I am A Villain

Chapter 1296

“So what’s the situation now.”

Yang asked the guy named Arkham in front of him.

It is absolutely impossible for him to imagine that human civilization can reach this point. Now the temperament that the entire civilization presents, Yang feels very familiar, but he can’t perfectly describe what kind of thing it is. Come out, just feel very embarrassed.

But now, when they are generously using most of their combat power to help others, their home backyard caught fire, and it was a fire that burned their ass.

Five collision points mean five battlefields.

In this case, no civilization can deal with it independently.

Fortunately, the reinforcements are all on the way, and what human civilization has to do is to hold on…

This will be a super battle, because there are 5 collision points, the anti-mass universe system will definitely go all out. The more concentrated collision points like this are the favorites of the anti-mass system. The battlefield, because once they have eaten a collision point galaxy, they can quickly spread their forces and transfer them to support other collision points.

Of course, this situation is also the same for the Black Hole Alliance, it is nothing more than to see who takes the first collision point first.

“Don’t worry, the human forces are in a mess. Even if the forces are dispersed, I think they will be able to hold them for a while. There are hundreds of reinforcements similar to ours, all of which are already on the way. After we arrive, it is time to counterattack.” Arkham smiled confidently. He seems to have really great confidence in human civilization.

Yang discovered that in the eyes of these alliance members, humans have become some kind of very trustworthy combat partners, or the power that humans have exploded on the battlefield over the years is obvious to all, even in the face of such a difficult situation. No one thought that humanity would be defeated before they arrived on the battlefield.

For any other civilization, even if it is a stronger existence than human civilization, it may not be able to cause the consensus of the entire alliance, and there is no way to “sex” cause so many branch defense areas to reinforce, you know, these are on their way The vast majority of the many reinforcements were spontaneous, and they did not even receive an order from the alliance headquarters. This time the military operation was actually initiated by them. To some extent, they had such completeness. Spontaneous army command, but making this decision means that each of their branch defense areas has to bear a certain risk, that is, once a collision point appears within their own defense area, there is a high probability They will be exposed to extremely dangerous situations themselves, but everyone has acquiesced to such a risk-taking. They know that human civilization must not be watched by the anti-mass universe on the battlefield of the five collision points. Submerged, they have witnessed the annihilation of countless civilizations. One more human civilization is not too much, but for races like humans, they deserve to live longer. Everyone has received more or less help or favor from human civilization. , They must respond anyway.

Five collision points and the pressure of five battlefields are superimposed on everything. This situation is basically equivalent to a harbinger of demise for any civilization. If the alliance does not play defense at all costs as in the past. , The civilization surrounded by the collision point must be completely wiped out.

But humans are an exception.

They have fallen into this predicament, and most people in the alliance do not feel that the situation has reached a desperate point for mankind.

The performance of humans on the battlefield has always been excellent, and only they are the most likely to survive when faced with such emergencies. Some people may even think that this time humans may directly serve as the top five. Directly use the strength of a civilized army to carry the banner of the dominant combat power on the battlefield at the collision point.

I have to say that there are still people who have a good understanding of humans.

Because they basically guessed the plan of human civilization.

What human civilization has to do is to “sex” provoke the main defensive responsibility of this battlefield at one time.

They did not evacuate their defense zone.

It even fought against the forces of the anti-mass cosmic system that entered the galaxy at the collision point in the first place.

The tempo is so fast that the entire league is speechless.

If it hadn’t been for the people of the Alliance who had seen the powerful expressive power of humans on the battlefield, they would most likely treat human civilization as a group of cannon fodder. After all, no matter which civilization it is, When faced with such a situation, it is very rare to be able to not take the initiative to retreat. If you still take the initiative to attack, then how many brains is a bit problematic.

But human war thinking is not like this.

They know very well that although their current battles are weaker than their opponents, the opponent’s fighting power that is about to be put on the five battlefields is definitely much stronger than the combat power of the entire human civilization in the defense zone, or even doubled.

But this does not mean that they should withdraw. On the contrary, as a defender, humans feel that they should hold the initiative. If they continue to stay within the defense zone and dare not defend the galaxies at the collision point, then even if they wait until When reinforcements arrive, it is difficult to regain the lost galaxy at that time. Defense has a defensive way, and offense has an offensive way. In the traditional thinking of mankind, fighting must be done, even if the reinforcements have not arrived. , But the existing troops at hand should not be fearful, but should be the first step to occupy favorable planetary battle points. Only after these vital places are completely occupied, can they be able to defend against losses to a greater extent. Maximized reduction.

This is not a question of being reckless, but a choice that a wise man in war will definitely make.

They are humans, and humans are not afraid of death.

I still responded to that sentence, this is a race that crawled out of the abyss.

“The once-civilized troops also helped us Shi Yi. That is something we will never forget. It’s time to repay us.”

A very firm expression appeared on Arkham’s face.

Yang scratched his head.

“How come the atmosphere suddenly became enthusiastic in the second half.”


