I am A Villain

Chapter 1207

Jiang Ying was pressed in the middle of the back row of this suv. His front, back, left and right are all cold-eyed Uncle Jc. Oh, except for the tall man who just put himself down at the school gate. Women.

Everyone in the car, except the one who was driving, was staring at Jiang Ying.

The kind of jealous look made Jiang Ying feel like a super criminal with some kind of evil.

Jiang Ying swallowed and whispered softly.

“The content of the punishment notified today does not include this. Isn’t it just to cross the wall into the school and not send me into the game …”

“To shut up!”

However, before he had finished speaking, the woman who was staring at him with a murderous eye in front of him interrupted him with a vicious scream.

Should n’t it be said that you can keep silent now, but every sentence you say next will be your testimony … Sure enough, Hong Kong police films are deceptive.

Jiang Ying shrank his neck and closed his mouth honestly.

When he was smashed on the ground at the entrance of the school, there were still a few small pieces of sand printed on the skin of the cheek and cheekbones, but he was afraid to move at all.

Although some of the clues have been guessed in his heart, Jiang Ying himself does not know how to deal with it.

If there are no wrong guesses, the problem probably lies with his **** student card.

Facts have proved that Jiang Ying’s guess is correct. For the first time in life …

So, now it is necessary to introduce the female hero who just gave Jiang Ying a shoulder fall.

Chu Ling, a woman in her early twenties, has the ability to match the average girl far beyond this age. The ability here includes all aspects. In terms of combat power, the just over shoulder drop has already explained everything.

Compared with the one that Jiang Ying met yesterday, He Ling was much more domineering in terms of physique and temperament. Even if he was sitting among all five male and three thick male police officers, the aura was not covered up, but rather A kind of self-driving big sister.

After all, you have seen the girl sitting with her legs spread apart and her hands pressed on the left and right knees. When Chu Ling was in the car, he was sitting directly opposite Jiang Ying in this sitting posture, staring straight at him …

In contrast, yesterday’s He Shiyun was almost as gentle as a silly white sweet little white rabbit. Of course, it became He Shiyun before that kind of thing.

All in all, this woman, with outstanding abilities, can serve at such a young age in almost all men’s professional positions, it is absolutely impossible to be a vase; of course, the temper is not covered …



In the conference room of the detachment of XingJi, the entire conference table shuddered, and everyone subconsciously protected their respective mugs with wolfberry.

The woman who suddenly flew during the emergency meeting was Chu Ling.

Super loud voices like hers can bluff people wherever they are, but it is clear that colleagues in the conference room are already surprised.

On the other side, the person sitting at the forefront of the conference table is naturally the captain of the squadron.

He is called “Zhang Yuanyang”.

This is a very capable male uncle, with an inch head, a Chinese character face, two deep decree lines hanging on both sides of the lower end of his nose, and his eyes are deep and clear. The kind of character that can give people a sense of oppression.

Of course, the premise is that he kept his mouth closed and remained silent.

Because when you speak, you break your work …

Zhang Yuanyang breathed a sip of the steaming teacup in front of him, tapped his finger on the table, calmly picked up a Sichuan Mandarin and said to Chu Ling:

“Do you want to know if you are excited? This is a command issued by your superiors. It is useless to shout at me.”

He crossed his hands on the table with his fingers crossed, scanned all the players sitting on both sides of the long table, cleared his throat and said: “From now on, the case of the development zone will be officially taken over by the investigation team dispatched by the provincial ministry. Good handover, and I will give you a new case to deal with after the event. “

“Hand over the entire case?” Chu Ling stared at Zhang Yuanyang with two eyes, just as much as the other party owed her.

“It means that.” Zhang Yuanyang nodded slowly.

“Even if we set up an investigation team, we wouldn’t exclude all of us? We were already in charge of this case, and we know more details than anyone else. These guys who don’t know where to jump in are not upset. Our plan? “Chu Ling spoke at all.

And she could see that she was a little emotional.

