I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Superstar Visits (For Collection)

“Just like his dad, just a liar.”

“The exorcists in the East are all fake and useless.”

Chu Feng sat behind the counter and listened to the words of Traen’s gang. His heart was cold, but his face was calm.

Even if he wanted to teach them a lesson, he couldn’t be in the public eye.

Besides, explaining to this group of people made me lose my identity.

Seeing that Chu Feng was just sitting behind the counter and completely ignoring them, these people gradually felt boring.

Train and the others taunted a few more words, and then went back to their respective stores.

Those pedestrians were just curious at first, and soon left.

In this way, the front of Baopuzhai’s gate quickly returned to deserted.

It was a lively event, not only did one Fu Lu not sell, but no one even asked a question.

Soon, the morning passed, and Fu Lu still had no one to ask.

However, Chu Feng’s face was still as calm as water, without any anxiety.

Instead, he went to Huang Bojun’s shop next to him, ordered several dishes, and ate and drank on his own.

Seeing Chu Feng’s appearance, Train was angry and mocking.

“Chu, isn’t there much money left for you by your father, what will you do when you run out?”

Chu Feng said coldly, “Just take care of yourself.”

“I’m doing this for your own good.” Train shouted beside him.

Chu Feng didn’t bother to pay attention to him anymore, so he went back to his shop, so angry that Train almost broke out: “It’s really rude, you should call me uncle according to your age.”

Time continued to pass, and soon the sky turned dark and night was coming.

None of Chu Feng’s talismans have been sold yet.

But Chu Feng knew the role of his talisman, so he remained calm.

Train has been observing Chu Feng, and when he saw it, he ran out and taunted: “Haha…Is it still not sold?”

Chu Feng is a little annoyed, and is going to teach this guy a good lesson tonight, so that he will dare to talk shit in the future.

At this moment, the crowd in front suddenly exclaimed.

Chu Feng looked up and saw that the crowd in front of him were avoiding one another, allowing a car to drive over here.

This is a somewhat remote street. The street is very narrow, with only two lanes. There are few vehicles at ordinary times, so people walk in the middle of the road.

But at this time, a black luxury car with a wide body and full of aristocratic atmosphere drove over.

Chu Feng recognized the front of the car, it was a Rolls-Royce.

Rolls-Royce is of course a luxury car, but in the past life of China, there were too many rich people, Chu Feng often saw it, so it was not that unusual.

But in 1998, on such a remote street, a Rolls-Royce suddenly appeared, causing Trayn and others to look straight.

Trayn’s saliva was almost drooling when he saw it, with undisguised envy and hatred in his eyes.

Chu Feng is also wondering, which rich man is this, how come here.

Just when he was surprised, Reiss stopped at the door of Baopuzhai.

First, a strong man in a fitted suit stepped down from the driver’s seat.

This man is fast and furious, his eyes are sharp, and his muscles cannot be covered by a suit. At first glance, he is a powerful character.

After the man got out of the car, he walked to the back row and opened the door.

People saw an extremely handsome and handsome white man getting out of the car.

This person is really handsome, he is the kind of handsome who has no dead ends in 360 degrees.

I saw him with half-length short hair, three-dimensional features on his face, deep eyes, and a little melancholy in his temperament and sunshine.

Even the fleshy mole on his face gave him a bit of a splendid feature.

If it weren’t for his height being a little shorter, there would be no fault.

When everyone saw the appearance of this man, they exclaimed: “Tom Cruise, my God, it’s actually Tom Cruise.”

Yes, the person who got off the Rolls-Royce was the Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise.

From the moment he appeared, Chu Feng recognized him.

Now Tom Cruise is a popular fried chicken in Hollywood, and the “Mission Impossible” the year before last made him popular all over the world.

If it was changed to the original, Chu Feng would probably scream and exclaim like everyone else when he saw Tom Cruise.

But now, his mentality is different, just looking at it curiously, he feels nothing.

Facing the screams and exclamations of the crowd, Tom Cruise smiled at them with great affinity, waved his hand, then adjusted his clothes and looked up at Bao Pu Zhai.

He lowered his head and asked the bodyguard and driver, “Are you sure it’s here?”

The bodyguard said quickly: “Yes, Mr. Cruise, although I don’t know Chinese, the words are the same as what Miss Julie gave us.”

“Yeah.” Tom Cruise nodded and walked in towards Bao Pu Zhai.


Stand alone again…*

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