I am A Villain

Chapter 1223

“That would be strange.”

Yang squatted down and looked at the court evolutionary whose limb had been shattered.

It seems that a certain special effect device has been installed on the other party beforehand. He can start the self-disruption at any time. The important thing is that the self-disconnection is not to reduce the painful death or what.

Yang turned his head to look at the core battlefield: “He squeezed out his energy and passed back to the core camp along with all his physiological limit factors.”

Those in the courtroom seem to be conducting some kind of final experiment.

Yang Duo understood something more or less. Before Barnes reminded him of this, it was probably because all the court people who died in the air were found, most of them returned the body energy to the headquarters by means of energy return. Among them, this is a very strange phenomenon, but it’s not that I haven’t seen this technology before. In the first battle, the undead bird also established a system such as the energy factor. When they built the sky, they needed Use the factors of more dimensions as a guide, so take the bear child as a factor source.

But this time, what the **** is going on in court, Yang doesn’t know.

To be sure, this seems to be the last step of some very large-scale experimental method.

Countless Weir soldiers and battleship weapons are bombarding toward the core area.

However, the army in the court camp was not defeated at all. Although their deaths and injuries have continued and never stopped, the entire defensive formation has not been penetrated at all.

“I feel like I should be able to understand what they are doing.”

Yang muttered.

“Remember the story Zach said before?”

When the super-evolutionary individuals appeared in the court’s initial civilization, their officials did not exclude this group of people. On the contrary, they saw an opportunity for civilization evolution, so they gathered all these evolutionaries in a very short time, Carry out unified training and management, and conduct humane experiments at the same time.

This is a diametrically opposed attitude to the human race.

In the end, the way the court formed a complete court gene system is to integrate all the genes of these evolvers as a whole, and perfectly performed a set of editing results, which can be used on any organism.

And according to Yang’s speculation, the so-called final set of gene coding results was initially reflected in the body of a high court.

The probability is so.

The current war may be the last wave of the Weirs’ attack on the power of the court’s evolvers. They want to “sex” all the evolvers here, and the court people are letting go. After investing an unlimited amount of terror fighting power, they decided to be here and fuse the final result, allowing the most powerful genetic system to integrate into the surviving evolutionary,

The confrontation between the evolvers and the Weirs, which took place more than a thousand years ago, far exceeded the scale and momentum of any battle confrontation on earth.

Because the entire fifth planet has been affected by war, the large war machines here are operating in a short period of time, and quickly spread to create large-scale killings.

For a long time, the natural environment on this planet will be affected, and even this effect directly spread to the fifth planet controlled by the Luokai people after more than a thousand years. The entire earth is always unstable. The state has spawned an aerial city like Central City, and it has also spawned an environmentally friendly enterprise like Wien.

But this is all afterwords.

There is no victory or defeat in this war.

Yang subjectively believes that he should not affect the historical process. Even if a court person dies in front of him no matter how tragic, he did not help. The reason is very simple. His slight movements may affect this. There are more “chaotic” branches in the timeline, which is not what a qualified roamer should do.

But at this time, Barnes reminded Yang:

“You think it is possible that this is also a time gap.”

“What do you mean?” Yang Yang felt a moment, then immediately understood.

Barnes means that this war, as it was at the time of the first war, there was a gap in history that needed to be filled by the wanderer Yang, because there was no one on the battlefield on the other side of the sky of the first war. To prevent it, so if Yang does not wear it back in a short time and enter a different universe to find a way to destroy the energy of the Will people, then there is a high probability that the timeline will completely collapse to another result.

“Not at all.”

Yang frowned.

When he was first said by Barnes, he also felt that there was such a possibility of “sex”.

Because no one was notified in advance, he wasn’t sure if there were any problems in this timeline that needed to be fixed. The fact is that he and Barnes did come here. From an objective perspective of the timeline, their The arrival is not an accident, but an inevitable event. The inevitable event corresponds to an inevitable cause. Yang does not know whether there is a gap in this space-time that needs to be filled. He does not know whether he came with a task of.

During the first battle, Zhou Wen guided, and the blank that was forty years ago was actually guided by the black “color” cloak, but this time no one told Yang in advance that every time he passed in the past There is a task, and this time no one told him that he really did not know what was going on.

“It’s unlikely, in fact, I think that it takes 40 years to fill in the gaps long enough. In the past, it was only two years before, and the time and space have become unstable. Forty years is estimated to be the limit. If there are really things that need to be dealt with by two people who are not in this time and space, then the filling of this time gap means that it has been pulled for more than a thousand years, more than a thousand years. Ah, I don’t think there is a gap that has existed for so long and no one has filled it. This timeline can go so long.”

Yang shook his head.

This is his common sense.

“I will say it casually.”

Barnes shook his head lightly.

He saw that many Welsh troops were attacking towards the core battlefield, and more and more evolutionaries were killed in it, but the Welsh were not completely without losses.

The court people’s resistance was very fierce. In a very short period of time, many Weir individual soldiers were counterattacked. The power of counterattack is absolutely terrifying.

They are like a group of bloodthirsty beasts. They will catch a Weir and never stop without killing each other.

