I Am A Monster Reborn [A Monster Evolution Litrpg]

Chapter 11- Breaking and Entering



You have suffered fall damage.

Victor fell ooze first and collided with the floor for the umpteenth time. Barely awake and bore the pains of waking. At Least hunger didn’t eat at him, no thanks to the golden apple, though the effect of that would subside not too long from now and , he required his sustenance.

A large obese snout started sniffing obnoxiously near his slimy body. The pig’s fat hooves stepped on his gelatinous body. Causing him to jerk upwards. Snout protruding, it started nibbling on Victor’s gelatinous flesh, tongue at work licking him like he was a bucket of fresh ice cream.

Victor formed a whip-like limb, and hit the obese pink beast across the face, and then the backside for extra measure. Causing it to yell in agony.


And so the night had gone. This has happened twice so far. The roof above was unmaintained and he found himself slipping through cracks and holes every time he dozed off into a slumber. These poor ingrates of peasants did a bad job at cleaning the place as it smelled like a urinal and a manure factory to him. It was a good thing he was able to suppress his senses.

The damn wizard had locked him up, almost the entirety of the day, stripped him of the ability to communicate. He had heard audibly how he restricted the villagers from coming in here. If this wizard was so wise, he would know Victor had to eat.

If push came to shove there was always his new neighbors, porky in the corner thought he was a delectable dessert, Victor could return the favour in kind. How long has it been since he had proper roasted bacon? With both his hands now, it would not be hard to make a fire. A large dusty oil lamp lit up the filthy barnyard. The perfect tool if one didn’t have flint and steel.’

There were a few chickens in here, though they appeared to be mad. Plucking and cuckling around in their little hen house without end in sight. The rest were goats, mostly young goats, and three adults. He assumed they kept them for milk and possibly slaughter.

There was a horse in the building, in a stable compartment leading outside. The horse acted very aggressively if victor so much as moved in his direction.

He had tested every nook and cranny for an escape, but all were blocked off. He tested his telepathy every hour to see if the wizard had forgotten about him. Or if the power of the cell waned. If he freed himself he’d flee immediately.

The magic that binds him was the real concern, if only he had been a little stronger he’d have shown the wizard what business was really about. A punch in the face, will shut up any scrawny trickster. A pity he didn’t know a sorcerer, or a proper god to call on. No Marcus to save him, and no Malek to guide him through this. He would just have to play this out the hard way, alone.

The chirping that crickets make, made him realize what time it could have been now. Dawn or midnight.

Victor climbed back up the wall of the barn, and up to the attic. There had been an attic up there, It might be better to spend it under the moonlight then down here with the animals. The pig had desperately come for him again. But Victor just dashed away, not wasting his time on trivially attempting to discipline the beast.

‘It wouldn’t learn, why wouldn’t it learn it lesson,’

Near the attic window, bright lunar light shone its heavenly light under Victor, the moon was weird here. It had a slightly more Goldish profile than old luna back on earth. A lot more rocks and craters, and a giant arc, which resembles that of a canyon or a large river running through it. It was also so mu obscenely closer than luna had been to earth,

The town below was relatively quiet. It was modest town, for a medieval period. He guessed there were probably around 300 people here. But he see a lot of people moving around at night, some working, some potentially fooling around.

The specific behavior of a local resident caught his eye. It was a cloaked man, fitted in a robe. At first he thought it may have been Mr. Doom and gloom wizardry, but his movement was sly to say the least. Only moving when no else was looking, and when someone happened to spot him, he’d do something else, smoking tobacco or pretending to take a piss.

The strangest part is he was heading in this direction, towards the barn. Victor was no intellectual but he could smell trouble brewing. In his hands was a brown burlap sack. Was he a thief, did he intend to steal cattle, when everyone was looking.

Victor creeped away in the shadows of the rooftop attic so he wouldn’t be seen by this funny assailant. He was pretty sure that everyone in the village knew he was thrown in there by the wizard. Why would this man risk breaking and entering, knowing full well a ‘wild monster’ resided here for the night.

