I am a small fry and can only train villains

Chapter 519

Teacher Beilu came here just for this moment tonight!

In other words, it simply gave Jupiter a "last carnival" feeling!

Take the lead and vent your emotions!

Finish what you wanted to do but didn't do before, and finally...do you want to leave him a good memory?

really! The next moment, Teacher Beilu took advantage of the opportunity when he really wanted to play CD, leaned over to his ear, and whispered softly in his ear.

"Stupid student, don't get me wrong - my original status as a "teacher" in the college was just a means to get a reasonable salary-"

"I can't teach any students, and I hate contact with others. I am fundamentally different from academy teachers like Livia..."

"I'm in the academy... because of my identity. Because... I was once the "master" who signed a contract with the colorless magic fairy "Rena" beside you. "

Jupiter's fists clenched immediately!

But: that's not what surprised him! He is not an idiot. He has long felt that the relationship between Teacher Beilu and the principal, Larina, has gone far beyond the level of "teacher and principal"!

So what relationship is left to allow the dean to accommodate Teacher Beilu again and again, and also to allow his lazy succubus teacher to make such requests and agreements to the dean again and again...

It's not difficult to guess, even if Teacher Beilu didn't say it clearly, the answer has been revealed.

The dean of the academy who forcibly made a contract with him, as a goblin, was the last person to make a contract with him.

Teacher Beilu.

The link is the special talent of colorless magic power that he possesses.

Makes sense.

What surprised Jupiter was just: Why! Beilu-sensei was going to tell him what she considered to be a "secret" at a time like this! ?

Just after a fight, the two of them chatted while enjoying the afterglow of the CD time?

How can it be! How could anyone say this afterward? Talking about business in bed is not that outrageous!

It's a pity: tonight his loli succubus teacher seems to have no intention of giving him any chance or time to think wildly!

Anxious to explain something.

She was even more afraid of what he would "think" of!

When Jupiter looked back, Teacher Beilu, who was holding his neck, was already avoiding his sight - as if the situation was no different from before!

The muttering tone gradually turned cold and unnatural.

Thinking in his ear.

"So, the reason why a miscellaneous student like you became my student is just because of your special talent of colorless magic power."

After a pause, he emphasized his tone even more!

"Don't you understand? I...hate having more people around me, and I hate "teaching students" even more. Don't think that just because I let you play with me a few times means that I have any affection for you..."

"For me, if I can get a comfortable environment and enjoy my personal life, that is far more important than teaching you and becoming your teacher."

"Who told a miscellaneous student like you to cause me such trouble? Even the thought of "protecting you from Larena" came up... I have to come to you. Those women come to spoil. "

It seems... back to the way it used to be! Back to my lazy self!

"Oh - I hate troublesome things the most, so: don't you want to know what agreement I made with Larina? Then I will tell you -"

"You will no longer be my student - I will no longer be a teacher at Lucalia Academy - I want to go out and relax after a long time -"

"And you, Larina, will also follow my agreement and will not do anything to you again, nor will she do anything to "truncate the seedlings and encourage them to grow" with your special talent of colorless magic power. As for the professor, Your magic teacher, just go find Livia - there’s nothing strange, it’s just the same as before. "

Of course Jupiter wouldn't find it strange!

Because at this moment, he had only one thought in his mind: Sure enough!

In the "new agreement" between Teacher Beilu and the principal this time, what Teacher Beilu needs to do is to "leave Lucalia Academy".

Naturally, she will no longer be his magic teacher!

The crisis at this moment in Teacher Beilu’s route in the Great Prince storyline of the original game is the same! Even if the "characters" are different, the reason is not "Feizhu seeking death for revenge"...

But what should happen and the result that is about to happen are exactly the same as the development in the original plot...!

But: Jupiter is no fool!

"Teacher Beilu! Do you think I will really be stupid enough to believe you use such a reason to avoid me!?"

How could Teacher Beilu really make an agreement with the college principal to leave him and leave the college to "enjoy poetry and the distance" just because of reasons such as "annoyance" and "disgusting"! ?

He couldn't understand his succubus teacher better!

If Teacher Beilu "isn't happy to be bound by anyone," then... she will never accept him as her only student from the beginning!

If Teacher Beilu was really angry because his previous "conspiracy" was blocked, then he wouldn't rack his brains and painstaking efforts to tell him the real secret about the dean!

If Teacher Beilu wants to leave smoothly, it would be troublesome for him...

How could he appear secretly tonight! Come secretly to say "goodbye" to him! ?

Not to mention: this way of saying goodbye is just like Teacher Beilu seizing this last chance to give him, and even Teacher Beilu herself, a "satisfactory ending."

To put it in vulgar and straightforward terms...

Teacher Beilu wanted to have a quickie before breaking up.

Just like at this moment, the loli succubus teacher in front of him continued to straighten his waist and wanted to do what he wanted to do after explaining everything!

How could Jupiter accept it so willingly and stupidly! ?

If he's not down there, it means he has to listen to Teacher Beilu! Since Teacher Beilu wants to treat it like this! That!

He just gave Teacher Beilu a little "color" to see!

"Don't think of me as a fool, Teacher Beilu!"

Suddenly, Jupiter stood up with strength! The succubus loli who was still clinging to him now looked like she was being held in his arms!

"Switching between offense and defense" only happens in an instant!

Jupiter, who seemed to have gained more confidence, added firmly, "Do you think that after you said such things, I would admit it and let you leave!?"

It doesn't matter even if he seems very "macho"; it doesn't matter even if Lena may ridicule him afterwards, "Who knows about a man with a lower head?"; even if... Teacher Beilu wants to resist, he won't back down!

