I Am a Big Winner in Life

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

In Yang Maoyi’s live broadcast room, she had just asked if Anliang was the little Porsche brother who had been driving her before, and she discovered that Anliang’s emperor account had left the live broadcast room.

? ? ?

This situation made Yang Maoyi a black question mark!

What the hell?

Anliang spent almost one million in her live broadcast room, told her to continue driving on behalf of her in the future, and then left?

Yang Maoyi expressed surprise!

The friends in the live broadcast room also expressed shock.

‘I vomited! Isn’t it too easy for a rich man to tease his sister? ’

‘I think this little anchor is gone. Porsche’s little brother’s methods are too superb. He didn’t touch up at all when driving on behalf of him. Now he lost a million in the live broadcast room. What did the little anchor say? ’

‘Love it! Love it! Such a little Porsche brother, I want to be his girlfriend! ’

‘I love it too! I would like to ask the little anchor, does that little Porsche brother mind having an extra girlfriend? ’

Yang Maoyi ignored the friends, she gave Anliang prestige on her mobile phone.

‘Brother Porsche? ’

Anliang received Yang Maoyi’s prestige. He didn’t reply. He just took a photo of the Porsche 911 car key and sent it to him. Then he couldn’t wait to check the information of the Winner of Life system.

‘Congratulations to the host for successfully leading the host [No Vixen] to win the guild war. Since the satisfaction of the host [No Vixen] is the highest SSS level, the host will receive three rewards. ’

‘Reward 1: The host will receive a cashback reward for live broadcast consumption, and the reward range is randomly drawn 1-3 times. ’

‘Reward 2: The host gains the [Proficient English] ability. ’

‘Reward 3: The host gets a chance to draw a lottery. ’

‘Does the host use reward one and reward three? ’Inquiry about the winner of the life system.

‘Yes! Anliang makes a choice.

‘Reward 1: Congratulations to the host for getting 3 times the live broadcast consumption cashback reward, totaling 3 million soft sister coins. Do you want to withdraw cash? ’The Life Winner System sends out an inquiry.

Anliang asked cautiously, ‘how can I give this money to me if I withdraw cash? ’

‘It will be transferred to the host normally through the profit method of the financial market. Every fund can be traced to the source. Every fund is a legal fund. Please rest assured. ’The winner of the life system responds.

Anliang sighed secretly, it really is the winner system in life!(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

The three million yuan of funds flowing out of the financial market is simply insignificant.

‘Withdraw cash now! Anliang responded.

Anliang did not withdraw the daily salary of the Life Winner System. All of them are stored in the Life Winner System. After all, it is more than 8,000 yuan a day. Anliang feels ‘a little bit less’ now.

In this live guild battle, Anliang won three million rewards through one million Hutooth coins, and also gained proficiency in English skills and had a chance to draw a lottery.

Fortunately, he didn’t set up his own live broadcast account, and then swiped one million Hutooth coins to himself. In that way, he could only get more than 200,000, and it was a blood loss for less than 300,000!

‘Your end number 2666 card received 3,000,000 yuan at 23:49 on June 22, and the balance was 3,020,685 yuan. [Gongshang Bank]’

Anliang checked the message sent by Gongshang Bank. His mouth was slightly turned up. The one million Hutooth coins that he thought were useless turned into 3 million soft sister coins, which is simply great!

‘Reward 3 is on. Congratulations to the host for winning the [primary shopping cashback card]. It will provide five times 1-3 times the consumption cash back, and the single maximum consumption amount is 50,000 yuan. ’

If there is no reward one just now, Anliang will feel that this [primary consumer cashback card] is really fragrant, but reward one directly gives 3 million cash back rewards, this primary shopping cashback card is slightly inferior.

After all, according to the maximum consumption limit each time, each time I get the maximum cash back amount, only 750,000 cash back for five consumptions!

Then net profit up to 500,000…

It smells so good!

Anliang still feels really good!

‘By the way, system, how do you upgrade? ’Anliang asked.

The life winner system immediately displayed the corresponding information in Anliang’s mind.






71,241 yuan





Face value:


Anliang saw the information in the experience column. The 638 experience points were the time he consumed crayfish, right?

‘Doesn’t my spending on Huya live broadcast count? ’Anliang asked.

‘The host’s consumption on Huya Live is a virtual currency gifted by the system and will not be counted. If the host recharges on Huya Live, it will be counted as consumption experience. ’The winner of the life system responds.

Anliang was just asking for an answer, only one hundred thousand experience points, he just got three million!

In addition, he also received a primary shopping cashback card.

Tomorrow, we will arrange the system upgrade to see if the income of daily blessing has increased from RMB to RMB 1.0 after the system is upgraded.

If the daily blessing increases from RMB 1 per second to RMB 1 per second, that means a tenfold increase, so the monthly salary is more than 2.5 million yuan?

Is the income of more than 30 million yuan a year?

Think about it and feel exciting!

There are some things that you have to dare to think about. Only when you think about it, you can work hard. What if it is really realized? .

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