I am A Villain

Chapter 720 - Dead on the journey

Just like Luo Yang said.

Their coatings will not last long.

The coating of the doctor who has always been in front of them is not as powerful as Barnes. He relies on the mirror device to reverse the raging energy of the surrounding environment, but this is not a long-term plan.

Muscle tissue on Luo Yang’s limbs also began to appear in a cycle of rapid melting and regeneration.

“To die”

Luo Yang was scoured frantically by the turbulent flow of energy, drifting with the waves in the passage.

If it was finally resurrected and then died in this broken channel, it means that the author of this book suddenly became rich and did not want to write down

The thrilling journey within the energy channel is not over yet.

But the entrance to the passage has been closed by Charles.

He directly blasted the rock layer and buried the entire energy channel again with cracked soil.

At this time, suspended in front of him was a flying ship unit of more than 500 people, from the Weir military headquarters.


Faced with such a flying battleship full of sky, there was no obvious mood swing on Charles’s face. He took out his metal hip flask from his pocket and grunted all the drinks in the jug.

“Unfortunately, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.”

His face was still calm and decadent.

Squint halfway.

All the lights of the Weir flying ship shone on Charles.

He can’t escape anyway today.

But in fact he did not intend to escape.

Zhou Wen told Charles that in this great journey, Charles could not see the end, he was just a participant.

The meaning of this sentence Charles once figured it out for a long time, but then he understood it and was relieved.

Zhou Wen’s words don’t mean anything in depth, which is literally the meaning-you will die halfway.

I do n’t know when Charles has n’t doubted Zhou Wen ’s words, because the other party has used time to prove to him too many things. Charles no longer cares about Zhou Wen ’s view of him, or even whether Zhou Wen regards him as a victim. Still in use.

Because he agrees with Zhou Wen to some extent.

He once entered the company of Undead Bird for this result.

But until he found that the path of the undead bird was completely different from what he had imagined, he completely abandoned the organization.

It can be said that among the ten top executives of the old Undead Bird Company, Charles belongs to the kind of person with extremely independent ideals. He is completely different from the other nine people, or it can be understood that he is more capable than the other nine people. See the situation clearly.

This may be why Zhou Wen chose him.

“You are destined to see the end of this great journey, and of course, I cannot see it.”

This is Zhou Wen’s original words.

Charles looked at the Weir flying battleship where the sky was full of firepower, and he kept mumbling about what Zhou Wen once said to him.

Since it is destined to die in one of these links, Charles has reason to believe in any situation. He does not think that death is a terrible thing. The terrible thing is that he does not know what he died for. The terrible thing is Die in a way that you don’t agree with.

Fortunately, the ending today did not disappoint him.


Dr. Zhou explained what he did, and he has completed 90%.

The remaining 10% was delivered to Luo Yang and the three of them.

In fact Charles has been waiting for this day to come.

He didn’t feel lost because he became a stepping stone to this journey. His thoughts, because this was in line with his original ideals, he accepted the ending happily.

The sky-filled Welman battleship.

On the ground, only Charles was alone.

This extremely disparate confrontation took place in the desert of the sixth most barren region on earth.

It is estimated that in addition to the Luoyang people who participated in this operation in the future, it is impossible for other human beings on the earth to know that in a certain period of time, some people are devoting their lives to the continuation of the entire civilization.

But in fact, for Charles, there is no special emotion similar to sadness.

He was very calm.

Of course, it is not the kind of frank death.

If he stood here today and crushed the heavy firepower of the Will people, then the whole thing seemed to reveal some kind of strange breath, from the perspective of the Will people.

So the version should be that Charles was attacked, and then killed all the alien dogs, but even if the Weirs arrived, Charles cut off for Luo Yang and others, so he stayed.

This seems to be relatively smooth.

And it’s almost the same as the actual situation.

The difference is that Charles must be able to attract the attention of these Welsh forces so that they ignore the torn energy channel under the rock.

“Although it’s not the same as I expected, it’s similar in nature, so it’s OK.”

Charles slowly raised his eyelids.

The upper half of his two pupils revealed a precise mechanical structure, and there was intense energy condensing inside.

He is the only person in the top ten team of the entire Undead Bird that has not evolved in the biological field. All of his combat power comes from mechanical transformation.

It can be simply understood that Charles is the highest version of the entire Undead Bird Transformer, and the entire system of the Undead Bird Transformer was established by him.

Excluding these mechanical structures, he is essentially the most common human being.

There is no cross-dimensional ability, no supernatural characteristics.

During his life-long hard work, he found himself astray in the middle.

Fortunately, he met Zhou Wen.

Although the other party said that his mechanical replacement of biological structure is the most stupid, and then Charles also understood the meaning of Zhou Wen, but he has no turning back, all he can do is to shine on this path Out of the only energy that I have accumulated.

The scorching energy spread from Charles’ hands.

His body represents the highest-intensity mechanical reformer of the earth’s civilization two years ago, perhaps two years later today.

Charles is a reformer, he betrayed his life, but not his civilization.

From the very marginalized researcher at the beginning to the person who is now fighting on the journey, Charles has found his value.

“come on.”,

A smile similar to Yang appeared on his face.

Untidy and free.

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