The deeper she got along with him, the more she longed to grow old together with that man. She began to care about things she did not care about before. The wine pushed a lot, but she could not refuse it. She would take a person who could help drink. Only by keeping her body well could she grow far in the future.

Those business partners might not be able to let her drink a drop of wine now, not to mention those students who had no feelings and would not be in contact in the future. Zhong Li’s temperament was cold, and she would not force herself to do things she did not like for the sake of face-to-face friendship.

Her blunt words made Su Can’s original gesture of picking up the wine glass paused, and his face was a little ugly.

“Ding, ding—”

Zhong Li took out her mobile phone, looked at the person who sent the text message displayed on it, and got up from her position with a sigh of relief.

“I have something to do. Today’s bill is on my account.”

After that, she just took her bag and left.

“Zhong Li, wait.”

Su Can hurriedly chased after seeing this.

The other students in the room looked at each other.

“What’s the matter, Zhong Li? It’s not enough to give us a face?” A girl said sourly.

“Why should the big boss of others give us a face? Did you make friends with others before? This time the other party can come because of Su Can’s face. But now, it seems that our school idol Su’s face is not enough. Zhong Li is still willing to pay for us, so it’s time to smile secretly.”

Most of the people present were married and had worked hard in society for several years. They had lost the innocence of the past. Now they were indifferent, and classmates were worth a few coins. It was not clear whether there was a classmate feeling.

“I think Su Can’s hope is not great. The gap between him and Zhong Li is wide. Zhong Li is so rich. What kind of man could she not have? Younger than Su Can, better than him, and his temperament is even more likable than him. I can catch a lot. If I am Zhong Li and there is still such an entertainment company under my banner, I am happy to change to a young, handsome guy. What are you going to eat?”

A female classmate in the class said frankly that the originally lively hotel room suddenly quieted down. She did not know whether it was jealousy or regret for their indifference to Zhong Li.

“Zhong Li, why did you leave so early? Is there something unhappy about it?”

Su Can quickly took Zhong Li’s hand and asked her.

“Let go.”

Zhong Li frowned, not accustomed to such intimate actions by people other than Yan Chu.

“There is nothing unhappy, but everyone is not familiar. It’s too far-fetched to insist on reminiscing about classmates.”

Zhong Li pulled her sleeves and told Su Can.

“What about me? Can’t you stay for me?”

Su Can’s eyes were a little bit affectionate, “If I say, I like you, will you let me pursue you again this time?”

He gazed at the calm and self-contained woman in front of him and suddenly wanted to see her in debauchery and alluring appearance for him.

“Sorry, I already have someone I’m dating.”

Su Can’s words made Zhong Li completely lose the only trace of goodwill towards him.

She was not a fool. She could still distinguish between true love and hypocritical performances when used to those always hot and passionate eyes. Su Can’s love was false and artificial, which made people sick.

“Su Can, I don’t think we need to meet again in the future.”

Zhong Li turned around and left without nostalgia. Perhaps the Su Can she had liked at that time did have a sense of innocence and frankness, but that Su Can had already died abroad.

Seeing Zhong Li leave, Su Can was shocked. He did not expect Zhong Li to reject him so directly, without leaving any face.

He thought Zhong Li liked him. Otherwise, she would not find a substitute to replace him. He wanted to comfort himself that maybe Zhong Li still hated him for refusing her confession, but her eyes and reason told him that it was not like that. Zhong Li indeed did not have any feelings for him. She even felt some disgust.

Su Can was stunned on the spot until the people in the room could not wait to come out to look for him.

“Where’s Zhong Li? Gone? “

The guy who had been close to Su Can patted him on the shoulder, looked around, and could not find Zhong Li. He could not help but look at the former school idol.

“Mm-hm, she left when there was an emergency in the company, but she asked me to take good care of you old classmates and order what you want without saving her money.”

Su Can’s face returned to calm, and the tone of speech seemed to be very familiar with Zhong Li.

“That’s for sure. We won’t go home until we get drunk today.”

The two men went back shoulder to shoulder. That night, there was a scandal between Zhong Li and Su Can in the news report.

An extremely eye-catching photo. In the dazzling hotel, a woman with a graceful figure in formal clothes and a slightly dignified expression got pulled by a considerably handsome man. One was a single rich woman who could be said to be the best in China, and the other was a returnee elite who had returned from studying abroad. The actions of the two were so close that they had to make people fantasized.

Zhong Li was not an insider, but she was the boss of most insiders, and there was a 10 billion consortium behind the other party. This setting only existed in idol dramas, which had kept attention about her on the Internet high.

