I am A Villain

Chapter 1176

After eating and drinking, Jiang Ying packed up and walked back to the dormitory.

It was already about 1:30 in the morning, but no matter whether it was an underground night market or a city center on the ground, pedestrians could be seen everywhere. Therefore, S City is such a city that never sleeps. Even if the official news “strongly recommends” citizens to reduce night travel, people still cannot resist the temptation of nightlife.

Jiang Ying walked leisurely on his way back to school.

This is the most comfortable and relaxing time in the past half a month, and he will also be very relaxed in the next month, because before leaving the night market, the bald guy told him that until the end of the college entrance examination, Jiang Ying did not need After accepting any assessment task, it turned out to be white. In the next month, he can finally maintain a normal sleep pattern.

In fact, for Jiang Ying ’s peers, the next period of time should be the key period for the final sprint, because the college entrance examination is dozens of years later, but Jiang Ying does not think so, because his identity is not just a student. From a certain angle, the student is just his side job.

As for the monster named Shiyun, er, the vampire is accurate.

Yes, she is a vampire, and the dark creatures in the movie are the kind of vampires. But in the real world, there are indeed such creatures, and there is more than just such a category.

Before she died, she suddenly woke up and called Jiang Ying a “hunter.”

This is a profession that also wanders in the dark.

There are also several other names-people at night, night walkers, etc.

Their duties are also very simple, similar to the kind of work Jiang Ying did last night, to clean up the creatures that should not appear in the human environment.

But to be more precise, Jiang Ying is actually not a hunter.

He also needs to go through the screening and final certification. In the past half month, he squatted in the development zone and hunted the perpetrators of these four murders.

Very hard.

But this is indeed what Jiang Ying is currently doing, and he sincerely hopes that he can become a hunter.

This is why Jiang Ying would be so happy when He Shiyun was hunting Rao before he died.

But too **** happy.

After getting more than a month of “holiday”, Jiang Ying returned to school happily.

Of course, he would not go foolishly to wake up the porter Uncle to open the school door for him, otherwise, after the morning broadcast of the Ming school, he would add a “Criticism of the whole school bulletin about Jiang Ying classmates in the third grade.”

So it is reasonable to find another way-over the wall.

Usually this is the safest way to go back to school.

According to Jiang Ying’s tireless exploration over the past few years, the location of the surrounding walls of the school has been set up with surveillance videos, and he knows everything in his heart. He knows which places are dead ends and which are minefields.

The best place to turn the wall is the wall on the greening side of the playground, because the wall on that side is very high, there is less than four meters, and there is no monitoring equipment. The reason is very simple. The fence is too high. Turned over, and inside is the kapok forest planted by the school, even if the monitoring equipment is installed, the perspective that can be surveyed is very limited.

Jiang Ying happened to be the kind of person who could turn it over.

With the help of the tiny cracks and rough depressions on the outer wall, Jiang Yingxiang like Spider-Man climbed to the top of the wall, then he only needed to avoid the barbed wire, sideways, sticking to the wall, and falling, with the help of the kapok trunk next to it.

Land easily.

There was no sound.

Normally, as long as the wall is not found, it is the end of perfect one …


Jiang Ying just stood firm and did not take a step, the girl’s harsh scream rang in the shade next to it! ! ! !

Obviously, when someone was shocked, Jiang Ying himself was terrified by this scream.

Then, the school security arrived.

The three of them were arrested.

Why are there three people, because in addition to Jiang Ying coming over the wall, there is a couple hiding in the woods in private.

The girl saw a dark figure floating in from the wall and fell silently into the trees, scared to death, and immediately fainted. After the security guard and the school doctor arrived, they were pinching and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. He woke up and sent him to the infirmary.

As for the boy, the quality of his heart was okay, and he was not scared by Jiang Ying. At this moment, he was squatting with Jiang Ying and autifying himself by the wall …

The school’s teaching director came over from the house in the middle of the night, and after understanding the situation, he almost didn’t blow up.

“Two men and one girl.” The security guard explained this to him.

This sounds intriguing …

“Nonsense! Bastard! Shameless !!”

The director, his old man, almost wanted to bury the two turtle grandsons squatting in the corner. He has been teaching and educating people for more than 20 years, and he has never met such a shameless student.

Even if the love is early, in the middle of the night, two men and a woman are hiding in the woods.

Thinking of the director here, he almost swelled with old blood.

Under the strong light of the flashlights in the hands of several security guards, Jiang Ying crouched down on the corner of the wall and looked at the director in front of him.

“I’m not, I didn’t welcome …”

In this way, Jiang Ying originally thought that the foolproof operation was exposed because she was scared to hide in the woods in the middle of the night.

The most important thing is that the instructor under the rage still kicked several feet on his butt, and he did not stabilize his emotions until the final explanation was clear.

“It’s a man and a woman, the director, it’s a man and a woman, this one came across the wall and happened to happen.”

The security guard who didn’t wake up finally figured out the situation.

And Jiang Ying was very wronged. The feet of his mother kicked him. The guy who really loved his girlfriend was hiding next to him.

Originally, the hunting mission ended for half a month, Jiang Ying thought he could sleep well now, and he squatted for a night.

First squatted with the unlucky ghost by the fence, then moved to the teaching office, or continued to squat.

Squat until bright, during which he was continuously criticized.

Then there is the morning broadcast of the school. After all the content is broadcast:

“Now add a criticism and disciplinary notice about Jiang Ying’s classmates in the third grade of high school, and Jiang Ying’s classmates in the early morning …”

Jiang Ying’s name hasn’t been on the radio channel for a long time, so many listeners in this school may have a “long absence” feeling.

