I am A Villain

Chapter 712 - Antimatter

Bonnie is very active in combat deployment.

All those armed members were counted in the assassination by her.

In two years, this girl has made a qualitative leap in transformation. At the time, Luo Yang had not felt this strange change in Bonny ’s time and space four years later, but now he can see clearly. The sixth district did change Bonnie, a lot.

Charles simply stated his initial plan, and Bonnie could immediately set all the detailed actions based on this basic course of action.

This leader’s ability, at least Luo Yang does not think he can do better than her.

When everything is basically confirmed.

Luo Yang found Charles.

“I think you should have a lot to tell me.”

He stood in front of Charles.

And Charles waved his hand and then snapped his fingers.

Along with this sounding finger, an isolation energy coating enveloped both of them.

“Do n’t mind, it ’s best if you only know the content of the next conversation.”

Charles flicked the layer that isolated all sound transmission with his finger, and smiled at Luo Yang.

Luo Yang shrugged and said:

“Then say it.”

“OK.” Charles nodded.

“You must be curious how to finish the time jump I said before.”

“” Luo Yang did not speak, waiting for Charles’ next explanation.

“Actually, I think you should have guessed. The reason why this action took two full years is just to wait for you. Dr. Zhou is not the key person this time, you are.” Charleston continued. “We are going to jump to the battlefield of the first battle two years ago. Only you can do this.”

“You think about it, Zhou Wen is the one who can travel through time.” Luo Yang shook his head.

“No, no, maybe you misunderstood. He was never able to travel through time. He is just an introduction. He has a peeping perspective of that set of rules, but he has no ability to penetrate it. If he can do it. If time and space, then all this will not be as troublesome as it is now. “

“He must have taken you through the timeline, right, you can guess this without saying that, but you have to understand that it is not that he takes you through, but that he is crossing through your energy, I can give you an analogy. If Dr. Zhou is a complicated equation, then you are a variable in this equation that can be substituted into the calculation. Only by substituting you into it, can you deduce the subsequent results. “

“I didn’t graduate from elementary school.” Luo Yang raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

“But you already understand what I mean.” Charles said with a smile.

“Whether it is you, Barnes, or other people, everyone is a variable, time is never deterministic, and how it will develop in the future, there is no certain criterion, every individual in this world has May reverse the future. “Charles said a philosophical statement.


“So?” Luo Yang shrugged.

“He is an equation. If there is no equation, my independent variable can’t find the result myself.”

“So this is the key content I want to tell you.” Charles rubbed his hands and said, “Do you understand symbiota?”

“I may be the one with the highest integration process in the world. You asked me if I understand?” Luo Yang smiled: “I don’t really understand.”

“So what I’m going to tell you is the characteristics of the symbiote.” Charles said: “A long time ago, we only knew that the symbiote matter was the active substance of some kind of outer universe that landed forty years ago, and because of this substance itself. The particularity makes it difficult to study it. Even under a specific suppression magnetic field environment, it is impossible to analyze what its exact composition is, but the emergence of the fusion has made this situation a turning point. “

“After being fused with an organism, the symbiotic substance has shown an inclusive nature, which makes it a scientific research, so in a short time, we have basically determined the composition of this substance, or accurate In a word, it just understands its basic operation mechanism, and the composition is too complicated to be 100% sure for the time being.

“So what is it?”

Luo Yang can’t remember this is the first time he has been popularized by a scientist.

Johnny, Rael, Zhou Wen, these people have done similar things to him, Luo Yang feels that he can understand what these Frankensteins say a large part of the credit goes to his smart brain, he even doubts himself After the fusion symbiota, has the brain evolved?

“Antimatter.” Charles said a term that Luo Yang had never heard of: “Contrary to all normal matter, when antimatter and positive matter come into contact, they will have an annihilation effect, thus releasing a huge energy system.”

“Er” Luo Yang pulled his nostrils: “Although I don’t quite understand what you mean by antimatter, but you say that the contact of two substances will release a huge amount of energy. It seems that it is really true. I am wondering why an organism fuses a symbiote After the matter is like a perpetual motion machine, there is always a continuous flow of energy in the body, which does not conform to that law. “

“Conservation of energy.” Charles blinked: “Oh, you know this thing before you graduated from elementary school. Do you think the popularity of elementary school science education in the East is so high-end?”

“” Luo Yang rolled his eyes.

“So the symbiote is actually antimatter, right?”

“It can’t be said that it is a complex, antimatter is just one of its components, but it is certain that antimatter is an important factor in providing endless energy.” Charles shook his head and said.

“That” Luo Yang pouted: “So what do you say about this, and is it related to the time jump?”

“Time jump requires huge energy, and”

“And what?” Luo Yang asked.

“Symbiotic matter itself has a very powerful ability, this ability even exceeds its energy supply system.” Charles said.

“How come I don’t feel that I have any great ability.” Luo Yang shook his head.

“Imitate.” Charles said.

“Imitation?” Luo Yang narrowed his eyes.

He was a little bit dumbfounded by the other party’s headless words.

“What imitation?”

“The symbiotic material has extremely strong variability, and the variation law it follows is not the randomness of natural selection like the earth’s creatures, but the powerful imitation of the rules it contacts.” Charles said.

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