I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

"Be quiet, I'm here this time, and I'm calling everyone for a short meeting this time to announce some news."

After Yang Qiu spoke, the scene suddenly quieted down. Zhao Gongming also canceled the illusion that no one could deceive, and returned to his normal appearance. He is not wearing gold and silver like in the portrait, but neither As for being as shabby as the beginning.

"The first thing, according to the joint discussion between Kieran and I, we decided to postpone the expected time to meet the enemy. The current delay is one year. The delay is definitely a good thing for the current construction, but remember, we must ensure the quality There should be no major mistakes, and at the same time strengthen the inspection of the parts that have already been built to prevent outdated buildings with safety problems.”

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven." Lu Ban stood up and clasped his hands. He also breathed a sigh of relief. Although the time was still not enough, he didn't have to rush to work 24 hours a day like now.

"Secondly, there is a question about education. I have read Li Xiaoyao's application, and no one has accepted the 43 applications. Of course, I know that this is due to lack of manpower and rush to work. However, education is also very important, and time is not enough. If you have plenty, you can discuss it, arrange a shift, and take a few people to pass by every once in a while, and treat it as a relaxation, and the specific matters will be in charge of you, Doumu Yuanjun."

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven." Doumu Yuanjun nodded in understanding.

"The third thing is the issue of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. Gongming, don't keep staring at that little interest. The multi-element portal of the clock tower has been built, and we can use it. The first phase of the test is over. You can contact them. Let’s see, the scale of the second phase is relatively large, and we can send out some people to share their test pressure.”

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven." Zhao Gongming stood up cheerfully and said, the Ministry of Finance, after supplying the most basic resources of all departments, has the most face and is the most arrogant when there is still money left.

"The fourth thing, Yang Jian, Wen Zhong, Luo Xuan, you should also know about the Chitauri planet. Some things should be said after they are done, and we also support each civilization to develop independently and healthily. Support all civilizations to maintain their own sovereignty and integrity."

"So, let's have a discussion, choose a spokesperson, write a speech, and make public your attitude."

"No problem!" Yang Jian stood up straight away, which was quite exciting. As the person in charge of the Ministry of War, he likes to make troubles the most.

Luo Xuan and Wen Zhong looked at each other, and reached an agreement in silence. Yang Jian and the Ministry of War couldn't have everything. Since the Emperor of Heaven didn't directly hand over the matter to Yang Jian, there was still a dispute.

After finishing the four sentences, Yang Qiu disappeared in a flash. He was just a celestial emperor, and if he was required to come to the specific affairs, it would not conform to his original idea of ​​constructing the script.

At the end of the temporary meeting, Lu Xiong and Lu Yue were a little helpless. Their relationship was nothing to do with the two of us. It was a waste of time to come here. Forget it, let’s go back to build a defensive Internet cafe. Update and upgrade, anyway, new technology has come out recently.

The next day on Earth, Yang Qiu sat at Peter's house. He came to bid farewell. He was going back to Huaxia. Fortunately, children of foreign Chinese descent have a chance to choose their own nationality after they grow up. Otherwise, it would be difficult to join Huaxia. Generally high.

"Brother, why are you tuning the TV to this channel? There is no program." Peter asked in confusion. The TV in front of them had just been manually tuned to a channel, and now it was full of rustling mosaics.

Ben and Mei were packing up things for Yang Qiu. The child was about to go on a long journey, and the adults always felt that he lacked everything.

"Do you know how to pay more attention to this channel in the future? A lot of important information will be broadcast here." Yang Qiu glanced at Ben behind him and responded with a smile.

The frequency of this channel has been jointly set by the Clock Tower and Heavenly Court as the external communication frequency, but this time you don’t need to pay too much attention, because this time the announcement facing the universe will be broadcast on multiple channels and in multiple ways. Simply put, as long as the civilization level Any civilization close to one has the opportunity to receive relevant information.

And because the information transmission will use the superluminal information channel, even if it is very far away from the Oort cloud, it will not take many years just to receive a message.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the signal was accurately received by the TV, and a three-eyed man with a handsome appearance, elegant demeanor, and a golden white robe appeared on the screen.

From the looks of it, Yang Jian was the one who got the speaker qualification in the end, and Wen Zhong and Luo Xuan hadn't fought in the end.

"The civilizations that have received the relevant information are now the multi-humanity united civilization to issue an announcement to the entire universe. I am the chief officer of the Heavenly Court Military Department and the temporary diplomatic spokesperson-Yang Jian."

"Recently, Tianting initiated a friendly communication with the Chitauri United Civilization on behalf of the United Civilization of Multiple Humans. What is beneficial to the civilizations of both sides is the exchange of information for the purpose of building an orderly and win-win cosmic environment.”

"However, at the end of this conversation, the terrorist Thanos led his henchmen to openly colluded with the anti-pacifists within the Chitauri civilization, and launched an attack on us and the Chitauri official. Casualties and economic losses are immeasurable, and have seriously damaged the current peaceful, orderly, and win-win cosmic environment. On behalf of the civilization that yearns for order in the entire universe, we severely condemn it!"

"At the invitation of the Chitauri United Civilization, out of the belief in maintaining the fairness and justice of the universe, we were caught off guard and launched a counterattack against the terrorist Thanos and Qi's henchmen. After arduous fighting and many sacrifices , successfully repelled it, and killed many terrorists, including Ebony Maw, one of the so-called five generals of Thanos."

"Ebony Throat claims to be black tongued. It is good at spreading lies and evil thoughts. It is good at distorting the various anti-intelligence life and anti-peace behaviors of Thanos. Obviously, this is nonsense, and we hereby express our great indignation!"

"Currently, the Chitauri United Civilization is counting the losses and increasing the assistance to the victims. We can also hope that Thanos and his henchmen can rein in the precipice, turn around, and surrender to us or the Chitauri United Civilization in time. Compensation Relevant losses and bear relevant punishments, at present we reserve the right to make further reactions, if possible, we will resort to force, don't say it is unpredictable!"

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(End of this chapter)

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