I am A Villain

Chapter 1244 - Role change

The three people appeared when the world thought they were dead.

It is impossible for such a nonsense thing to occur in any period of history. It is obviously impossible to reverse the situation on the battlefield directly because of one or a few specific characters.

But this is the fact, Yang and Barnes, and Zac, they are the only core forces on the battlefield of the human world that can fight against the Weir killers.

The reason why the Weir people were able to wreak havoc on the entire human world in these three years is not entirely based on the overall military power, because the size of the human army is not smaller than that of the Weir people. Under the rapid improvement, the overall combat power of the human coalition has been very, very large, but no benefit can be obtained in every battle. Why is it because there are combat power units within the Weir group that humans cannot handle? Ah, no matter whether it is the God-killer or the first generation, they have fundamentally surpassed the human combat system of human beings. Even the most powerful weapon cannot fight them. During these three years, humans are on the frontal battlefield. The losses are actually less than the losses on the battlefield against the God-killers.

God killer is the real nightmare of mankind.

It’s a haze that covers all people’s heads. If they can’t solve the problem of killing the gods, on the level of war, humans can never win. This is the reality.

It can only be said that both Sansa and Butch have suffered, and when Yang and Barnes exist, they do not need to face such a cruel battlefield, at least they do not have to fight alone.

But in the era without Yang and Barnes, they were orphans in the true sense. On their battlefield, no one can provide assistance. The only thing humans can do is to pray for them. There is nothing else Things you can do.

For three years, Butch’s body was riddled with holes and one of her arms was broken. Sansha also had bruises all over her body. On the face that always had a quiet smile on her face, there was an extra scar that ran through her pupils. She could never be cute. Too.

This is the sorrow of the times.

When the child must also stand on the battlefield, it means that everything is on the verge of collapse.

Fortunately, they eventually returned.

The most evil generation ever.

The sinners of the new era were rejected and spurned by all mankind, but later they became the only ones against the power of the first generation. After disappearing for a full three years, they appeared again.

Once a public enemy of all mankind, the top three on the anti-human list.

However, in the first battle, the roof of the world, and countless small battlefield confrontations, the value of Yang’s existence has been fully reflected. Until they disappear, the value of war that has not been realized by people is even more Zoomed out infinitely.

Without the leadership of these evolving evolutionaries, the evolutionaries are like a piece of sand. Humans can no longer win the slightest chance on the battlefield against the Weirs. They have been defeated again and again, and have been suffering from the beginning. Hitting, until now can clearly see the end of his race.

At this time, the human military and the courts realized that when this war “chaos” era started, they were already wrong. They should not separate the evolutionaries in the human group, it is a division within humans. The nature of this has created such a situation today.

The evolver lives in the gap between the human and the Weir. God knows how many of the evolvers who have been hunted by the military can grow up to be able to fight against the **** killer. How much can the human official kill? People who save the world…

All of these mistakes have been made into **** prices today.

Fortunately, everything is still far from the end.

In the battlefield of the third year, let Yang catch up with them.

When he arrived on the battlefield and stopped the first generation who was about to kill Sansa and Butch, Yang actually had a very fast heartbeat. He knew that if he didn’t happen to have completed the fusion process today, and it was just back in time, Sansa is really dead today.

If that is the case, Yang is hard to accept.

He never thought of himself as the future of the human world.

As an evolver, he, Barnes, and Zac are all alternatives. They are not the result of mutations during natural evolution. They were all born as ordinary people, but they were born because of factors imposed by the day after tomorrow. This series of evolutionary results is essentially not a product of natural evolution at all. Although they are recognized as the most combative existence in this era, they all know clearly that they can only support the present, not the future. The future belongs to Sansha, who has infinite possibilities.

If Sansa is dead, Yang is absolutely unacceptable.

Anyone can die, but Sansa and their kids can’t…

Yang doesn’t know when he began to produce such a thought, probably because he has seen the world after the defeat of the human world. Yang is the only one except the surroundings who has seen the earth completely annexed, and humans degenerate People who make pictures of some inferior creatures.

That is the real end-time, a complete fall of civilization.

So in his mind, the past only needs to be made up a little. What really matters is the future, and the future is not what he can promise. The future is to be given to those new life, those who can sustain it Only the newborns baptized in this war can support the future.

At this moment, Yang seems to be able to understand more or less what kind of positioning the roaming people said in the surrounding mouth.

Wandering people, to put it bluntly, it is actually more like a horn like a tool person. They need to support an era to advance. Any mistakes may destroy the world, and all Yang needs to do is to maintain everything. .

After sending off Sansa and Butch, Yang turned around and looked at Barnes, who was flaring towards the rear.

The entire abandoned city was swallowed by Barnes’ energy storm.

Compared with three years ago, Barnes’s strength has been qualitatively improved.

In the past, on any battlefield, Barnes was always the craziest one, but at the same time, he was always the most beaten one. He lost half his life in the first battle and was buried directly under the ground for a long time. For a long time, then the roof of the world was broken again. Every time he was about to be hammered, but every time he lived like a Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten. In fact, Yang has not seen Barnes dominate the battlefield for a long time.