The man attempted opening from the front, but the big lock bars had been locked. He had attempted to brute force his way in initially but when he did his best to rustle it opened. . It made way too much noise. He moved around the barnyard building, rushing towards the otherside.

Much to the thieves dismay, everything had been locked. Every door, including the horse's one.

As if attempting a last resort, the thief took a large rope and a steely hook and circled around the barn again.

‘Oh oh!’ he was going to break in.

Victor might have to ‘confront’ him. Teach him that messing around on other people's property was not a moral conundrum.

One big flaw in the design of the building was that the windows were partially broken. There are big holes on both the North and South window.

A hook flew through the large hole. Clamoring and eventually due to the nature of the steel hook point collapse towards the ground with a large thud.

Critical success for him I guess.’ Victor moved towards the very window, and slithered into the darkest corner next to the window. He wanted a front row seat.

The robed burglar started climbing inside. He must have had incredible physical prowess if he was walking upstairs.

As he reached the top he stuck his hand inside, like inside the glass vacuum and started fiddling around for the opening and found it. Turned a handle, and climbed up. Victor wasn’t going to stop him. It also seemed no magic barrier affected the menace. Perhaps it was put only to keep out ‘Monsters’. Or only him.

Victor thinned himself out as much as he could, laying still in the darkness. A nasty thought came to his mind. The way he saw it he had two choices. He could eat this thief of a man for exp or he could play a nasty prank on him.

The shrouded burglar found his way in, and immediately scuttled forward to peer below. He misstepped on a rotten plank. One of legs slipped through and made him fall on the terrible attic floor. Now victor couldn’t giggle, but he sure as hell jiggled like it.

The man got himself together and looked below, through the opening.

“Where oh, where oh are you my dear prize.” The scoundrel said. Taking out the attic ladder and immediately sliding downwards. Burlap sack in hand, a dagger nestled in the other.

Victor followed suit, stayed above and peered below.

The bastard wasn’t looking for cattle, he was looking for Victor. It dawned on him. Though by his entrance inside it must have not been his first rodeo.

He looked behind every pen, gate and fence. Even among the animals. Disturbing the henhouse by forcibly throwing out all the chickens.

“Fucking slime ball come out!”

‘Ok then, pranking time.’ Victor thought in response.

Despite being silenced. It seems his inventory and his equipment didn’t fall under ‘magical properties’ probably because they inherently weren’t they were part of being magical. And what exactly was the system again? He didn’t really know if he was being honest.

Victor formed an arm and hand, equipped his gladius out of thin air and cut the escape of the barnyard thief away. The brittle wood of the ladder simply succumbs to the clashing of roman steel.

A buzz, a clang, and then a large crash. As the ladder fell down completely landing in the kitchen coops.

Someone was definitely going to hear that.

The suspect, immediately looked above. Staring in shock as Victor stood there calmly with a sword in his hands.

“What the fuck…What the fuck…” His dagger fell to the ground as well as the burlap sack.

Panic set in and he immediately made for the farmyard doors. Trying desperately to get it open. It seemed he didn’t expect a sword wielding ooze.

It appeared he wanted to shout for help, but didn't as he would find himself in an even darker jar of pickles.

Victor then took it upon himself, to make a hammer-like shape and started pounding the frail attic. Hitting roof, wall and floor. Making every noise under the sun. Making wood fall from above. Loud and dangerous, he sought attention with the ruckus he was creating.

The thief struggled to no avail. Occasionally peering back at Victor like he was a victim of a serial killing in action.

He attempted to climb on the horse, very likely to force the horse to break the door open. The black steed responded by throwing him off horseback, and kicking him hard enough to send him flying into another pen.

No response from the local villagers or the wizard yet. Victor needed to up the ante.

He split pieces of him in small concentrated parts and cut them off. He threw each animal in the barn with it, making them whine and whistle.

  • 3 hp
  • Self-damage inflicted

You have dealt 1 damage to obese pig

You have dealt 2 damage to goat mother.

Squeals and bleeting could be heard about, combined with the horses neigh made for the perfect party of sounds.

You have dealt 1 damage

To chicken thief.

‘Chicken thief!?’ definitely not something he wanted on his gravestone.

