I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 192 The Triangle Head and the Cannibal Hospital

Chapter 192 The Triangle Head and the Cannibal Hospital
As the sound of the knife being dragged was getting closer, the team leader found that the man in the trap who had been chasing after him began to run away, and it was a kind of panic-stricken escape. In the past few seconds, he saw several men in the trap viciously. Hit the wall next to it, leaving a part of his body, and some even broke directly in two.

Gudu, the captain swallowed, he was in a panic now, how terrifying the enemy could scare away this large group of guys.

Soon, at the corner of the street, a huge triangular monster with a head resembling a pyramid appeared in the captain's field of vision, dragging a huge knife. Under the knife was the remains of the man in the sleeve, which looked like a triangular head. He was hacked to death when he came over.

That's it?Two words popped up in the captain's head.

The appearance of the triangle head is not scary, and the blood and stains on the body are enough to show the cruelty of the triangle head, but this is still a little bit different from the character the captain imagined at the beginning. In his opinion, the triangle head does not seem to be able to scare away A whole bunch of clownish characters.

After thinking about it, the captain didn't stop moving, and the bullets continued to shoot out from the muzzle of the gun.

Dangdang, the bullets hit the triangular head and were directly bounced away. Even the electromagnetically accelerated bullets couldn't penetrate the layer of skin on the surface of the triangular head, because in this world, the triangular head is powerful. Symbol of , violence and execution!

Facing the captain's attack, the triangular head raised the big knife in his hand and threw it fiercely.

The captain did a tactical evasion, and before he could finish the action, the big knife flying in mid-air suddenly changed direction, as if a large magnet was installed on the captain's body.

puff!The slash landed on his body, directly breaking through the outer shield, and the captain flew out more than ten meters, and hit the wall heavily, creating a human-shaped crater, and at the same time, a mouthful of old blood was sprayed out from his mouth.

"The shield starts to recharge during the shield restart."

The individual battle armor system quickly refreshed the news. The captain wiped his mouth and ran back without turning his head. He didn't care if the hospital behind would be more dangerous. He might die if he went to the hospital, but he would definitely die if he stayed here!

The big knife that cut him into the air has flown back into Triangle Head's hand. Not only does this thing have automatic positioning, but it also has a recovery function!
The triangular head dragged a big knife, and followed closely behind the captain. His frequency was not high, but he couldn't stand it. The steps were long enough, and it wasn't for nothing that he grew so big.

Before running back to the hospital, the captain was still a little hesitant, but the sound of the sword piercing the air sounded again. Relying on his own experience, he made several large-angle changes of direction in a row, and barely avoided the blow.

This time, the captain didn't dare to hesitate anymore, grabbed the guard net of the gate, turned over and went directly into the hospital compound, and then trot all the way to the hospital gate, he stopped only when he heard the sound of chasing footsteps stop .

Looking back, the triangular head was holding a big knife, looking up at the upper floor of the hospital, not knowing what he was waiting for.

These monsters have territory too!Here is a monster that is at least not much different from this guy!

The captain watched Triangle Head's movements and thought in his heart. At the same time, he was also thinking, if Triangle Head really didn't come in, then he would be exhausted here. Anyway, as long as no one was chasing him, he would definitely not go to the hospital building.

It took only a second or two to settle down on this idea, and the triangle head started to move. Unfortunately, it was not the captain who wanted to see turning around and leaving, but brandishing the big knife in his hand, and started demolition. With the efficiency of the triangle head, this It is estimated that the gate can be completely dismantled in less than half a minute.

No way, the captain turned back into the hospital.

The environment inside was much more normal than outside. The gray fog still existed, but it was not as thick as outside. The sensor lights in the corridor also lit up one after another after the captain entered.

Except that I didn't see a doctor or a nurse, everything was fine.

Leaning against the wall, he carefully walked a few steps forward. The captain's observation system suddenly captured a certificate on the ground. The information of the certificate was read by the system and displayed in front of the captain's eyes.

Name: virtual
Sex: Male
Position: Resident Physician

Only these three lines can be read clearly, the others are blurred and cannot be read successfully.

The photo on the certificate was compared with the offline database in the system, and it was confirmed that the person was indeed a doctor of this hospital.

"Hey, hey, come here." Suddenly, a man poked his head out from the next room and waved to the captain.

The captain immediately raised his gun and pointed it there, did he see himself when he picked up the ID?When he is a fool?
Just about to pull the trigger, the captain hesitated for a moment, let go of the finger on the trigger, and quickly followed Xu. The moment his front and rear feet entered the room together, a light and shadow flashed, and a human head fell to the ground .

After killing Xu cleanly, the captain heaved a sigh of relief. According to the laws discovered so far, these different monsters should also be mutually exclusive, and each has its own territory.

After eliminating this monster with not very high IQ and strength, this small house should be safe for the time being, and there should be a buffer time for those who come to grab the territory.

Thinking so, the captain sat down in a corner of the room, and the armor on his body was slowly opened from the closed state, and strands of flesh and blood were torn off in the process.

On the side facing the captain, Xu's head lay quietly on the ground, with the back of his head facing the captain, while on the side where the captain couldn't see, Xu's mouth formed a line, with traces of pale yellow An unknown liquid dripped from his mouth onto the ground.

Da da da, the sound from the corridor came into the room, the captain immediately reinstalled the armor, and watched the movement at the door vigilantly through the reflection of the mirror.

Under his observation, devil-shaped monsters in nurse uniforms walked stiffly through the corridor. Their limbs were constantly twisting, and their whole appearance was like a rusty machine.

The captain held his breath, waiting for the group of monsters to slowly go away.

Suddenly, one of the nurses turned her head sharply, and the team leader was startled. What kind of face was that?

At the same time, the captain immediately closed all the vents of the individual armor, and switched the entire system to internal circulation mode, then raised his gun to guard against possible attacks.

But soon, the swollen-faced nurse turned around and followed her large team.

Huh~ The captain breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that his guess was right, this room is indeed the empty site.

At the same time, on the wall where the individual soldier's armor was in contact with the wall, drops of yellow digestive juice seeped out of the wall.

In fact, one thing the captain should know is that the food in the digestive tract will not attract the attention of predators.

The triangular head wandering downstairs in the hospital stopped. He came to look for prey, not for the residue left after being digested. What's more, it is impossible for this private hospital that cannibalize to eat people There will also be residue left behind.

If the prey has not been digested, the triangle head may try to grab it, but now, there is no need for this.

Crash, Bang Dang, and Triangle Head slowly left this place with the big knife upside down.

Hearing the voice that was fading away, Captain Qing felt a sense of security, and this room gave him the feeling that he had come home, a comfortable person did not want to move at all.

 Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for investment, ask for rewards, ask for subscriptions, ask for everything.

  The 100D will be updated tomorrow, and there is already a deposit, this time [-]% no pigeons.

  In addition, it’s a bit like rushing [-] words a day to see if I can get a recommendation. Unfortunately, everyone’s rewards and monthly tickets are not strong enough. I can’t add it for a few days without letting go, hehe~
(End of this chapter)

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