I am A Villain

Chapter 715 - action

Charles and others are busy preparing the assassination plan for the next day.

Bonnie just joking with Luo Yang for a little while, and then continued the mission of her hunter organization. This little girl cried like a child except when she first saw Luo Yang, but other The time is very calm.

Perhaps the most idle is Luoyang.

Even the doctor is engaging his mechanical arm at this time.

All combat power will be invested in this operation, and doctors will be no exception.

Their manpower is actually insufficient. This is exactly the same as Charles said at the beginning.

There are not many people in the hunter organization itself, and there are not many reformers under Charles. This time, almost 90% of the people were scheduled for assassination.

Only Luo Yang, Charles, Barnes, and the doctors are really ready to enter the core energy area of ​​the Weir.

Although Luo Yang does not know what egg is used to bring the doctor, at least for now, the doctor is still under the control of the brain coding surgery, and if necessary, he can do anything according to Luo Yang ’s requirements.

Late the next day.

Two sets of manpower broke out from the base called Charles Wormhole.

Charles drove Luoyang Barnes and the doctor.

Another group is the hunters and those who reformed the armed.

For Charles, he has been preparing for this action today for two years.

He firmly believed that Zhou Wen transmitted to him a certain kind of special conviction, and he believed that this was a correct and feasible path, which is why Charles, one of the top ten members of the Undead Bird Company, would have this very abrupt change.

In fact, if you analyze it carefully, Zhou Wen does have a very special ability.

The special ability mentioned here does not mean his ability to make time jumps, but rather his control of the mind.

Charles, obviously the highest-ranking member of the Undead Bird, but said that he was counter-insured by him, and directly became a tool for Zhou Wen’s men.

In addition, Barnes is the same.

On the first stop, Zhou Wen showed him the picture of the world being subverted by the Weirs, so he resolutely chose to fight his life once and organize the opening of the wormhole.

This is even true of Luo Yang.

Zhou Wen knows what they care about, so he controls them to walk in the direction he wants to see.

The key point is that when the situation becomes like this, Luo Yang and others are not forced to act like this, but even if Zhou Wen does not exist, they are bound to make such a choice. This is the highlight of Zhou Wen, He prepared all the necessary objective conditions, and when the time came, it would come naturally.

“The Weir people’s energy core area is still under construction, and what we have to do is actually very simple.”

Charles left the armored car’s steering wheel with both hands.

He activated the auto-navigation driving mode, then reached out and slid the operation panel inside the car, and a page popped out in the air.

On the page is a device emitting red shimmer.

“We can simply understand their energy transmission lines as our urban water pipeline network system, and the system will eventually be assembled for comprehensive processing. Every time the Weirs connect a transmission channel, they will directly start energy transmission. , This is to save time, but it also gives us the opportunity, because the core energy system is perfect, and there is energy inside, so the simple words are:

“If you take that thing apart, you’ll be done. Look at your long story.” Luo Yang interrupted Charles’ nonsense continuously.

Charles rolled his eyes.

He knew that the guy in front of him was not very annoying, so he was not angry at Luo Yang’s very impolite manner, but shook his head and said: “Destroying the core system is only a secondary task. Our main task is to perform time jump . “

“This device can directly change the system transmission method of the entire energy area and convert it into the kind of energy field we need,” Charles pointed to the device on the virtual page and said: “Install this thing to the Weir core system. Energy condensation point. “

“How to pretend?” Barnes, who had been staring at the scenery outside the window, turned back to look at Charles.

It is worth mentioning that the gas phase environment in the sixth zone has been completely distorted. Even if it is late at night, the outside sky still reveals a scarlet texture. This is because of the variation in the entire atmosphere. After the sun has been irradiated for a whole day, the light energy is folded and stored by the gas layer, and it has evolved into such a spectacular picture.

“I am more concerned about how to get to the so-called energy node.” Luo Yang also asked his own question.

“We only have four people, and it’s absolutely dead to break in.”

“Whoever wants to break through, if you break through, ten of you are dead.” Charles shook his head.

“You didn’t even listen to my planned deployment yesterday, right.”

He looked at the three people in the car.

Someone asked such questions on the eve of the operation.

It’s like you are already on the battlefield and you don’t know where the enemy is.

This **** is very funny.

And was asked by Charles.

Luo Yang turned his head very calmly and looked at the doctor, and the doctor didn’t speak, so he turned to look at Barnes next to Luo Yang, and Barnes was more calm, turned his head directly to look out of the window landscape.

The eyes seemed to say, “It’s pretty.”


Charles licked his lips.

“I really don’t know why the hope of all mankind is pinned on you guys.”

“Don’t panic, do you know why the dead birds and the military tried to catch me but didn’t succeed? That’s because I never acted according to plan, and what we pay attention to is unexpected.” Luo Yangping Waved his hand.

“I cooperate with you.” The doctor smiled amiably.

As for Barnes, the orphan was still as silent as before, his eyes staring at the burning cloud outside.

“Then as an action planner this time, I still need to tell you the specific situation.”

Charles rolled his eyes constantly.

He took a metal hip flask from under the car, unscrewed the cap and drank.

Facts have proved that none of this four-person team is reliable.

