I am A Villain

Chapter 1229 - Behemoth

The “radiation” of the first planet’s star is difficult to fight against even the sun. This is not the ordinary “radiation” of the burning state, but a type that can directly make life annihilated.

Probably only a guy like Yang can directly walk the land of the first star with the stellar radiation without any protection.

The guards of the court did not catch up immediately.

In the absence of protection, they dare not chase it out, because it is a fate.

And after they rushed out wearing heavy protective clothing, Yang’s figure had already disappeared into the heat wave on land.

In desperation, the court watchers can only report the situation as soon as possible.

They knew that after the incident was reported, the guards of the court would have to replace a large number of people. Their weak guards would be severely condemned, but not everyone will be implicated. For example, Zac, he does not It is necessary to take responsibility, because Yang ran out of purgatory. How could Yang not run away in the research institute he controlled before? Why is there a problem as soon as he reaches purgatory? Of course, it’s the problem of purgatory, and he has no half money relationship with Zac.

And after Yang escaped, he quickly found the position of a grooved pit on the planetary surface, temporarily “sex” to avoid the energy radiation “shot”, this thing has been acting directly on himself, and Yang dares not dare To ensure that you will not mutate, the experience of the main thing is too bad.

Yang didn’t think that purgatory meant this.

It is the most comfortable in prison, and those who escaped are probably unable to survive.

But he did not forget his task.

The thing to do now is to find out the location of the gene structure, which is very crucial.

However, when the entire space is filled with endless radiant energy, the energy fluctuations in the yang’s induction range appear very bloated and not clear at all.

For example, you can detect all the water in your ten-meter range. No water molecule can escape your eyes, but when you are thrown into the swimming pool, you will still be “chaotic”. This is the case.

Wherever his sensory abilities go, he is full of energy. Under such circumstances, he has no way to judge the result.

Lying in a small depression, there is at least a shadow position where he can block a part of the light energy that is “shot” straight from the star.


Yang shook his head.

The clothes on and off his body were burned out the moment he left purgatory.

The dry sand around her skin is as hot as a steamer, but this temperature is much more comfortable than being “shot” by stellar light.

Yang’s burning finally stopped temporarily, and his necrotic skin quickly fell off.

After a short rest, Yang began to sense the surrounding conditions.

Within the sensory perspective, he can feel that the entire space is filled with turbulent “chaotic” energy flow, just like being in a turbulent wave “tide.”

Countless energy of destruction “sex” is rolling in this world.

There is no way, it is so close to the star, that only half of the field of view he looked up was the sky, and the other half was completely covered by a huge fireball.

You can even see the energy flow on the surface of the star like solar flares.

Under such circumstances, it is completely impossible for Yang to find the so-called structures on the vast desert alone. Zac said that the second planet does not have the high-intensity energy required for the preservation of the structures. Field, but on the first planet, the entire planet is a huge field of energy, which can be perfectly preserved anywhere on the surface.

Where to find things here.

Get a hammer.

The regeneration ability of Yang and the speed of operation of the energy system are already terrifying.

But even with his physique, if he stays on the ground for a long time, he will feel trance, and his attention will be worn down to the lowest state. This is not a good thing. If an enemy strikes at this time, what is the reason Something went wrong…


Yang thought just this.

As a result, the pit sand where he was in the next second exploded directly!

A huge gray figure rushed out from under the ground.

Just below the ground where the Yang is!

Yang Du was taken aback.

If it were not because the road surface was so terrifying of energy, he could not have found that there was a behemoth beneath him.


Yang supported both the left and right bite tongs in the other person’s mouth at an extremely fast speed. The huge bite tongs, like a hook of a crane, wanted to directly pull Yang into his mouth to chew.

He was taken to a height of more than ten meters.

At present, this gray “color” beast is a bit similar to the scorpion in the desert of the earth, but it is an infinitely enlarged version, but it does not have a poisonous tail like the scorpion, and there are no left and right pliers. There is only a pair of bite forceps on the mouth, probably there is no creature on the land surface such as the first planet that can be used for hunting by such creatures, and they do not have the kind of physical structure that attacks the “sex” For eggs, there is no direct evolution.


Yang didn’t hesitate at all, and broke off the pliers on both sides of the beast’s mouth.

To his surprise, under the cover of a rough exoskeleton, this creature is actually a special cold-blooded animal, and the inside of its limbs is cold and cold.

Yang, who fell to the ground, looked at the huge bite pliers at his feet, less than half a meter in diameter, and suddenly understood something.


He looked at the giant beast struggling in the gravel on the ground.

This guy’s way of survival is a little special. It doesn’t rely on hunting other creatures to maintain his own survival. Its way of survival is more plant-oriented. He chooses to directly receive the “radiation” of the stellar radiation, transform it and transform it into an energy source And some simple material structures are taken into the body.

The body structure that completes this step is its shell.

Yang can perceive that the exoskeleton shell has a very complex structure, which can carry out energy conversion. As for the principle, he does not know.

Since such a good thing was discovered, there is naturally no reason to let it go.

Three times, five and two directly removed the ten-meter-high behemoth.

It can be seen that the creatures of the first planet are extremely scarce, and there may not even be a biosphere in the true sense here. Only a few kinds of creatures are basically self-sufficient like this, with no advanced competition at all. Object.

