I am A Villain

Chapter 654 - simple

After the first war, Rael has been staying in this villa like a waste man.

He dismissed all butlers and servants.

Dust is everywhere in the room.

He didn’t know what he was doing and what he should do.

And as he said, if it wasn’t his other daughter who suddenly contacted him, maybe Rael really waited to die like this.

His empire has completely decayed.

This world is no longer the original world, Rael does not know how to continue to survive.

Because he has lost everything.

In fact, since Daisy died in Hilo, Rael has been hit hard, but at that time he had another daughter, a daughter one year younger than Daisy, but no one knew her ‘S existence, because this child who inherited Rael’s scientific research talents had shouldered his father’s expectations early and became a scientific researcher that the Undead Bird Company liked.

While still in high school, she had already received an invitation from the Undead Bird.

No one knows that she is the daughter of the famous Rael Adam, including the Undead.

So at that time, Rael made a decision that made him uneasy for the next few years.

He turned his own daughter into an undercover inside the undead bird.

This is no longer a question of not taking risks, but an almost indifferent way of doing things.

Kerrel did just that.

Of course, Jane was not forced, in fact, she made this decision herself.

Because she clearly remembered the attack that she and her sister, father, and mother were at home when she was a child under ten years old.

Those people with m-characters on their clothes broke into her house.

They tried to kill their father, but Uncle Ronnie stopped them.

The father was injured but did not die, but the mother fell.

That night was Jane’s birthday. Under the candlelight, her face was covered with the blood of her mother.

After the attackers retreated.

In the hall, my father knelt on the floor and yelled, Uncle Ronnie was covered in blood and was standing against the wall at the door, the elder sister was crying, and their mother fell in the pool of blood in the center of the hall

Jane will never forget the m character she saw.

The hatred she buried was more profound than Rael and Daisy.

But seven years later, in these seven years, Jane never saw that special icon again.

She even began to wonder if the pattern she saw that night was real or just an illusion under her panic.

But the mother was indeed dead.

Until when she showed superb scientific talent in school, the invitation letter secretly delivered by the Undead Bird, she decided to go regardless of whether Rael disagreed or not.

The immortal bird badly needs this kind of talent.

In fact, all scientific research talents of the company are recruited through this method.

They will sign an agreement, the content is either to cooperate, get unimaginable rewards and scientific research conditions, or to say goodbye to the world.

So Jane became a researcher in the research area of ​​the Dead Bird Company. After a few years, she became the second in the experimental area.


This almost crazy growth rate is not only due to her talent, but also her persecution of herself.

She entered the Undead Bird Company and was completely cut off from the outside world.

Only when she walks to a higher position can she have more information and then be able to regain contact with her father.

And it turns out that she did it.

After becoming the top executive of the research department of the company.

She did many things for Rael.

All the secret information Rael needs about the undead bird comes from Jane.

Jane wasn’t the only undercover he placed inside the Undead Bird, but it was undoubtedly the most important one for him.

That’s why after Daisy’s death, Rael would be so eager to dig out Undead Bird Company.

Because there is only one of his relatives.

He has lost his wife and daughter, and he can no longer lose another daughter.

When encircling the arsenal in Yiyang, Jane provided Rael with the technique of locking the jumping of bears and children, and later, the remains of the advent plan of the Undead Bird Company were also tried by Jane to try to get it to Rael, including Undead Bird’s base in the Arctic is also provided by Jane.

She knows her responsibilities, and she is willing to pay any price for it.

The **** childhood encounter flashed back in her head every day.

She wants revenge, she wants to watch the Undead Bird Company completely crushed.

After the end of World War I, Jane left the Arctic base.

It took a long time before I tried to contact my father.

It seems that her revenge has succeeded, but it seems that she has lost a lot. She has invested more than ten years in it and gave up everything.

Until he continued to be developed in thinking in the work of scientific research.

Until I saw a terrible existence-Zhou Wen.

For more than ten years, Jane was carrying out scientific research tasks for revenge. She must force herself to become the top in this field, so that the undead bird will pay more attention to her, and she will have the opportunity to obtain the information she wants until.

Until the moment the undead bird crashed, Jane seemed to feel a sudden feeling.

It cannot be said to be awakening, but it does have such an illusion.

It seems that she has gone far enough in this field. She has seen things that many people cannot see, including her father.

The technology from the Weir people has changed her entire thinking and even her human nature to a great extent.

She does not know what kind of state she is now. Although the undead bird has fallen, she has no desire to return to her father. She wants to continue on this road.

So when Zhou Wen and Zac left from the Arctic headquarters, Jian Yi resolutely embarked on their fighters.

Perhaps the top executives of the Undead Bird will not know that an assassination of Rael would have created such a cold research genius.

Hatred made this girl devote all her body and mind to scientific research, and at the moment when the undead bird was destroyed, maybe Jane was really alive.

“That’s how it is.”

Rael spread his hand, he said to the man on the bed:

“I don’t know where she is, it seems that she didn’t want to come to see me, but I don’t think a father should sit here as a waste person waiting for his daughter to go home, I have to pick her up”

“Are you saying, Ronnie?”

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