I am a small fry and can only train villains

Chapter 553

Regardless of the former or the latter, Jupiter felt: Is this necessary? Is he just a minor character in the original game? It's nothing more than bringing Nia and Liz -

As for the three of them, Feini doesn’t just want to see them whenever she wants! ? Even if she is dealing with Liz, Fini, who already has a contract with a fairy with fire magic power, won't be afraid, right?

By the way: Meeting Fini is obviously related to the story line of the great prince in the original game. At this point, it is impossible for Jupiter to know whether the situation in front of him corresponds to any plot in the eldest prince's storyline.

He could only try his best to act calmly and responded in a deep voice: "This is the private residence of the eldest prince Felix in the empire. It is normal to have some guards, right?"

After all: he is now the "backbone" of Nia and Liz - what if he takes the lead and panics?

"I've been here several times before. You two have nothing to be nervous about. Come with me - I know where the eldest prince is -"

What happened next was indeed similar to what Jupiter thought - his "familiar face" was not hindered by servants from any nearby manors or members of the Imperial Knights -

He walked through the tree-lined avenue calmly, with his back to the setting sun, and walked into the already brightly lit castle residence.

But this is not the end.

Rather, let’s say…even a start.

After entering the castle,

There are still many members of the Imperial Knights!

and! Accompanied by the clatter of the three people's footsteps that seemed particularly abrupt in the quiet castle, not only the members of the Knights of the Britalia Empire appeared next, but also...


The high elves of the elven clan with long ears.

Jupiter immediately covered Nia's mouth with his hand - causing the elves to look at her, but in the end they didn't say anything.

Jupiter was relieved a little, and almost didn't whisper in Nia's ear!

You don't want to shout randomly at this time, you stupid bitchy tongue girl!

Because: First of all, "The eldest prince hesitated to send an invitation to the adventurer team of him and Nia for a B-level adventurer commission."

Then he and Nia were asked to come to his manor residence specially - and he also emphasized that "Nia must be here".

Finally, and now: the three of them have seen the strict defense in this castle that is different from the past, and even strange high elves have appeared...

All of this adds up to the "real purpose" of the B-level adventurer commissioned by Feini to name him and Nia this time, and the answer is ready to come out.

And for Jupiter, this is even more true: in the Hero story line of the original game, after the "male protagonist" the Hero enters the plot related to Nia and the elf kingdom Avalon...

However, a new "playable heroine" will appear.

And now: time, place, people... basically all meet the conditions.


"That elf" isn't it! ?

On the first floor of the castle, in the living room at the end.

A Jupiter standing outside the door always felt a little "familiar", like a maid she had seen before even in the summer palace, and opened the door for the three of them -

He doesn't have time to think about nonsense like "This shouldn't be done?"

Because the answer to the question that was tangled in his mind just now was revealed.

"You're finally here, Jupiter?"

Feini, dressed in men's clothing, greeted him with a smile -

Beside him, there were three faces of elf girls.

The feature of "long ears" is too conspicuous.


Just a reminder, because it’s the end of the month - I’ll take a break and save my manuscript for the beginning of next month. So from the 27th to the 31st, there will be 6,000 updates per day. There are still two updates. The second update is also at 12 o'clock in the morning, and each update is 3,000 words.

Updates will continue next month. By the way, it's the end of the month. If you haven't voted for the stand-up yet, remember to vote for the stand-up and choose the character you want to see after leaving a comment on the chapter. Wow -

At the end of the month, remember to clear your monthly tickets.

420. Ouch! Can we reconcile? (3000 words)

"We've been waiting for you for a long time -Jupiter-"

I saw that the "eldest prince" Fini, who was greeting Jupiter with the same warm smile as always, did not seem to have sent away the person she was currently accompanying because of "his appearance". Guest - such a plan.

Rather, it is the complete opposite: at this moment, Feini is dealing with these "guests of the elves" whom she invited to the Britalia Empire and to her private castle residence in the royal city...

Waiting for Jupiter and his party to appear!

As early as yesterday, when President Xino had no choice but to accept the private commission of B-rank adventurers arranged by the eldest prince for him and Nia, the situation that Jupiter was worried and suspicious of... was exactly the same!

Even though Feini and he are "good brothers", she won't suffer casually! How can you give him and Nia benefits for no reason?

Therefore, the adventurer commission that Feini left for him and Nia would definitely not be simple.

And the fact at this moment is indeed the case!

Even far beyond Jupiter's expectations!

"Jupiter, you should already know from my sister Alicia - before that, I secretly went to Lucalia Academy to give a lecture at the branch of Avalon, the kingdom of elves -"

I saw: At this moment, Feini was surrounded by three elves - to be more precise, it should be a sitting elf girl, leaning against the corner with two others, yawning, just shy of "boring" The words are written directly on the face of the black-skinned elf loli -

He slightly opened his eyes to the three people on Jupiter's side -

He continued: "No, several elves who have been communicating with me in the elven kingdom expressed their desire to come to our royal city of Britalia Empire, and even came to the headquarters of Lucalia Academy to "visit" In a moment-I will secretly escort them here-"

After a pause, his eyes took the initiative to look for Nia next to Jupiter.

It’s no wonder that when Feini issued the adventurer commission to Jupiter yesterday, she emphasized “It must be

Take Nia with you.”

Looking at it now: How could I not bring it?

Because the answer: The next moment it was spoken along with the words that Feini greeted Nia -

"Classmate Nia, thank you very much for your willingness to follow Jupiter to complete the "commission" I issued-"

"Because today's occasion requires your presence - as for the other people Jupiter brought - it doesn't matter -"

His eyes glanced at Lize on the other side of Jupiter seemingly inadvertently, but he didn't say much, nor did he do anything like "driving Lize away" -

This also made Jupiter feel more or less relieved: It seems that just as Feini said, Feini at this moment is compared to Liz...

