I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 216 Vanguard, let's go!

Chapter 216 Vanguard, let's go!

Inside the clock tower, the three of Vernon are making final preparations.

"Rogers, remember to keep a distance during this mission. No one can be sure how contagious the virus is there, and before the preliminary detection of the virus is completed, the inner circulation of the armor must not be opened, and the possibility of airborne transmission of the virus must be prevented. "

Vernon reminded Rogers while arranging his equipment.

"No problem, Captain." Rogers nodded. After SHIELD was disbanded, he had nowhere to go.

Just because you look like Captain America, you can say that you are Captain America?Rogers knew that this kind of thing would not be successful after thinking about it, and he didn't have any other way to prove it. Fortunately, the effect of the super serum was still effective. After saving a life, Rogers successfully joined the team. Tail snake organization.

After entering Ouroboros, some things without evidence were suddenly accepted by many people inexplicably, such as the fact that he is Captain America, but Rogers also saw the faces of most people clearly, except for some good intentions Apart from his help, he ignored any force's wooing.

The anti-government war during World War II is the only thing Rogers is proud of so far. No matter what the current eagle sauce is like, it is undoubtedly correct and just to fight against terrorism.

But it is very difficult to continue to do the right thing in this world. Different identities and experiences sometimes make the right thing confusing. Fortunately, saving civilizations that are on the verge of destruction is still absolutely right.

"I'm glad you can join us." Frank extended his hand to Rogers friendly.

"Thank you." Rogers replied. He had seen some profiles of his teammates, and the one in front of him could be regarded as his colleague.

"You're welcome, when I was a soldier, they always advertised there, encouraging everyone to learn from you, rushing to the forefront, not fearing life and death." Frank continued.

"That's right." Rogers was a little proud.

"Of course, although disabled soldiers will never get the treatment they promised, let alone a decent job, even the complete disability allowance will not be paid." Frank suddenly began to talk about the reality of the world, "In addition, many wars It’s not like what they said was a just war, such as the Vietnam War, Afghanistan, etc., which is completely different from your experience.”

Rogers sneered, he didn't know what Frank meant by that.

"Don't misunderstand, and you don't have to misunderstand." Frank adjusted his Paladin Ranger weapon, looked up at Rogers, "I just want to tell you, don't believe those politicians, absolutely don't, besides, if there are still people in this world If there are soldiers who can be trusted a little bit, they are Huaxia soldiers, and they are our teammates this time."

"Okay, Frank, talk less." Vernon interrupted. He also considered that Rogers was born in Eagle Country or a famous soldier after all. It is not good to say too much, although most of them are indeed true.

"It's okay, Captain." Rogers said suddenly, and then looked at Frank, "I understand what you said, very well, especially when I found out that all my portrait rights and other things are in the hands of a certain company. "

"However, even if I don't understand, it doesn't matter. After all, I am not the captain, but a soldier. The soldier only needs to obey orders."

Frank gave Rogers a surprised look. It didn't seem like the words could come from the mouths of soldiers in World War II.

Vernon also nodded in satisfaction, and then confirmed the time, "Get ready, get ready, check all the equipment again, we are about to set off, this will be another magical journey."

Frank: "The equipment has been checked, everything is normal, captain!"

Rogers: "The equipment has been checked, everything is normal, Captain!"

Rogers gave a report according to the gourd painting, and then followed the steps of his teammates to the shuttle cabin this time.

With experience and data, it is different. This time the shuttle cabin is more than double the size of the first one. Unfortunately, the operating room is still a little bit bigger.

Because this time there are things that take up more space, positioning the fast teleportation device, this thing is used to guide the establishment of the portal, a bit big, a bit rough, but the performance in the short temporary test is still okay.

The shuttle cabin is ignited, the multiple portals are activated, the target code name is Zombie Planet, move forward!

At the same time, on the zombie planet, in a small street in NC City, Nie Ying leaned weakly against the wall. It has been several days since he sent signals to the aliens, but he has not replied at all. Time passed by little by little.

"Brother, I'm hungry." A dirty little girl with congealed hair lay on the ground and said to Nie Ying weakly. Her grade is estimated to be eight or nine years old, her face is pale, and her bones are bony. .

Nie Ying opened her mouth, unable to speak. They have been out of food for three days. Three days ago, each of them just shared two ordinary biscuits. If this continues, they will really starve to death here.

After thinking for a long time, Nie Ying reluctantly climbed up from the ground and picked up a crowbar next to her. At this time, ordinary movements were so difficult.

"You wait here, my brother will come back when he goes, and no one else will open the door except me, you know?" Nie Ying said as she walked towards the door step by step.

"Brother, don't go, I'm not hungry anymore." The younger sister reached out and grabbed Nie Ying's dirty trousers, her eyes flickered, and the father said he would go back, but he never came back.

"It's okay, trust me, you wait here, I'll go find something to eat, and the aliens will come to rescue us soon." Nie Ying continued to cheer.

The street outside was desolate, and Nie Ying's goal was a small convenience supermarket tens of meters away from her home. Although several groups of people had already been there, there might still be something left.

After observing carefully for a few minutes, Nie Ying walked towards the opposite side lightly. Everything went smoothly, which is surprising. Although there were no well-packaged products left in the convenience store, Nie Ying found a few bags. Crushed Wangwang snow cakes, some of which have broken packaging, but at least they can be eaten in the stomach.

After searching for another 2 minutes, besides the snow cakes, Nie Ying also found half a bottle of purified water that had been opened, and they had been without water for a while.

Putting these things in his shirt, Nie Ying was about to leave, he always felt that something was wrong.

The moment he went out, he knew something was wrong. No wonder there were no wandering zombies here. It turned out that a zombie dog regarded this place as its territory.

Throwing down the crowbar in his hand, Nie Ying turned around and ran away with the hard-won food and water, and the zombie dogs chased after him.

If it was a time when he was full of food and drink, with his physical fitness as a sports student, Nie Ying might be able to compete with the zombie dogs, but it is impossible now.

After the adrenaline subsided quickly, Nie Ying immediately felt his speed slow down, and the movement of the zombie dog behind him was getting closer.

At this moment, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, shook his clothes vigorously, and threw the food and water downstairs in his house.

My sister is very hungry, maybe she will come down to see if there is anything to eat. The closer she gets, the higher the chances of her getting it, and she won't be soiled by zombie dogs.

With this thought in mind, Nie Ying fell to the ground, staring fixedly at the half bottle of water, until she saw that it didn't spill out after landing, and then she lay down in satisfaction.

 Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for investment, ask for rewards, ask for subscriptions, ask for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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