I am A Villain

Chapter 1231 - war

The news of Zac’s mutiny quickly reached the eyes of the court’s senior officials.

Such things cannot be concealed.

He was one of the fastest-growing court envoys in the court in the near future. From the beginning of entering the court, he has now become a direct subordinate of the court’s top leader. The entire process took less than three months.

In the past three months, Zac has used his power to clear all valuable news in the entire courtroom.

“We should have guessed this little guy’s mind.”

The high court officials were very calm about Zac’s mutiny.

“Anyway, I didn’t insist on promoting him at first.”

“I just want to see what the details of this alien creature come from.”,

“But you have put the most important thing in the court in crisis.”

“You say structure?”

“That thing doesn’t matter. Even if they get the structure, they can’t leave the first planet. Even if they leave the first planet, they can’t leave the eternal galaxy. This is our world. They can’t escape it.”

The conversation between the four court executives was light and calm, and there was no emotional fluctuation due to the structure being captured. The tone of these guys talked like old people chatting and chatting.

The precipitation of the years has completely polished the negative impulses in their hearts, and the emotions possessed by normal creatures have no traces on the upper levels.

“So, send someone to do it, no matter what, there will always be someone to handle this matter.”

“makes sense.”

“I’ll go and forget about it. It has been a long time since I moved my tibia.”

The senior court responded calmly.

On the first planet, Yang and Barnes have been fighting with the highest court for the team.

In this confrontation, there is actually no suspense.

Both Yang and Barnes are at their highest level at this time, and even if they revisit the first generation of God-killers, they will have the courage to face it.

The 50 courts, even if they are all at the highest level, cannot stop Barnes and Yang.

Although there are fewer enemies and more enemies, they are actually strong and weak.

Yang is madly harvesting the life of the court ambassador. He still has not wasted any energy source. All court ambassadors killed by him will be squeezed out and transformed into the purest energy source, which will be gathered into the energy system of Yang. Internally, the antimatter system does not actually need energy to supplement it. Yang now absorbs this energy, which is not used to develop its own system, but to expand its own new set of systems-the kind of gold Energy rules.

Barnes’ main task is to be optimistic about the structure.

So he did not participate in the battle too actively.

When the two men started to kill, Zac quietly rushed to the other direction.

He led the fight plan, but there are still some details to be put in place.

For example, the piece of purgatory.

A long time ago, Zac and Yang had realized that as high-end combat power, they were very embarrassed to be caught in the dilemma of frontal combat on the battlefield. The role of real evolvers on the battlefield is definitely not a frontal confrontation. .

This kind of thinking is perfectly justified when placed on the eternal galaxy.

If only three of them are fighting on the first planet today, then for the court, the goal is too obvious.

Therefore, if you want to achieve your goals better, you must create a mess.

On the eternal galaxy, the source of confusion is purgatory.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world of freedom~”

Zac easily wiped out all the defensive forces in purgatory.

Break through the blocked entrance of purgatory.

All the prisoners who were exiled and held in solitary confinement were liberated in an instant.

For a time, the land surface of the first planet became lively.

But this is not over yet.

It is not enough to release the prisoners. These prisoners are not stupid. They come out of purgatory. Although it is night, it is the safest for them to wait until the stellar radiation “shot” is covered again the next day. Instead, it was still in purgatory, so in order to create an unrealistic hope for these prisoners, Zac also brought another group of people into this combat operation.


At this time, when the follow-up troops of the court have not formally arrived, the arbitrator’s fleet has already taken a step forward, from the other side of the stellar radiation, followed by high-intensity radiation “radiation” energy, to avoid the court’s monitoring, Enter the navigation orbit of the first planet.

Their appearance gave the prisoners of purgatory a hint of escape.

For them, escaping from purgatory does not mean freedom. Escape from the first planet is freedom in the true sense.

The arbitrator is their hope.

Zac walked steadily among the individual cells one after another. He passed by every long-settled cell and melted the shackles of that cell.

Those extremely evil people who did not know how many years were imprisoned were released.

Zac even saw a very familiar face.

“If I am not wrong, you are Sean Max.”

Zac looked at an old man with a disheveled hair locked in a separate cell.

The old man sells very well, but he has an eye that is golden.

The face covered with wrinkles had the outline of the young man in the picture that Zac had seen before.

That’s right, this is Sean, the man who had a violent dog-blood love triangle with Jackman and Martha.

“Your good brother and good wife are waiting for you outside,”

Zac didn’t say much nonsense to the old man with the golden “eyes” inside.

After melting the shackles of the cell, he went straight forward.

But in his heart, he still somewhat expected things after Sean went out, for example, what this guy would look like after meeting Jackman and Martha.

auzw.com Continue the story of the dog blood triangle love story that did not end 40 years ago?

Brothers turned against each other?


Zac frantically released sinners in purgatory.

On the outside, the arbitrator has landed.

As soon as they appeared, they directly fought against some courts left on the land.

You know, this is the place of the court, and arbitrators may dream that they will one day be able to fight against each other on the court’s most important place.