As for why only Jiang Ying was punished, the reason is very simple. In the end, the school still considers the reputation of female students and decided to only conduct internal education, so there is no such thing as an early love.

From this point of view, it is somewhat humane to teach the director how old he is. After all, the massacre on campus in the previous news is not fun.

And Jiang Ying, this guy has not been kicked by the director from the beginning of the first year until the third year, so it is not within the scope of “humanization” of the Academic Affairs Office.


Jiang Ying did not expect that he would overturn the boat in this way.

This night, I was really upset.

After the second morning exercise, the school let Jiang Ying and the other boy who was caught together clean the whole playground.

Gee, South, it’s almost June. There is no tree under the big playground. Imagine for yourself …

Jiang Ying scattered his belly all over the boy.

The guy who took the girls to hang out with in the woods in the middle of the night was a sophomore, one school year younger than Jiang Ying. It looked like a white girl with cream on his face. Children probably like this type.

“Brother, I was wrong.”

Of course, he also noticed the discomfort revealed in the eyes of the senior who was half a head taller than himself, so he behaved quite consciously.

“You take a rest, just sit in a cool place, and I’ll sweep it all by myself.”

“Don’t worry, brother, I will be able to finish it in the morning.”

“Shall I buy you a drink?”

This guy is surprisingly good attitude to the river shadow not the nerve to beat him, but after all, not his people screaming, and then the puppy love perfectly normal thing, however, seems strange not to blame his head.

Since the other party has done a lot of work, Jiang Ying is naturally happy.

He took the soda that secretly stuffed him with soda, and ran to the security office of the school gatehouse. He threw a drink into the guard uncle with a hippie smile.

“I said ~ I thought I was dying again.”

Uncle A’s voice came from inside the guard.

Jiang Ying suddenly remembered something, and hurried to the window to look at the TV screen inside.

“How about Uncle, what’s the news?”

Uncle A glanced at the half of the face of the **** by the window, and took a breath of smoke.

The content broadcasted in the news is still not very nutritious. In general, it also announced the progress of the police investigation of the Guangming Development Zone case.

Jiang Ying thought deeply.

He can be sure that the case is over, and the police will naturally not be able to announce what happened yesterday. News that the police officer was involved will cause panic.

Jiang Ying was more worried about whether this matter would involve himself. After all, he could not explain to the police uncle that he had hunted a young vampire.

Since the official has no relevant news, Jiang Ying feels more at ease.

From the development zone to the end of his journey to solve the prey, there was no monitoring facility in the whole process.

The reason is very simple. The reason why vampires choose to commit crimes in this kind of development zone is because they have just started industrial development here. The roads have just been repaired, and even the street lights have not been connected, so the entire development zone will not. There are monitoring facilities and there are few people here, so there is no possibility of witnesses.

Therefore, Jiang Ying will not worry that his traces in that area will be found.

After all, the original vampire planned to start with him, just to make all the preparations, the selected route will not be shot.

Although Jiang Ying knew this very well, it was the first time he encountered such a situation.

It seems that you have to ask the bald guy before going back to school

Jiang Ying made up his mind secretly.

And as he continued to recall and wonder if he had missed any details, a sweaty and sweaty guy ran to Jiang Ying with a broom.

“Brother, I’m done …”

This guy is estimated to be relatively lack of exercise, but it is difficult for him to sweep the entire playground under such scorching sun, and his entire white face is completely tanned into a red pig head.

Jiang Ying raised his head and looked at the shorts, only to realize that this Nima had just passed this morning, and it was now noon.

“Brother, to apologize, let’s have a good lunch outside the school at noon? My brother, please.” This white … red face enthusiasm index can be quite high.

What kind of person is Jiang Ying? His face is surprisingly thick. Since the other party warmly invited, he naturally has no reason to refuse.

So they lost their brooms in their hands, and logically, they hung up on their shoulders and called their brothers.

After blowing half water with Uncle at the doorman, Uncle finally closed his eyes and said: “Swipe out by yourself.”

As a matter of fact, the school prohibits students from going out, but it is possible to go out at noon during the time when parents are accompanied, as long as there is a parent’s signature and confirmation from the school security, so this can also be considered a loophole.

Jiang Ying and Red Face smiled round the guard and prepared to leave school.

Red face swiped the student card, the door on the side opened automatically to let him pass, Jiang Ying also touched his pocket, trying to take out his card.

But at this moment, his face changed.

Then he touched the trouser pockets in front of him again, his face getting worse …

“What’s wrong?” Red Face asked Jiang Ying while standing outside the door.

“It seems that Lao Tzu’s card is lost.” Jiang Ying’s expression was dignified.

“Things, go back and make another chant.” Redface swiped it again with his card, and the door was stuck, and Jiang Ying went out.

However, for Jiang Yinglai, this is not a good thing.

If the card is lost elsewhere, his greatest fear is …

At the same time, a black SUV stopped by the roadside in front of the school gate.

A policewoman with black sunglasses on her face came down and patted Jiang Ying on the shoulder.

“Hello there?”

Jiang Ying hadn’t had time to ask what he had just turned around. After the other party only saw Jiang Ying’s face clearly, he held his elbow joint with his backhand.


Jiang Ying, who had been asleep for a whole night, was thrown into a seven-and-six element. Immediately after the other party pressed his back with his knee, he pressed Jiang Ying on Lin’s face.

Jiang Ying had never heard of such a brutal way of greeting. He hadn’t turned back yet, and the handcuffs had already snapped his two hands with a “click”.

The brutal red face next to him hadn’t recovered yet. The shadow brother he had just recognized was dragged into the car and pulled away …

After a few seconds, the guy cried out with a wow, and then ran towards the doorman:

“Uncle, you have something to do with it !!!”


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