I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Urgent As A Law (For Collection)

“And you.” Train pointed to Chu Feng: “Are you very proud now? Do you really want to see my jokes? Do you think it’s amazing that you made $500,000?

No, no amount of money you make can change the fact that you and your dad are liars.

Soon, Tom Cruise will know that he has been deceived, he will call the police, he will send you to prison, hahaha…”

After finishing speaking, Train turned and left arrogantly, as if he had won a big victory.

What he didn’t see was that Chu Feng looked at him, and there was a flash of cold light like ice.

The rest of the people were still a little unresponsive. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, how could they believe that someone would spend $500,000 on 5 small pieces of paper.

They were not as extreme as Traen, and they dared not scold Chu Feng any more, so they turned around and left.

The cold light in Chu Feng’s eyes flashed away.

He had already sentenced Trayn to death in his heart.

Chu Feng is not a person who only takes beatings and does not fight back. This Trayn has repeatedly provoked.

Even the original owner’s father kept coming.

Although, strictly speaking, Chu Feng has nothing to do with the original owner’s father, but he accepts the original owner’s body and memory, and still has a family affection.

Chu Feng is a very emotional person, and Train has touched his bottom line.

After everyone dispersed, the sky was completely dark.

Chu Feng closed the door of Baopuzhai and went to eat dinner in the store that avoided Huang Bojun.

Back at home, Chu Feng saw that it was only after 8 o’clock, so he was not in a hurry.

He took out cinnabar, yellow surface paper and other objects, and was about to continue to draw talismans, but he had something in his heart and couldn’t calm down. He tried several times without success.

Chu Feng thought about it for a while, took out a pure heart talisman and put it on his body, and all the distracting thoughts on his body were immediately discarded by him.

Draw a talisman again, and soon succeeded in one.

The heart-clearing charm is really powerful.

Time passed quickly, and when Chu Feng drew more than 20 symbols, he found that the time had passed 0:00.

“Well, after using the heart-clearing talisman, the success rate has increased a lot. I feel that my talisman is about to improve again.”

After Chu Feng sighed, he put the talisman tool next to him, and his business came.

Chu Feng placed an incense burner on the table again, with two white waxes on both sides.

There is a piece of yellow paper in the middle, and Chu Feng wrote on it with a pen: “Master Chu Feng’s order.”

Immediately, Chu Feng lit two candles and three incense sticks.

Putting the lit incense in the incense burner, Chu Feng picked up the peach wood sword next to him and shouted:

“Master Chu Feng, open the altar and borrow the law, the lonely soul of the past, listen to my orders, show up, and rush like the law.”

With this shout, Chu Feng pointed the peach wood sword to the middle yellow paper.


Suddenly, the yellow paper spontaneously ignited without fire, and all of a sudden the whole piece of paper burst into flames, like a fireball.

Soon, the yellow paper burned out, and in the sealed room, a sudden gust of wind blew.

When the cloudy wind dissipated, there were two more figures in front of Chu Feng.

The two figures should be dressed as a man and a woman.

Why do you say this, because you can’t tell the gender at all just by looking at their faces.

The two men were covered in blood, as if someone had smashed them in the face with a hammer.

Not only is his entire head flatter than normal, but his face is full of rotten flesh, dripping with blood, and he can’t see his facial features at all. It looks disgusting and scary.

Even Chu Feng, although mentally prepared, was startled when he saw these two figures appear.

He distinguished it carefully and guessed that the two people should have had a car accident and were killed in the street, which is why they looked so miserable.

This is a violent death, and it is easy to become a ghost.

But at this time, Chu Feng saw that there was no obvious hostility in the two ghosts, and guessed that they should belong to people with good hearts, and even after death, they did not directly turn into serious ghosts.

Holding a peach wood sword, Chu Feng asked in English, “I’m a teacher, Chu Feng, please help me with one thing. After it’s done, I’ll take you to where you should go. Are you willing?”

In fact, according to Chu Feng’s current state, they can be directly forced to go, but Chu Feng is unwilling to do so.

But if Er Gui is unwilling, he has no choice but to use force.

Er Gui made a nodding gesture, and agreed.

Seeing Er Gui agreed, Chu Feng also breathed a sigh of relief and started talking about letting them do things.

Train’s convenience store is similar to Chu Feng’s.

The store in front is the storefront, and the back is the place where people live.

Although Trayn is in his 40s, he is still an old bachelor and naturally has no children.

Usually, there is an employee in his convenience store, but he does not live with him.

At this moment, Train was lying on the bed in a big shape, making a loud snoring sound.

Suddenly, the TV in the room that had been turned off suddenly turned on, and the sound of the TV program came.


It seems that there are fewer old irons who read books on weekends than on weekdays…*

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