I Am An NBA Goalkeeper

Chapter 451

Chapter 445 Abnormal confession in the refrigerator

This quiet lasted for about 10 minutes.

Wang Dachun felt a little unbearable.

This is not to say that Wang Dachun doesn’t have the strength to hug Rebecca, nor is it to say that Wang Dachun will be messed up sitting in his arms…

Just because of the environment, Wang Dachun felt that the surrounding temperature began to become lower and lower.

It was also at this time that he realized that their location was a cold storage room.

I was too excited before. Worried about Rebecca’s safety.

After Wang Dachun rushed in, he didn’t care much about the temperature.

But time has passed for so long, and the door of the refrigerator compartment has been closed.

The temperature here began to drop suddenly.

Only then did Wang Dachun realize that something was wrong.

At this moment, he already felt that his entire lower body had begun to feel a little numb.

“Rebecca, Rebecca.”

In this environment, Wang Dachun naturally thought that he shouldn’t stay, so he gently aroused Rebecca in his arms.

Just shouted several times, but Rebecca didn’t give him any response.

“Isn’t she? Is she asleep?”

From the moment Rebecca entered his arms.

The posture of the two people has not changed.

Coupled with the height difference and position, Wang Dachun couldn’t see exactly what happened to Rebecca’s face at this time?

In this case, Wang Dachun can only think that Rebecca is asleep. So he stretched out a hand to lift Rebecca’s head.

Let’s take a look at how Rebecca’s condition is, and also remember that Rebecca’s neck is still injured.

“No, why is your forehead so hot?”

When Wang Dachun placed his big hand gently on Rebecca’s forehead.

I wanted to lift it up slightly with some strength.

But the temperature that can be passed from the hand makes him feel that it is not right.

As the temperature here began to drop, Wang Dachun’s hands began to become colder, but with such cold hands, the moment they touched Rebecca’s forehead.

You can also feel the hotness of Rebecca’s forehead.

Therefore, Wang Dachun judged Liliberta’s physical condition.

So he must act, so Wang Dachun quickly picked up Rebecca in his arms.

Quickly walked to the door of the freezer compartment.

“Touch… touch,”

“Fuck, I was locked up!”

After arriving at the door.

Wang Dachun pulled the door vigorously with one hand.

The unmoving iron gate told him.

The noise and judgment he heard before were correct.

The door of the refrigerator compartment was locked from the outside.

Only then did Wang Dachun feel fucked.

“Rebecca is so hot now that I have to go to a doctor, I have to find a way to get out.”

Rebecca’s condition made Wang Dachun think that by staying here for a second, Rebecca would be hurt by one more point.

Although the door in front of him was locked by steel, Wang Dachun had to try to see if he could break through the door.

So he first found a relatively clean place and put Rebecca down first.

Then took off his sports jacket.

Covered on Rebecca’s body.

The next step was to roll up his sleeves in the refrigerator and start looking for tools that might be available.

This cold room should not be the kind of commonly used cold room.

Because there are no items that need to be refrigerated, but mostly sundries.

It is exactly the same, although the temperature inside is relatively low.

But it is clear that the machine is not turned on for refrigeration.

This is also considered a blessing in misfortune.

Wang Dachun made a circle in the freezer.

Nothing too hard was found.

There are only some tables and chairs that should be retired by the hotel. It’s barely enough.

So Wang Dachun took a stool leg.

Come to the door of the cold storage room.

Looking for a gap, it began to tilt up.


When the sound of a broken table leg sounded.

Wang Dachun knew that these guys under his team couldn’t weld the steel door of the cold storage room at all.

This made Wang Dachun’s heart cold.

“Look at Lao Tzu’s tricks!”

Even with a cold heart, Wang Dachun did not intend to give up.

He can’t think that a table leg is broken.

Just stand there and don’t save yourself.

So next.

Wang Dachun will break into two table legs, holding one in each hand.

Then he took a step back from the original position very close to the gate.

Then his legs bend.

The soles of the feet are charged.

