I am A Villain

Chapter 722 - arrival


Luo Yang habitually touched his waist.

Then he remembered that everything on his body had been melted away by the energy inside the tunnel just now, including his whaling fork dagger, which had also been melted.

Of course, it ’s not just the dagger that ’s not touched, that place is so smooth, it does n’t even have pants

When the Weirs showed up, they first saw a guy who was undressed flashing by

Then I saw broken pieces of his armor flying across.

Then there is no more.


Luo Yang directly removed the armor of these Weirs.

Of course, before the dismantling, they were completely dead.

“Fuck, is this too big?”

Luo Yang pulled out an armored suit from the corpse, which was the costume worn by the Weirs under the armor.

However, these are too big.

The Weirs are much larger than normal humans.

The clothes can be used as quilts for Luo Yang.

No way, Luo Yang simply tore it in half and wrapped it around his waist as a piece of cloth.


The doctor smiled.


Luo Yang gave him a middle finger.

Several Weir warriors who came to check the specific situation were instantly knocked down by Luo Yang, but before they stopped to catch their breath, they found that the entire core area began to sound a harsh alarm!

“Congratulations, this means that we have indeed entered the core energy zone.”

Luo Yang smiled.

But this also means that they have been exposed.

Charles has said before that there is a full range of biological traces in the entire Will core energy area. When any higher creature of non-Wale ethnicity appears in this area, the system will sound an alarm.

So this situation.


“Next, do you have to find the energy core?”

Luo Yang looked at Barnes.

Previously Charles only said that all action plans were transmitted to Barnes’ system.


Barnes raised his broken mechanical arm.

“What do you mean?” The doctor asked, blinking.

“Meaning, the data storage system on my hand was just dissolved in the energy channel.”

“Very well, now we are headless flies.”

Luo Yang rolled his eyes.

“No pants flies.” The doctor added.

“Will you use the Weir operating system !?”

Luo Yang looked at the torn armor helmets of the Weirs on the ground.

“Brother, I only heard about the Weir man yesterday.” The doctor spread his hand.

Barnes didn’t say much. A signal transmission line extended from his chest and spread directly into the Weir armor.

“This is also a signal source, so I don’t know if that guy can find us.”

auzw.com He murmured lightly.

The guy that Barnes said in his mouth meant Zac.

They have now entered the core energy area of ​​the Weir people. There is no doubt that there are the most troops stationed in the entire sixth area. If there is no accident, the strongest and most advanced combat power of the entire Weir people will be stationed in this position.

So if they do n’t, in a short time, if they ca n’t immediately get out of the lock of the detection system, then soon, the Will people will roll over and cut the three of them into meat sauce.

Although the enemy with less enemies usually happens to the protagonist, it requires objective conditions. Under such a situation of absolute power disparity, it is actually death to kill with weak blows.

As a few people who can be considered to have died once, none of them intended to experience death again.

Barnes’ signal modifier was directly substituted into the internal system of the Weir helmet.

He needs to use this thing to send a signal source.

That’s what Zac said before, and he needs to notify him when he cuts off the Weir core area detection system.

As for whether the other party can receive the signal, it depends


The entire core energy area instantly fell into darkness.

Good guys, it’s not just that the detection system has stopped, their entire area’s energy system has been paralyzed.

Even the lights are gone.

“I think he should have received the signal.”

Luo Yang shrugged.

He looked at the blue lines that his naked body showed in the darkness.

It has been a long time since I saw my posture in the dark.

“Come on, we have to get started.”

Barnes said lightly.

“Where?” The doctor asked.

“The core of energy is naturally at the core.” Luo Yang pouted.

He also feels that there is a very strong energy fluctuation in an area. This is a fluctuation that will occur no matter how closed the Weir people’s system is. Coupled with Luo Yang as a fusion, he has a variety of energy fluctuation frequencies in the surrounding environment It feels very sensitive, so I can feel the existence of that position more clearly.

“Go, the Weir troops came.”

Barnes glanced back at Luo Yang and the doctor.

Then he directly turned his head and moved in a certain direction.

Zac said earlier that he was not able to win much time for them, only a few minutes.

A few minutes is very fast, and Luo Yang is the first time they have entered the Weir people ’s core energy area. Everything here is strange to them. Can they reach the energy in just a few minutes? The core, or two.

“Eh, his eyes”

The sharp-eyed doctor suddenly discovered something.

When Barnes looked back just now, one of his left eyes seemed to glow a little bit of red light, maybe this faint light was always there, just because they were in a light environment before , So it ’s hard to notice its existence, but now they have completely entered the dark state of the whole range, so the little scarlet light is very dazzling

“Stop talking, go.”

Luo Yang patted the doctor on the shoulder.

The two quickly followed Barnes’ pace.

Less than ten seconds after the three of them left, the area gathered a large number of Weir troops.

Most of them are high-level Weir warriors.

The one headed was actually an old acquaintance.

It is black armor.

“Search me out.”

The black armor looked at the bodies of several Weirs who had been stripped of their clothes on the ground and gave orders coldly.

Feng Shui turns.

At first, the black armor entered the human area alone, almost killed by Yang.

And now, it is Luo Yang who has entered his Weir territory.

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