The other party had been in a zero scandal state for so many years. Work was her best partner. Suddenly a man appeared, his appearance was not bad, and he immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Especially when those students from the same middle school came out to prove that Zhong Li had confessed to Su Can, but she got rejected. This idol drama-like dramatic turn made this story more interesting.

#President Zhong has a fixed partner, but he is not the man in the photo. The picture taken in this photo is only the image of President Zhong attending a class reunion and leaving halfway for official business. Below is a link to the video at that time. President Zhong reserves the right to investigate those who spread false information and rumors#

When the public relations department found this post, they immediately put a clarification notice on the company’s official website. When the melon eaters looked at the on-site video, they could clearly see that Zhong Li indeed had no interest in the school idol she liked in the past. Perhaps the school idol regretted that he had rejected Zhong Li as a good prospect.

After all, Zhong Li was not an insider. After clarification was made and later justified, the news got suppressed. No one paid attention to who Su Can was. In the statement, Zhong Li admitted that she has a fixed partner, which made people curious.

Looking at President Zhong, who had been on the front line at two points in the company’s home, they did not notice who had gone in with her, neither everyone in the same company, the company’s senior management, and Tianqi artists. Everyone was brought out and compared, including Yan Chu. The other party was ambitious to find a strong woman. In the whole country, how many could find a woman stronger than Zhong Li?

Time flew by, and Yan Chu’s new play was complete for a long time. The film had entered the post-editing and busy publicity campaign. As one of the important actors, Yan Chu also participated in several variety shows. He played well and was good-natured. Although the movie was not released yet, there was still a group of diehard fans.

Especially after he went on a variety show similar to a food program, he showed his comprehensive knives skill and culinary talent, which further established his position as the first cooking husband in the entertainment industry.

The last thing other fans wanted was their idol’s love. But his fans left messages under Weibo from time to time, asking him if he had found a big sister who was willing to keep him. This painting style was also the only one in the entertainment industry.

As for Su Can, he often appeared downstairs in Zhong Li’s company. But Zhong Li did not let him go up. During this time, he rarely appeared. They did not know whether he was holding a big move or indeed giving up.

It was getting closer and closer to the day when the original self died. Yan Chu still did not know who would want to kill him. Su Can? At that time, he was satisfied, but his reputation got ruined and rejected by Zhong Li. The other party had no reason to let someone kill him, but apart from Su Can, Yan Chu really could not think of anyone else who had a life and death feud with the original self.

He was a little distressed and decided to maintain the trajectory of the original self in the previous life after today until the days when he died. Maybe there were some things that he ignored.

As for today, it was his new film’s release day. He was about to meet his beautiful golden master and disguised themselves to see the premiere in the cinema.

The two of them were almost fully armed, sunglasses, masks, and hats. Fortunately, the film’s post-production had finished. It was soon January, and just by chance was released on New Year’s Day. The weather was cold, so it did not seem strange to go out dressed like this.

This time, the film was different from Yan Chu’s memory. Chu Yinmeng and Qu Jianglin, who originally played Third Master Chen, had become himself.

These days, because of him and Chu Yinmeng, the topic of the film has never stopped. Coupled with Director He’s golden signboard, the box office sales on the first day of release were much better than in the previous world.

Yan Chu and Zhong Li grabbed the back position. They did not go in until the lights were dark at the beginning of the film. With the naked eye, the cinema was almost full.

The two of them were just like ordinary couples, holding drinks and popcorn, Yan Chu ate it himself and then fed Zhong Li a bite, and they could not bother to watch the movie.

The tone in front was still rather heavy and dull. In the big feudal mansion, there were template-like characters. Yan Chu could also hear the gossip of the audience from time to time.

Ten minutes after the movie began, the hidden lines of all the characters came out, and the plot became more interesting.


Yan Chu did not expect that the first climax was when he played the dissolute Third Master Chen.

Other actors and audiences had seen more. Even if he was handsome, he also had aesthetic fatigue. It was the first time that Yan Chu experienced lightning. And according to Yan Chu’s eyes, his face was unexpectedly suitable for the big screen.

In the erosive atmosphere, laid on the big bed, some disheveled dancers and a handsome, somewhat flirtatious man. With the close-up view of his face, the spilled red wine on his chest, the rolling Adam’s apple of swallowing, and men’s hormones, it was not strange that so many girls present could not help but shout.

Their wife was so handsome.

After Third Master Chen came out, the plot finally picked up thoroughly, the wrong love, the helplessness in the mansion, and the collision of the old and new ideology.

