I am A Villain

Chapter 1267

“You look a lot older.”

Yang perfectly explained what it means to chat to death.

Although I said that she was a little handsome a few seconds ago, this sentence in the next second is enough to make 100% of the women in the world want to slap him on the head after hearing it.

“It’s none of your business.” Zuo Ling turned his head away.

She seemed to have been living in these war wastes all the time, and she didn’t know how to survive in such a desolate place.

For Yang, he really hadn’t thought of seeing living humans here, and even more unexpectedly meeting acquaintances. He and Zuo Ling could indeed be regarded as acquaintances. After all, he had been acquainted with each other a long time ago. I know Zuo Ling. From the very beginning, Zuo Ling was Luo’s psychological counselor, but after Yang took the lead, in order to find Zhou Xinxin, Yang hijacked Zuo Ling and threatened Zuo Ling’s father. Anyway, he did not do a good thing from beginning to end. Zuo Ling’s life is also considered to be a bitter, so she has such a mental patient. Because of her contact with Yang, her entire life track has directly deviated from the original.

In the end, I didn’t know why. The girl who was persecuted one after another couldn’t forget the **** Yang.

Of course, Yang didn’t know this.

When he realized this a little bit, because of the huge changes in the world, he would never have the chance to see Zuo Ling.

That was after he met Zuo Ling in his resurrection.

It has been about three years away from now and almost four years.

“So you have always been in this place?”

Yang looked at Zuo Ling in ragged clothes.

Of course, he is not the kind of person who is prone to guilt. If he is the protagonist of some Virgin Mary, he will definitely feel that he has caused the girl so miserable, but it is not the case.

Yang has a thick-skinned face, and he said that he will not repent or have regrets about any of the things he has done. He is the kind of “I am happy” mentality.

“Do you think that a creature that has mutated but cannot help the war in any way can survive in the protection circle behind the coalition forces?” Zuo Ling glanced at Yang and said this sentence calmly. words.

Yang blinked and thought for a while, feeling as if there was nothing wrong with saying that.

“That is indeed.” Yang muttered.

Regarding the small nine-nine problems hidden between the evolutionary and ordinary people in the human world, he has no interest in fine-tuning.

Just like what Zhou Wen said before, human civilization does not need people like him and Barnes to intervene. What they can do is basically declared to be over after the death of the first generation, no matter what happens afterwards. Whatever, they have no power to intervene.

Therefore, there is no need for Yang to join in the fun for these people’s problems.

“Are you here alone?” Yang thought for a while, then asked.

“There are still many people who have mutated because of the war.” Zuo Ling responded.

In fact, Yang has always thought that the treatment of the evolutionary in this era is getting better.

In the past, the evolvers were the public enemies of mankind. They were a special existence that threatened the entire common human race. They were excluded and named as sinners. But today, three years later, the situation has changed a lot. However, due to the needs of war, humans and evolvers finally came together. After all, evolvers are the most effective force against the godslayers.

The evolutionaries headed by Sansa and others are now an indispensable high-end combat power within the entire military, and they play a very important role in warfare.

But one thing Yang overlooked was that not all evolvers were as powerful as Sansa and the hundreds of people below them.

Evolution is just a trend, not an absolute direction.

The manifestation of some mutant genes in the real world is not a breakthrough in combat effectiveness. In this case, the result of evolution is not a person who can actually help war.

And it must be admitted that the reason why ordinary humans can accept evolving people like Sansa is because they have seen evolving people fighting on the battlefield, their abilities, and their determination, allowing humans to accept them.

However, the evolutionary who cannot help the war may not have such treatment.

Although the human government has abolished all relevant regulations for the evolutionary, the evolutionary in the human group enjoys exactly the same treatment as ordinary people, but this can not prevent all ordinary individuals in a society from acting on such inaction A kind of subjective exclusion.

When the subjective and objective are not unified, all you get is official approval, but you don’t really get the approval of the people around you. Survival like that is extremely difficult.

Especially in the war years.

This is a stark reality.

Everyone knows it well, but there is no way for anyone to reverse it. It is probably only time that can smooth this gap.

Yang is not stupid, of course he can understand such a contradiction, but he can’t make any changes to it.

And this is not a problem he should be worried about, the real threat far exceeds this level of problem.

“So, you, evolutionary individuals, have been living in such a place?” Yang scratched his head and asked Zuo Ling, “Speaking of which, what effect did you have evolved?”

“Effect?” Zuo Ling looked at Yang, shook his head and said: “Because of the radiation of war energy, my body’s genes produced autonomous antibodies, which induced an evolutionary trend. I have a certain resistance to that kind of radiation. , But that’s it, there are no other special effects, and what appears on the surface is the scales on the face…”

“So rubbish…” Yang Zhangkou wanted to complain about how this evolutionary result was so rubbish, but he held back before he could say it.

“I think it’s okay, I’ve seen and useless ones.”

“…” There was a black line on Zuo Ling’s face, and he didn’t know what to say.

However, Yang quickly opened the topic: “It’s better to go back. No matter how difficult the life there is, it is better than being in a place where you can die at any time. At least… I can live longer.”

“The point is, for us, living longer is not the most important thing.” Zuo Ling shook his head and said nothing more.