No longer as a "student who only obeys the teacher", but as himself!

"I won't let you go! Even if we are handcuffed together, I will keep you here, Beilu!"

"Teacher Beilu, do you think that if you treat me like a child, I will really become like a child!?"

What's more: you don't seem to be any kind of water-

Then don't be a "mother" and worry about others, Teacher Beilu!

A second ago, Jupiter wanted to add this sentence!

However: He immediately discovered that the loli succubus in front of him didn't show any expression of "surprise" at all!

It's as if he already knew that he would not be happy and would definitely choose to stop it!

It's not hard to guess!

The key is... what Teacher Beilu wants to do based on this! This is what Jupiter never expected!

Teacher Beilu, who secretly appeared tonight, wanted to do more to him than just "make him feel good before leaving"!

"Ah-I know-of course I know..."

The petite succubus murmured.

"Isn't that why I'm here? Although it does surprise me that you are waiting for me, but..."

The next second, a reluctant smile broke out on Teacher Beilu's face.

Then...the pink six-pointed star in his eyes gradually flashed!

"Student miscellaneous fish, it's time for you to forget about me-"

390. The same moves will not work against Saints (3000 words)

Jupiter knew very well what the six-pointed star in Teacher Beilu's eyes represented: it was the "charm and sleep" power of his Loli Succubus teacher as a succubus.

In conjunction with Teacher Beilu's special talent of colorless magic power, which is the same as his own. Unless Teacher Beilu "actively" releases this power. Otherwise, it is impossible for anyone to escape the influence of being "slumbered"!

Not to mention: before this, Jupiter had experienced it twice with his own body!

At this moment, Teacher Beilu actually broke the promise she made to him when she confessed before!

Once again, do you want to tamper with his thinking and memory? ?

However, I don't know if it was his illusion: at least this time, Jupiter felt that Teacher Beilu did not want to "occupy him" or deliberately "make trouble".

Perhaps, for the exact opposite reason? otherwise……

When Jupiter's last remaining consciousness saw Teacher Beru that night, how could this loli succubus have a sad look on her face?

Jupiter soon forgot everything about tonight: the only impression he had was that Teacher Beilu didn't leave directly even though she used charm and sleep tricks on him.

Instead, he continued what Madge had just done to him. It is led by Teacher Beilu and moved by Teacher Beilu. It was as if all the longing and patience in the time when the two of them would never see each other again were vented on him at this moment!

Until the moment when the puffs are full, exhausted, and still unwilling in the heart, but the body is well satisfied.

Like a dream or an illusion, both true and false.

It wasn't until dawn, when dawn broke outside the window and the chirping of birds and insects gradually began to sound, that he fluttered his wings and turned into a black shadow on the horizon, flying towards Lucalia College.

And Jupiter, who was "drained" in every sense of the word, fell into a deep sleep - until the sun outside the window gradually warmed up, and the dazzling light filled the entire room!

With a "bang" sound, his villainess Sylphy pushed open the door and entered!

Seeing him still lying "peacefully" on the bed, I was stunned for a moment. Until the moment when he puffed out his mouth and started complaining!

"Huh? Hey! Damn pig head! What did you do last night!? What time is it and you are still lying in bed!?"


Okay, you want to go on a date with me! ? I think you want to be kicked out of bed by the head maid! ? "

Jupiter suddenly woke up!

Just like the literal meaning - just push the carp straight up and sit up as if a zombie has been resurrected! His eyes were wide open, but he was looking ahead clearly without any thought!

"Yeah!? Uh, dead pig head? Are you...are you okay?"

At this moment, his appearance must have looked "terrible", so much so that Sylphy was frightened for a moment! Then he hurriedly approached, observing his appearance and asking about his condition.

Although I feel a little sorry for Sylphy, Jupiter's thoughts now...

Indeed, Sylphy was not around him at all, and his only response could only be to shake his head to show Sylphy that he was normal - it would be better to just think of it as "getting angry".

He seemed calm, but in fact, in his heart...

But it was a turbulent situation! Irresistible!

Last night, Teacher Beilu wanted to use "Charm to Destroy Sleep" to tamper with his thoughts and memories!

But: one night passed, today, at this moment, he... still remembers it!

It was not an accident, nor was Teacher Beilu doing it deliberately, nor was it that Teacher Beilu had "softened up and let it go" - last night, after Mr. Beilu revealed his true intention, the succubus-like method that Mr. Beilu did to him was absolutely Not a single thing left behind!

It is better to say that it can ensure that he can be deceived, and it is done carefully, thoroughly and meticulously.

But because: he will remember it, and that is how it should be - this is the result of long preparation.

Beru-sensei must have wanted to come and say goodbye to him before "leaving Lucaria Academy" like in the storyline of the Great Prince in the original game, and also "have a good time before leaving". .

But after all, it’s still a matter of distance!

Since he could meet Teacher Beilu who would appear at night and secretly come to him to say his final goodbyes and tenderness, then...

You can definitely imagine that in order to prevent him from "impeding here", Teacher Beilu will definitely use the succubus' charm and sleep method on him to make him forget something and change something in the memory in his brain!

Therefore: Jupiter "prepared the same method" in advance to fight against the succubus power last time - sealing his true and correct views and feelings for Teacher Beilu intact, and at dawn, the moment he woke up "freed"!

Just now he jumped up and down like "Zombie Resurrection", that's why!

After all: Teacher Beilu's charm and sleep-destroying power cannot be "broken" by others. It can only be removed by Teacher Beilu himself.

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