I am A Villain

Chapter 582 - Attention

“They started by arranging the rules of the space and accumulating energy to create the environmental conditions for docking after the second dimension device was dropped.

Rael Shensheng analyzed.

The operation system of the undead bird is completely different from that predicted by Rael. The multi-dimensional device is not only one, but two

Thinking of this, Rael suddenly looked away, and he looked at the projections of all the generals present.

“I need you to launch all available outer space detection satellites to search for the presence of devices for dead birds outside the atmosphere in this area!”

When Rael’s words came out, everyone’s face changed.

Yeah, since the Undead Bird can arrange an inverted pyramid to hide under their eyelids for so long, it means they have the ability to hide more

Generals from various countries immediately give orders to their own departments

In short, after the launch of the second device of the Undead Bird, the entire battle situation has completely exceeded the control of the joint military, but it also gave the military the opportunity. If the Undead Bird has always been enveloped in the twisted space, the military There is no way, and now the distorted space is beginning to dissipate. Although there is an additional pyramid device, the military also has the opportunity to attack. Now the entire front line has been pulled to a distance of tens of kilometers.

The military launched a flagrant attack.

All of the ground, air, and long-range missile systems were bombarded indiscriminately into the inverted pyramid device and this huge sky between the two devices.

In the same way, all the armed forces of the Undead also started at the same time, and carried out a fire and terror counterattack.

The largest battle since the Second World War, at this time from the perspective of satellite surveillance, was broadcast in real time to any channel in the world.

At this moment, almost 99.99% of the world ’s people are watching this **** battle, whether it is an ordinary employee in the office or a high-level country sitting in the parliament building, whether it is lying on a hospital bed The old man on the street is still a ignorant child, and even homeless people on the roadside are watching the live broadcast on the big screen inside through the street shop glass.

It may be that some people have n’t seen a real war until now, especially in such a large-scale battle

This is the largest battle since the 21st century, and it is also the highest level of human research applied to war.

However, most people only know that a terrorist organization called the Undead Bird stands on the opposite side of the joint military on the battlefield. It does not know what terrible meaning is behind this battle.

At this time, in the eastern land, a beautiful girl stared at the battlefield scene with fierce flames on the screen, covering her mouth, and tears continued to flow from her eyes without choking out.

This girl is Zuo Ling.

A few hours ago, she received a call from her father, the content of the call was only a few words, but she learned where she had gone in the two months after her father disappeared, and also heard that Zuo Feng had never A word spoken to her-Dad loves you

Although Zuo Feng did not specify where he was going and what he was going to do.

But women have this terrifying intuition.

Intuition tells Zuo Ling that her father is on that battlefield, now the most dangerous place in the world

The report of this war on the Internet channel is relatively scarce, and the platform simply cannot obtain the true fighting trend, and can only analyze it from the obtained screen.

Fortunately, the images obtained by satellites are very clear, and the most interesting thing is, I don’t know from which channel, the media has obtained a list of all relevant characters who have appeared on the battlefield.

These people are considered to be relatively well-known, such as Knox, which was crushed by an airplane before

Of course, Yang is also indispensable.


This guy has hardly missed all the large-scale terrorist incidents in the world in the past half a year, starting from the beginning of the massacre of Hilo City, to the attack of the Adam Technology Building, and then to the blue ocean incident that caused a global sensation.

Not long ago, before the distorted space was shrouded, the satellite’s facial recognition system obtained the position where the sun appeared. It was when he and Knox were fighting each other on the street.

Although the stay time is not long, it is enough to confirm that this guy appeared on this battlefield.

It can be said that Yang really did not miss any major event

In less than a year, his identity has never existed in the underground world rogue Luo, has become the world’s attention problem young boy Yang

But this is all afterwords.

The world is watching this battle now.

The avatars of specific participants such as Yang were posted on the lower left of the live broadcast screen, and continued to scroll.

At this time, in a corner of the world, in an old bar with a very western American style, a middle-aged woman was looking at the old TV screen hanging on the wall with Erlang’s legs. Live broadcast of the Australian battlefield.

The fat little brother in the bar looked at the TV screen and looked intently.

He didn’t recover until the woman knocked on the wooden bar with her empty wine glass.

“Sorry sorry”

He apologized embarrassingly and poured wine on the woman.

In front of her, this Asian girl often appeared beside the bar of this bar. She came here and did nothing else, just drinking and smoking.

Normally, she will not watch this TV series no matter what she puts on. Only at certain times will she glance at one or two, such as this time.

There was also the post-war report of the last Blue Ocean incident, and the last time when Adam Technology ’s building was demolished by someone, and the video of the last Hilo city massacre

Not many times.

Only a handful.

But the same point is also clear, that is, the same person appears in these events.

The middle-aged woman’s gaze was dull looking at the screen.

At least the bartender fat brother did not see any special emotions in her eyes.

But the woman stared at the screen

Every time she watches TV, she looks like this. She does n’t have any expression on her face, but she does n’t look away from the screen for a moment, does n’t talk, and does n’t allow others to block her view.

Until later, the scrolling columns of the participants’ avatars on the screen disappeared, and the woman dropped a few pieces of money, and left without looking back.

The bartender brother is also wondering, this woman is not curious about the follow-up development of the war?

Or is her focus not on the battle itself?

What a strange woman

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