I Am A Role Model! Blackmail!

Chapter 702

Chapter 703 Item Enhancement

“Cough, let’s get back to the point.”

“I want to see her defeated and conquered, I want her to know that there are people outside people, there are days outside the world, I, Wanlong Devil Venerable, can’t beat her, but there will always be someone who can beat her, and this person… the most Well, it’s my heir!!”

Among them, he is most concerned about those five items.

“This is my storage ring. There are some resources in it that you can use. I sleep in the ring on weekdays. If there is an unsolvable danger, you can wake me up.”

“Years of stagnation made my Hearts Demon flourish, and I passed away early, leaving a ray of soul alone, sleeping here for a long time.”

Wanlong Devil Venerable restrained his emotions and continued to speak slowly:

Wanlong Devil Venerable continued: “It’s just a place of chance, I know several, in short, no matter what angle you look at, you won’t lose.”

Soon, the two came to the top of the underground river.

Li Dao has worn storage rings, so he now has two storage rings.

[Wanlong Domain is strengthened into Demon Dragon Domain. 】

Li Dao began to take a closer look.

“After that, I left the ancient demon dragon clan… Later, I was given the title of Wanlong Devil Venerable.”

“You are my descendant, and I will try my best to guide you to become stronger.”

Wanlong Devil Venerable continued: “Who knows, this is my will, you just have to do your best, and I actually know… This is just my delusion after all… It’s my man’s Self-esteem is at work.”

“Then what should I do?” Liu Ke’er asked.

[Wanlongjian has been strengthened into Jinglongjian. 】

Saying that, Li Dao pulled Liu Keer and walked back.

Li Dao followed the Devilish Qi left behind when he came, and soon found the spaceship, started the spaceship, and began to return.

“I challenged her confidently, but was easily defeated by one of her suitors… From beginning to end, she didn’t look at me again.”


I recalled the bursts of electronic sounds that sounded in my mind.

“After that, I started to practice hard. I was looking for a path that was suitable for my own. In the endless exploration, I finally gained something, surpassing many, um, some people who look down on me.”

[The Demonic Dragon Roar has been strengthened into the Primordial Demonic Dragon Roar. 】

“Very good. Actually, I fell in love with you at first sight, because you are much more handsome than that kid.” After speaking, Wanlong Devil Venerable pointed to Zhou Jian, who had passed out.

“We have gained a lot now. The first thing to do is to find a safe place to digest it, so there is no need to force it out.”

Li Dao was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

“This is a million magic crystals. You can also practice those magic skills in the future.” Li Dao said, handing Liu Ke’er a bag.

Li Dao said: “This dark river is fast and there must be an exit. We just need to swim down and leave through another exit.”

[Qi Lingyu Dragon Pearl; using this bead, you can control dragons, and you can also enlighten dragons such as Magical Beasts, dragon eggs, etc., to activate the blood and activity of dragons in the body. 】

In front of the two of them, a light finally appeared, and the two exchanged glances while swimming towards the light.

Saying that, he pulled Liu Ke’er and ran away directly.

Li Dao put away his thoughts and called Liu Ke’er. He didn’t want to stay here for a moment, so he speeded up and left.

“Senior, you are also a diaosi, why are you so poor.” Li Dao complained.

The figures of the two were like phantoms in the dark, shuttled through the land of chance, and soon came to the entrance.

[Ancient Dragon Talismans; high-grade magic skills, accumulative magic skills, extremely high quality, refined to a great success, once the talisman came out, the dragons roared. 】

“Congratulations to the devil!” Liu Ke’er also smiled sincerely.

Li Dao’s first time was to explore the resources in this storage ring.


Li Dao returned to his house.

Speaking of which, Wanlong Devil Venerable sighed: “Maybe you all think I’m a diaosi, but in fact… in my own heart, I’m really not a diaosi.”

[Yu Dragon Pearl is strengthened to Qi Lingyu Dragon Pearl. 】

“You can’t go this way, I’ll take you to another way.”

“Sure! Since you are already my demon servant, I will naturally not treat you badly and practice well.” Li Dao encouraged.

[Wanlong Talisman has been strengthened into Ancient Dragon Talisman. 】

Liu Ke’er was moved and nodded heavily.

The two left the water and found that it was a deep small pond, surrounded by dense jungle, which was difficult to find.

“It’s finally over.” Breathing in the fresh air and looking at the vast sky, Li Dao couldn’t help feeling very happy.

Leaving the secret realm, Li Dao is still in the Panlong Mountains.

Saying that, Wanlong Devil Venerable’s soul turned into a little starlight, submerged in a storage ring, and slowly floated to Li Dao.

No matter what angle you look at, this Wanlong Devil Venerable has lost all the way to the point where his pants are gone.

“Wait… If I’m not mistaken, there are probably a lot of people ambushed by the lake now.” Li Dao suddenly paused and frowned.

[Shocking Dragon Sword: If you don’t go out, you are done. Once the shocking dragon appears, it is extremely high. 】

It was found that the storage ring was bare, with only one million magic crystals and a black, half-human-high stone.

[The ancient demon dragon roar; high-grade magic skill, sonic magic skill, when used, it can emit the roar of the dragon, the group damage is extremely high, and it has a very significant deterrent effect. 】

[Magic Dragon Domain: Magical skills require 10% of the magic. The higher the magic, the better the magic effect and the greater the power. 】

The ship moved slowly.

If Zhou Jian knew that he was despised by Wanlong Devil Venerable, he didn’t know if he would vomit blood and die.

“After I left, I made an agreement with her that in the next clan book, I will defeat her, I want to amaze everyone, and I want to tell everyone that the devil is not the only one! Only the heart of the strong is the the most important.”

Li Dao twitched the corners of his mouth and said, “Senior, are you a bit of a tough guy… You are the ancient dragon race.”

Liu Ke’er’s expression froze, and she said in disbelief, “One million? Demon Lord, are you sure you will give it to me? This is one million magic crystals!”

“I have no admiration, no love, and no hatred for that person. As she said, I really don’t deserve her, but… I’m not reconciled.”

Li Dao was silent. He didn’t expect that a small divorce could have such a big impact on a diaosi.

Speaking of which, Wanlong Devil Venerable looked at Li Dao.

Wanlong Devil Venerable items are strengthened one by one.

Li Dao thought for a moment and said:

“Soon, we will arrive at the next clan.”

I didn’t know how long I swam along the fast-flowing river.

“Come on, these magic crystals are enough for you for a while. Also, don’t bother me about trivial things. Every time my soul appears, it will speed up and dim.” Wanlong Devil Venerable’s voice became weaker and weaker, and in the end it was completely disappear.

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