In the case that their survival will not be threatened by other creatures, they only need to evolve limbs adapted to the environment, so they lose their offensive “sex” and defense.

There is nothing wrong with the size.

However, Yang estimates that such a large body may only be used to increase his area and allow him to better receive the stellar radiation. It is nothing more than that, instead of dinosaurs, who have evolved extremely strong limbs to hunt Kill large herbivorous dinosaurs.

In short, this guy is very weak.

Very weak.


Yang easily removed it.

After dismantling, he pryed off the exoskeleton on his limbs and made himself an armor.

The method chosen by Yang is very simple, directly extracting a lost metal substance on the desert sand, connecting this part of the metal substance to the broken armor of the behemoth, and reconnecting all the scattered fragments , Completely fixed on their body surface.

“I lean, comfortable!”

After Yang put on this armor, he realized at once what a wonderful feeling was below 50 degrees Celsius.

Creatures are really magical. There are creatures that can survive on the first planet closest to the star, and have evolved such a powerful exoskeleton.

Yang grinned.

Now he can move freely in a hot storm.

Then the next step is to find the structure.

If you want to find a storage structure on such a big planet, it is definitely not so easy…

Yang didn’t know where to go.

He moved aimlessly on the ground.

The guards of the court should be madly looking for his position at this moment, but under such a terrible storm of radiation, I believe their perspective is also muddy, and it is not possible to find the position of Yang.

In this way, Yang swayed on the first planet for a real day.

Fortunately, the first planet is the planet with the shortest cycle path, and the day and night time division here is very short.

Yang does not know how long it is, but it will never exceed ten hours a day and night, that is to say, the day time may end in just five hours.

At least he didn’t feel like he was swaying for a long time, and it was dark.

The first planet at night is not completely dark, and the redness in the sky has not dissipated for a long time.

In the absence of direct radiation, the night is indeed much more comfortable, but all the sand and soil around it is still in a high temperature state.

The advantage is that under such circumstances, Yang’s sensing ability can be restored to the top state.

However, after nightfall, there is no need for the Yang to conduct a large-scale energy induction to find the so-called structure preservation point, because as long as you look up, you can see a tower-like structure, located directly in front of you position.


In the background of night, you can see the radiating energy shining on the tower.

How to describe it, probably like the eye of Sauron in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Very high, with a hot thing resembling an energy ball hanging above it.

In the case of the first planet turning into night, it is only there that is still emitting the same terrifying energy radiation as daytime.

“Even if you are blind, you should be able to see that thing.”

Yang shook his head.

He quickly rushed towards the front position.

Zach said that the preservation of genetic structures must have a sufficiently powerful high-radiation “radiation” energy field. The first planet is certainly an energy field, but there is alternating day and night. At night, the energy in the air Radiation “radiation” is far less powerful than during the daytime, so the court cannot rely entirely on pure natural energy radiation “radiation” as a natural energy field, they need stable and continuous energy radiation “radiation”, so at night, where If there are high-intensity energy fluctuations, that place will naturally be where the gene structure is stored.

It is estimated that the court has never dreamed of it. Yang Zi cast the net in order to come to purgatory to find things.

It is estimated that few people in the world can think of his brain circuit. Even if he thinks of it, no second person would dare to do it like Yang.

Even if someone does this, it is estimated that there is no way to survive on the surface of the first planet like Yang, everything requires conditions.

Others are the main characters.

Of course, if the defensive power in purgatory is very weak, then the tower in front is not necessarily the case.

This is the most important thing in the courtroom, and it is impossible to be like a prisoner of purgatory.

The criminals in the purgatory will escape and be burned by radiation, but the genetic mechanism is different. The thing is to keep it well. If the criminal is dead, he will die. If the structure is lost, it is To directly affect the foundation of the court.

Yang did not waste time.

It is impossible for him to contact Zac now.

Even if there is a communication device on hand, it is melted under the stellar radiation early in the daytime.

So for the present Yang, everything can only be acted upon by his own judgment.

What kind of gene structure is there, and what kind of mode it exists in, he doesn’t know about half of the money.

So for now, it is better to investigate first.

Night fell.

Yang is covered with shadow energy. In the state of absolute invisibility, walking on the shell of the hot black “color” tower, the body is completely parallel to the surface, walking up step by step. His energy sensing ability is gradually chasing Scanning inside the layer.

Yang is already in action.

Within the court, messages from purgatory have long been received.

The criminal who was just sent to purgatory, he ran out.

Never before has such a snake skin happened, even the prisoners in exile, even the court did not care about their life and death. Throwing into the abyss is basically a death sentence, but Yang is different. He is being held alone. Focus on care.

How can this first escape into the purgatory succeed on the first day?

Isn’t that nonsense?

Zac naturally also received news.

Because the purgatory side wants to know that after staying on the earth’s surface for four or five hours during the day, Yang still has the possibility to survive.

At this point, Zac did not hide much. He directly told the purgatory that Yi Yang’s physical condition would not die for a few hours on the surface of the first planet, and he might not even be injured, so He suggested sending a team immediately to conduct a search.

It is best to send additional staff from the headquarters of the court.

Zac’s advice was taken seriously.

Soon, together with Zac himself, and a lot of high-end combat power rushed to the first planet.

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