I am A Villain

Chapter 707 - manpower

So to sum up, Luo Yang ’s current timeline is likely to collapse at any time, because there is no definite time mainstream, and in another timeline, he and all mankind have declared gg, this earth Became a resource taking place for Weir.

There is no time mainstream.

Unless they do something, let this timeline continue.

“You said, what is the unfinished task?” Luo Yang faintly could guess something, but he was not very sure.

The reason why these two timelines will diverge is because of the two different results of the first battle. This is certain.

In Luo Yang ’s illusion, the wormhole was not cut off in the timeline of the Welsh completely defeating the human coalition, but was maintained until the entire Wel race entered the earth.

Well, the most crucial point is here.

“We have to go back to participate in the first game.” Charles said something very unbelievable but very reasonable in Luo Yang’s eyes.

They have to go back.

The end of the first battle was due to the fact that the huge cosmic wormhole was suddenly interrupted during the battle, and the Weirs had less than 30% of the troops so that they did not continue the pace of their invasion, but entrenched The sixth district looks for ways to open the wormhole again.

In fact, no one knows the truth as to why the wormhole of World War I was suddenly closed.

The military did not know, nor did the Weirs.

Luo Yang always thought it was a coincidence that caused the collapse of the wormhole.

But now he understands it, there is no coincidence at all, everything is necessarily causally related.

Now he is in this world, or it should be said that this timeline is an informal field of practice. Their so-called “unfinished task” is to find a way back to the first in this timeline Cut off the wormhole during the battle.

Only by doing so will the mainstream of time completely return to this timeline, and if no one completes this task, the ending of the first battle will become the pictures in Luo Yang ’s mind, the wormhole is not closed, The Welsh can completely defeat the human coalition, so of course, this timeline no longer exists.

This is a switch in this informal timeline.

Charles didn’t even need much explanation, Luo Yang immediately cleared his mind in his mind.

After all, he has experienced similar things. He has died many and many times in the field of informal time, but those timelines are just a branch of mainstream time. When they reach the end, they stop abruptly.

Luo Yang did not understand how Zhou Wen created this possibility. He opened up a timeline, but whether this timeline can continue depends on whether the people inside the timeline can complete the conditions for the formation of the timeline. .

Very contradictory.

But this is the fact.

If no one can destroy the wormhole of the first battle in the past, then everything here will disappear. This is exactly the same reason as the informal time field. Without a beginning, there will be no follow-up. When this timeline After completely disappearing, another plot will become the main line.

And in that timeline, humanity no longer exists.

“The gap between civilizations cannot be surpassed in a short period of time. The moment the Weir entered the earth, they basically declared the demise of humanity. In fact, you and I were already dead, but Zhou Wen gave a possibility. , A possibility that is almost impossible to complete, but theoretically feasible, this is the only way. “Charles seriously looked at Luo Yang’s eyes.

His expression is very determined.

Luo Yang can see from his eyes his absolute trust in Zhou Wen.

auzw.com But he does not understand this trust.

Because to put it bluntly, the reason why the Weir people can enter the earth is still due to Zhou Wen.

“If we do nothing,” Luo Yang opened his mouth.

Charles went on to say: “Then I will disappear at some point in the next time without self-consciousness. You have experienced the end of the informal time field, so I think you should understand what kind of experience it is . “

“No consciousness.” Luo Yang shrugged.

“Yeah, unaware, and then you will wake up in mainstream time,” Charleston said suddenly. “But this time you can’t wake up, because in mainstream time, you are dead, everyone is dead. No one left. “

“I think I understand.” Luo Yang nodded.

This is exactly the same as the inference in his mind.

Zhou Wen wrote an empty cheque, and whether this cheque will work will require them to repay the bill.

No wonder Charles said that the problems they face now are more urgent than the Weir energy plan.

Yeah, if no one went back to the first battle to close the wormhole, then the entire timeline no longer exists, and in fact the Wel has already ruled the earth, the timeline is gone, then the next There will be no messy problems.

“Zhou Wen asked you to tell me this?”

Luo Yang thought and asked.

“That’s right, he asked me to wait in the sixth district, so I’m waiting here, but I didn’t expect the person he wanted me to wait for was you.” Charles spread his hand.

“Okay.” Luo Yang plucked his nostrils with his fingers and asked Charles: “Then, if I guess correctly, you should prepare some amount, for example, a machine that travels through time and space?”

“Although it’s not the kind of machine you said to travel through time and space, it’s almost the same, otherwise you think I have been busy for two years.” Charles nodded.

“Wouldn’t Zhou Wen directly throw people into other time fields? What about others?” Luo Yang asked Charles.

“Hey, it’s almost the same anyway.” Charles shrugged.

Luo Yang did not say what he was going to do, but Charles already understood what he meant, and Luo Yang would definitely participate in this operation.

And in fact, this should have been done by Luo Yang, there is no other candidate.

“Weapons, equipment, everything I need is ready, and now it’s bad.” Charles said to Luo Yang.

“People have arrived.” Luo Yang smiled faintly.

“No, not enough.” Charles shook his head.

“Although you are indeed the most critical person, we still need more staff.”

“It’s really troublesome” Luo Yang rolled his eyes and said, “I can at least find someone from the hunter group to help”

“I have someone here to help.”

Charles suddenly smiled mysteriously.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the room was pushed open by someone,

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