I am A Villain

Chapter 1237 - origin

Yang completely swallowed all the symbiotic material at this point in time.

Whether he is now the fourth stage or something, there is no way to define it simply.

But what is certain is that from this moment, he opened another timeline, that is, there is no symbiosis but there is an evolutionary era. In that era, the Will people will invade as well as the undead bird will rise, follow-up What kind of catastrophe will happen in the end, no one can know for now.

If you look closely, Yang is the culprit of that timeline, but in order to be able to compete positively with the early generations in his own world, he can’t control so much.

“Let’s say, how did the structure release the mutant gene at this point in time?”

Yang turned his head to look at Zac and then to Martha.

These two people are the ones with the deepest understanding of structures here, and they should be able to know how to use this stuff.

But Barnes spoke.

“Leave this to me.”

He is now the sole holder of the structure. He said that he has a way to get it, of course, he has his own means, and Yang will not ask much.

“It’s enough to find a place where people gather.” Barnes said lightly.

But Zac has doubts about this.

“No, no, listen to me, the evolutionaries in our time are all over the world, indicating that the spread is very wide. If it is only spread in one place, then in just 40 years, human reproduction The speed of replacement is simply not enough to spread this particular gene to the whole world.” Zach shook his head and said.

“Who said it was spread through reproduction.” Barnes gave Zac a light glance.

“Uh, isn’t that the case?” Zack froze for a moment, and he found himself seemingly taken for granted.

It turns out that the transmission of genetic traits “sex” does not require reproduction and genetic recombination?

After returning to the earth, some of his thinking seemed to be used to “sexually” returning to the original knowledge system of the earth, and completely ignored it. At that time, the evolution of the originator on the battlefield for more than a thousand years was also Not by means of reproduction…

“What kind of diffusion is that?”

Zac asked Barnes.

Barnes ignored him completely.

But Zac was also used to the style of Barnes, and he didn’t care about him.

Since he said there is a way, let him get it done, which is good.

“The problem is… this place is desert, at least you have to leave here to find the crowd gathering place?”

Zac murmured.

Yang is not at all worried about this.

“Relax, there is no need to take the initiative to find, there should soon be research institutes and official personnel from all over the world approaching here, meteorites falling and the large-scale energy fluctuations just now, they can not have no response, according to our time Judging from the story in the line, after the symbiote fell, it was divided by research institutions in various parts of the world. We only need to wait here to finish it. When they come, Barnes will infect these people. Next, let them go back to their respective regions. This is very simple, isn’t it?”

The Yang plan is quite simple, and it is also realistic, because soon after he said this, the sound of the helicopter rang in the distance.

Some people from the local scientific research stations have started to come to check.

As for the scientific research teams around the world to arrive here, it will take some time, but I believe it will not exceed ten hours, and they are not in a hurry, just waiting here for everyone to come.

Today will be a day of historical “sex”, and the origin of the evolution will be spread by these people to all parts of the world.

“The genetically modified factors will be transmitted before each human. The transmission method is not reproduction and genetic recombination. In short, the transmission speed will be very fast. Forty years are completely sufficient, but not all humans who have received the transmission can reflect it. The evolutionary effect requires a certain degree of fit before it can be shown. It is almost the same as the fusion of Yang and the symbiote.”

Barnes explained some of the more obscure content calmly.

Everyone was surprised. Barnes could say so much in one breath…

“That’s good, as long as it matches the state of the world we experience, there will be no problem.”

Yang nodded.

Today they are regarded as the group of evolutionaries to create the origins of evolutionaries. Speaking of them, it is actually a kind of paradox of time. It means the question of whether there is an egg or a chicken before.

But one thing needs to be distinguished, that is, Yang, Barnes, and Zach are not essentially the kind of evolution caused by the mutation of the court structure as the source, and they are essentially not…

Yang is because of the integration of symbiota, and has achieved the current level.

And Barnes, he is not a natural evolver. He collided with the energy structure studied by his adoptive parents, forming a kind of convergent evolution in the body.

Zack is even simpler, mainly able to reach the level of today, mainly because of the fusion of his body and Tom Jones. Although it has now gained a part of the court power, it basically has a good fighting ability, but his The work field is not a battlefield. Putting Zac on the battlefield is too tyrannical. His battlefield is always behind the scenes.

To put it simply, none of these three people are considered to be a later generation mutation caused by this evolutionary origin 40 years ago.

They are equivalent to giving gifts to other humans…

“No idea what you are talking about.”

Daisy shook her head, and she put her arms around Yang’s arm directly.

Soon, some memories from Yang’s head rushed into Daisy’s brain.

Narwhal, Undead Bird, Weir, Earth, Evolver…

All the fragments of confusing and chaotic memories poured into Daisy’s brain like a flood. Because Yang was too lazy to avoid this time, he simply allowed Daisy to freely read what he had experienced.