Both arms are also raised at the same time.


“Bang-bang-bang-bang…, is there anyone? Is there anyone out there? It’s killed, come on…”

Then his arms were like beating a drum, and the table legs in his hands slammed the door violently.

Then began to shout…Help….

Wang Dachun can guarantee that the strength it uses is definitely not small, and the shouting voice feels a bit loud.

But these actions lasted 5 minutes.

“Bang bang bang…, come here, come here, is there anyone…”

Because the voice of yelling with excessive force is a bit skinny, there is still no reply after singing, and the outside is still quiet.

But even so, Wang Dachun still did not give up.

“Damn it, absolutely can’t stop. Although the chance of people coming here at this late time is very small, it can be uneven. Some people may come here to pee and pee, so I can’t give up. !”

To be honest, such a heart-piercing cry for help, coupled with physical movements.

Even if Wang Dachun was an iron striker, his physical strength began to decline severely after the past ten minutes.

But in Wang Dachun’s view, Rebecca’s condition is so serious.

The longer the time, the more dangerous it is.

It is impossible for him to do nothing. Waiting for someone to come to rescue.

So Wang Dachun insisted on insisting…

His persistence seemed to be seen by heaven.

His cry for help finally aroused people.

Just calling up this person is of no use to him at the moment.

Because this person is also in the cold room like him.

“Cough cough cough, so noisy… so noisy, can you be quieter?”

After unremitting efforts, Wang Dachun finally got a high fever. Rebecca, who was in a coma, shouted….

“Rebecca, are you awake? How are you now? How do you feel? Are you still uncomfortable?”

Undoubtedly, Rebecca’s awakening caused Wang Dachun, who was originally anxious. Finally, he didn’t seem so impatient.

Looking at Rebecca who was struggling to sit up, Wang Dachun hurriedly rushed over.

Gently put Rebecca into his arms.

“Where is this? Why is it so cold? Wang, why are you here?”

Obviously though Rebecca barely woke up.

But the whole person should still feel dizzy. It seems that there is no idea what happened before.

“Here…here…This is behind the hotel where you live. You had a quarrel with someone just now. You may be a little agitated and fainted… Don’t move, your body temperature is very high now and you are still feverish. !”

Wang Dachun didn’t hide anything.

Why did Rebecca say something truthfully?

I just didn’t expect it.

When he said everything he saw.

Rebecca’s emotions became agitated again.

“Am I dreaming? That should be a nightmare. Why is it real?”

Wang Dachun didn’t understand Rebecca’s emotions.

It’s like knowing some unfortunate news.

Especially annoyed and helpless.

“Ah, it’s okay, it’s okay, you’re okay, that person has been beaten away by me, and it’s safe here, don’t worry, don’t worry.”

Seeing Rebecca so excited, Wang Dachun hugged her tighter, and verbally comforted her quickly.

It may be that his comfort is very effective.

Rebecca quickly calmed down after listening to this.

But the whole person was confused again.

He muttered and closed his eyes.

Wang Dachun sighed.

Put the sports jacket that slipped off just now. Tighten tightly on Rebecca’s body.

I remembered the scene when Rebecca suddenly disappeared and appeared in the motel again.

And these also reminded Wang Dachun of Rebecca’s previous experience.

Wang Dachun knew that Rebecca had a **** father.

Not only is a gambler, abandoning his family, but also likes to make troubles everywhere.

That time at the motel. It was Rebecca’s **** father who owed a debt outside. Those who led to debt collection found Rebecca here.

Not only did she harm Rebecca, she also wanted to blackmail herself.

It’s a pity that these people didn’t consider that Wang Dachun’s thighs were too hard.

Finally evaporated in the world.

“Is this a debt collector again?”

This is the only reason Wang Dachun can think of.

Knowing Rebecca for so long.

Wang Dachun dare not say how much Rebecca he has.

But he definitely dare to say that Rebecca will never cause any trouble for herself.

In the previous scene, only this explanation can make sense.