He can always use a sentence to make this kind of atmosphere puffy when the mood is the highest.

Barnes next to him was calmly holding his hand from the beginning to the end and listening to the side. He didn’t know if this guy heard anything. In short, it’s certain that humans are in big trouble now, and that’s it. This kind of behavior will be a disaster for the strong civilization of any branch defense zone. Of course, if they are willing to withdraw, the alliance will completely allow this behavior. The theater defense zone and civilization are not 100%. Bound, after a piece of ground is lost, there is still a need for a second piece of ground to become the ninth defense zone. As long as the troops are still there, the war will not end.

But humans won’t just leave like this. They can go from a low-level civilization all the way to the present day by killing a place, and never let go of one thing. They have persisted until they reach today’s high-level civilization. To the extent that their belief is rooted in such a “sexuality” of not admitting defeat and not giving up, for them, as long as the army is still there, the war can continue to fight, but if they retreat without a fight, the soul of a nation It’s gone. A force without a soul can’t win any battles. The fighting style they have always maintained is such a fierce force. They have to take a bite to catch anyone. As long as they bite, A large piece of meat must be torn off.

This is wild like a wolf.

Therefore, when the ninth theater of mankind took the initiative to attack the five collision point galaxies, in fact, the entire alliance felt that the scalp was numb, but also felt that this was the normal behavior of mankind. They knew that mankind would not wait to die, nor would it not. The tortoise shrank and waited for rescue, and the humans did not disappoint them. In a short time, they directly engaged with the local people.

If it is placed in the past, the Alliance will even think that human forces are enough to eat all the invaders of the anti-mass universe, but the current situation is indeed special. They cannot underestimate the number of enemies on the 5 battlefields. This kind of assembled anti-mass The frontal force of the universe system can swallow any civilization in a short period of time. This is no joke.

What other armies can do is to rush to the battlefield as quickly as possible in a short period of time. It is their only task to reach the battlefield in the few time that humans have won.

Just like Arkham’s forces today, there are still many reinforcements in the light-speed transition.

Everyone understands that an extraordinary battle will take place in the ninth theater next. With humans as the lead force, this battle will definitely be fought very violently. In fact, the troops in many branch theaters are very longing for humans. In the military system, they all know in their hearts that human forces have won many confrontations that outsiders seem to be impossible to win. In the military, human forces are a role model.

Yang did not expect human beings to reach the heights they are today.

Perhaps he originally had certain confidence in the existence of human civilization entering the stage of high-level civilization. After all, he and a few others have basically done the same, and after they left, human civilization still has Zack. These people are escorting them, and if all the necessary conditions are available, if they still can’t rank among the ranks of high-level civilizations, Yang will feel strange instead.

However, after entering the ranks of high-level civilizations, being able to create such a position and height is completely beyond Yang’s expectations.

He didn’t expect the human race to become so competitive in the back.

In his impression, the interior of human civilization is full of internal struggles such as self-division and insidious cunning.

I have never thought that one day it will become an extremely united system in the eyes of outsiders.

Probably this is how times have changed.

Yang sighed in his heart.

But at this time, Arkham asked another question: “By the way, you said you are a member of the human race, but how do I think you know nothing about human civilization?”

This creature with long tentacles is not a fool. In the process of telling Yang about so many situations, Yang did not demonstrate his surprises and complaints at all. Even a fool can see the status of Yang’s current human civilization. It is ignorant, which is so inconsistent with the thing he said before that he is a human being.

If he is really a human, why doesn’t he know anything about it.

“In my age, human beings are not like this.”

Yang shook his head, and he didn’t know how to explain the appearance of humans in the past.

At that time, if human beings were put into this era, they would be as weak as an ant.

“It turned out to be so.”

Arkham suddenly realized.

He knows the rule point plan, but he doesn’t know exactly how the so-called rule point works, so he cannot understand why Yang does not understand the current situation for the time being, just as Yang does not know that the current situation is the same. As far as Arkham was concerned, the rule-point plan was more like going to a very far place to find some very powerful people for reinforcements on the battlefield. He didn’t even think that Yang might not belong to this era.

Most of the alliance members understand the rules in the same way as Arkham. They all think that this is just a way to search for combat power from a distance. They have not yet connected this matter to the timeline. Although there are indeed wanderers like Old Yang on this battlefield, the secrets of the wanderers are not well known.

Only within the Carrillo civilization, the roamer’s time jumping ability is considered a relatively popular knowledge point, for other civilizations, it is not that simple.

Yang looked at the picture on the main system, the war in the human defense zone, and one more thing for Yang was very important, that is, he was looking forward to seeing the old version of himself, after all, the other party tried to get him. They came to this world of war, so if nothing happens, they will most likely meet officially, and Yang still has a lot of things to ask each other.

Of course, whether or not Old Luo Yang is in the human defense zone is one thing, and Yang did not hold much hope.

He only knew that the battle he was looking forward to was finally coming, hehe

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