I am A Villain

Chapter 1226 - plan

All the sixth planets are blocked, and they are locked from start to finish.

No one was allowed to enter and exit, and all scales were taken aback by this sudden change.

They thought that the court was going to launch a large-scale raid here, even those of the Capone family were also puzzled by this.

But after the court thoroughly released all the news, they realized that this was not a war, this was an siege, and that the goal was not to organize any group, just to catch a person.

Moreover, this person is not strange to them, that is, the Luo Kai people who had some intersections with the Capone family in the Capone world. The Capone family who received this news were all shaking, they were afraid to take photos This pattern is checked. If the court knows that Yang and their Capone family have come and gone, Capone may suffer.

After all, on the seventh planet, twice before and after, the court killed by the Yang killed him hundreds of times in accordance with the rules of the court.

The Capone family knew that Yang was not a **** sex, but they never thought that this guy would dare to do such a beast thing.

In the eternal galaxy, the court slays.

It sounds like a fantasy, when the court reduced it to being slaughtered, but this is the fact. They are the objects of the slaughter in front of Yang, but it is incomprehensible that Yang does these things in order to what.

No one knows what the Luokai people of unknown origin want to express.

And now, this Luo Kai is sitting in an empty restaurant and enjoying his lunch.

After his personal appearance features were published in the news published on the public channel, the other guests in the restaurant, as well as the restaurant waiter and owner, all fled in an instant because they recognized Yang.

Everyone thought that there would be an extremely terrible war today, but what I did not expect was that this mammoth action would actually end in this way…

After everyone completely surrounded the building where Yang was, Yang did not fight back, but calmly finished eating all the food on his table, wiped his mouth, and then walked out of the restaurant, squatting with his hands on his head on the ground.

He did not know whether the people in the eternal galaxy said that surrender was this action, but it was estimated that there was not much difference between “touching” and the earth.

It is estimated that all the court officials at the scene were also stunned. Why did this happen?

Prior to the start of this operation, the orders marked by the superiors were of the highest danger level, but what was unexpected was that the target person did so?


this one?

The most dangerous character.

this one?

At this level?

If it were not for the identification device to determine the identity of Yang through the “radiation” of biological energy, these courts might think that they had found the wrong person.

“There is something to say, the court makes comrades ~ I surrender, surrender, surrender~~”

The appearance of Yang’s confession is completely different from the appearance of his single battle against more than one hundred court envoys on the seventh planet a few days ago.

A vertical energy line descended from the air, directly covering the Yang, completely sealing off the space structure around him.

Yang only felt that everything around him turned into a shackle. What he felt was nothingness, no point of focus, and no place to borrow.

[email protected]

Then he lost consciousness in front of him.

The thunder and rain are small, probably this is the case.

No one can think of Yang Hui as easily as possible.

Normally, you have to fight a battle to the same extent as the seventh planet.

In this operation, the court even dispatched all the high-ranking court ambassadors who were left behind. Remember that Ao is a high-ranking court ambassador, and it is no longer just a sub-high-ranking court.

One can imagine how much they value Yang.

But Yang admitted that all the armed forces did not come in handy in the end.

They waited and waited, but Yang took the time to eat lunch.

Action hastily ended.

The court announced that the target prisoner was arrested.

The trial will soon follow.

But Yang knew clearly that the trial was not the most important, and the most important thing was research.

The messenger system that the court is proud of has lost so much in just a few days. In such a case, if you don’t study the problem carefully, all the court messengers will die.


When Yang woke up, he found himself in a sealed room surrounded by blank spaces.

This is purgatory?

He whispered in his heart.

But soon he denied this guess.

Although this blockade completely isolates all his sensory abilities, the internal environment is very cold, and purgatory cannot be such a cold place.

So it is not difficult to speculate that he should still be in a research institute on the second planet.

Yang did not feel the slightest physical discomfort. Not only did he not have missing arms and legs, but he did not seem to be injected with “shots” or other “medicines” that inhibit the body’s vitality. Everything was normal.

Are these people not afraid that he will break out? Or do court people feel that the strength of this blockade is completely enough to trap Yang?

But in fact, even if the algorithm court can’t sleep in the sun, he won’t escape so quickly. After all, his purpose is purgatory. All he has to do is wait until the court throws him into purgatory. That’s when he can. The point in time to start the action.

Yang lay down with his hands behind his head and waited quietly.

He found himself in a very light state, and the court simply did not have any means of restraining him.

He didn’t know what the court was waiting for. Usually, when this time, the person had already been caught, and then he had to lift it out to start dissecting. How could it be left to dry like this, it shouldn’t be.

In this cold environment, Yang did not know how long it had passed.

In this peak physical condition, he did not need to sleep at all, so his thoughts were always active, but because of this, he began to be a little impatient.

In a completely blank environment, a person alone for a long time seems to produce some inexplicable psychological pressure.

He tried to knock on the wall.

But the material of the thing is not known. When Yang’s knuckles were knocked on, no sound appeared.


He frowned.

auzw.com Then, without thinking about it, I hit it with a punch!

You know, this is the yang of the peak state. Even if he does not use his own energy body, he attacks with pure physical strength, and the power of one punch is extremely terrifying, but after such a punch hits the white “color” wall , There was no response at all.

