I Am A Role Model! Blackmail!

Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Ambushed


The Spiritual Qi spacecraft flew past, leaving a shallow scratch in the clear blue sky.

Both Li Dao and Bu Ling were standing on the deck, looking forward.

The forbidden area is very far away, and it will take about a month to get there by the Spiritual Qi spaceship.

And today is the seventeenth day of their trip.

“Master, the frontier is the boundary of the Xuanhuo Palace, should we go down and rest for a few days?”

Bu Ling held the map of Qingzhou in one hand and pointed forward with the other.

“Well… it’s okay to go down and rest for a few days.”

Li Dao thought for a while, and felt that there was no problem, but instructed: “But… it’s better to go to a place with better security.”

“Well, we fly for another two days, and we will arrive at the Holy Fire City at the foot of the Xuanhuo Palace. The security there is quite good.”

Bu Ling relaxed her waist, her clothes rippling like blue waves.

It’s not tiring to ride the Spiritual Qi spaceship these days, but it’s too dull.

Besides, the 17-day trip made her want to stop, find an inn, and take a good rest and wash.

In the final analysis, the two of them are only in the destiny realm, and their energy is also limited.

While the two were talking, the Spiritual Qi spaceship flew.

When passing through a high mountain, the speed suddenly descended for some unknown reason, and in the end, I could only move slowly in the air!

Li Dao frowned slightly, carefully inspected the spacecraft, and after confirming that it was not the reason for the lack of Spirit Stones, he turned his attention to the formation.

The formation on the Spiritual Qi spacecraft is sending out chaotic fluctuations, and several formation patterns have even escaped!

He immediately understood that this was the formation being interfered with!

It may be that someone deliberately arranged to interfere with the formation, or it may be that this place is special and there is something that can interfere with the formation.

But no matter what, the Spiritual Qi spacecraft can only choose a mountain to stop temporarily!

“Bu Ling, let’s stop at that mountain first, let’s find out the reason first?” Li Dao pointed to the nearest mountain and said to Bu Ling.

“Mmm Good!”

Bu Ling nodded and steered the Spiritual Qi spaceship through the clouds and landed slowly.

The two set up a defensive formation next to the Spiritual Qi spacecraft, intending to go out and explore to find the source of the interference.

Li Dao took a quick glance at the surrounding scene beside the spaceship, and had a vague guess in his heart.

He observed that, except where he was standing, which was an open space, there were lush vegetation everywhere, which could hide the view.

It’s as if… this open space was specially opened up to let people land on purpose!

“Young Master Li, be careful… this may not be easy!”

Bu Ling also noticed the strangeness, looked around, frowned, came to Li Dao and whispered.

She was worried that Li Dao was too simple to see the difference here.


But obviously, she was overthinking, Li Dao nodded, not less vigilant than her.

The two walked forward step by step, and their eyes were always looking around!

With the discovery of more details, Li Dao has almost determined that the malfunction of the Spiritual Qi spacecraft was man-made!

And…the group is all around!

They hide their bodies and hide in the trees. As soon as the two leave this open space and enter their territory, I am afraid they will be attacked from various aspects, as well as traps and so on!

Li Dao stopped, sneered, and shouted softly

“Come out, don’t hide!”

The surroundings were empty, and all of a sudden there was a burst of echoes.

After a few breaths, there were indeed many figures slowly walking out of the surroundings. Some of them were holding knives and axes, and some were carrying long spears, but they were not weak.

They had smug and gloomy smiles on their faces, as if they were looking at fish on a chopping board. Looking at Li Dao and the two of them, a chaotic and murderous aura covered the area.

These people’s Cultivation Bases range from nourishment to destiny.

Destiny has nine levels and two, destiny eight levels and four, and destiny seven levels and seven!

And down, the number of people on the sixth floor of destiny is not too small!

Bu Ling was a little flustered at this time, she knew that although her combat power was strong, she could even fight more than Realm, but… there were many opponents, and if it was a focus of fire… few people in the destiny realm could resist!

She glanced at Li Dao subconsciously, and found that the other party still looked calm and calm, and unconsciously, her heart became a little more stable.

This group of people slowly pressed up, making the surroundings of Li Dao and the two of them airtight!

And the two leading people with destiny nine steps forward, they are two brothers, named Wang Hu and Wang Long.

Wang Long is older and has a more calm personality, while Wang Hu has a more surly personality.

Wang Hu laughed, looked at Li Dao proudly, and said slowly: “Yes, you can actually find me waiting, it shows that your observation skills are not low, it also shows…”

“You should be a smart person, you should know what situation you are in now, right?”

Li Dao didn’t panic, he took a step forward, blocked Bu Ling from behind, and said, “I? What situation? Are you trying to rob us? Or… specifically to kill the two of us?”

Li Dao’s move made Bu Ling stunned for a moment, and then a little warmth rose in his heart, this… is the real teammate!

“Hahaha, kill the two of you? What are the two of you that deserve to be killed by my brothers?”

“Yes, yes, looking at their delicate skin and tender flesh, they still don’t know the dangers of this world!”

“Hahaha, I haven’t had a source of income in Heifengzhai for a long time. These two fools should be stunned from outside!”


These villains, you and I, mocked the two wantonly.

This path is called the Black Wind Road, but any Spiritual Qi spaceship passing by will usually be intercepted, robbed, and then killed!

Because… the people who need to control the Spiritual Qi spaceship are almost all about the destiny, and when they reach their true self, they can completely get rid of such a transportation spaceship.

Therefore, they have always been unfavorable, and even some wicked people, when they heard their names, came to join them specially.

Gradually, no locals passed by this Heifeng Road, and only occasionally foreigners like Li Dao passed by.

But there are no exceptions. Fortunately, they were looted, and the unlucky ones were… slaughtered!

“So…if I promise to give you all of my Spirit Stones, then…what about us?”

Li Dao said lightly, ignoring the laughing crowd and staring straight at Wang Long, Li Dao knew that he was the real master of this group of people!

Sometimes Life and death…just in a sentence!

Wang Long has a stable personality, and a large part of the reason why this black wind plug can survive for so long is that he has a pair of eyes that know people!

There is a balance in his heart, and he repeatedly weighs, who can rob, who can’t rob, who can only rob, can’t kill, who doesn’t have to think about it, and so on.

And when he docked the two Spiritual Qi spaceships, it was already determined that the two could grab…

Afterwards, it is nothing more than a question of whether to kill or not.

Killing or not killing has corresponding benefits… Killing is neat and tidy, but it may irritate the faction they are in!

Although there may be trouble in the follow-up if they don’t kill them, they will not be surrounded and suppressed by their forces in one fell swoop.

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