“In the future, Rebecca must not be allowed to work alone anymore, he must be equipped with several assistants, even if he refuses, he must be worthy!”

Rebecca has always been strong.

No matter how tiring the work is, I have never shouted.

Before, Wang Dachun was worried that Rebecca had too much work.

More than once. I want Frank to equip her with some assistants.

But they were all rejected by Rebecca.

In her words.

“Mr. Frank’s salary package for me is already very high, and these jobs are my own business, I have no problem!”

Rebecca insisted again and again, but Wang Dachun couldn’t do anything about it, and the matter would be over.

But this time this incident reminded Wang Dachun.

Rebecca is a girl after all.

No matter how strong the work is, she is just a weak girl.

Wang Dachun made this decision this time not because he wanted to find someone to share the work with Rebecca.

“At least with colleagues? It’s better to take care of them.”

He simply considered Rebecca’s safety issues.

“Don’t don’t, I don’t want to cause trouble for him, I don’t want to leave him…, I don’t need anything, I just need to stay by his side…”

Wang Dachun is thinking about everything.

He was pregnant with Rebecca’s whisper, but suddenly became louder. Seems to be frightened again in the dream.

But Wang Dachun was also frightened.

“?? Rebecca has someone I like, why don’t I know?”

This was Wang Dachun’s first reaction after hearing Rebecca’s whisper.

“Impossible? She spends at least half of the day with me? I can’t not know, is my observation so bad? No…, is the “he” she was talking about? Mean me?”

Ever since Wang Dacheng discovered that his various cases had no effect in front of Libeka.

His admiration for this girl gradually faded.

After all, falling flowers are intentional, and running water is merciless.

Wang Dachun doesn’t think he can stick to love to the end.

Besides, he always thought he was unrequited love.

But although he thought he was weak.

But whether it was completely put down, he couldn’t even tell.

He had thought about it during this period.

If Rebecca married someone one day in love.

He would definitely not let Rebecca be his personal assistant anymore.

After all, who can stand the girl he once liked, with other men by his side.

Wang Dachun is no exception.

But now this situation has made Wang Dachun a little frightened.

Because he has not yet confirmed whether this “he” is him or not.

If he really is him. What should he do?

“Rebecca, who do you want to leave?”

At this moment, a demon suddenly appeared in Wang Dachun’s heart.

Another time, regardless of the circumstances at the moment, and whether Rebecca was in a coma with a high fever or not.

He just wanted to know the answer he wanted most in his heart.

So began to ask in a guiding tone.

“I don’t want to leave him, I don’t want to leave the king…,”

Obviously induction is effective.

Although Rebecca’s tone was still low.

Wang Dachun still heard the name he wanted.

“Hehe, sure enough, I’m still attractive…, I…, how the **** can I think of this this time? Too asshole,”

Even if it is very happy.

But Wang Dachun stopped in time, wanting to laugh wildly.

After all, he and Rebecca are still trapped here.

And Rebecca still looks terrible.

“Don’t leave me…, it’s cold… so cold.”

“If you don’t leave or leave, I will always be by your side, and I will warm up soon, alas, what should I do?”

Looking at Rebecca, who was trembling in his arms, Wang Dachun felt that something must be done.

“Now that you can’t get out, you must maintain Liberta’s state, and you can’t let it continue to deteriorate.”

Wang Dachun has not learned any first aid knowledge.

At least you know that your body temperature is the most important thing when you are sick.

Looking at Rebecca, she was still crying cold.

Wang Dachun took off his only upper body T-shirt again.

Wrapped in Liberta’s body.

It’s just that this obviously didn’t help.

Rebecca’s body was still shaking.

And over time.

In this gloomy environment, no matter how strong his body was, he began to tremble coldly.

“No way, no way, if you continue like this, even if I can hold Rebecca, I can’t hold it.”

Wang Dachun thought for a long time, but because the temperature was too low, his brain speed began to slow down.

It also made some irregular fragments in his mind surface.

“Isn’t there a saying in martial arts novels to keep warm? Should I try it too?”

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