I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 373 Found it!in another world

Chapter 373 Found!in another world

Merlin got the information left after Otsutsuki Kaguya's death, and immediately started reverse analysis.

The Naruto World Vampire Virus is spreading so fast, it would be impossible without Dracula behind it.

As long as there is action, there must be traces. Through reverse engineering, Merlin successfully located Dracula on another level.

Surprisingly, the location shown by Dracula's relocation is not the one they found by ascension in the Harry Potter world.

This position is very unclear, and seems to be independent of the currently known universe, and no matter what method Merlin tried to obtain a further position, he did not get any feedback in the end.

After succeeding and failing many times, Merlin gave up the idea of ​​finding Dracula and then Dumbledore by relying on this little thing in his hand.

If the matter wants to go further, it seems that it has to be placed on Dracula who has been observed by everyone in the world of Harry Potter.

A few days later, in the Hell Dimension, the Lord and the others have reached the point where they are running out of ammunition and food. Mephisto in this place can be said to have unlimited energy, and procrastination will definitely not win.

"How's the situation? Has the goal in the rear been achieved?!" Bazaar asked Ju Lan in the reverse gossip formation.

Julan has the power to control gravity, and in the current situation, he is the only character who can somehow connect with the outside world.

"There is no feedback." Zhu Lan said, licking her cheek with her tongue, and looked at the others, "Let's withdraw."

"Withdraw!" The Holy Master immediately continued, spells are very important, but being alive is more important, and now this completely unknown situation makes the Holy Lord feel that the People's Federation has learned from him badly, and it has also played the game of breaking the promise and abandoning the contract. One set? !
The only one who is still a little undecided is Ximu. He really wants to return to the main universe. He can't fly too happily in the hell dimension. There are enemies everywhere. If he flies farther, it may become a breakthrough.

Outside the inverse gossip formation, Mephisto sensed the vacillation of the eight demons, and immediately stepped up their attacks a few times. At the same time, various obscene words were continuously introduced into the inverse gossip formation, trying to instigate one of them.

It doesn't need to be completely successful, as long as there is a demon that releases water halfway, then Mephisto can solve it in one fell swoop. Renlian's confidant who has been inserted into hell is a serious problem!

Compared to this, Dracula's original plan is nothing, let alone Dracula, so what if it's Thanos?
No one thinks that Mephisto is a hellish lord. After forming an alliance, he will try his best to consider his allies. It is enough to save face without a backstab. Besides, he still has some power left for Dracula to use. Let's do it as a stabilizer.

The sound of strings fluctuating echoed around the Reverse Eight Diagrams Formation, and the extremely sharp silk thread woven by the flames of hell kept flicking back and forth above the Reverse Eight Diagrams Formation.

Every touch can cause the Inverse Bagua Formation to vibrate.

"Let's withdraw..." Ximu said unwillingly.

"Wait!" Ju Lan suddenly said, he received some intermittent messages, turned his head to look at Bo Gang, "Can I still eat?!"

"Hiccup~" Bo Gang burped and clenched his teeth. After fighting with Mephisto for so long, you ask me if I can still eat?I'm almost exhausted, okay?
Many of Mephisto's attacks went into Bogang's stomach, the energy was difficult to digest, and the amount was huge, which was very difficult to deal with!

"It's not for you to eat him! It's the surrounding energy and thick dimensional walls. We need to create a singularity that can be found from other universes!" Ju Lan quickly explained.

"Contacted?" Holy Master asked back, his voice buzzing, "Are you sure it's not a trap or an illusion?"

"Evacuation needs to break his blockade, and it can be done easily, but the action needs to be a little bigger." Ju Lan looked at Bo Gang and said, no matter how much he said, Bo Gang would have to work hard, and other people didn't have her ability.

"I hope this is not an illusion, otherwise future cooperation will not be so easy!"

The voice came out of Bo Gang's huge body, extremely thick and heavy.

Devour the world!

With a sudden force, squeezing the contents of his stomach, Bo Gang opened his mouth again.

