I am a small fry and can only train villains

Chapter 524

So: Beilu, who originally hated dealing with these troublesome things, is thinking right now...

It has long been accompanied by the lazy behavior of propping up the chin, looking out the window, and yawning, and drifted to the sky -

But at a certain moment, she suddenly felt an inexplicable throbbing in her heart, causing her eyes, which were still shining with a pair of pink hexagrams, to turn her head and look in the direction of Lucalia Academy in the distance behind. .

It was obviously the agreement she made with La Reina that she chose on her own initiative.

It was obviously her choice to leave the academy, as she had agreed to La Lena's proposal.

But now... why does she still care about the direction of Lucalia Academy for no reason...

What about that miscellaneous student who cares about her and will realize the truth sooner or later?

Hmm, maybe it would be more appropriate to add "former student"? After all: she is no longer that person's teacher. Even the ambiguous memories between the two of them during this period of time...

She has changed into another version - she was just an ordinary magic teacher of Jupiter from the beginning -

There is no ambiguity, no interaction -

Just go to class, assign homework, take exams... it's that simple -

The "teacher" who has a close relationship with Jupiter becomes Livia. Thinking about it now, the volleyball geek who agreed to help her "act" at that time looked very happy. Is he probably been spying on that man for a long time?

It's really weird that Naiko is cheap.

Let Beilu... always feel a little uncomfortable!

But he immediately shook his head in distress.

Why on earth was she so "absent-minded"? Or to say: She already knew the answer, but she just didn't want to think about it.

After all: she no longer has this chance.

Even: the "menopausal aunt" version of Larina sitting opposite her even mocked her a few times!

"What, do you regret it? If everything stays as usual - you still have time to turn the carriage around and go back to the academy - Beilu -"


His eyes were dull for a moment, and then...he became serious and determined!

"I hate having to deal with the troublesome mess left behind by hesitation-"

He was talking to the principal of the academy, Larina, in front of him -

It was more like she was talking to Beilu herself.

"Compared with these... let's leave the city quickly - I don't want to stay in this bumpy carriage for a minute longer - leaving the royal city earlier can also complete my "agreement" with you earlier, La Lei Na. "

After a pause, Beilu frowned.

"Why did the carriage stop?"

In the half-opened lazy eyes... there was a hint of expectation for what "accident" was about to happen.

But it disappeared immediately! Instead, there was an inaudible sigh of annoyance!

How could she have those messy, and shouldn't have, emotions just now?

Beilu began to hate herself a little bit for being so indecisive now.

394. The blood of succubus is so delicious (3000 words)

After all, not to mention the final use of her charm and sleep power on Jupiter, at least Jupiter would never be able to react before she left.

There is no chance of any surprises in Larena's arrangement.

So, after a while, the answer was exactly what Beilu thought: Larina, who was sitting opposite her, just leaned out a little and inquired about the situation outside -

Then he responded to the question of the carriage stopping with a slight complaint.

"Oh - it's not an unexpected situation - it's just that at the last checkpoint before leaving the east gate of the royal city, we had another carriage that was leaving the city, and we were wasting our time with those stupid pigs from the Knights -"

"If you're waiting in line, just wait - anyway, you can leave the royal city directly after you leave here, so there's no need to rush -"

After a pause, the "menopausal aunt" in front of Beilu seemed to have discovered some "evil thoughts" that had just flashed through her heart. With a face full of wrinkles, she became angry with her -

"Yo-what, are you still expecting some "accident" to happen, Beilu? If you and I have come to this point, if your student can catch up, I'll give him a pussy on the spot - "

In response, Beilu only gave one word in response.


She was too lazy to talk nonsense with Larina - she shouldn't think that there would be any "accident".


She also didn't want Larina, an old woman, to touch that person.

Because: away

Opening an academy and no longer being Jupiter's teacher...these were decisions she made on her own initiative.

But that doesn’t mean she gave up just like that – the fundamental reason why Larina needs to use Jupiter as a “blood pack” is because her special talent of colorless magic has an irreversible impact on her body, which is already so strong. If you don't absorb the same type of special magic power, it will be difficult to even control the "shape of your body."

A fairy as powerful as Larina who controls colorless magic power cannot avoid it.

Perhaps...it was precisely because this old woman had gone too far with colorless magic that she fell into such an abyss.

In other words: As long as this problem can be solved for Larina, Lucaria will have no reason to use Jupiter - this is also the biggest reason why Belu wants to go to the elves' kingdom of Avalon.

Unlike the daughter of the elf diplomat beside Jupiter who is basically useless except for her body, the depth of research on various magics in the elf country with a long history is no less than that of Lucaria Academy.

Moreover, thanks to the elves' excellent magic talents, there may be some directions in the research of colorless magic that Larena has not noticed.

Over the years, Larina has spent a lot of time developing connections with the elves, and she set up an academy branch just to find out if she could solve the side effects of her special talent of colorless magic.

It's a pity: there has been no progress or news.

So: this time Beilu also plans to go there and find the high elves or the royal family among the elves again to understand and study it.

If there can really be some progress and solution, then maybe she...

The next moment, the shaking of the carriage interrupted Beilu's contemplation.

Larina in front of her had no intention of continuing to mock her.

"It looks like it's been solved - well, we have to queue up so late at night, which is really unlucky - but after passing here, there won't be any problems. The graduates of our academy have already greeted the Knights station near the city gate. -Then we can leave the royal city directly without any hindrance-"

After pausing for a moment, as if she was deliberately "teasing her to play with", Larena said no more -

How could Beilu not understand the meaning of this goblin's sinister smile? ?