Yang does not taboo anything. Instead, he thinks he needs this experience, because in addition to the things he has experienced with people around him, there is a large part that he cannot explain to others, such as some only Things he has seen on the timeline by himself, those things that he can’t make others understand even if he wants to talk about them. If only he alone can always understand, Yang is not sure whether he will go crazy one day. Although many people think of him as a lunatic, Yang is very clear that he cannot become a lunatic.

auzw.com He doesn’t even need Daisy to help himself, he just needs one more person to understand his experience.

With the passage of time, Yang Du began to have some experience with many incomprehensible words that Zhou Wen said in the past.

Wandering people are indeed lonely.

Zhou Wen is so, and Yang is actually.

Many of the things they have experienced are so much that they may not remember, and it is impossible for others to understand.

Moreover, if you act in such a “chaotic” worldview, a person can easily “get lost”.

Yang couldn’t realize this before, but now, as he jumps time and time again, he can gradually understand Zhou Wen’s feeling.

You jump from one point in time to another point in time, maybe you light a cigarette here, it will trigger another branch of time, and everything that will happen on this branch of time is unpredictable If, at a certain point in time, you forget where you started from, it means that you have lost yourself.

You can’t find a way back, because a roamer can hardly determine where he is. If he can’t find his way back, he can only wait to die in various unfamiliar timelines, because no matter what In the timeline, you are likely to meet some familiar people and familiar things. These people and things are often only a little bit different, or even no difference, and you who have experienced too many things may not remember What’s the story in the timeline where you live?

It may even be possible that when you return to your timeline, you are not sure whether it is the line you originally belonged to.

This is the biggest challenge for a roamer.

How Zhou Wen has traveled in various timelines for so many years, creating various temporary situations and laying out the plot of time for decades. Yang does not know, he only knows this person, it is a powerful pervert, he alone can guarantee himself Without “lost”, it is already a very scary thing.

A group of people waited for more than ten hours in the desert.

Until the area where the meteorite fell, it was surrounded by temporary tents by many research teams.

For such alien objects, human curiosity will never diminish.

What’s more, in the era of forty years ago, the more barren the technology, the more human beings yearned for space, and as time went on, the development of science and technology, the vision of the universe that humans can see is broader, they The yearning for the universe will only increase but not weaken. This is the curiosity of highly intelligent creatures.

As the ruler of the earth, humans are actually lonely.

They are the only creatures with great intelligence on this blue “color” planet. In the long years, humans are no longer satisfied with the rule of other creatures on the earth, which can no longer bring them new Feeling, they want to communicate, and they want to see the same civilization and world as themselves.

This is the main reason why mankind has been tirelessly exploring the universe for so many years.

Perhaps the original intention of the Undead Bird Company is also the same, they just did not expect that all this will evolve into the end, it will become a disaster.

Of course, this can’t completely throw the pot on the company of Undead Bird.

Everything can only be said to be caused by countless coincidences and external factors.

It is today’s evolutionary origin that created the era of the evolutionary in the future world, and the initial manifestation of this era is actually the Undead Bird Company. Don’t forget who the top ten people in this company are.

However, under the special guidance of Connor Marshall and Zhou Wen, such an organization that could have become a pioneer of human science and technology gradually became another kind of “sex” nature.

What Zhou Wen wants is to create an opportunity for humanity.

He wants the collision of different universe civilizations to give birth to the most powerful technological civilization in the human world.

But this also brings the danger of destruction to mankind.

When everything entered the later stage, this dog thing disappeared, and all the mess was left to Yang and the people behind him to deal with.

It is hard to imagine whether Zhou Wen had seen the current situation when he originally planned to do this thing. If he had seen it in advance, he would surely know how high the risk “sex” of this matter was, but he still did it .

One can imagine how crazy this is.

The research team entered the research area.

They began to carry out on-site surveys on the meteorite to obtain materials.

If it is a story in the real timeline, it should start at this time. Someone died directly because of contact with the symbiote but there is no high fit, but now the symbiote is all captured by the Yang. shell.

But for the scientific research team, they are more interested in the materials of the meteorite and the special energy fluctuations they detected after the meteorite fell.

However, they should never be able to imagine that the special energy fluctuation was actually caused by a super-evolver.

But in this research direction. The researchers at the scene conducted various investigations.

At this time, it is time for Barnes to appear.

After enough researchers came to the site, Barnes calmly approached the inspection site, and he walked straight in.

Yang and others were waiting for them outside the venue.

Barnes’s movements can be regarded as very rapid.

He entered the area surrounded by all the tents. Then, inside, there was a strange light flashing, and then it was calm again.

Then Barnes came out from the inside calmly and calmly.

Xiang Yang said: “Okay.”

“That’s it?”

Yang blinked.

Barnes nodded and said, “That’s it.”

Zac quickly scanned the energy information of the limbs of those inside, and it turned out that these guys already had evolutionary factors inside their limbs. There were some potential mutation trends in their genes, although they could not see it at this time. Come out, but this trend will soon spread and develop.

“After these people return to their respective cities, they will quickly pass this factor to others around them in the form of fluctuation pulses.”

Forty years later, there are thousands of evolvers in the world.

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