Zhang Yuanyang looked right, and said with a black face: “What do you say? What is the guy who came out of there?” People are the guys sent from above to perform the task … well, this is the command! I know you have Emotions, this state of yours is very unsuitable to continue to investigate the case, this matter has not been discussed, hand over the case as soon as possible! “

After he finished this sentence, the other people at the conference table again took their respective glasses and took a sip.


As expected, Chu Ling slammed his desktop again.

“Captain, our clues and evidence have been almost grasped. Why should the case be robbed casually!”

She looks like a tigress with a cat.

Of course, the people in the team are well aware of Chu Ling’s temperament. She has always been of this virtue. This is also a hot attitude towards the people in the detachment. It is even more ruthless to criminals, but after all, it is up and down. She had never spread fire in front of Zhang Yuanyang. But this time was different. The person who happened yesterday was a member of the team, and it was Chu Ling’s partner from j school to the present. He Shiyun was originally the only girl in the detachment (Chu Ling is recognized as not belonging to the ranks of women), and everyone takes good care of this well-behaved young junior. When something like this happened, everyone in the team felt very heavy, not to mention Chu Ling.

“Lao Tzu said it was an order!”

Zhang Yuanyang also patted the table.

This time other people did not respond and picked up the cup. It is estimated that the focus was on Chu Ling and was caught off guard by his old captain.

Some cups filled with too much tea spilled out.

Zhang Yuanyang has always kept his face cold, but Chu Ling has been making trouble, and his anger slowly shows between his eyebrows.

Of course, everyone knows clearly that Team Zhang ’s anger did not come to Chu Ling. In fact, who is not in this room, do n’t have this kind of tone. The team lost a person. Whoever does n’t want to immediately pull the murderer out of the Fa, but But at this time, the superior gave orders to hand over the case, who could not hold back. Chu Ling is just the only one who spit out this tone, and do n’t look at Zhang Yuanyang who has been dull today. In fact, he looks like he is spreading fire on his superiors. It ’s probably not far from Chu Ling. .

“There is no discussion on this matter. Immediate execution will not be approved, and the meeting will be closed!”

Zhang Yuanyang stood up with a black face, and the folder in his hand tapped twice on the desktop.

“Also, Old Xu! Give Chu Ling a month’s vacation to adjust his emotions!”

After talking, Zhang Yuanyang dropped the door and left the meeting room.

The man named Lao Xu sitting next to Zhang Yuanyang’s face shook his head stiffly.

Chu Ling also got up with a black face and dropped the door and left the meeting room.


that’s it.

Chu Ling was “taken” on vacation.

Jiang Ying, who had just been violently arrested from school, only closed himself for more than an hour in a very shabby office, and then someone came to unlock him and told him to go back.

“Huh? That’s it, go back?”

Jiang Ying looked at the uncle jc in front of him very anxiously.

“If you want to stay longer, I have no opinion.” Zhang Yuanyang said with a spread of his hands.

“Eh, no, no, I’d better go back.” Jiang Ying quickly changed his mind.

He thought he would be locked in the interrogation room in the movie to accept various interrogations. During the hour in the office, he had practiced countless ways to deal with interrogation questions, but all of this seemed to be useless. .


“Remember, no matter who asks about this matter, you must not talk nonsense. We have already contacted you at your school and said to come here to assist in the investigation.” Zhang Yuanyang patted Jiang Ying on the shoulder: “By the way, I heard that you also ate Xiao Chu a shoulder fall, right? Look at you, this guy is certainly not a problem.”

Zhang Yuanyang’s bear paw banged Jiang Ying’s chest.

Jiang Ying can only say with a smile: “It doesn’t hinder anything.”

He probably didn’t think that the uncle jc who “received” himself would be the captain of the criminal police detachment, only when the other party was a very kind uncle.

After all, no matter how rugged the appearance is, this Trump is particularly happy.

Zhang Yuanyang led Jiang Ying all the way to the door.

“Yes, go back to school and spread it yourself, don’t want to play outside.”

“Want to get ~”

In just a few minutes, Jiang Ying had been completely accented by Trump.