Three of them are on the verge of battlefield and do not know the specific action plan, and the only one who knows the action plan is drinking

“We are not ignorant of the security system of the Weir people, but once higher creatures outside the Weir people enter their management area, it will attract the attention of the entire alarm system, so our first task is to let them ‘S alarm system failed. “Charles swallowed a sip of wine.

“This is beyond my ability.” Luo Yang shrugged.

Tampering with this electronic system has never been his specialty, and he has no interest in this kind of thing, and since he has been with Zac for a long time, usually this task is given to Zac. Dealt with.

“It would be nice if Zach’s dog was there.”

Luo Yang took the metal hip flask in Charles’s hand and took a sip.

But he hasn’t swallowed the whiskey yet.

A holographic projection of a person suddenly popped up in the carriage, and the face suddenly appeared in front of Luo Yang in such an abrupt manner.

“Do you miss me for not seeing you for such a long time is to call me a dog thing?”


Luo Yang was taken aback.

auzw.com All the wine in the mouth spewed out.

“Your mother”

This sudden holographic projection is Zach.

“So this situation in your China is, as the old saying goes,” Say Liu Bei Liu Bei arrives “, right?” The doctor spit out a sentence in Chinese.

“It’s Cao Cao.” Zac corrected the doctor’s words in very standard spoken Chinese.

“Okay, to return to the truth, it seems that Charles has found you. Old Zhou is really a bullshit. Anything can be predicted.” Zach’s holographic projection smiled: “You want to dive into the core energy area, you need to let the Will people The alarm system has been paralyzed for a while. I can help you with this. I will wait for your signal. As long as you notify me, I can suspend the alarm detection system for the entire core energy area for almost ten minutes. “

“It looks like you are getting more and more powerful.”

Luo Yang took a corner.

He did not expect to see Zac again in this way.

This guy didn’t even show his face in the first game, but Luo Yang could not forget him.

The last time I met, it was already before the first game.

At that time, Yang and Zac went to Adam Technology’s Asian branch to seize the symbiotic material, and Adam and ahb institutions and joint military institutions attacked their base camp arsenal at the time.

In the end, Luo Yang only saved Bonnie and the bear child.

The fighter plane driven by Zach was shot down by the giant monster monster under Adam, and then was captured by Adam Technology Headquarters.

Speaking of that, Yang is actually somewhat skeptical. At that time, Zac was deliberately taken away, but it is impossible to prove all this.

After going to Adam Technology, Zack became one of Adam’s action plans at the time.

He joined forces with Zuo Feng and others in the first battle.

It’s just that Zuo Feng went to the frontal battlefield in Australia, and Zac took all the fighter armor under Rael’s hands to the North Pole.

This is his real purpose.

He did not go to destroy the headquarters of the Undead Bird Company.

It’s for the garden.

That real super database.

He had revealed this to Yang a long time ago.

This is the desire of Tom Jones.

And in the end, Zac succeeded.

He integrated that super system into his brain.

It is not known how far it has evolved.

“I’m okay, after all, I got everything I should get.”

Zac said with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth.

As soon as he said this, Luo Yang understood that Zac had integrated that super system called the garden.

And since his holographic projection will appear here, it is clear that this means that Zac should be in the same camp as Zhou Wen at this time.

In other words, Zhou Wen has now completely taken over this wave of people with various special abilities.

And the progress of the whole incident is developing towards the situation that Zhou Wen hopes to see, and everyone is a piece of his.


Luo Yang nodded.

On the other hand, Charles confirmed the signal connection with Zac again.

This is the sixth district. All electronic systems will be disturbed to varying degrees under varying weather conditions, so he must ensure that there are no signal fluctuations, otherwise unexpected actions may be encountered after the actual launch interference.

“The last time we confirmed the signal connection.”

Charles took out the communication equipment.


Zach on the holographic projection nodded.

However, at this time.


The front of the entire armored vehicle in the state of automatic navigation driving is like being hit by something heavy. After the car has been flipped 360 degrees in the air, it hit the ground hard!

The next second, the surface around the car collapsed instantly!

The situation changes like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

It was unexpected.

But none of the people sitting in the car are ordinary people.

When the armored car exploded in the center of the collapsed ground, several people who had been sitting inside the car were already standing on the edge of the collapsed ground.

“Although you don’t know what level your action plan has been planned, it is clear that your confidential work is not rigorous enough.”

Luo Yang patted the dirt on his body and glanced at Charles standing beside him.

Charles’s complexion is not very pretty.

His armored vehicle is equipped with an all-round stealth system. Even in the daytime, it will not be detected by other detection systems. Why is there a raid here?


Barnes spit out a word coldly on the other side.

Buzz! !

Some strange creatures rushed out under the collapsed ground instantly!

These creatures are not any kind on the earth. They have a very strange rough skin on them. They look like the alien creatures in the alien series of movies.

The creature rushed out of the ground without warning.

Straight towards Luo Yang and others came.

But it hasn’t rushed out a few steps. The whole body is like a layer of invisible walls, and even the bones are twisted and cracked!


Below the ground, an extremely powerful pulse of energy was reflected.

This strange creature directly flew out.

And the person who appeared was the doctor.

“Damn, almost buried alive!”

After the ground collapsed, the other three people broke away from the collapsed area as quickly as possible, except for the doctor alone who was covered by the soil

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