I Am An NBA Goalkeeper

Chapter 457

Chapter 451 The plan can’t keep up with the changes

Wang Dachun feels so dizzy now, and his whole mind is buzzing.

And there are a lot of footsteps in my ears from time to time. It also seems that someone is calling his name.

He tried to look up, but his neck didn’t listen to his orders.

It’s like being unable to command.

“Fuck me, it should have been overcast just now, right?”

I don’t know how long it has passed, the buzzing in Wang Dachun’s brain finally dissipated partly, and his brain began to function normally.

At the same time, I realized that I had been fouled maliciously before.

“Wang, tell me, how are you feeling now? Can you see how many fingers I extend now?”

Now that the brain can function normally, it is natural to observe the surroundings.

Those footsteps before should be his teammates and team doctors.

Now some of their team’s hands are facing him with two fingers.

Expect him to answer.

“Put your hands away, I hate this number!”

Although Wang Dachun didn’t want to speak very much now.

But he also distinguished the importance and did not dare to pretend to be dead.

Said such a sentence weakly.

“Oh, great, you just entered a short coma, I thought you would continue in this state! If this is the case, your fall would be serious!”

Obviously the team doctor is still very dedicated.

Seeing Wang Dachun’s consciousness is still relatively clear, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Wow, great. The unit price should come right away when you wake up. The coach is now arguing with the referee! The Cavaliers **** are too much, it’s just murder!”

“Just now Haslem’s actions were 100% deliberate. He wanted to tear him up, but he was expelled by the referee! How do you feel now?”

“Boss, I will avenge you…”

Watching Wang Dachun wake up, the teammates who were still behind the team doctor all rushed over.

They expressed their concern for Wang Dachun one after another.

“Okay, okay, everyone should disperse, I need a good rest now, and a detailed inspection afterwards! Don’t gather here!”

The team doctor may be afraid that the teammates are too enthusiastic, and also afraid that Wang Dachun knows too much information. Affected to the injured place.

So the Trail Blazers were all dispelled as up-coming players.

As for Wang Dachun, since he said that.

There is no strength to say anything.

He gave his teammates a relieved look.

So he continued to lie there in the morgue.

At the same time, I started to think in my mind. How to deal with this situation now?

“You really can’t afford it?”

This is the second time that Wang Dachun has said this in a period of time.

The previous time was a game.

In order to prevent him from continuing to score, the Heat surrendered directly.

Wang Dachun said such a sentence.

But the meaning of this sentence at the time was mostly complaints.

If you say how much you go inside, you really don’t have it.

The meaning of this sentence is completely different this time.

“It’s okay if you can’t beat the shame, but if it’s too yin, isn’t it too much?”

The longer he lay on the ground, the more Wang Dachun became aware of the details of what happened before.

Haslem’s action is straight to destroy him.

It can even be exaggerated to say that it is almost fatal.

After all, with that inertia, head down.

If a player with poor physical fitness, this posture is possible. I can’t wake up directly.

Even with his physical fitness.

Now it is clearly felt. The painful place. The situation is definitely not good.

“Now the body is conscious, but the neck still can’t move! The situation may be worse than I expected!”

As the saying goes, my family knows about my family affairs.

Wang Dachun can’t even move his neck now, but I wonder how deeply he was injured.

It’s just that Wang Dachun didn’t have the slightest worry about all this.

Again, he is a systematic man.

Wanting to recover immediately is not a bottle of medicine.

It’s just that the anger in his heart can’t be wiped out with a bottle of medicine.

“I even want my life, am I going to avenge this revenge?”

Maybe Wang Dachuan’s current thinking is a bit exaggerated, or Hasle didn’t expect to achieve this level.

In fact, facts are facts. Wang Dachun is not a villain, but he is definitely not a gentleman.

Others can make it like this.

Then he makes sense to get it back.


It probably took another 10 minutes or so.

Wang Dachun is still lying on the bed.