Zhang Tianze was the film emperor. The male lead he played naturally made people have nothing to say. What surprised the audience was the Third Master Chen played by the newcomer Yan Chu. His joy, anger, and sorrow seemed to affect the hearts of all the audience, especially some women. Seeing his forbearing and restrained love for Madam Chen, they wished Chu Yinmeng could abandon her husband and be with Yan Chu.

When the scene played by Yan Chu during the audition was played on the screen, Third Master Chen cried, and most of the audience in the cinema cried together.

They watched the originally lively soul taken away with Madam Chen’s death. On the battlefield, the other party’s smile of relief while lying in the sea of corpses and the appearance of reminiscences scenes, the sobbing in the cinema did not stop.

“Why didn’t Yan Chu be with Chu Yinmeng? I thought that the age difference was a little too inappropriate to have an affair between them. Now that I think about it, it’s a perfect match.”

“Yes, I hope Third Master Chen can find Madam Chen in real life.”

The audience was evidently a little deep into the play, and when they came out, they were all red-eyed. There was not much discussion about the male and female leads. The tragic ending of Third Master Chen and Madam Chen was obviously more popular with the audience.

After the premiere, comments on the Internet began to increase. Regarding He An’s transformational work, the authoritative film review website gave a high score of 9.1. However, because the film had just been released, it would unmistakably drop afterward. But it was enough to prove that the film was successful.

Many of the comments on the website praised Yan Chu, the newcomer. His acting skills wholly exceed the expectations of the audience. People who had seen the film understand why He An said Yan Chu was born for Third Master Chen. In this film, his popularity did not get overshadowed by the film emperor. Even because of the character set, this role impressed the audience more deeply. This fact was a point that Qu Jianglin could not compare with.

Many people who watched the film left a message under Chu Yinmeng’s Weibo and told her that Third Master Chen liked her because Madam Chen did not know about it until she died in the film.

Many unsuspecting netizens bought movie tickets into the theater with curiosity and then came out with red eyes, joined the army of Third Master Chen and Madam Chen. Also, because of the influence of this film, Yan Chu’s fans felt more and more that Yan Chu liked people older than him, which was not a big deal.

In the film, Madam Chen was 11 years older than Third Master Chen. They had eaten all this sugar. What else could they not tap? The heart of little wolfdog8little wolfdogyoung men who were brought up by wealthy and older women’s fans was tenacious.

Public praise drove the box office, and the box office also spurred public reputation. Soon, this film, which was supposed to have a small audience, exceeded 300 million in the box office in just five days. This number was almost a benchmark among movies of the same type. There were more and more people watching the film after hearing the news. And because of the second and third parties who liked this movie, the box office had not fallen but had an upward trend.

This film, which had an investment of 80 million Yuan and an original box office plan of 300 million Yuan, had a trend to rush towards one billion box office, which far exceeded the box office of Yan Chu’s previous world.

“You like Yan Chu, too. He’s so handsome and cute.”

Yan Chu sat on the sofa in the hotel, listening to the conversation between two young girls at the front desk not far away.

“Yeah, I have watched his movie twice. Why didn’t Director He let Third Master Chen and Madam Chen be together? It’s obvious that Third Master Chen loves her so much.”

Yan Chu lowered his head to play with his mobile phone. Today was the day the original self died. These days, he repeated the behavior of the original self.

He looked at the time. It was 10:45. He should have got up at this time and walked out of the hotel.

Because of many plot changes before, the original self of the previous life moved out of the house given to him by Zhong Li and settled in the hotel temporarily. Today was the day when he did not have enough money and moved out of the hotel.

When he was leaving the hotel’s rest area, Su Can walked towards him, which was quite different from his previous life.

Yan Chu wore a mask, but Su Can regarded him as his most hated person these days and could not wait to get rid of him quickly. How could he not recognize him?

Su Can’s palms burst into a cold sweat seeing the other party had appeared in the hotel.

These days, his former bed companion in the United States came to China. He just sent her away. When she left, he could not help but give her a lingering kiss. He did not know whether Yan Chu saw that scene.

He stood still in place, but Yan Chu ignored him and just passed by.

Su Can’s fists clenched. Now Zhong Li’s heart was firmly hooked by the substitute. If the other party talked nonsense in front of Zhong Li, his chance would be even slimmer.

His eyes got dimmed. He and his mother had squandered the money his father coveted these years. Although he looked magnificent now, the money in his card was not enough for him to live in luxury for two or three months.

Zhong Li was his only salvation.

As long as Yan Chu died and shut up, everything would turn around again.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call.

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