But in the end, the Weirs still tore open the defensive blockade of court people.

And in the next time, more and more people are pouring into the formation. The first step after the Wills tear apart the formation is to smash it in and directly attack the work area of ​​the court people in the core area.

There is ongoing, even the final fusion of the data of all evolvers.

In this war, blood and corpses were basically numb to Yang.

After the large-scale war machine was started, the entire planet was in a state of tremor. After releasing many explosive “sexual” forces to the surface of the rock layer so quickly, many rock structure layers that had been formed many years ago. Shake it for a moment.

It is difficult to imagine how such a result is formed.


The overall combat firepower of the court people is not much different from the current level of humans, but in fact the court has a power structure that is not on the same level as their ordinary firepower on a large-scale war machine.

This is very incredible. The large-scale war machines that have dealt a huge blow to the fifth planet are actually the energy of the 5 ancient weapon systems fused by Barnes on the future fifth planet. The most powerful large-scale weapon currently used by court people.

This thing feels a little inconsistent in the hands of the court people, because their ordinary firepower is too weak, but this large-scale weapon is ridiculously strong, and the principle of war science and technology on which the two are based is not at all One thing.

The war continues.

But the Weir who had torn open the cord had no delay.

They are like ant colonies. In a very short time, they have completely enlarged a small gap that has been torn open.

Court people can’t bear it anymore.

Yang felt a little inexplicable.

He really doesn’t think that he is also burdened with the mission of filling in the gaps in this past time and space. It is impossible for a gap to exist for more than a thousand years.

However, everyone knows the result of this war, and everyone knows that the Weirs have lost, and the courts have successfully resisted the invasion of the Weirs. Even the Weirs who were defeated in one fell swoop in this war, took this cosmic predator. The overall level of civilization has been regressing for many years, and the whole rest and recuperation has not even reached the peak level for more than a thousand years.

But that was the story Yang heard from Will’s population.

But the war situation he saw in front of him was not optimistic for the court people.

It stands to reason that this group of guys should actually be determined to win, but in the present situation, it seems that the Weirs are tough.

Yang is in a state of entanglement. Without Zhou Wen’s guidance, as a novice roamer, he has no way to judge when and what choice he should make. If it is in the real world, he will not consider so much. However, in the realm of time and space, he has too many unknowns, and these unknowns have led him not to act rashly.

The court can’t lose, and the Weir can’t win. This is the correct outcome for the future.

“If the Weirs really want to win, then we can intervene.”

Yang communicated with Barnes in advance.

He can only do so, because there is no sign to predict in advance what happened to him today.

It is well known that in this world, what has been recognized in the future is not necessarily what has happened in the past. That is just a temporal assumption. You need to complete and confirm this assumption, such as the first The exotic battlefield of war, for example, the body buried in the small courtyard of Luoyang’s family.

Everything is confirmed in the future in the future.

And in the middle of a long period of time, they all live under a hypothetical condition.

It is also possible that for more than a thousand years, court people, Weir people, and earth people really lived under a super ridiculous assumption. In this way, those who have been plundered by the Weir people for more than a thousand years The civilization completely annexed by the writer is really dead and innocent~

The court must win today.

Yang only recognized this fact.

Only when the court wins, everything behind will be on the right track, from hypothesis to collapse to fact.

Otherwise, everything will be unstable at all times in the future.

Yang and Barnes have made up their minds to use their power to reverse the situation. It may be a bit ridiculous to say, but it is not something that is impossible. You must know that Yang and Barnes already have their own A very high level of improvement has been achieved. This improvement has given them absolute confidence and formed a certain influence in the battlefield of this scale.

Historically, the Weirs lost to the so-called gods in this war, that is, those evolved in court civilization.

However, based on the current situation alone, the evolutionary can not withstand it.

More than a hundred super evolvers from the beginning have fallen by half now.

The Welman’s human-sea tactics, and the more advanced air combat advantages by comparison, are almost all of their power in the core area of ​​the court.

The entire ground has sunk, and the situation on the battlefield is not optimistic. Many people disappeared into the rock layer at the moment of death and were crushed into fragments.

Yang and Barnes stood on the edge of the battlefield, waiting for the final result of all this.

They must always be ready to shoot, to shoot at the moment when they are about to win or lose, it is best to do so, because less than the last moment, Yang really does not want to affect his timeline by thinking of his random actions, the more branches, also It means that the more timelines are opened, the more dangerous “sex” he has in the future, don’t forget, maybe there is one like him in every timeline Roamers are competing with each other.

The Weirs entered the inner core battlefield.

But at this time, the giant combat devices around the battlefield were all activated to the maximum operating power in an instant, and Yang felt that the spatial structure of the area where he was located began to shake.

“They are ready to burn all the jade.”

Yang narrowed his eyes.

Five giant weapons exploded in a flash.

This time they finally knew how the restricted zone of the fifth planet was formed in later generations.

Boom! ! ! !

The whole sky is dark.

No, it should be said that the light in everyone’s field of vision disappeared.

The rules on the entire battlefield were oppressed and twisted, the light was blocked, and the ionization of the medium caused everything to fall into an unreal state.

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