A huge vortex swirled around the reverse eight trigrams formation, and the surrounding energy poured into it like flowing water.

Mephisto took a step back, avoiding the front. He had seen Bo Gang's move a lot, and the more frequently he used it, the more it meant that Bo Gang and the others had nothing to do.

What Mephisto didn't expect was that this time there was one more finishing step in the swallowing of heaven and earth than before. Bo just found the right opportunity and took a bite at the dimensional barrier.

While a few teeth were broken, it also weakened the barrier of the area where the Inverse Bagua Formation was located.

After doing all this, Bo Gang directly lay down in the reverse gossip formation, and for the first time, she felt that she was going to be strangled to death.

Ximu was full of power, he didn't quite understand the meaning of Julan, so he simply took it as an evacuation, and it would be fine if something happened later, just adapt to the situation.

Seeing that the Ni Bagua Formation was running away as expected, Mephisto temporarily put the change aside and prepared to intercept it.

In the solar system, after Bo Gang completed the task, Arturia opened her eyes, slowly grasped the hilt of the sword with her right hand, and a colored light fused from rules and power floated out from the blade.

Charge up!Get ready!
The light around Artoria became more and more intense, pulling out a band of light in the universe, floating without wind.

"This battle is not a battle against humanity!"

Gachris - admit it!
The sword of the oath of victory shone for a moment, and its momentum became even stronger.

"This battle is not a battle against elves!"

Lanlost spat out a bit of stone residue in his mouth, "Admit it!"

"This battle is a battle of honor!"

Gawain had a serious expression on his full body armor, his adoring eyes fixed on Arturia, "Admit it!"

As the voice continued, Arturia seemed to be fused with the sword of the victory oath. The starlight in the fantasy made people feel tingling and unbearable as long as they approached.


A huge ray of light blasted out following Artoria's movements, and directly hit the dimensional barrier.

The sound of the sword announcing the oath of victory passed through the barrier between the world and the dimension one step earlier than the power, and passed into the ears of Mephisto and others.

Ximu braked and stopped in mid-air, and then saw a golden torrent shooting out from the area that was bitten thin by Bo Gang.

This torrent looked a little small in front of the extremely huge Mephisto, but it was extremely eye-catching, and at the same time, the ubiquitous power of hell seemed to be cut by this light.

Fallen Claws!

Mephisto stretched out his right hand, and under the full support of the consciousness of hell, a giant hand with a smell of blood and burning hellfire directly held the golden long river, and then squeezed it violently.

The creaking sound of confrontation resounded through the sky, and after a while, the giant claws and the long river disappeared into the air.

Mephisto was furious. He was the only one who went to other worlds to make troubles. This was the first time someone came here to make troubles!

However, after seeing the person behind the hole, Mephisto's anger was withdrawn all of a sudden.

Arturia, Merlin, Blaze, Olaf, Jax, Sun Wukong, one by one legends stared at Mephisto.

Forget it, isn't it just a little more legendary, in his hometown of hell, Mephisto is not afraid.

But above the heads of this group of people there was a volume of history books full of charm, which suppressed Mephisto's anger.

The time history book is to the Emperor of Heaven, which is almost equivalent to the consciousness of hell to him. Mephisto is from himself to others, so it is impossible to lend out things of this level casually.

so!It is very likely that the Emperor of Heaven is hidden in a certain causal line around him!

Mephisto sensed, but found nothing.

In addition, the Emperor of Heaven led the team and recruited a group of legends. No matter how you look at it, it looks like it's going to be real!
That is to say... I became the chicken who stood out and made an example to others!
The more Mephisto thought about it, the more something was wrong. Thanos' behavior of hiding his figure seemed to him to be a conspiracy now.

He just deliberately gave up his position to give himself the limelight. When Thanos said it, Dracula himself was still intervening.

I am everywhere?If you don't hit me, who will you hit?
Mephisto was shocked, as if he had understood the reality of the world, he directly withdrew all the remaining power and ran away!
Arturia was stunned, she really didn't expect that the intimidation tactics were so effective.

