I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 380 After that, let's talk about each other

Chapter 380 After that, let's talk about each other
Being pointed at by Michelle's wand, Zhao Linger didn't show up immediately. The level gap between her and Michelle was too big to be compensated by this magic formation or magic workshop.

Michelle waved his wand vigorously, and the activated statues started to move, but none of them could successfully lock onto Zhao Linger who was in an invisible state, and they could only bump around like a headless chicken.

One, two, three and seven stone piers, and fire crabs hidden in every corner of the room, how did Dumbledore set these things here?
Zhao Linger is full of doubts. Although the new clues obtained after coming to this world prove that Dumbledore's condition is not as bad as originally imagined, Dumbledore's main body must be locked by Dracula and the others. Just bring all the men and horses and kill them directly, there is no need to hide and hide like this.

So, where did Dumbledore get so many summons?
When Zhao Linger was puzzled, Michelle took two steps back, and a phoenix burning with flames rushed out of the closet, hovering over Michelle's body, and the spatial fluctuations continued to increase. Michelle is this Ready to force teleport and run away.

Seeing this, Zhao Ling'er lifted the invisibility spell while setting up a space blockade.

The moment he saw Zhao Ling'er, Michelle's memory was unlocked again, and the sealed memory was re-read by the brain.

"Vice Principal Zhao?" Michelle asked tentatively.

Zhao Linger nodded, "Sorry, I followed you all the way, but if I didn't do this, it might not appear so easily."

Michelle sighed, hesitated to speak, and finally waved his hand, touching the defense of the position.

Shi Dun, who were crowded beside Zhao Linger, took two steps back together, and then the tip of the sword went down again to enter the dormant state. The fire crab that was about to move also jumped, retracted into its shell, and exposed the shiny gemstone.

"Fox?" Zhao Linger called out to Little Phoenix.

Fenghuang spit at Zhao Linger, then stopped on top of Michelle's head, ignoring Zhao Linger.

Apparently not, Zhao Linger looked away from Phoenix, at first she thought that Dumbledore had brought Fox from Dumbledore from another world.

Looking around the room, Zhao Linger's gaze was locked on an open book. Although the gymnasium has an extension spell cast on it, the space is still not very big, and you can see the head at a glance. The only thing that seems to need attention is That book that shone with magical aura.

"That's the magic book my teacher left me. After he left, I used it to teach myself."

Michelle stretched out her hand in that direction as she spoke, and the magic book flew over and fell into her hand. After detecting the magic power input by Michelle, some pages of the book lit up, which meant that the pages recorded The spell is open to Michelle.

"Can you show me?" Zhao Linger asked, she could feel the power contained in this book, which should not only have the function of teaching.

"Hmm." Michelle closed the magic book and handed it over.

The pure spiritual power entered the magic book along Zhao Linger's palm, and the pages that had been flickering slightly stopped suddenly, like a computer hit by a large amount of data, stuck in a freeze.

A few seconds later, the magic book snapped shut, and then a phantom came out of the magic book.

"Teacher?!" Michelle exclaimed in surprise.

"Michelle, you did a good job." Dumbledore's phantom nodded in response, and then looked at Zhao Linger, "I didn't expect you to come. Didn't Li Xiaoyao come with you?"

"It's time for the exchange meeting soon. He has a lot of things to deal with. It's not that it's not important. Where are you?" Zhao Linger felt wrong halfway through the explanation, and brought the topic back.

"I don't know." Xu Ying said straightforwardly, "I am just a virtual image formed by magic. You can think of it as a computer that stores some knowledge and memory. How could it be possible to know the location of the creator? And if there is a If contacted, it would have been discovered by the superstar not long ago.

"Only a superstar?" Zhao Linger asked immediately, she was not surprised that the superstars of the Black Yao Five appeared in this universe, and there were only a few loyal legends under Thanos.

Ebony Maw killed himself and sent himself to the sky. Black Dwarf probably hasn't fully recovered from the Chitauri war. If General Deathblade and Proxima Dark Night fought fiercely, they were far behind in tracking.

"I don't know, you can ask Karma for details."

"You've already seen Karma?! Where is she? Why did she take all the Avengers heroes away from Earth?" Zhao Linger asked several questions in succession.

"I don't know." Xu Ying said very maliciously, this word was about to become his mantra.

Zhao Ling'er almost couldn't swallow it. This Dumbledore, who has such a bad taste in placing a phantom, is really an old child.

"It's just that when the main body was fleeing, it sensed a battle at the legendary level, and then the main body guessed that it was Master Karma." Xu Ying followed up.

"You don't need to ask anymore. I don't know much. The subject didn't have much time to create me. He just stayed on the earth for a few minutes and then left immediately."

"According to the information he left, there is an important item on Earth that you need to get first, and that is the book of interpretation of the elements. In fact, he originally wanted to get it by himself, but the superstar followed too closely. You can choose to leave first."

The book of interpretation of the elements?This is obviously the name given to Fei Qi, and there is a high probability that it is a book that flowed out of Gu Yi's library.

"When did he come to Earth?" Zhao Linger asked immediately.

Xu Ying thought for a long time, then shook his head, "I didn't find any relevant information, but the production time recorded in my magic core was nine months ago."

"Nine months ago?!" Michelle couldn't believe the time she heard, she had been using this magician for almost five years.

"Haha, don't doubt your hearing. Your usage record in the core is indeed five years." Xu Ying said with a smile, his attitude when facing Michelle, a student, was completely different from when he was facing Zhao Linger.

"This involves changes in the timeline and the characteristics of the legendary level. When everything is resolved, I will tell you if I have time." Zhao Linger followed up.

