I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 60 Genius Scientist (recommendation ticket requested)

Chapter 60 Genius Scientist (recommendation ticket requested)

After Jess walked out of the Stark Group headquarters, someone followed him from behind.

After walking to a slightly secluded place, Jeremy looked at the swaying guy in front of him, and couldn't help but say, "I thought there would be some sparks between genius scientists, but it doesn't seem to be useful at all. "

"Genius scientist, are you kidding?" Jess looked back at him with his chest folded.

"Oh, I forgot, your IQ may not be enough for you to make such a joke. There is only one genius scientist in this world. At most two."

Jess paused and corrected himself, "As for the mortal Tony Stark you mentioned, he is definitely not in this category."

I don't understand, how could Victor focus on a technological product of a mortal?What the hell is he thinking.
Jess continued to speak with extreme arrogance while thinking about things, "As for you, a little official knight, don't give me advice, I'm afraid I will laugh out loud."

Jeremy's muscles trembled, revealing his berserk aura.

Jess glanced at him, "Wow~Junior professional, you are so cool, you are as good as I was when I was ten years old."

Jeremy didn't refute. The person in front of him is indeed a genius. Before turning into a researcher, Jess had already broken through the barrier of a junior professional and entered an intermediate level. All of my time and energy have been diverted to research.

"No matter what you say, if you don't tell me, who will the enemy we face be." Jeremy looked at Jess and said seriously, "I will definitely submit a report and ask for another person to come over, the reason is naturally the investigation There is a lack of cooperation among the personnel, no, not at all.”

"No, I won't allow it!" Jess turned around and glared at Jeremy.

Jeremy stopped arguing, and just opened the Ouroboros logo in front of Jess, and let the page be directly displayed in front of Jeremy's eyes.

The Hex Research Institute participated in the design and development of some of the functions marked by Ouroboros, so Jess could tell at a glance that the page that Jenomie is showing now is the complaint page, and this guy is really going to change.

"Okay, I can tell you that the exchange starts today, and you will completely obey my orders!" After confronting for a while, Jess still chose to compromise. He couldn't accept the result of being replaced, and he had to see Victor.

"If your order is correct." Jeremy put down his right hand. He didn't want to make it too ugly. After all, Jess' identity and strength were higher than his. In fact, if Jess hadn't gone too far, he wouldn't have Directly use complaints as threats.

"Hmph! I'm always right." Jeston nodded. "Most of the time."

Jeremy shrugged his shoulders. He could tell that Jace had just had a hard time not long ago, otherwise he would never have added the last sentence.

"This time the enemy is called Victor, another genius scientist." Jess slowly began to talk.

"The difference between him and me is that before he entered the Hex Research Institute, he was a mage. Like me, his intelligence is not low, at least better than those guys who only repeat experiments in the laboratory. Much smarter."

"He's me too. My only friend, a month ago."

Speaking of this, Jess looked a lot lost, and Jerome remained silent, waiting for Jess to continue.

"What I can't accept is that he actually wants to add alchemy technology implants to the next version of the armor design, which can improve the indicators of all armors and make users absolutely obey orders. The only drawback From then on, that person's will no longer belongs to him."

Jess lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking, and his voice also dropped.

"I thought it was absolutely wrong, so I cut off the power supply to his personal lab, and I swear, I didn't know he was experimenting with his own arm."

Jess took a deep breath, "And then he disappeared. The laboratory got news that the senior hunter Van Helsing had seen him near New York. I checked all the recent public information. The only thing that might attract him is Tony Star grams of microreactors."

"Because after leaving the institute, there must be problems with his energy supply and portable energy. This may be the best replacement product he can find so far, so I must find him before he does something irreparable!"

"So what should I do?" Jenomie said aloud.

Jess gave him a surprised look.

"Don't get me wrong, I still hate you very much. If possible, I would like to change a teammate, but as a knight, I will not refuse to obey the correct order, and you seem to be fine." Jenomie continued.

"Hahaha, I found out that you can still be saved. When everything is over, I will give you a lesson in person. Maybe your IQ can be improved." Jess laughed, his strength and identity are higher than Jenomie's , but Jeremy has the right to change players, if Jeremy insists on changing players, he has nothing to do.

"I take back what I just said." Jeremy said with a cold face.

"That doesn't matter, which knight route are you taking?" Jess asked.

"The bloodline used in the apprenticeship and the official level, the bloodline route used to advance to the junior level, the bloodline chosen is the weakened Thunder War Bear." Jenomie briefly talked about her situation.

Jess scratched his hair. He wasn't very good at this, so he could only understand it in words.

"Well, you follow that Pepper and protect her secretly. Although I don't think Victor will take hostages, you have to be on guard. That woman seems to have a very good relationship with Tony Stark. If you have time, protect her by the way. Stan, he and Tony Stark seem to be related."

"As for me, I will follow Tony Stark to prevent Victor from doing it directly."

Jess assigns tasks.

"I'm not an assassin or a lurker. It's impossible for me to stay close to Pepper without being discovered." Jenomie said, casting a glance at Jess.

"Of course I know. It shouldn't be a big problem in that company. I checked their security when I went in. There is still artificial intelligence inside. It is impossible for Victor to break through without making any noise. It’s enough for Po to follow after leaving the company.” Jess continued, the special detector on his body scanned all the defenders and weapons after entering Stark’s company.

"Okay, give me a linker, the built-in Ouroboros is too expensive, especially for non-investigators." Jenomie stretched out his right hand.

"But it's safe. All the existing legendary spells and legendary abilities can't break through its security barriers. Why tell you this." Jess said and took out a small disc-sized object from his arms. Pass it to Jeremy.

"Although this security is not high, it does not require too high security when used on the surface side. It can be attached to the earlobe and injected with any energy to conduct remote communication."

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  Thanks to Arakawa Canglang for the five hundred starting point coins reward.

  Thanks to Yu Baiyu for the reward of [-] starting coins.

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  Thank you Lan Qi for tipping with silver's [-] starting point coins.

  ps: I am asking for all kinds of support, I have recommended it on the Internet, whether I can advance to the next round of recommendation depends on your help, any support is fine, even if it is a recommendation ticket, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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