I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 184 Solo Slaying Ships!

Chapter 184 Solo Slaying Ships!

Raast directly entered the universe. After coming out of the hut in the forest for so long, his strength has been in a period of rapid recovery, and he has devoured all the energy of the host Kayn. His current strength can be said to be the same as that of the Ascended Legion. Not much different from when he was Master Chief.

But when Raast arrived beyond the planet, he was a little dazed. There were more than a dozen frigates parked in front of him, all of which were ready for battle, and the energy stored in the main and secondary guns was almost overflowing.

What the hell is this place?Why does it look more powerful than Asgard?I'm not in the galaxy anymore?
With doubts in mind, Raast opened his shadow step at full speed, and his figure kept flickering in the universe. His combat experience told him that in the face of this kind of fleet, the absolute thing to do is to stay in place and become a target. It was him, even if he came, Legend might not be able to resist the continuous bombardment.

What a strong individual should do most is to use his mobility!
Whirring whirring!One after another carrier-based aircraft flew out of the hangar and rushed towards Raast. Space fighters are the most common short-range consumables in space battles.

Raast walked in the laser rain, the whole person was elusive, more like an assassin than a shadow assassin, every time he approached a carrier-based aircraft, Raast simply swung down with a knife, leaving it in two The carrier-based aircraft then left the place.

In a short while, hundreds of carrier-based aircraft all exploded, turning into pieces of cosmic garbage.

What the hell, who designed this warship?Install hangars on frigates?Just have a hammer for these hundreds or thousands of carrier-based aircraft?

It's really hard to attack even a destroyer.

Just when Raast thought so, rays of light lit up in the wreckage of the carrier-based aircraft, which he regarded as space junk, all of which were the light effects of spiritual bomb explosions.

In an instant, the psionic energy network in the entire thousands of kilometers area was completely chaotic, and the surging and manic psionic energy directly interfered with Raast's space shuttle.

When his body stagnated in a small circle of several thousand meters, the main guns and secondary guns of all the frigates fired at the same time, and the distance of thousands of miles in front of the plasma cannon was less than a second.

The dark descendants come!

Raast's body soared more than a hundred times, and his ferocious carapace proliferated rapidly. With a sweep, the giant scythe swung away the circle of high-energy ions in front of him, and then he grabbed it with his left hand and pressed it down!
An oval-shaped defensive circle shone around his body, and there was an extremely obvious energy line between the protrusions on the carapace and the defensive circle, and the darkborn's power was continuously input into the defensive circle through this thin short line .

The frigates constantly fired alternately, trying to prolong the continuous shooting time. Raast had experience in fighting space fleets, and they also had experience in fighting such individual powerhouses.

King Chitauri invaded many living planets nearby. It is not that he did not encounter an indigenous god who was about the same level as Raast. In the end, he was restricted by the spiritual bomb and died under the concentrated fire of the fleet. .

Click, click, the defensive circle shattered, and the firepower of the frigate increased a little, and it didn't stop until each launcher was hot.

The dazzling ray disappeared, and Raast's figure reappeared.

The ferocious armor stomach has turned into a torn coat, which is full of holes left by the rays. Rhaast's chest rises and falls rapidly, and the free energy in the universe enters his body through his breathing movements.

"It's really strong! I didn't expect that I would be able to resist the attacks of so many main cannons one day." Raast breathed a sigh of relief, and reached out to hold the sickle floating on the side.

"However, your attack is far worse than Asgard's shelling!"

Raast raised his head and looked at the frigate marked by him. His voice echoed in the universe through energy vibration.

After Asgard's main battleship was fully charged, it shattered the shield of the Ascension Legion led by the legendary Ascendant with a single shot. Finally, they successfully evacuated only with the power of the sun disc.

Of course, Raast also knows that the frigate in front of him is definitely not the strongest warship of the Chitauri, but this does not prevent him from pretending to be aggressive.

After continuing to stay on the spot for a while, Raast attacked again!

The efficiency of heat conduction in the universe is extremely poor, and the frigate's main guns and secondary guns have not yet cooled down even though there is an internal cooling system.

As for the rest of the carrier-based aircraft, their agility, defense, and attack are all inferior to Raast, so there is no need to mention it.

There is only one way in front of all the frigates now, to retreat in a roundabout way!

The propulsion system was ignited, and the frigate began to turn and accelerate. Their acceleration is not high, which is the standard situation for space battleships. In terms of acceleration, they are not comparable to intra-planetary aircraft, let alone increase the speed to the fastest through the shadow step. Raaste.

The sharp blade runs through!

Raast rushed to the frigate whose speed was far behind.

The power of the darkin bloomed from the sickle blade, and the several kilometers long blade directly slashed towards the frigate under the swing of Raast.

When the blade approached, the frigate's energy shield immediately lit up, directly resisting the falling blade, but the value of the shield was also rapidly decreasing.

Raast pressed down hard, and the frigate's shield power returned to zero, and only a small nano-armor stood in front of Raast.

The material-type nano-armor itself is not very strong, and it becomes even more fragile when it encounters the power of the Darkborn, which has an additional damage bonus to the material-type.

With just one blow, a huge crack appeared on the frigate.

Raast followed up with a charge, directly entered the ship, and began to completely kill the Quartet.

"My lord, do I still need to continue to observe?"

King Chitauri respectfully said to the image in front of him.

"No, just bombard him and send him to hell. I'll be there soon. This planet needs a cleansing."

Ebony Throat said coldly, he was very disappointed with this King Chitauri, with the full support of people like them, it is a shame that the resistance forces on the planet have not been completely eliminated until now!

"Yes! My lord!" King Chitauri lowered his head, not daring to speak, he knew that the person in front of him could take his own life at any time, even his thoughts and brains.

Boom boom boom!
This time it was no longer the frigate that shot, but King Chitauri's main ship, a heavy cruiser!

The tachyon light spear directly pierced through the frigate and the Raast in it.

"Mortals! I remember you! The Darkborn will return!"

Raast left the last sentence, and his body turned into powder and disappeared into space.

Inside the cabin in the woods, a dull scythe reappeared. The name of Rhaast was engraved on one side of the scythe, and Kayn's name was engraved on the other side.

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(End of this chapter)

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