While speaking, Zhao Linger connected several known time points in her mind. A year ago, the Avengers and Karma came to this world with the Infinity Stones and lifted Thanos' snapping fingers. Many months later, the heroes of the Avengers left the earth together because of something. About three months later, the magic book was created by Dumbledore on the earth. Almost two months ago, Baker’s plan was officially implemented. , the False Elemental Congregation appeared on Earth.

From this crude information, nothing can be inferred except that the fact that the Avengers left the earth is likely to have nothing to do with Dumbledore's limited escape.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Linger looked up at the phantom who was teaching Michelle how to use the spell. give a hint?
But if this is not the case, then the information Dumbledore left on the phantom is too little.

never mind!It's useless to think about it, I'd better find that book first, Happy is also in New York now, finding him is much easier than inferring the truth from this limited information.

Zhao Linger sent a message to Thor, and Thor responded quickly. He hasn't arrived in New York yet. He just cleaned up the battlefield a minute ago. The wind monster is incomparable to the water man in terms of difficulty, but this guy turned There are death words!
After his death, the energy that the wind monster radiated towards the surroundings formed a terrifying storm, which spontaneously swept everything around it and strengthened itself. If left unattended, all countries in the path of the storm would suffer heavy losses.

In order to completely eliminate this danger, Thor has been busy for a second. Fortunately, there is a technical expert Jess behind him. Jess' database stores various methods to solve "natural" storms. Relying on these methods, Thor barely solved everything.

Zhao Linger calculated the distance in her heart, well, she should go to the Stark Industries Group by herself, and when Thor flew back, she might have already got the book.

But what Zhao Linger didn't know was that Happy was not serving as Pepper's bodyguard in the Stark Industries Group. He was now at Aunt May's house, that's right, Peter's house.

"Happy, long time no see." Peter came down from upstairs and greeted Happy who was sitting on the sofa.

The relationship between Peter and Happy has always been good, and because Happy does not have the airs of an elder like many people of that age, Peter has always called Happy "brother".

"Haha, long time no see." When Happy saw Peter, he began to fidget, scratching his head and touching his face, as if he had prickly heat.

Peter felt a little strange, but he didn't think much about it. He turned around and walked into the kitchen to help. Aunt Mei is not too young, and she usually has to work and cook at home, so Peter usually takes the initiative to help out with things within his capacity. .

Normally, although Aunt Mei was very happy, she would still tell Peter to come to the room to read and study hard. At this time, Peter pretended not to hear.

But today, everything seemed a little different. Not only did Aunt Mei not drive Peter out, but she was also absent-minded when cooking, and almost put salt instead of sugar.

"Aunt May, what happened?" Peter asked, taking the sugar bowl from Aunt May's hand.

"No, then what, your Uncle Happy brought you a gift, and I put it in your room. You came back too late yesterday, so I didn't tell you." Aunt Mei wiped the sweat from her forehead and smiled reluctantly. , seems very tense.

"Gift? What gift? I don't need anything?" Peter looked at Aunt May feeling a little bewildered. This feeling made people uncomfortable. It seemed that the two of them had something to hide from him.

Obviously, I am the one who has the closest relationship with you!
Why is this so?One is my closest relative, and the other is an elder who is like a friend. Why doesn't it seem like I have nothing to do now?
Peter shook his head, unable to think about it anymore, it's not winter yet, what was he thinking about.

"I don't know what the gift is, go out and ask yourself." Aunt Mei pushed Peter and said.

After leaving the kitchen, Peter felt that things were even more wrong. How could Aunt May not know what the gift was?What if it is something valuable?This is not in line with Aunt Mei's usual style.

"Well, Brother Happy, sit down for a while, and the meal will be ready soon." Peter greeted.

Happy nodded, and then his eyes began to wander, but he didn't dare to look at Peter, and the atmosphere became inexplicably awkward. In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Happy raised his water glass and drank it down.

Peter didn't even have time to stop it, but it was a big one-liter cup, what was it for?

"Brother Happy, Aunt Mei said you gave me a gift? What kind of gift? I can't accept it if it's something valuable." Peter said, and if he didn't say anything else, he was afraid that Happy would drink water and stretch himself. .

"It's not expensive, it's not expensive, it's just a small thing." Happy was extremely nervous, and the atmosphere became stiff again.

Peter couldn't sit still because of the atmosphere, he found an excuse to look at the presents and went back to the room, and then the strange behavior of Aunt May and Happy was repeated in Peter's brain.

What are these two people hiding from me?

Peter thought about sitting in front of the table, and there was a very well-packaged book on the table, which should be a gift from Happy.

Peter pushed the book aside and supported his head, he was not in the mood to open presents at the moment.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on Peter's door.

Happy looked at Peter standing at the door and took a deep breath, "Peter, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Peter became a little nervous after being teased by Happy.

"I proposed to May the day before yesterday, and she agreed." Happy looked at Peter seriously and said.

"Marriage proposal? That's great." Peter didn't realize it for a while, "Wait, who are you talking about?!"

"Mei" Happy's volume dropped a lot.

Pop, a bunch of spider webs popped out of Peter's hand and hit the threshold. This news made Peter lose his composure.

"Then what, actually it's nothing, you can still continue to call me brother in the future, we have our own opinions, and there is no conflict." Happy said in a panic.

"Go away first, I..." Peter didn't know what to say for a while, and he didn't know whether to object or agree.

"Well, I proposed to Mei, don't get angry later." Happy continued to work hard.

"Go away!" Peter shouted, he just wanted to be alone now.

Da da da, a rush of sound sounded, this is the sound of Mei walking upstairs.

 Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for investment, ask for rewards, ask for subscriptions, ask for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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