I am A Villain

Chapter 645 - He is not strong enough

However, Johnny’s thinking was very clear. He did not intuitively think that he could rush into the Weir encirclement to pull Yang out, but wanted to let Yang’s limbs evolve further!

What he needs is more symbiotic material!


Originally Yang’s eyes were cut off, and now Walter has restored his vision directly by Johnny of the demon form!

He furiously resisted.

As a symbiote fusion in the second fusion stage, he will not be afraid of any mutant creatures.

However, it was not the ordinary mutants in the ark that appeared before him.

Johnny’s catalytic transformation of his body from ordinary humans to such a state is not a whimsy, but a complete evolutionary system arrangement. All he did was to revenge Zhou Wen.

As a student of Zhou Wen, Johnny should be the person who knows him best in the world, so he must know how powerful he needs to deal with Zhou Wen.

This kind of accelerated evolution is not a one-off process, nor is it a kind of crude biotechnology, but a gradual process.

From the very beginning, the fighting power of Johnny Devil’s posture could not even be matched by several fully-armed Luo ordinary humans, and later he could freely control the transformation of his limbs, and now, even in the face of the Welman’s battleship, he dared to rush forward. .

To put it bluntly, Johnny transformed himself from a human to a half-demon and half-human creature. The ultimate goal is to deal with Zhou Wen, so as time goes on, as long as his evolutionary path is not wrong, it will eventually grow up to be a genuine one. demon


Although Walter is an ordinary human with a physique beyond, standing in front of the demon-shaped sun is as small as an underage child.

He was shocked to find that this huge lizard covered with black exoskeleton structure was extremely destructive.

Yang left too many metal fragments with the property of suppressing the magnetic field on Walter. He now does not have the ability to regenerate the symbiotic fusion person at high speed. Without the recovery of the physical trauma, Walter could not fight Johnny!

Bang Bang Bang!

Johnny in the devil’s gesture grasped Walter with both hands, ten claws directly submerged into Walter’s torso, and penetrated from the other side.

It grabbed Walter’s body more than two meters high and faced the ground and it was a mad smash!

The ragged fangs kept tearing flesh and blood from Walter!

This is a sect of pure beast fighting.

Full of violent and bad style.

In less than ten seconds, it shattered Walter’s entire limb.

If it were not a symbiote that made his skeleton harder than the metal structure, it is estimated that the whole person had already shattered into a meat sauce.

But now it’s almost the same. No skin or muscle on his body is intact.

Johnny grabbed Walter’s head and stepped on his torso with his hind limbs, so he would tear off Walter’s neck!

But how could the spine of the symbiont fusion be so easily torn.

Johnny in a violent state is like a beast tearing his prey in the wilderness, and his claws continue to sink into Walter’s head.

On the one hand, he fixed Walter’s torso, on the other hand, he ripped his head frantically.

In the end, Walter’s lower body was completely trampled.

auzw.com The entire jaw was also torn off.

Johnny grabbed Walter’s residual limb and smashed it against the ground rock layer, and finally turned his head off his neck smoothly.

The torn aorta has hot blood surging wildly.

Johnny’s bluish-yellow eyes flashed a sharp human-coloured excitement, and the headless corpse holding Walter would run towards the position of the sun.

The low-level gray armored Welman tried to stop the beast that suddenly appeared on the battlefield, but before striking Johnny, he stepped on the ground rock.

Johnny knew exactly what he wanted to do now.

He wants Yang to devour the blood from Walter. Only when more symbioses are fused can he have a stronger magnetic field control, otherwise it will really be over.

The Will battleship in the upper air instantly rushed over and concentrated fire on the position of Johnny. The ruined place he was in could not directly bear the energy attacks and collapsed.

Johnny ran across the cracked underground rock formation.

However, the firepower of the Weirs far exceeds that of the Allied Forces and the Undead Birds. Even if Johnny has evolved to this level, the exoskeleton is difficult to carry such firepower.

It was repulsed constantly, but sprinted again!

At this time, Yang, who was hit hard, still knelt on the ground

He can still feel the things around him, but he is very vague

If the symbiont effect in his body is stripped, he should have been a dead person, or he has already died for many times, and now the symbiote has been hit hard, and the entire limb system of Yang has been paralyzed.

The sound of gunfire roared into Yang’s ears at this time, only a low hum.

What he saw in his field of vision was just a series of flashing blurry lights, but he couldn’t tell what they were.

He wanted to stand up, but couldn’t do it at all.

Yang’s current state is like that of a person in a half-sleep state, only able to perceive half of the external environment, but unable to make any response.

“You have a high degree of evolution, which I must admit”

The one-eyed Weir carried a long white knife in his hand, and slowly walked across the ground covered with metal fragments and walked towards the sun.

Its eyes, no, it stared at this magical creature on the ground kneeling on the ground.

“The memory of the dying man ’s mind is not complete, but I can analyze it somewhat. It seems that in the human world, you are not a popular character. Maybe you will be happy if you die in this way. . “

“Oh yes, there is one more thing. It seems that the samurai was thinking about why his special long sword could not cut your bones before he died.”

The Weir flicked the blood on his long knife.

From the samurai’s memory, it learned that before the other party had cut Yang’s cervical spine with a long knife, unfortunately the warrior was not able to cut Yang’s head off

It is estimated that this matter was indeed doubted by the samurai to death, so this memory seems very clear, and the Weir people are very clear.

It put a long white knife across it and put it on Yang’s neck.

The blade was blazed with scarlet blood

The cold, stiff words spit out of the Will population:

“Actually, what I want to say is that it’s not about the knife.”

“It’s his power that is not enough.”

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