This is not to say that this guy stays here and doesn’t leave, but the current situation, there is no way to move him away immediately.

After all, you can’t move your neck casually. Got to fix it.

As for Wang Dachun, he did not stop the doctor from operating on his neck.

There is no plan to immediately use the universal recovery squeeze.

After all, what effect does this thing have after using it? He is not clear after all.

In total, you have to find a place with few people to use it.

Mentioned that someone might ask, isn’t there only two bottles? And both bottles seem to have ownership rights.

If Wang Dachun used a bottle now, wouldn’t he have to break his promise to one of the big brothers?

“Come on, I have become like this now, how can I care for others? Besides, I have already lay a dead body on the ground, is it just to promise to put this thing there and not use it myself? I am not that great!

As the saying goes, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

In addition, Wang Dachun is not a self-sacrificing fellow.

It was because he was not injured.

So it was useless for him to put it there, so he planned to send it out.

Judging from the situation today, he may have felt that his ideas were a bit naive before.

“In the future, I should leave enough for this kind of life-saving thing, and I must not give it away easily!

The funny thing is, I used to think that this thing was given too much… ”

Just like that famous saying, when the book is used, it hates less.

Wang Dachun now definitely does not dislike Universal Recovery and squeezing too much.


Wang Dachun was seriously injured.

The live game naturally fell into a long time-out.

Compared with the concerns of all members of the Trail Blazers.

The atmosphere on this team’s side is completely opposite.

“According to the current situation, this guy will definitely not be able to play in the next few games, and it is hard to say whether he can recover next season!

It seems that our time is coming! ”

It was Master Bo who was talking, and his trembling hands could tell that he was pressing his emotions at this moment.

If you change places now, this guy might sing a song.

“I hope you don’t hurt too much! Otherwise, the boss of Ha, his career may be over directly.”

Compared with Bosh’s state.

Wade’s state seems to be the opposite again.

It can be heard from his words that he seems to think that Wang Dachun can’t play the game, and he doesn’t want Wang Dachun to be injured too badly.

And the guilt in the words can also be heard, but his guilt is not like Wang Dachun, more like Haslem.

“Brother rest assured, no! We will remember everything Haslem did for us. Besides, he was very obedient to the referee’s penalty just now. The league should enter him in a few games at most and fine some money. No It’s as bad as you think!”

As the so-called sentient beings are all phenomena, there are many kinds of life.

Compared with James, Bosh and Wade are much calmer.

He spoke calmly and calmly.

It seems that Wang Dachun has no effect on him whether he is injured or not.

It’s just that people who are more familiar with him should be able to observe it.

Although he was talking calmly, but at the same time, he had been sorting out his equipment.

It seems to be preparing for a big fight.


About 5 or 6 minutes passed.

Wang Dachun, who was lying on the ground, was finally transferred.

After the referee confirmed that there were no other situations between the two teams, they were ready to start the game.

Players from both teams re-entered the field.

It’s just that the lineup has changed slightly.

The Heat are here. Because Haslem was sent off directly. Joel Anthony, who has committed five offenses, can only replace him.

It can only be said that the Heat’s inside team is really short of people.

Needless to say, Wang Dachun has already lay out.

That is naturally his first backup center. Tyson Chandler replaced him.

Broadly speaking, this substitution does not seem to have changed much.

After all, Tyson Chandler is also a well-known defensive champion in the league.

Although not as good as Wang Dachun!

But it is enough to guard the inside.

The balance of victory still seems to be tilted towards the Trail Blazers.

As I said before, defense has been done, but what about offense?

After all, the victory or defeat of a game is impossible to just look at the defense.

In fact, the next game is indeed the case!

With Tyson Chandler, it’s not so easy for the Heat to score points inside.

But it is also difficult for the Trail Blazers to score points with those of the Heat.

In addition, both Aldridge and Roy are both offensive and defensive players.

One for a short time.

