I am a small fry and can only train villains

Chapter 540

It can be regarded as a "platform" for the princess, creating a feeling of "a handsome man and a beautiful woman are made for each other" - this is actually a trend of rumors in the Elf Kingdom of Avalon: she comes from time to time due to official business meetings. To the Elf Kingdom. And the person who receives and discusses with her every time is the princess beside her, Hikari-

This also brought a lot of rumors among the high elves: Felix, the great prince of the Britalia Empire, has a close relationship with Princess Shikari, and they will be together sooner or later!

Regarding this, Fini could only express all her attitude with a chuckle.

Then... he spoke out.

"Everyone, did this "special guest" I brought to you scare you? Don't be nervous - Her Royal Highness is still very approachable. "

To smooth things over, I added something silently in my heart.

The relationship between him and Hikari could never be that simple.

together? Huh, why are we together?

Let’s make magic tofu together?

408. Handsome Elf Princess Handsome (3000 words please vote-)

Fenique didn't want to waste her "hurry" trip just because of the elven students from the Lucaria Academy branch in sight.

After all: Starting from the Imperial City of Britalia, even if you take the fastest drive under normal circumstances, travel lightly and secretly, a round trip plus preparations and participation in the festival activities of the elves in the Elf Kingdom of Avalon, at least It will take about ten days.

For such a long time, she couldn't immediately know the situation around Jupiter, how could she feel relieved?

What if something "accidental" happens around that pig head?

Feinique remembered it very clearly: her "good sister Liz" had already lived in the Duke of Blacks' mansion as Jupiter's personal maid and stayed with Jupiter.

Who knows, will she suddenly do something unexpected? Her youngest sister Alicia is not a "genius" at all in these matters.

Thinking of this, Feini, who was standing next to the elf princess Hikari, even planned to "quick victory".

"The appearance of Her Royal Highness the Princess is not just to send holiday blessings to everyone in the Lucalia Academy branch-"

"If there is any "new news", I won't do it for you. It's up to you, Your Highness, to tell your clansmen-"

As she said this, Feini looked at the Elf Princess Hikari in a wheelchair, and the latter nodded in greeting to Feini - the simple interaction between the two seemed to have no intention of being secretive at all.

And every look and every movement they make are coordinated so perfectly -

It seemed like it was silently telling the eyes in the audience that were all staring at it.

Masters - Hey, have you seen, what does it mean that a man, a talented woman, and a beautiful woman are a perfect match?

Is it your turn for you monsters and monsters who like the eldest prince to oppose?

Perhaps the eldest prince and the elf princess themselves did not have such thoughts. It was just the similarity of their noble status that made them subconsciously do these things -

But the elf female students who had been silent just now finally expressed their true thoughts in whispers at this moment.

It turns out: the silence just now was not because they were "in awe" of the Elf Princess Hikari in a wheelchair...

Rather, it is because of completely opposite thoughts.

"Hmph...what's the air? If she's not the princess, then she's disabled. She's not the only one of our high elves with noble blood, so why can she appear directly next to the eldest prince?"

The atmosphere permeating the blond high elf girls was simply the same - jealousy.

After all, among the high elves, who among us is not of pure blood, and who is not as beautiful as a flower?

Who doesn't have an excellent talent for magic? Who doesn’t have enough confidence in themselves?

Since they think they are no worse than the elf princess -

They don’t even have to use wheelchairs!

So how can I feel happy now that I see my Prince Charming flirting with Hikari?

【Tiantiantian. 】

[Family members, this couple must be locked up! 】

These ideas simply don't exist.

On the other side, the elven girls from other ethnic groups among the students... were pretty much the same.

"These high elves are dead, and they want to give that disabled woman a chance..."

"Isn't it just a bit of talent in light and magic? I will be able to achieve magic strength and other things sooner or later! What's the air?"

If the high elf female students are just "jealous", then the dark elf students also have a layer of "mockery" towards Hikari - they are not from the same ethnic group, their mockery and The insult was really unkind and reserved.