Then the doors flew open with a resounding bang. It was the wizard and a local village guard. Each brandishing a weapon. The wizard held his quarterstaff, and the guardsmen held a longsword.

The thief had given up and fell towards the ground. The first thing coming out of his mouth were excuses.

“I have been wondering why the chickens have disappeared every so often,” the wizard said. Victor felt a wave of disappointment in his words.”Really Greg after all this village has done for you.”

The thief started balling in tears. “I needed the gold, I needed the gold to feed my sister. I owe gold to a goblin outside the village, you’ve got to believe me .”

“An issue best left for the village council tomorrow morning. You have committed crimes against Iorestead and its people, if you have anything to say in your defense. I suggest you keep to yourself until tomorrow.”

“No! It’s gonna kill me. It’s gonna kill me, you have to kill it first.” He pointed at Victor standing on the broken mess of the attic which had barely a functioning floor now.

The guard looked to the wizard as if what to do about the situation. The wizard waved it off. Pointed at the livestock thief and gestured to the guard to take him away.

The thief was dragged out screaming.

Victor is now in an intense staring contest with the wizard.

“I half expected you to consume most of the animals here. Your kind initially needs a lot of food to survive,” he waved his hand. As if doing a magical trick. “Perhaps I've judged you too harshly.”

Silence spell broken!

He could speak again.

“Perhaps!?” Victor said, outraged by the treatment.

“Trust me, ‘cursed soul, I've treated you better than most people would have,” the wizard put the quarterstaff in his strap behind his back. “I put you in the barn as a test of strength and character. You were supposed to feed on one of the animals. And I'd have judged you by the breath of your gluttony.”

“Maybe I would have, magic master, but a golden apple has kept me full so far. I pity I may need nourishment soon,” he complained. “It’s either end me, or let me go. I only came to ask directions so as not to be caught up here.”

“A golden apple? The path you walk is a dangerous one, not many who are reborn as monsters retain their sanity, much less are those who retain their memories. You need someone you can trust.”

“You seem to know a lot.”

“Indeed though my daughter was born into this world, I was not. The cycle is for us outsiders, not the people of this realm.” He took off his hood with a bright smile on his face. “You have proven your morality by saving my daughter earlier, though she required none and the current circumstances, you found yourself in tonight, you had, i’d say a perfect reason to kill but stayed your hand.”

“...” Victor kept silent hoping he would get to the point already, he was sick of this damn barn. He wanted out.

“Would you care for some tea and some food, cursed one.” The wizard asked

“Yes…yes that would be nice.”

Status Information

(Additional status information hidden until necessary)


Ooze (Slime)


39/39 (-90 hp, racial debuff) (plus 1 con equipment buff)






Dungeon Janitor


Basic monster +1 str/+1 Dexterity, former human (retain basic mental attributes) +20 WIS + 35 INT




Chaotic good


Strength 13 (Lackluster) (+1hat)

Dexterity 8 (Lumbering)

Wisdom 20 ( Former fool)

Intelligence 35 (above the IQ minimum)

Constitution 15 (Slightly resilient) )(+1hat)

Charisma 2 (Unappealing )

Undistributed stats





Active skills


Analysis (lvl 3)

Each level allows the user to see information of enemies and foes alike.

Passive skills


Dark Vision (lvl 3)

Allows the user to see in he dark. The greater the user’s ability, the easier the visibility.

Ooze Manipulation (lvl3)

The ability to morph and shape one’s body.

Limb manipulation (lv3)

Allows the user to shape their limp in any form. The higher the level the easier the complexity of a shape. Every 3rd level of this skill allows the user to form an additional limb.

Special skills.



Allows the user to communicate with his thoughts or aloud with no mouth to speak from.

Passive regeneration (Slow)

Recover 0.5 hp per minute

Past-life memory retention

Retaining one's memory after reincarnation is a special reward not easily granted.

Acidic Absorption (race)

The ability to break down and absorb any organic compound. Chance to attain Victim’s skill on completion.




intend to break the status quo soon. A title, a class and maybe even a evolution. Perhaps a companion or two to spice things up. 

I'm slowing getting the hand of this writing thing, hopefully...uhh definitely...

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