There was no sound, no shaking, no dents, and no traces of chipping appeared.

This is like a wall that isolates any form of interaction. Yang’s attack didn’t get any feedback. The only feeling is that his hand hurts.

This is quite nonsense.

Is there such a material in the world?

This is probably not the gold of the US team.

Yang did not believe in evil, and punched a punch in the wall, but there was still no feedback.

Even diamonds need to tremble, at least it’s impossible to have no sound.

Yang wondered.

He directly urged the energy of his limbs!

Buzz! !

The first is the newly acquired golden “color” system.

! ! !

The gold fist hit the wall.

There is still no response at all.

“I don’t believe it!”

Buzz! ! !

Throughout the room, the black “color” thunder surged wildly.

Yang felt that he could control his emotions, but what he did not realize was that in fact his own thinking had been introduced into a manic state.

At the same time, in another world…

Uh, I mean, in the real world.

Yang was lying on an experimental bench.

He didn’t lock any fixtures on his body, so he lay flat naked, and at this time, his limbs had been ripped open numerous tears.

Experimenters are constantly obtaining live “sex” samples from him, soft tissues, blood “fluid”, bone marrow… In short, any part of the entire limb, they will take a sample, or even cut off half of the heart directly.

And Yang had no resistance, so he lay down calmly.

Zac stood next to the test bed and watched the court personnel around him coldly dissect Yang. His eyes were calm.

Yang’s current consciousness thought that he was trapped in a laboratory, but in fact, it was only the action of the “medicine”, or more precisely, the effect of the combined action of the “medicine” and the equipment, he thought Being trapped, in reality, he is undergoing dissection.

Yang feels no pain. In the realm of consciousness, everything he senses is extremely real, so Yang can’t recognize where he is false.

He watched calmly as the staff removed the same limb structure from Yang.

He turned around and connected with his superior.

Now, Zac’s immediate superior is no longer the original one, but the four highest eternal galaxies, the four originators.

“We are taking all samples from his body, and soon we can assign tasks to conduct separate studies. In addition, the brain memory reading is not very smooth. This person’s brain is somewhat problematic and needs a little time to overcome. My suggestion is, After extracting the brain data today, shut him down first. His self-healing ability is very strong. As long as he is alive, we can have endless experimental samples, and we are not afraid to kill people. The key is to take care of this. people.”

Zac made his own suggestions very professionally.

The instructions of the superior are also what Zac hoped: “After the memory is extracted, send him to purgatory.”


Zac nodded,

Everything is no different from the original plan, in this case.

After he cut off the communication, he said to the staff next to him: “Always pay attention to his “medicine” effect and make sure he can’t wake up. In addition, as soon as possible, the sampling work is finished, and the brain memory extraction is given to me.”


The staff nodded.

Nowadays, Zach has absolute freedom in logistics research work because of direct orders from superiors.

He does not belong to this institution, higher than this institution, and even at certain times, he can directly give orders to the people in the institute.

After the sample was taken, Zac directly began to extract memory from the brain.

The reason for taking this job down is of course tampering.

Yang has everything in his brain, where they come from, who they are, what purpose they have, what special strengths, including the relationship between Yang and Zac, if all this is exposed, give Zac a hundred Life is not enough to die.

So tampering must be tampered.

This is a very tedious project.

Some parts can be removed directly, but some require Zac to fabricate directly out of thin air.

He didn’t use Yang’s memory directly. This guy’s experience was too ridiculous, and if the concept of the rover was known to the court’s top, what would happen, no one knew, so Zac chose Yang’s brain. The memory of another person.

That’s right, Luo’s memory.

This guy’s memory is obviously more normal

He has been sleeping for a long time.

What Zac needs to do is to take Luo’s main memory as the core, remove the part of his existence from it, and then remove the setting that he is a double person, and then insert the subsequent part of Yang’s memory into “insert” as Convergence.

A complete set of direct memories is thus created.

A young man, who was tragic at a young age, went abroad, entered a foreign legion to train, joined the narwhal, and the narwhal was exterminated. Because of the physical evolution of special substances, followed by a series of wars, the chances eventually crossed to the eternal galaxy.

Such a script seems to be able to be written as a novel. I knew I had written it like this, maybe it would fire…

In short, Zac directly forged a piece of memory data and passed it on to his boss.

He did not conceal such a thing that Yang is a traverser, and even made the Weir things clear, so that it is more reasonable, because the Weir people are a common bridge between the eternal galaxy and the human world, and the Weir people invaded Earth, Yang touched a certain transmission device of the Weir people, and was directly transmitted to the eternal galaxy. It’s that simple.

Only in this way will the top courts believe.

This is much simpler than fabricating a mutated Luo Kai people’s growth story, and its credibility is much higher.

After Zach transferred all the brain memory data to his superiors, he set about arranging Yang’s “home”.

This is his first direct contact with the relevant content of purgatory, because the matter of purgatory has not been within him.

Sending Yang to prison by hand is still a first-time experience.

But he was not polite.

He ordered the men under his command to increase the amount of “medicine” for Yang, and then dispatched a whole army to pull Yang and send him to the purgatory of the first planet.

Everything, as planned.

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