I am A Villain

Chapter 1286

These anti-mass cosmic armies are not unintelligible. They really use large waves of energy as their cover, as the Sombra said. On the surface, there is only energy madness in Yang’s vision. “Tide”, there is no biological body, but in fact all creatures are hidden in the wave of “Tide”, because the creatures of the anti-mass universe do not accept this traditional cosmic rule in the black hole universe world. They don’t even react to the energy. Even the most basic photoelectrons will not form any form of reflection after they act on them. Simply understood, they will not reflect light. “Shoot”, so it is impossible to detect their existence based on the naked eye of ordinary creatures.

The invisible things are hidden in the big wave of energy. If there is no reminder from the shadow man, there is a high probability that there is no way to notice this in advance. After all, he is used to his own feelings that can be conveyed to him. The information from your brain, this subconscious trust in your own judgment, can’t turn around for a while.

But after reacting, Yang and Barnes bombed these large-scale energy waves at the fastest speed.

Thunder, smelting energy, everything is gathering strength quickly.

Huh! ! !

On the horizon, Yang took the lead to tear open a hole in the opponent’s energy wave.

Then, within the range of human energy sensing, the creatures of the anti-mass universe began to appear.

Of course, they can only “see” these creatures within the energy sensing range, because they are not covered by the energy wave “tide”, they still can’t see these guys with their naked eyes.

This is the beginning of completely different creatures belonging to the two universes.

According to the research of the Black Hole Universe Alliance, in the eyes of the creatures of the Anti-Matter Universe, the creatures of the Black Hole Universe are a group of energy sources that emit photoelectricity. One of them cannot see each other, and the other cannot see each other clearly. There have been countless times of combat effectiveness at various collision points in the universe, and the law of time on this battlefield has been “chaotic”. There is no way to measure this battle by time. The statistics of casualties can only be used as a manifestation of the degree of war. In summary, black holes The universe world and the anti-mass universe have lost more than hundreds of civilizations.

Note that this is to exclude those low-level civilizations that died directly from crushing without knowing it. The more than 100 civilizations that perished were all high-level civilizations with super combat effectiveness. They were essentially members of the alliance. One, that is to say, their worst level also reached the eternal galaxy, and their demise was due to the defeat of the Alliance War Division battlefield.

Some of the clan were annihilated during the battle, and some were lost all their combat power. The area where the clan was located became a battlefield. Eventually, a cosmic collision broke out there, and everything returned to calm, just like the sun when they just landed. The same as the planet.

Even high-level civilizations have lost hundreds of them.

Imagine how tragic this war has been. If it weren’t for the alliance’s solid foundation, such a speed of war consumption would have already caused everything in the black hole universe to collapse. Up.

Imagine how long it takes behind a high-level civilization to evolve and settle, and how many civilizations are needed to exchange for a high-level civilization. The probability of such an evolution is very low, and it can only be referred to as a black hole. The universe is wide enough, almost infinite space, and at the same time has the concept of time, so that everything can evolve naturally, and the assembly of alliances is also very rapid, and it is constantly absorbing from other regions in the process of continuous combat. In this way, it can maintain the battle position without being overwhelmed by the army of the anti-mass universe in a short time.

This is the true state of a war.

Even if you use your imagination, you may not be able to imagine what terrifying opponents the alliance army of the black hole universe faces.

However, it may be that Yang and the others had better luck. After entering this deserted war zone, although they said they encountered an army of the anti-mass universe, it was only a small part of it. It was only time for the army to withdraw from the battlefield. They were the last to break, but because of the emergence of Yang and their strong energy source, they attracted the attention of this army.

Of course, the army of the anti-mass universe can’t imagine what kind of creatures they are facing. They have just won a large-scale victory. In this galaxy, the army of the black hole universe was destroyed by them. , Together with all the civilizations living in the native galaxy here, they have been “sex” obliterated. Probably because of this victory, this group of armies from outer universe galaxies lowered their vigilance. They don’t think there is anything in this deserted galaxy that can threaten their existence. Even if a powerful energy source was discovered, there was no immediate match between the energy source and the powerful creatures, but just thought that something went wrong with certain planets, so come and check.

But after checking, they knew that there really were creatures here.

And it is indeed a creature of the black hole universe.

This makes the army of the Anti-Mass Universe feel very unexpected.

But before they had made up their minds about whether to dispatch or not, their existence was noticed.

The black hole creature exuding a powerful energy source directly launched an active attack!

Then there is the scene before everyone now.

Yang alone stopped all the energy waves on the horizon, and even relied on the incomparable black thunder to tear open the gap in the waves.

And Barnes in the low air also faced all of them by one person, and carried all the meteorite energy fields at once.

This kind of creature that can deal with the entire energy field alone is difficult to see even in the frontal battlefield of the Alliance and the anti-mass cosmic armies, but today, the anti-mass cosmic armies have seen two “sex” at once.

No, more than two.

Because the originator also did it.

After a short period of observing, the two old guys who had lived for more than a thousand years finally reacted.

They joined the battle from left to right.

