I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 223 This Matter, We Prioritize!

Chapter 223 This Matter, We Prioritize!

The speed at which the [-] places were filled was faster than Li Jie, Frank and anyone else thought.

Moreover, the number of willing volunteers is still increasing.

Among them, a large group of people don't really understand the cause and effect of the matter. They just know that a group of people need to make sacrifices now, so that the remaining living people can see the day when civilization will recover and order will return.

Li Jie was a little overwhelmed, his eyes were red, he subconsciously looked at Frank, wanting him to make up his mind.

Frank stepped aside silently. He knew very well that he was not the protagonist here, and let these protagonists decide for themselves.

Li Jie walked up the steps on one side, and the crowd below became quiet all of a sudden, all looking at him.

"Everyone..." Li Jie didn't know what to say for the first time. After choking for a while, he took a deep breath and stood upright, "All party members stand out!"

Brush, bang!
One by one, young or old, male or female comrades stepped out of the crowd, and at this moment they have a common identity.

"There are still young and old who need to be taken care of at home!" Li Jie continued to shout.

None of the people who came out moved.

Li Jie swept his eyes and saw a soldier who had withdrawn from the front line due to injury, "Hou Cheng! Go back to me! You don't care about your parents?!"

"Report!" Hou Cheng gave a military salute, "Our whole family is a party member, and we are all here!"

The Xinghuo Construction Factory used to be a standard military organization before the restructuring, and most of the original employees were party members. After the restructuring, these employees stayed and formed the Xinghuo Community.

Li Jie was silent for a second, and then looked at the others. There were only over 500 party members among the more than 100 people in the field, which was still not enough. The list for registration was obviously not suitable now.

At this moment, someone in the crowd seemed to understand something, and raised his hand high, "Report, I am a probationary party member!"

This sentence seems to open a new door for everyone.

"Report! I am a party activist!"

"Report! I'm a member of the regiment!"

"Report! I'm a minority!"

Hands were raised one by one, like a forest supporting the sky, a loud voice resounded in this open space, and everyone was helping Li Jie find a reason.

Li Jie looked at a person with a bright smile on his face.

Frank stood silently on the side, constantly reviewing some test points. This time, the aid recipient was too strong, and he did not allow additional casualties due to his own operation errors.

The test officially started, and Li Jie, as the leader who decided to test, did his part to become the person who vaccinated one by one.

Facing countless pairs of eyes, Frank was really under a lot of pressure. After changing the visor to opaque, he adjusted his mentality, and then began to give injections while explaining.

The explanation is mainly one that can help him reduce the possibility of making mistakes, and the other can increase confidence for everyone. People with confidence and a positive attitude have a higher chance of surviving in the face of serious illness.

"There are three injections for the universal vaccine." Frank pressed the release button, and the portable syringe returned to its original size. "The first injection serves as a marker, allowing the immune system to better understand the cells and beneficial bacteria in the body, mainly In order to prevent autoimmune diseases and reduce the possibility of diseases such as allergies and lupus erythematosus due to excessive immune function."

While speaking, the syringe was pressed on Li Jie's arm, and the pale white liquid was injected into his body.

Although he would have to wait a day or two for the second shot, Frank took the remaining two shots.

"The second shot, in which the light green liquid is an immune booster, the effect is very simple and clear, and strengthens the individual's immune system in all aspects, so if any of you have immune systems that have not been destroyed, such as AIDS, then this vaccine It is not suitable, please explain in advance."

"The third injection, which is now a blue liquid, will turn dark blue after the relevant virus is injected. Its function is to fully activate the immune system while creating a weak reflex behavior, which will be linked to the imported virus."

"After the three doses of the vaccine, the immune system of the volunteers will be greatly strengthened, which lasts between one and three years, and when the marker, that is, the virus injected later, appears, the immune system will be in just a few minutes. The internal weak reflex is fully activated, attacking with all its strength to kill the invading virus."

After Frank's explanation, put the injection away. The biggest flaw of this vaccine is that sometimes the immune system's reaction will be too large. The most dangerous time is six hours after the virus invades. The infected person will have a severe fever all over the body, and various sensory And the ability to move will be reduced until the virus is killed or the body collapses due to excessive pressure.

"The second type, biological antidote, can be used for infected persons who have completed the vaccination or for purely infected persons. It is extracted from a special type of cell, which will become a support soldier of the immune system after injection, but the military type of this reinforcement There are only two, one is an army that attacks with T cells and other immune cells, and the second is an aid army, which can maintain the heart, brain and other important organs and tissues, and reduce the possibility of body collapse."

"The third type, the purification potion, is different from the other two types that mainly enhance self-immunity. Its effect is aimed at the target virus. Through element replacement and other functions, it can directly kill the virus or reduce the attack power of the virus."

Frank kept explaining that there were only a few tests scheduled for today, so he had time to explain.

"Our test this time is divided into three phases. In the first phase, the three drugs are simply tested to observe the effect. In the second phase, two pairs are mixed in the test to check whether there will be conflicts. The third phase is the mixed use of the three drugs. Check whether it can achieve the effect of one plus one plus one greater than three."

"Please divide yourself into three teams according to the ratio of 2:4:4, old, middle-aged and young, and then enter this fast scanner for a simple physical examination." Frank said, pointing to the two-meter-high machine next to him.

At this moment, Li Jie had already reacted, his legs were weak, and he was half leaning on Frank's body.

Frank turned over and took Li Jie's temperature. He had a low fever.

During the marking process, the immune system finds that cancer cells, parasites and other enemies will also attack. The simplest manifestation is a slight fever.

Frank was relieved to be sure that it was just a side effect of the first shot of the vaccine. If there was an accident the first time, he was afraid that everyone else would run away.

He hurriedly turned around to explain, but Frank found that no one fled the battle. During the time he checked, everyone had already divided into teams and was waiting for the physical examination.

"Then, everyone, I announce that drug testing has officially begun!" Looking at the crowd below, Frank said word by word.

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(End of this chapter)

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