Yang said with a smile: “

I know, there will always be more idealized ideas, and there will always be people who will clamor about what is more important than life, freedom, equality, etc. But believe me, life is responsible for yourself. Others It’s all nonsense. “

As a person who has died once, Yang has a very deep understanding of death.

auzw.com He knows that if a person dies, then everything in this world has nothing to do with him. He has no way to continue to have an effective subjective effect on any thing or item in the world. The effect of the impact is the weakest and most rigid state.

It was also the state that Yang feared the most, and it was almost parallel to his consciousness during the seven years.

He watched everything in the world, but couldn’t make his own choice.

And death just takes away all the power of onlookers.

If you die, you are all over. Your ideals, beliefs and pursuits have no value from your perspective.

This is Yang’s outlook on life. He only pursues the experience of being alive, instead of thinking about more concepts of value beyond death.

Because if he dies, he will never mention these concepts again, and he does not have the power and qualifications to witness the realization of these concepts. It is better to survive as much as possible to have the ability to put the so-called lofty beliefs in his mind. And ideals, put them into practice.

Probably only Yang in the whole world can understand Ximing so thoroughly.

“Forget it…”

Zuo Ling smiled bitterly.

Yang shook his head: “I’m just making a suggestion. It’s your choice if you don’t want to go back. However, I don’t know many people, and most of them are dead. I can see you in such a ghost place today. It’s still very happy. If you can live longer, it’s also a good thing.”

Zuo Ling stared at Yang blankly for a while.

She hadn’t expected that Yang would speak such words.

Because in her impression, Yang is a complete lunatic, he will do anything utterly conscience for his own purposes. For Zuo Ling, whether there is a normal human in Yang’s heart. She was in a state of suspicion, but at that moment, she seemed to hear a trace of…sorrow from Yang’s very ordinary words.

It turns out that he will be sad too?

Zuo Ling is worthy of being a psychologist. She captures the details of people’s micro-expression and gaze very well. Although Yang’s tone is very relaxed, there is clearly a flavour of depression in his words.

After all, he said that he didn’t know many people, and most of them were dead. It would be a little weird to say this from his mouth. Although it is an explanation of the facts, it is based on Zuo Ling’s understanding of Yang. , Such a person shouldn’t have such feelings of regret or sadness for the lives around him. The only explanation is that perhaps during the three years of disappearance, his heart has changed to some extent, or… he has lost something.

“Who died?”

In Zuo Ling’s words.

Yang froze for a while, and then laughed: “Damn, old psychologist, you can see this.”

His smile was real, but in Zuo Ling’s eyes, the sad mood was also real.

“Is that girl?”

Zuo Ling guessed the plot again.

This time, Yang stopped smiling, he nodded and said nothing.

Zuo Ling and Bonnie had met. When Chu Yang had just been resurrected, he rescued Zuo Ling from the armed man… Hey, that’s not true. To be precise, he took Zuo Ling away, and what happened to her. , And then they found Bonnie in the sixth zone.

At that time, the two girls meant to be tit-for-tat.

Understand and understand, after all, if you don’t experience this kind of wonderful thing, it is estimated that Yang will not dare to tell others that he is the protagonist. The difference in treatment is really too big. The protagonist has 3,000 harem beauties, and he goes back and forth. The female characters I’ve seen counted them with one hand, and they were actually treated as orphans.

Where does this make sense.

……Is the Dimension Wall worn again?


After Zuo Ling and Bonnie met at that time, there seemed to be another cooperation in armed operations.

Then Zuo Ling was taken back to human territory by the people of Rael Adam.

That seemed to be the only intersection between her and Bonnie. Since then, the two have never seen each other again, but Zuo Ling still saw Bonnie in some reports and live war broadcasts. Just before the world. On the battlefields of the roof, Yang and Bonnie’s armed actions, including the time when Yang and Barnes disappeared in the past few years, Bonnie has always been active on the battlefield. She has always been a very special battle among the evolutionary team. command.

She is not responsible for the overall combat operations, but directly leads the elite evolutionary team to carry out some more tricky wars behind enemy lines.

So Zuo Ling has more or less seen news about Bonnie in World Report.

Sometimes she actually envied Bonnie, who is also an evolutionary, but Bonnie can be with Yang on the battlefield every time. She knows that standing on the battlefield of that level will kill her at any time, but she suppresses it. Can’t help own this kind of psychology.

However, Bonnie was dead, which Zuo Ling never expected.

As a woman who is placed in the position of a rival in her heart, Bonnie’s death did not give Zuo a hint of joy. On the contrary, she now feels a little unbelievable, and she also feels like Yang.

She didn’t expect that Bonnie was still dead even after Yang had returned.

According to official sources, Yang is already strong enough to kill the first godslayers alone. This is beyond the existence of any previous combat power system. According to common sense, under the protection of Yang, After Bonnie didn’t even need to appear on the battlefield to fight his life, but in this case, Bonnie died…

Zuo Ling probably couldn’t imagine that Bonnie’s death was not caused by Yang’s inability to protect her, but by Yang directly.

It was Yang that made the furnace cover the sixth district where Bonnie was at that time.

He did not save her, did not stop the death that had existed in his mind for six years, but directly cut off his chance to rescue her.

Because this is the rule of the timeline, if he interferes, there will be a blank.

He himself will be like Zhou Wen, inexplicably annihilated and disappeared. To be continued


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