Yang and Barnes have released the figure of the army hiding in the energy field. Even if it is an existence that photoelectrons cannot capture, everyone present has a strong energy sensing ability, even with their eyes closed. Confront the enemy easily. For them, energy sensing is a clearer sense than pure vision.

Yang is facing the overwhelming anti-mass universe creatures in front of him.

What surprised him was that the other party did not have the powerful blessing of external weapons as he had imagined. On the contrary, he did not capture any heat like guns used by humans within his sensory perspective. The existence of weapons and equipment, these biological armies from different universes do not rely on powerful weapons and equipment to fight against the black hole universe.

In addition to the energy source emitted by the organism itself, the Yang only senses some special energy matter, but it does not look like a weapon, but rather something attached to the limbs of an anti-mass universe creature. It’s just something that plays a supporting role, and to a certain extent, it’s not pure matter, nor pure energy.

Yang is very clear that the thing is definitely not an existence that he can understand in a moment and a half. Everything in the anti-substance universe is different from what he has seen in the past, and he cannot use his original concept to go. To evaluate or judge, and the amount of knowledge stored in Yang’s brain is pitiful, he is not an academic evolve like Zach, even though Zach has already said that Yang’s brain has convergent evolution with his limbs. Yes, but he didn’t try to get in touch with any new knowledge system at all. The only thing that can prove Zach’s inference is probably that Yang will understand new concepts faster than others at some point. .

However, if the suspicion turns to the suspicion, the confrontation still has to be fought.

After locking down every anti-mass cosmic system army entity around, he directly enlarged his black “color” thunder field to hundreds of times the original range.

In this way, it became a thunder pond in an instant.

All the troops were bathed in thunder at once, and countless people trembled at it.

auzw.com Within Yang’s perspective, he could see that many creatures with weaker energy fields were melted by the thunder in the first place.

This at least gave him a signal that these creatures from different universes are not invincible, and there are also some weak groups among them that can be easily wiped out by themselves.

In this case, Yang would at least feel relieved.

If a group of enemies he encountered after he came into this world could fight with him for three days and three nights, then this would be a copy of epic difficulty, and it would be impossible to get through without charging.

Okay okay, not that way

When Yang Dashou was carrying out a range of “sex” bombing, the Originator also joined the “chaos”.

Different from Yang’s bombing, the Originator exerted their most proud and powerful melee ability. After his limbs glowed with golden light, the whole person was located in the center of the battlefield like a **** of war. The fastest speed, like a meat grinder, fighting like crazy.

Under the joint efforts of Yang and the Originator, these alien universe creatures that had not had time to withdraw from this universe in the end seemed a bit vulnerable.

The same scene was also staged at low altitude.

Barnes alone took control of the situation. Later, the Originator directly plunged into the core area of ​​the battlefield. He forcibly carried all the meteorite energy and carried out a brutal massacre on all the anti-mass forces in a short time.

The fight between these two originators seemed extremely indifferent.

They didn’t even show that they were obliterating lives, but it’s normal, because they’ve never encountered such a battle before. You can’t even smell an opponent like this kind of invisible opponent. With the slightest smell of blood, how can one experience the real pleasure of fighting.

Countless energies are intertwined crazily.

The battle in this galaxy should have ended a long time ago. It has already been declared a part of the anti-mass universe. But at this time, such a large-scale battle broke out. It was beyond everyone’s expectations. Even the Alliance Command that caught the energy fluctuations was a little unbelievable.

“what’s the situation?”

“I don’t know, speed up the investigation?!”

Here, the people of the Alliance began to investigate the condition of the battlefield ruins.

But Yang and they are already fighting hard.

Although it is only a small army of the Anti-Matter Universe, it is also an army after all. It can be regarded as a constant army. Even if you stand still and stretch your necks to chop Yang, you have to chop up. long time.

Moreover, as long as there is a large enough base, it is impossible to have any powerful individuals.

After slaughtering for a while, Yang finally found what he was looking for.

In the opponent’s energy field, a powerful energy source is trying to hide itself.

However, because Yang’s large-scale attack completely caused the energy field in this area to fall into a state of chaos, the opponent was caught by Yang despite trying to hide.

“Can be regarded as found!”

Yang directly led the sky full of thunder and blasted towards the position of the energy field where the opponent was.

The whole person looked like a cannonball, smashing a huge hole in the ground.

Then, a more violent explosion rose above the horizon.

Just like a nuclear bomb exploded, a mushroom cloud rose directly from the ground.

Then came hunting time.

Yang put away all the Thunder, and his figure disappeared.

This time it really disappeared, and under the cover of the shadow rule energy, even the energy sensor could not capture his location.

And something even stranger happened.

That is, when Yang disappeared, his opponent appeared. …

This is probably the first time all of them have seen creatures in the anti-mass universe.

Including the Sombra who is a Carrillo.

He never thought that one day he would be able to see these powerful beings from another universe through a very low-level sense of vision.

Although the other party did not show up 100%, at least a clear outline and color appeared.

“Am I seeing him!”

The shadow man screamed.

This is his first gaffe so far since he appeared.

No matter what kind of situation he encountered in the past, Sombra has always had his clothes calm and calm to the extreme, but now, he screamed…

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