He is clearly asking: Do you want to regret it? Is this time... really the last chance to regret it? If you regret it now and make up for it, can you still continue to be intimate with your student?

"Larina! Are you leaving or not!?"

Beilu, who only felt that her feelings had been "insulted", even felt a little angry! Refute immediately!

She was even a little confused: What happened to Larina tonight?

Although this old woman is indeed eccentric and acts like a bitch on a daily basis, she... will not procrastinate, dawdle, and hold on to one thing!

Under normal circumstances, shouldn’t he have taken the initiative to hail the carriage and leave long ago? ?

But now, but...

"Hmph - OK, OK - Belu Figueru, this was your choice, right?"

"Then, let's follow our "agreement"-"

After leaving a meaningful smile, Larina on the opposite side stopped talking.

The carriage moved forward slowly, and then after the sound of horse hooves became faster, it accelerated towards the exit to the east of the Imperial City - this was the route Lareina had planned from the beginning.

The academy's carriage is only responsible for transporting the two people to the outskirts of the city. After that, since the surrounding area will no longer be as heavily guarded as in the royal city, it is natural for the two people who have long been proficient in colorless magic. No longer have to endure the bumps and slowness of the carriage -

Just "fly" directly to the kingdom of the elves at the fastest speed - and you can also avoid the procedures and checkpoints in the territory of the Britalia Empire along the way -

Calculating the time, for the two of them, it only takes two or three days - as they control the colorless magic power, they no longer need to rely on "eating and sleeping" to restore their physical strength - when the magic strength reaches a certain level, Even the "common sense" in the eyes of ordinary people can be regarded as non-existent in the eyes of these two people.

And now, we have reached the final step.

The carriage successfully passed through the gates of the imperial city that lead to farmland, woodland, and restricted areas on the outskirts of the city. The carriage stopped, and after the two got off the car, they quickly turned back to the academy. After all, all this itinerary was in accordance with La Lei's plan. To "keep a low profile" as Na ordered.

Although Beilu still doesn't understand why Larena did this - not only said she wanted to "keep a low profile", but also insisted on "accompanying her, sending her to the elves and coming back."

Now it seems: there is no time to understand.

"Hmm - it's almost time -"

Larena stretched out in front of her. Under the cold stars and moon, this

On the outskirts of the city, far away from the city gate, we can still see each other with the clear light of the stars and the moon -

At this point, except for the lights on the fortress of the city guarding knights at the city gate, and the bright stars in the knights' outposts outside the "restricted area" in the distance, there is no other trace of "foreign" atmosphere.

Larina, who no longer had to pretend, stretched herself...

This has returned to the attitude of a fairy.

He is wearing the uniform of the college teachers, but compared to the cyan style, it is a brighter red like blood.

Her silver hair was flying wildly in the evening breeze, and the "wildness" in her pupils and the pair of sharp fangs were no longer concealed.

The fairy Larena, who controls colorless magic power, is different from other fairies with colored magic power! Fairies with colored magic power often obtain colored magic power directly - but Larina's colorless magic power needs a carrier -

The sweat of life, body fluids, everything with magic on you -

Tonight, or blood-

From Beru's impression, La Reina had never had a Tonight with a man other than Jupiter, and as La Reina's former contractor, it was impossible for her to give any Tonight.

Therefore, Larena's body has long evolved to make it easier to obtain blood - the two pairs of fangs are the best evidence.

After looking around a little strangely for a while, Larena came to her.

"It should be fine now that we are here. So, Belle--you have endured for a few days, right? Now it's time to give me some magic power--just as we agreed--"

The fairy smiled charmingly, and her sharp fangs were exposed.

"After all: I can't just follow you and use magic power to fly to the elves, right? What if I can't control the changes in my body halfway, and let extra people see some "monsters" flying in the sky, it will cause unnecessary chaos--"

What you said... is right.

It's better to say: Belle shouldn't have any hesitation since it's agreed.

So, she has already reached out her hand.

However: the magic power that Lareina wants at this moment seems to be more than just "getting it by biting off the arm".

Holding her waist with both hands, he suddenly pulled her in front of him!

Perhaps because they are going to do something that they have done everything before, but now they haven't done it for a long time, Lareina's eyes are shining with excitement!

However, she did not bite her neck immediately. She just stood on tiptoe and rubbed her neck with her cheek while muttering, "Bellu, why do you have to do this for a man?"

"The special power of our colorless magic has almost reached the critical point, and you are not much better than me. Otherwise, you would not lie in the magic tower every day to "save power". I can certainly relieve it by taking your magic, but I am afraid you will gradually become like me-"

"For someone who can't find you in the future, and may even forget you... Is it worth it? I won't sympathize with your lowly behavior, okay?"

Her eyes flickered, but this time, Belllu did not waver at all!

"Enough of nagging, just solve it quickly. My business... is it your business? "

After receiving the response, Lareina seemed to have no more scruples. Her eyes, which were already filled with evil thoughts, suddenly became bright red!

She held Belle's neck with both hands and turned her face to the side!

"You said it, Belle!"

Under the night sky, two pairs of fangs were already aimed at the blood vessels on Belle's neck that were "clearly visible" to Lareina, as well as the blood flowing in the blood vessels, mixed with magic!

Then, she chuckled!

She opened her mouth and aimed!

She bit down!


In the new week, everyone remember to like and give some monthly tickets-

395. I know! The ability of the dean is control! (6000 words)

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