Say goodbye to the first mess in life.

Jiang Ying walked towards the nearest subway station here.

Frankly speaking, he was very embarrassed at first. After all, although he was said to be a blood-sucking creature, the uncles of JC did not necessarily think so, and Jiang Ying ’s own means of dealing with the traces on the scene were extremely clumsy, and even the student card was lost. If it is not possible, there will be evidence to prove that he has appeared on the scene of the crime, which is very troublesome.

But in the end, nothing seemed to happen …

He was just released.

In short, what happened today is very puzzling.

And Jiang Ying himself has not slept for more than 20 hours. At this time, his brain kept buzzing, and his thinking was not very agile. He had to go back to the dormitory and lie down. Sudden death would be bad.

Thinking like this, he had walked across the street from the subway entrance.

Jiang Ying was about to cross the road, but at this time a black suv rushed over at high speed and a sudden brake stopped in front of him!

“Well, this car … seems familiar.”


After the window glass was lowered, an exquisite profile with sunglasses was revealed.

Jiang Ying suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the car was familiar. Wasn’t the one who drove the car rewarded him with a sturdy female over the shoulder an hour ago.


A trace of embarrassment appeared across Jiang Ying’s face.

“No, I’ll just take the subway to get fat.”

“Get up!”


The other party’s voice is terrifying.

Jiang Ying felt that if he said another word “no”, the other party would pull the steering wheel down and hit him on the head.

So it happened to open the door of the rear seat of the car very cleverly.


Chu Ling’s horrible yell again.

Jiang Ying had to silently close the rear door and circled to the co-pilot’s position.

Open the door, get in the car, close the door, and seat belt.

After doing this series of actions, Jiang Ying put his slightly embarrassed hands into his trouser pockets, and sat cleverly in the co-pilot seat.

Of course, his body did not move, but his eyes had scanned all the structures inside the car at the fastest speed.

The interior of the car is very clean and tidy, without the bells and whistles of the private car, the pure black leather seat set, no smoke, and no smell of air freshener, as a woman’s car, it really does not A little feminine.

So it is not difficult to see that its owner is also a creature with no femininity at all …


Chu Ling fired and started the car.

After the engine roared, the car ran on the road.

Jiang Ying wanted to remind him that “the driving is not standardized and two lines of tears for loved ones”, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still didn’t say anything, but just confirmed that his seat belt was tight.

Chu Ling didn’t say a word along the way, but Jiang Ying could still feel the murderous gaze of the other party through the sunglasses.

Well, this woman is in a very hot state. Jiang Ying is very clear that this emotional creature can do anything under the condition of excessive excitement, so as long as the other party does not speak, he will not refuse Intend to speak out.

Thankfully, he found that the car was indeed driving in the direction of his school.

He didn’t know what the purpose of the woman who was racing around was.

But as a hunter … trainee, Jiang Ying must ensure that he has a clear analysis of everything.

First of all, he was taken back to the police station by force. The first reaction was that he left enough proof of presence at the scene of the crime yesterday, which led to his suspicion, such as the lost student card, which is the most deadly identity. Information.

But after an hour, he was easily released, so the first guess above can basically be ruled out.

But why is the person next to me so bad about himself?

Jiang Ying couldn’t help but think that his experience ten or more hours ago was so similar to what it seems now.

The person who went back to school in another’s car and drove was a strange woman …

Is it true that she is also …

Isn’t that bald guy saying that this thing is over …

Various versions of speculation continued to pop up in Jiang Ying’s mind.

So far, it can only be verified.

His throat moved, he breathed directly into the esophagus, and …

“Uh ~~~~~”

Zhang Kou made a super long hiccup.

In an instant, the whole car smelled of garlic.

Because Jiang Ying had garlic prawns in the early morning.

“A neuropathy?”.

Chu Ling scolded Jiang Ying fiercely, and quickly lowered the four windows of the car.

She had a mess in her head and was thinking about things. Jiang Ying was so cold that this super garlic smell attacked her and made her nausea.

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