Whether they were the first to kill God, or later the two joined forces against the first generation.

Barnes is very frustrating, but he has always been so meaningless, he has not won.

But this time was different. After the appearance of Barnes, the first generation was suppressed.

Three years ago, he and Yang could only be “forced” by the first generation to start the space to reverse and escape, but this time, they have seen the origin of the court, the origin of the **** killer, and all the weapons of the ancient battlefield. Barnes, the energy source, completely prevailed.

Yang has always described Barnes as a stunned blue-headed baby. His fighting style is like crazy dogs and jade, and everyone is the same.

Imagine that someone weaker than you is fighting you in such a lifeless way, and it can make your scalp tingling. If you accidentally have to suffer a big loss, then if this is like a mad dog, you are going to kill you The life-changer is stronger than you?

Then you cracked it.


Boom! ! !

It is like a reduced version of the sun suspended in the low sky and bombarded towards the ground.

Barnes raged on the core battlefield in this way. Today, he is like a **** of war. There is no room for the first generation to breathe. He chases, bombards,

The smelting field and the energy enough to incinerate all converge in the air, and in less than three minutes, everything here is melted.

Yang is the closest to the battlefield. He can only vaguely feel the position of the first generation and Barnes, because the battle momentum and scale of Barnes’s whole battle are too grand.

It is estimated that this effect cannot be achieved by changing the scale of the weapons on the frontal battlefield of the earth’s army.


All mankind was shocked by this terrifying battle.

It’s been three years, this is the first time they dare to look directly at the battlefield, because in the past, they would be afraid of seeing the misery of the two children, but this time, inexplicably gave birth to a sense of self-confidence, just like them I feel like I can win.

Five minutes ago, they certainly couldn’t believe that they would have such a subjective feeling.

On the projection of the military command center.

Abandoned city center, a huge fireball is constantly hammering there.

In front of the sky, a figure stood coldly, watching Barnes raging on the battlefield.

At this time, through the detection of the main system, the military finally locked the position of Yang completely.

This once synonymous with the most evil human being, now appears suddenly, just like the savior of human beings, no matter what he has done, at least his appearance at this moment has saved the lives of those two children. Enough to cheer all humans behind the battlefield.

Those two children were saved…

Yang stood in front of the sea of ​​fire and stared at the two figures madly fighting each other inside the smelting field.

There was no greasy smile on his face that had always been on his face in the past, but it was extremely cold.

He firmly locked the position of the first generation inside the field.

This time, it cannot escape.

On the frontal battlefield, Zac is conducting a full schedule.

Although the battlefields of the various divisions are extremely complicated, this is not a difficult thing for his brain that exceeds all current computer processors in the earth world. Since he has taken over the command of the military, he can control all battlefields at the same time. The deployment of the combat power is scheduled.

As Zach said, today the Welsh frontal forces, he wants to “sex” half of them.

In this way, in the past three years, no one dared to say, and no one even dared to make such an imagination.

Humans have been at a disadvantage for too long, and they don’t even know how to win.

They can only hope that the young people on the battlefield will die less, nothing more.

But after Zac took over the command, he sent a message to all the soldiers, that is today’s battlefield, there is no need to consider the God Killer, nor the first generation, they are upright and head-on with the entire Welman forces. .

In this case, who is afraid of whom?

Everyone is going to gritt their teeth.

In three years, the number of troops that died in frontal battles was not even half of the army that died in the hands of the godslayer.

God killer is the existence of the most massacre of human soldiers.

The coalition forces have always expected a chance, a time when there is no first generation nor **** killer.

Each of them held their breath in their hearts.

As long as they are given a chance, each of them is willing to fight for their own “life” life, even if they are changed one by one.

Those soldiers who died tragically in the hands of God-killers succumbed to death.

This time, they had the opportunity to wash the shame for all their dead brothers.

Because this time, there will be no first generation, and no godslayers will appear on the battlefield!

Warships, individual combat regiments.

On the sea, directly open a large-scale air combat.

Zac has carried out the most accurate estimation of battle trends on each battlefield. He wants to make all battlefields invincible.

“The two of you split up, went north, and stopped all the god-killers there!”

Zac’s voice rang in Barnes and Yang’s ears.

Yang looked at the huge tumbling fireball in front of him and shouted, “You go and get Bucky, let me fight it.”

Bang Bang Bang! ! !

The raging energy skyrocketed countless times in an instant.

The soaring fire will almost burn into the atmosphere.

Barnes seemed to vent his anger.

In the last few times, he directly burned this space, and then he converged all the horror energy.

At this time, there was a deep pit on the black ground.

The pit is the first generation of the body that is covered with penetrating injuries and is recovering quickly.

And Barnes, condescending, looked at it.

“I need you over there.”

Step by step, Yang stepped on the scorched black gravel on the ground and walked towards the big pit.

One side urged Barnes to go to another battlefield.

It has to be said that the only person who can bring back Barnes who turned on the mad dog mode is Yang.

Barnes finally only looked at the first generation on the battlefield, and then turned and left quickly.

The sudden battle on the battlefield will be changed from now on.

However, the plot will not change at all, it will only be more terrifying than the original momentum.

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