In fact, in the team, there are only two legends of her and Merlin, and the others are all simulated with the technology of Tianting Network. The historical history books they borrowed from the top of their heads are to prevent Mephisto from discovering this.

Originally, I just wanted to put a little pressure on Mephisto, to draw away Dracula's defense force a little, and by the way, create a space for the eight demons to escape as agreed.

As a result, this is a surprise now. Mephisto has done more than Artoria imagined, and even took away the power of hell used by Dracula to build a special space.

It also conveniently disconnected several interfaces that continuously spread the power of hell.

Perhaps, from Mephisto's point of view, even if it's a fake being scared away, it's better than being real and then he will take the blame for Thanos and Dracula.

The former is just a loss of face, while the latter not only loses a lot of face, but also loses a lot if it is not done well.

In the world of Harry Potter, Leona was squatting outside the blood sea space created by Dracula. Merlin had told her that the defense force here might suddenly become a little empty, so she seized the opportunity and went straight to it.

Leona has been nervous about this for a long time, fearing that if the time is shorter, she might miss it if she is not careful.

But...now, there's no need to think about that.

The sea of ​​blood in front of Leona fell down like rain, and the stable space around her was suddenly sucked away by the power of hell, directly collapsing.

Dracula, who is out of reach, has no way or time to solve this problem immediately, so he has to shrink the core part into a ball, and then let other relatively less important parts go where they want.

Leona swung the power stored on the timeline, and countless power phantoms from other time points all gathered on the current Leona.

Stimulated by these forces, both the Golden Holy Shield and Zenith Blade in the recovery stage showed their own projections.

Leona took out the Avalon and flicked it in the air, pocketing all the power in it, and rolled up the timeline by the way.

Immediately afterwards, using the bridge as a sword, Leona pointed at Dracula's blood cells.

Solar flares!
The rays of light from all directions pierced into the blood sphere, turning this somewhat energetic blood sphere into a hedgehog, with golden radiance sticking out of it.


Like Leona's hand, the solar flare erupted completely, and the power impacted the entire blood cell from the inside out.

In the next second, countless blood flowers bloomed in this area, and Dracula's tortoise shell was directly and completely shattered.

Leona entered in an instant, and sure enough, as Merlin guessed, there was nothing real inside.

Dracula disappeared, along with those phantoms of Dumbledore.

It was a pity that Dumbledore was not found, but that was already expected by Merlin and the others.

This time, Leona's actions were only for the purpose of destroying this area.

The time-space shock caused by the explosion and destruction went upstream along a hidden causal line to find the true owner of the blood sea.

Merlin stood in front of the time history book with his hands behind his back.

Borrowing this thing, one is to use tiger skin as a banner to fool Mephisto, and the other is to intuitively observe and sort out the causal line to find the real Dumbledore's position.

In the time history book, a thin light red line kept winding and circling, and then suddenly seemed to hit a wall, split into multiple branches and spread in other directions.

Merlin picked every possible target, which was a lot of work.

After all, everything is connected, those who have more contact have a deeper connection, and those who have less contact have less connection.

Only the Emperor of Heaven can clearly distinguish the difference between these numbers, and Merlin almost didn't care.

Until, Merlin saw a person, Karma!

All legends have a limited power to clean up karma, some nihilistic karma will not entangle them, such as hearing something, this level of karma is invalid for legends.

That is to say, only when one is actually in touch with the event will there be a clear line of cause and effect.

And Karma did not participate in this incident from the beginning to the end. To be precise, Karma ceased to be in this universe a long time ago.

She turned into Loki and followed Stark to another universe.

"I see, I said where did you hide the person..." Merlin looked into the distance and muttered to himself.

That is indeed a difficult place to touch, and that is another Marvel universe.

As for how it happened, there is a high probability that Stark and others in another world missed the coordinates when they borrowed the infinite gems and returned to their own world.

With the coordinates, for legends among legends such as Thanos and Mephisto, it is extremely difficult to travel through the past.

 Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for investment, ask for rewards, ask for subscriptions, ask for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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