I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Massive Merit Values ​​(For Collection)

Chu Feng let out a sigh of relief. He was a little tired after killing so many ghosts tonight.

If he hadn’t practiced the Body Refinement Art, he would definitely not be able to hold on.

Well, it’s all worth it now.

A satisfied smile appeared on Chu Feng’s face.

Although this trip is a bit tiring, the harvest is also good.

Tonight, those little devils, he killed more than 20.

Some are 100 points of merit, some are 200 points.

And this white-robed ghost has a full 500 merit points.

Chu Feng obtained a total of 4800 merit points.

In addition, there is a remuneration of $300,000, which is also a lot of money.

Chu Feng used to earn 100 points and 200 points of merit. Today, he earned 4,800 points of merit all of a sudden, and the corners of his mouth are grinning to the back of his ears.

With these 4800 merit points, Chu Feng’s strength will definitely grow explosively.

The crew’s driver was waiting outside the hospital.

He had no hope at all about whether Chu Feng could come out.

Westerners are accustomed to psychological problems. In his opinion, how can an eastern exorcist be able to handle things that cannot be done by exorcists in their own country.

Moreover, this oriental exorcist is still so young.

The driver has already made preparations. He will wait until dawn tomorrow, and then go in carefully to check Chu Feng’s body.

After examining the body of Master Mabu, he was not as frightened as this morning.

Just then, the driver suddenly felt that the temperature around him seemed to have risen a little.

You must know that Los Angeles is a city that feels like spring all year round. It is April again, and the temperature outside is basically ten or twenty degrees.

But every time I come near the hospital, the driver always feels that it is about 10 degrees Celsius lower here.

But now, the driver actually felt the temperature rise.

The driver thought it was his own delusion.

But at this moment, the driver saw a man come out of the hospital.

The man was dressed in a long robe and carried a peach wood sword on his back. It was not who the oriental exorcist was.

The driver thought he had seen it wrong, and quickly rubbed his eyes.

That’s right, it was the oriental exorcist.

“He’s not dead?”

The driver’s mouth opens into an “O” shape, enough to fit a goose egg.

Chu Feng walked to the side of the car and knocked on the window glass.

Only then did the driver react, hurriedly lowered the glass, and hurriedly unlocked the car.

He just locked the car door from the inside out of fear.

Chu Feng got into the car and only glanced at the driver’s expression to know the general idea of this guy.

He was too lazy to care about such a person, and just instructed lightly: “Drive.”

“Oh, yes.”

At this time, the driver dared to despise Chu Feng, Master Mabu died when he entered, but after the oriental exorcist entered, he came back well.

The difference in ability between the two is not too obvious.

The driver responded, immediately started the car, and drove to the hotel where the crew was located.

Along the way, the driver wanted to ask what was going on inside.

But seeing Chu Feng closing his eyes and resting, he didn’t dare to disturb him, so he could only hold back his words, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

After returning to the hotel, Chu Feng did not go to the crew, but went directly to his room.

He knew that the driver would definitely take the words with him.

Sure enough, before Chu Feng had time to change his clothes, the fat director and the insurance company had already come to him.

The fat director and the insurance company were all excited.

Director Fatty asked, “Master Chu Tian, has the hospital solved it?”

“Well, it’s solved.” Chu Feng said lightly.

“Really?” The people from the insurance company were not too convinced.

Chu Feng gave him a cold look. The insurance company man only felt a chill all over his body, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he quickly took two steps back.

Chu Feng has just killed so many ghosts, how murderous he is.

The person from the insurance company can’t stand Chu Feng’s eyes.

“Why, you don’t believe me?” Chu Feng asked.

“No, it’s not…” The person from the insurance company quickly explained: “I didn’t mean that, I was too excited, too excited…”

“No, just remember to prepare my reward.”

“Of course, I’ll send the reward tomorrow.”

“Well.” Chu Feng nodded and ignored him.

Director Fatty asked again: “Chu Tianshi, since the matter is settled, can we go in and shoot normally tomorrow?”

“Not yet.” Chu Feng said: “Although the source has been resolved, there is still a lot of Yin Qi left in it.

Tomorrow you can have people make a few big holes in the roof and walls to let in the sunlight outside.

After a day in the sun, you can shoot normally. ”

“Okay, I’ll ask someone to do it early tomorrow morning.” Director Fatty said quickly.

Chu Feng said: “There is one more thing, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

“What’s the matter?” The two looked tense, looking at Chu Feng’s expression, it didn’t seem to be a good thing.

Chu Feng asked: “Recently, have you been sleeping very poorly, and have nightmares every night?”

“Yes, yes.” The two nodded again and again: “Chu Tianshi, do you know the reason?”

“The reason is needless to say. Of course, it was caused by the things in that hospital. You stayed in it for so long, and you naturally got those unclean things on your body.”

“Ah, what to do then?” There was a trace of fear on their faces.

“It’s very simple, I can help you. Didn’t you realize that Angelina Jolie and Winona Reid are already well?”


Do old irons have a particularly impressive horror movie? Oh, just Hollywood for now! *

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