And this... is the situation that Princess Hikari of the Elf Kingdom of Avalon faces: the female students who are also high elves are jealous of her.

Those female students who were not from the same ethnic group were even more unscrupulous.

For a moment, Feini couldn't help but look at all this a few more times, thinking: It's a shame that Her Royal Highness the Princess can still show an elegant and weak look in front of others in such an environment.

Feini had never encountered such a situation before - there were people in the Britalia Empire who were jealous of him. But the vast majority of the people support him.

In a situation like Hikari's...can she really make a smooth and stable transition and inherit the Elf Kingdom in the future?

The next moment, the voice of the elf girl beside him broke the uncomfortable and weird atmosphere.

"Everyone, this is the traditional festival of our Elf family. I hope that everyone can spend the upcoming holidays arranged by Lucalia Academy Branch with peace of mind and happiness, and continue to study and practice magic during the holidays - "

"Lucalia Academy is in this branch of my Elf Kingdom. As students, every performance will be seen and recorded by the headquarters - so everyone must also work hard to show the outstanding qualities of our Elf family. One side -"

The girl's voice is gentle and even a little weak, which fits the frail but elegant posture of this elf princess -

Under normal circumstances, no one would have the heart to let such a sick and weak princess feel at a loss or even bully others, right?

How awesome is that? Even the orcs in the notebook of the pink little software can't do this kind of thing.

It's a pity: among girls of the same age, especially among a race as proud as the elves that no one is convinced by, Hikari was left with a long silence.

Her identity as an elf princess makes none of the elf girls under the podium want to be the "outstanding bird" and ridicule them eccentrically - not only breaking the school rules, but also really needing to be punished -

But there is nothing wrong with "cold violence" without speaking.

Hikari acted as if she didn't see it at all and simply chose to ignore it.

After just letting the prison-like silence last for a while, he had already prepared his words and immediately interrupted.

"Besides my blessing to everyone, there is another important reason why I came to the branch of Lucalia Academy today."

The legs cannot move, but this does not affect the movements of Hikari's hands -

He raised his finger and announced a piece of news that immediately made the elf female students in the audience with all kinds of strange emotions towards him no longer able to pretend to be indifferent and engage in "cold violence" or something like that.

"In recent years

As the exchanges between our Elven Kingdom of Avalon and the Empire of Britalia become closer and closer, I also feel that just allowing diplomat ladies to live in the Imperial City is no longer enough to meet our exchange requirements with the Empire. -"

"So, I plan to set an example and join the branch of Lucaria College in the future, becoming the same "Honorary Lecturer" of the college as the Imperial Prince Felix next to me -"

"With this level of identity, it will be easier for me to understand the Britalia Empire and understand the culture and characteristics of the human side - phew - this is actually a kind of "learning" for me -"

Different from the "cold violence" before, the discussion among the female elf students in the audience became more "straightforward" for a while!

After all: Everyone knows what the elf princess’s decision means - since she wants to become the "honorary lecturer" of Lucalia College, doesn't that mean...

"Tsk, this Hikari is really shameless just to be with His Highness Felix!"

"Hey, you high elves have already sent the diplomat's daughter to the Lucalia Academy headquarters before, right!? Why is it you this time!? Where's our share!?"

Maybe: What it represents is no longer important -

Because right away, these elf students had a classic quarrel because of the decision of the elf princess Shikari - no one among the groups was convinced by the other!

And if you want to quarrel and find trouble, you can always find suitable reasons from different angles!

No: the dark elves immediately launched a set of silky little combos!

"Why don't our outstanding members of the dark elves go!? Are you high elves deliberately discriminating against us by playing with your power in the council!?"

"Ha!? Discrimination? You guys, who use dark magic to poke and prod, will only bring chaos to His Highness, are you worthy of it!?"

