I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 193

Chapter 194 International Practices (3 More)

Chu Feng picked up the pen and was about to sign when an idea suddenly popped into his mind.

“Charlize Theron was taken away by the police before, but it was on the news.

And the shapeshifting monster transformed into Charlize Theron will definitely pay attention to this.

So, he also knew that Charlize Theron had been taken away by the police.

And now, Charlize Theron is suddenly released by the police, will he be confused?

Will you come over to investigate the reason out of curiosity?

After all, he himself would feel that he did it flawlessly. Under such circumstances, why was Charlize Theron suddenly released by the police?

As long as he couldn’t help being curious, he would definitely investigate the cause.

As long as he investigates, it will definitely reveal flaws. At that time, Chu Feng will be able to touch his melon along the vine. ”

The more Chu Feng thought about it, the more he felt that this might be bigger, and he couldn’t help feeling a little excited.

He swiped his name and said to Mike, “You must have contact with the media, right?”

“That’s for sure.” Mai 03ke said: “It is an international practice for the police to cooperate with the media.

“That’s good.” Chu Feng said: “Later you contact a few media, and when Charlize Theron goes out, let the media chase after Charlize Theron for an interview.

Mike smiled and said: “In fact, there are media squatting outside the police station right now, if Miss Theron goes out, there is no need to arrange it, they will come in on their own.

These media are like sharks, as long as there is a slight smell of blood, they will never let go.

However, Tianshi Chu, what do you need the media to do? Are you trying to prove the innocence of Miss Theron? 99

Chu Feng also thinks about it, although Charlize Theron is not as popular now, but she is also the heroine of several movies. The size is also a star.

The star was caught, how could there be no paparazzi squatting.

“No.” Chu Feng smiled without concealing, and told Mike what he had just thought.

Anyway, everything you do later requires the cooperation of Mike, and there is nothing to tell him.

Moreover, Mike’s mouth is still tight and won’t talk nonsense.

Mike’s eyes became brighter and brighter: “Chu Tianshi, if you don’t say it, I almost forgot about this.

In this way, I immediately contacted the police informants to keep them on their toes and let us know as soon as anyone inquired about the matter. ”

Chu Feng nodded. In some respects, the efficiency and resources of the police are indeed not comparable to him alone.

Chu Feng said: “Wait a minute, you say so.”

Chu Feng gave a face-to-face instruction and asked Mike to nod again and again to assure him.

Later, Chu Feng met with Charlize Theron accompanied by Mike.

“Chu Feng, do you think I can go out?” Charlize Theron was surprised and delighted to hear that he could actually be released on bail: “How did you do it?

Chu Feng said: “This is a secret for the time being. Also, after you go out later, there is a media interview with you, you don’t say anything, just let Mike speak.

Mike nodded and smiled beside him, without saying a word.

Charlize Theron is also a smart person, knowing that since Chu Feng doesn’t say it, there must be his reasons.

Said: “Well, although I don’t know why, you must be doing it for my own good.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I want to say.” Chu Feng said with a smile: “Notify your agent and lawyer, let them pick you up, I have already completed the formalities.

Wait a minute, Chu Feng won’t go out with Charlize Theron.

Because, for fear of causing the alertness of the shape-shifting monster.

More than an hour later, Charlize Theron walked out of the police station accompanied by his agent and lawyer.

As soon as they left the police station, the reporters who were guarding outside immediately rushed up.

As Mike said, these paparazzi are like sharks.

And now Charlize Theron is delicious food in their eyes.

For a time, all the long guns and short guns were aimed at Charlize Theron.

The microphones were desperately handed to Charlize Theron, and even nearly smashed into Charlize Theron’s face.

“Miss Theron, did you really kill?”

“Miss Theron, why were you released by the police?

“Miss Theron, did you pay the police? 35

One by one, sharp questions popped out of these paparazzi’s mouths.

Laomei is not like China, these paparazzi reporters dare to ask anything.

As long as the interests are enough, they even dare to inquire about what color underwear their president wore to sleep last night.

Therefore, it is normal to ask if there is any financial connection with the police.

But unfortunately, Charlize Theron is so dark that he turns a deaf ear to the problems of these paparazzi.

Escorted by the bodyguards invited, he quickly got into a car and drove out of here.

The paparazzi looked disappointed when they saw this.

At this moment, they saw a middle-aged policeman walking out of the police station, looking at his epaulette, his rank was not low.

One of them was a reporter who was very smart and recognized Mike, who was often on TV and newspapers. He immediately ran to Mike and handed out the microphone: “Deputy Director Mike, may I ask why Miss Charlize Theron was released?”

When the other paparazzi heard that this person was the deputy director, they also gathered around and threw one question after another.

Mike was well prepared and replied calmly: “It’s very simple, because Miss Charlize Theron has proved her innocence.

“So, it’s your police’s mistake, aren’t you afraid that Miss Theron will sue you?” A reporter immediately asked again.

Mike replied: “Miss Theron will not sue us, because the evidence we have beforehand is very unfavorable to her. It is in line with all normal legal procedures for us to ask her to come back to assist in the investigation.”

“Since the evidence is very bad for Miss Theron, why let her go now?”

Mack glanced at the reporter who asked the question and said: “Because we have again key evidence that Miss Charlize-Say was wronged, she asked her lawyer to bail her.”5

“What kind of key evidence?” Several reporters asked at the same time.

“Sorry, this is a key case and cannot be disclosed.

After speaking, Mike turned around and entered the police station without looking back.

Although the reporters wanted to ask again, Mike had already entered the police station, and they dared not chase after him.

However, having these contents is enough.

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