The two teams have not finished the second quarter.

The advantages and information the Trailblazers had established before are gone!

Even in the case of the same hatred and hatred.

The scales of victory no longer belong to them!


“Damn! Scammer? King! You lie down quickly and don’t get up. Your injury must be very heavy, so you don’t need to move it casually!”

Compared with the sudden change on the field, a terrifying scene also occurred in the medical room of the Trail Blazers!

At this moment, the logistics staff and medical staff of the Trail Blazers look like ghosts,

Because Wang Dachun had just arrived in the medical room, so he stood up straight from the hospital bed.

“Oh, what are your expressions?

I’m actually fine, just now I just wanted to lie down and take a rest!

Get up now if you have enough rest! ”

Wang Dachun also felt a headache for the expressions of these people at the scene.

After all, the person who was lying motionless on the ground just now suddenly sat up like an okay person, feeling unreasonable no matter what.

But we can’t help it.

He has to be before the team conducts a comprehensive inspection for him. Hurry up and announce that you have nothing to do.

If this is not the case, it will be diagnosed by machine inspection. If it suddenly recovers, it will be even more unclear.

“Wang…I think your current state should be similar to what you Chinese people say about the reflections. I think it’s better for us to check it. This kind of thing is not a joke!”

Obviously for Wang Dachun’s explanation, the Trail Blazers still. Keep your opinion.

After all, Wang Dachun’s sudden recovery is beyond their understanding.

“Okay, I said, I’m fine, I’m very healthy now, and now the team needs me, do you think I will come in for a few minutes?

At present, the situation of our team has turned sharply, and the score has begun to fall behind. If I don’t return to the game, this game on the court may be dangerous! ”

Now, no matter what the situation is, Wang Dachun must stray right away.

And the situation on the game field is indeed worrying.

When he left the field just now, the score was still a few points ahead, but only a few minutes after he came in, he is now almost 10 points behind.

In addition, he himself was afraid of using the universal restorer, and there was something unexpected, and now he didn’t know it.

He can’t really stay here at ease, he still has grudges to avenge.

So regardless of blocking Wang Dachun, he walked in the direction of the playing field.


The scene of the game.

“Oh my God, the Heat have scored again. It seems that the Trail Blazers without a king, wanting to win a victory must be difficult!”

Before Wang Dachun reached the entrance of the passage, he faintly heard the voice coming from the story.

“Does it depend on the Heat’s guys? Is it still going on?”

The situation changed so quickly that even Wang Dachun felt a little weird.

When he came out of the medical room, the Heat had just taken the lead and the Trail Blazers were very close.

But this has only passed two or three minutes.

The score was 15 points behind again.

“Is I too strong, or is my teammate too weak?”

It is rare that Wang Dachun still has such doubts in his heart at this time.

However, this question only stopped for a moment.

Because the moment he came out of the player tunnel.

The fans at the scene told him with cheers.

“It doesn’t matter whether teammates are strong or not, as long as I’m there!”


“What are these **** shouting? Why are they so excited?”

After Wade just broke through Roy to complete an offense.

Originally because of their momentum. The fans on the scene who have been bragging.

Suddenly the mountain shouted like a tsunami.

This confuses Wade.

So turned around and asked. James by his side.

“I don’t know, hehe, it may be conquered by your performance…, how could this be impossible? Why did he come back again?”

For Wade’s question. Let James feel that the situation is good. It stopped abruptly when it was cut in half.

“Oh, what’s wrong with you buddy? What’s impossible??”

Through James’ expression, Wade also seemed to see something incredible.

“Fak! Fak!…”

And Bosh on the other side of him made such a sound.

“What’s the matter? Are you two…… Isn’t it? How could this guy come back?”

Following the incredible gazes of his two brothers. Wade also saw the same picture as their brother.

It was originally Wang Dachun who they thought was absolutely impossible to return.

Step by step, he walked toward the playing field with firm steps.

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