The scene became noisy again, and the teachers in the branch hurriedly but skillfully maintained order - after all, they had seen this kind of thing a lot, and were used to dealing with it -

However, this time, faced with such a scene. Neither Fini nor the elf princess Shikariko did any other "stoking" behavior such as "clearing her throat" -

At most, Hikari said in a soft voice that the elf students in the audience had no intention of listening to, with a smile that was almost exactly the same as Feini's at the corner of her mouth -

"Even if I am everyone's teacher from now on - I hope we can live in harmony -"

"Then this is what I want to explain. I am busy with business, so I will leave now - and I hope everyone will enjoy the holidays brought by the traditional festivals of our elves -"

Who can hear these words now?

However: Hikari didn't care about the behavior of the elves in her sight who "ignored her and started to be weird to each other". With just a glance, Feini on the side had already taken the initiative to push the wheelchair -

The two of them quietly and quickly left the lecture hall, which had gradually become noisy, and left directly from the "faculty passage" at the back of the lecture hall -

Hikari has no intention of staying, and Feini must be happy and relaxed - don't look at the smile she just greeted the elf female students -

But actually...

For those elf female students in the branch who have never stopped being jealous of each other or acting strangely towards other ethnic groups from the beginning to the end...

Feeney only felt two words: ugly.

If I had to say it, I might just be "impatient".

She believes that Princess Hikari definitely thinks so too -

And the fact: it is.

There was no one else around, just when Feini was pushing the wheelchair for Hikari, planning to stay away from the lecture hall and away from the elf female students who might chase him later...

The perfect and elegant sickly elf princess with her back turned to him suddenly let out a stunned sound.

Very righteous, very talkative, very kora!

"Tsk...So the stupid people are really hopeless-"

"You think so too, right, the "Great Prince" of the Human Empire? "

409. "B Limit" Have a tea party with the boy! (6000 words)

In the elf kingdom of Avalon, there are fairies with light magic protection, and they have reached the eighth level of light magic at a young age...

Even in Fini's opinion, there is no doubt that she is stronger than her sister Alicia, who is known as the "genius girl" in the Britalia Empire, and has more talent and strength. This is Princess Hikari.

Just sitting in the wheelchair, he suddenly turned his head and looked towards her.

It's as if he is seeking the approval of his "confidant".

At this moment, the two of them were walking away from the lecture hall of the Lucaria Academy branch, heading to a quieter and more secret place in the academy branch to take a rest -

After all: the identities of the two of them can be regarded as absolutely "conspicuous" in the Elf Kingdom of Avalon - Feini came here lightly dressed this time, not wanting to cause any strange sensation.

The morning breeze blew their long hair, and the handsome prince pushed the wheelchair for the physically disabled but still beautiful and elegant elf princess...

To an outsider, such a scene would definitely look like a picturesque scene, right?

Too bad: Finny doesn't think so at all - it seems?

So what?

What she saw may not be true. For example, at this moment, the elf princess with disabled legs and unable to walk in front of her was so gentle and even a little "cowardly" when she faced the jealous and questioning students. Attitude……

Ha-it was so perfect that she even had to praise her: her acting skills are good-

Almost as good as her.

But now that there were only the two of them around, the Elf Princess naturally "stopped acting."

The disabled body in a wheelchair is certainly true - the elf princess really cannot move around with her legs alone.

But other than that, everything was different from what happened in the lecture hall just now.

""Grand Prince", will this happen in your Britalia Empire? Stupid aristocratic children don’t know the blessings in the midst of blessings, thinking that you are “just like that” or something like that-”

Finny sighed and responded while pushing the wheelchair at the same rhythm as before.

"I think the education of the noble children of the Britalia Empire is very strict. Maybe I can't rule out those who are really jealous of "Felix". But at least there won't be any young people showing it on their faces. Besides, I don’t really care that much, after all, it’s “Felix”-”

"Oh - that's great, but it's a pity that we elves can't do it."

Even though her back was turned to Feini at this moment, Feini had already clearly felt: How could the Elf Princess in her sight still be as weak and elegant as she was in the lecture hall just now?

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