But I care more about the elves.

Although: He hasn't had time to feel relieved yet -

The little naughty boy raised his eyebrows again because of Feini's next words!

"After all, Nia, as the daughter of the elf diplomat, you and the guests I just picked up today must know each other☆"

"So - I also asked Nia-san to bring Jupiter to "get acquainted" with them☆"

Nia didn't respond for a while.

But it’s not that I’m nervous enough to have stage fright or be afraid of meeting “strangers”!

I'm afraid, it should be the completely opposite reason!

After all: When Nia walked in the door and noticed the elf girl sitting in the wheelchair next to Feini...

But it’s never been “normal” again.

And this is what makes Jupiter feel extremely surprised even though he was "prepared"!

Because: the two dark elves and black-skinned lolita in the corner have a standard female imp appearance - Jupiter is very familiar - it was the former headmaster Larina who wanted to make Teacher Beru " "Control him" and the "Magic Stone Thief" who haunts the restricted area deliberately setting traps.

The dark elf sisters Daphne and Chloe - the arrogant and straightforward little girl with twin ponytails and black skin who almost shouted "trash fish" twice is the elder sister.

The little black-skinned kid with a single ponytail who was looking at him with a sinister and disgusting expression at the moment was his younger sister.

As dark elves, these little female ghost sisters are completely "Lucalia Academy Principal Larina" - the kind who calls "Master" just like President Xino -

It's just that today he met this pair of female imps in the way he did on such an occasion. Jupiter was not surprised: it seems that while being the two "loyal dogs" of the principal, these two dark elves The sisters also have certain identities within the dark elves' own clan.

Even...not low. Otherwise, how could he appear openly next to Feini, the "grand prince" of the empire?

However: the matter between Daphne and Chloe is of secondary importance to Jupiter now!

Because right here in this living room...but there is another one that Jupiter can only see! Looking at it! The moment their eyes met!

It can no longer be regarded as an indifferent elf that "does not know"!

That was the elf girl who looked to be about the same age as Nia, who was sitting alone in a wheelchair at the moment!

Jupiter couldn't help but swear in his heart!

Isn't this what Nia mentioned to him before, and he even made Nia jealous? One of the conquerable heroines in the story line of the original game Brave - Elf Princess Xi from the Elf Kingdom of Avalon. Carly? ?

Why did the Elf Princess appear here! ?

In the Brave storyline of the original game, there is no such plot involving Hikari as "the great prince brings the elf princess to the royal city of Britalia Empire"! ?

The eldest prince has her own story line! It doesn’t even appear in the Brave storyline of the original game!

The stunned look was immediately noticed by the elf princess sitting in a wheelchair! In an instant, the two people's eyes met!

This elf princess is looking at this little miscellaneous fish like him! ? Shouldn't he first focus on the Nia he knew in the setting of the original game? ?

In the brave story line, after you two were conquered by the brave one after another, you two were the most jealous pair!

Although he was a little confused, Jupiter immediately averted his eyes! Because: the current situation is that he knows the elf princess, but the elf princess does not know him! ?

Jupiter doesn't want to act too strange and arouse the suspicion of the elf princess! He himself was able to deal with the secrets of the original game, but the order given to him by the dean required...

It would be quite a flaw.

Fortunately: she seemed to be aware of the embarrassment in the atmosphere - the next moment, Feini had already reminded her with a gentle smile.

"Nia-san, why don't you introduce Jupiter and his maid?"

It's just that: this time, even Finnie may have misjudged the strange relationship between the Elf Princess and Nia - even if Finnie said so, Nia remained unmoved.

Her eyes were still fixed on the Elf Princess Hikari -

She said nothing, but she didn't have any intention of "taking action" -

The relationship between the two did not bring about any "life-and-death" vendetta atmosphere, but it was definitely not calm and normal.

No hatred or resentment - it didn't seem like Nia was jealous of the Elf Princess -

This time, even Jupiter couldn't understand: why Nia, who used to be the hardest-mouthed, now saw the Elf Princess Hikari who had previously criticized him...

There was no "weird" performance, just "eye defense".

There was no such content in the original game's hero storyline.

Finnie soon realized this - she didn't continue to force anything, but took over the topic naturally, and more or less eased the awkward and even tense atmosphere at this moment-

"Well-I'd better do it-"

After all: at this moment, Finnie is the only one in the living room who can "speak as she pleases"!

"Jupiter, the commission I issued to you yesterday is to hope that you can contact the guests I invited from the Elf Kingdom Avalon today-"

"The one in the wheelchair is the current Princess of the Elf Kingdom Avalon-Hikari☆You have to pay attention and don't do anything rude later-oh-otherwise I will worry about it."

Finnie's attitude matched the dark blue men's suit today, which made Finnie look like a standard "Prince", but also made her words sound a little "sissy".

But at this point, Jupiter didn't have the heart to care about Finnie's somewhat "negligent" attitude towards him! ?

The elf princess Hikari in front of him is the key!

I saw: this princess, who at least looks like she is about the same age as Nia, is sitting in a beautifully carved white wheelchair that even has various "magic" to activate various functions-

"Princess Hikari's legs are a little "inconvenient", Jupiter, if you interact with the princess in the future, you must pay attention to her condition-"

"Don't have any strange thoughts, otherwise... even I will not forgive your rude behavior."

Jupiter could only smile bitterly and shook his head, explaining by the way: "How is it possible, you worry too much, Prince."

Not to mention that he originally had no idea of ​​"discrimination"-more importantly: if he had the courage, he would not casually provoke one of the heroines who can be conquered in the hero's story line!

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