But on the battlefield, there are still calm people,

Such as Martha.

The order she gave to the arbiter fleet was simple.

Killing all court envoys, within two hours, everyone must evacuate the first planet.

the reason is simple.

It is impossible for the court to sit idly by.

Although the first planet does not have any strategic significance, there are extremely valuable structures stored here.

Martha did not want to fight for the structure. She knew that it was Yang and Barnes’s goal, and the reason why she was willing to bring the arbitrator here to spread the muddy water, just to ensure Yang The success of their actions is only.

For Martha, or more accurately, for all the arbitrators, for the mixed civilized court, they would like to see the court weakened.

This weakening is not just about killing court officials, or killing high court officials.

From a long-term perspective, curbing the birth of the court ambassador is a way to be more able to determine the “sex” effect.

If, Yang and Barnes took the structure away.

Then, from now on, the number of court officials in the eternal galaxy will only decrease, not increase.

Because the power of the court comes from the structure.

Without this thing, it is equivalent to losing the printer. Even if they have more paper and ink, there is no way to print a file.

This metaphor is used enough tm old-fashioned.

But the truth is that.

Martha and the arbitrators behind her just wanted this to happen.

The court can control the entire eternal galaxy for one reason.

They have a very short and powerful system of power to support it, court ambassadors, the military, all of which are their support as supreme rulers.

Once there is no support for absolute strength, they gradually lose their powerful dominance. Maybe it takes a period of time, maybe ten years, maybe one hundred or two hundred years, but for the arbitrator, it is finally You can see it to the end, not the long road ahead like before, and live a frightened day every day.

They can wait slowly until the court’s power is so weak that they can no longer control the entire galaxy.

Weak enough that one day the court cannot contain the arbitrator.

Because if the structure is lost, the power of the court will stop, and even as some courts age, their overall combat power will gradually weaken, but the arbitrator is different. Martha’s research system, Although it is far less powerful than the court’s power system, she can continuously train the arbitrator’s fighters. With the continuous progress of her research, this trend can catch up with the court level sooner or later, and the arbitrator The strength of its members has grown over time.

One day, the arbitrator can compete with the court

This is what Martha wants most to happen.

So at all costs today, she also wants Yang and Barnes to successfully take away the most important thing in the courtroom.

For these three unidentified guys, Martha felt like they were sent by heaven to help the arbitrator.

She has been fighting the court for more than 40 years.

But in any case, she could not think that she could see such a scene in her lifetime, and she saw hope.

The arbiter’s Haohang Fleet launched a fight between the surface of the first planet and the army of the court.

This is an intra-ethnic war, and they are fighting for their rights.

You can simply understand it as a revolution, but in fact, they just want to retain a place of survival in the eternal galaxy.

“There is enough to fight.”

Yang looked at the two sides fighting frantically on the battlefield across the distance,

He knew that the arbitrator had arrived on the battlefield, but in fact he did not intend to pull these guys into the battle in advance, so it is not difficult to speculate that Zac did it.

“Something is in hand, we have to think about retreating.”

Yang asked Zac using a communication device.

At this time, Zac had just released all the criminals in purgatory.

He even went around the earth’s crust space, thinking that he would see a new civilization formed in the underground world. This was his presumption. After all, these increasing criminals are in the underground world. There is no way to go, they will naturally form a new survival system, a relatively primitive and relatively simple system, but in fact there is no, even, the number of prisoners in the crustal world is far lower than Zac’s prediction, that There are more dead bones that are dead.

Most people have failed to survive in purgatory after experiencing life on the ground. They refuse to spend the rest of their lives in the dark.

Without the support of the idea of ​​survival, creatures are easy to die.

Even if they did not actively end their lives, they did not actively seek opportunities for survival.

In this way, most people died in the underground world.

But this is also normal, purgatory, if there are not a few bones, it can not be called purgatory, it should be called Xanadu.

Zac left the purgatory that disappointed him.

“My idea is relatively simple. Instead of escaping first, and then try to make a transmission machine to escape back to the earth, it is better to just wear it back forty years ago, and finish this thing that the guy in black clothes gave us. Fuck the egg task, what do you think?”

Zac asked Yang and Barnes.

Barnes, as always, did not talk much.

Yang Yang frowned.

“The plan is pretty good, but I don’t know if I can wear it back to the designated place and time.”

Of course he dare not guarantee this.

Originally a half-hanging roamer, if it is Zhou Wen, of course it doesn’t matter, but now there is no Zhou Wen, there is no Zhou Wen in the world, all things are Zac and Yang and Barnes. Drumming, they can barely do most things as Zhou Wen wanted, but the time-jumping thing is not one of the several skills that Yang currently masters perfectly.

“Think of a way.”

Zac muttered.

He did not consider this issue in advance. In the original plan, they should now use the arbitrator’s sailing ship to escape the first planet, but Zach found that this way was too conservative, and in conservative actions, There are still many unknown uncertainties. Because the court will soon directly surround the planet.

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